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What were the punishments for sodomy in 1300 and 1533?

1300: a legal document called the ‘Fleta’ required sodomites to be

punished by being buried alive
1533: death penalty
When was the death penalty for buggery abolished?
1861 - maximum sentence was reduced to life imprisonment
When were homosexual acts between men decriminalised, and what then
was the age restriction?
The Sexual Offences Act 1967 legalised homosexual acts in England and
Wales, on the condition that they were consensual, in private, and between
two men who had reached the age of 21.
When was homosexuality decriminalised in:
Scotland - 1981
The Isle of Man - 1992
Ulster - 1982
When did lesbian parents receive legal recognition to conceive a child
through fertility treatment?
In 2008, same-sex couples were recognised as the legal parents of children
conceived through the use of donated sperm, eggs or embryos.
When was the first lesbian and gay pride march held?
On June 28, 1970, on the one year anniversary of the Stonewall Uprising,
the first Pride marches were held in New York, Los Angeles and Chicago.
Why was Action for Lesbian Parents founded?
In January 1975 Action for Lesbian Parents was founded after three
high-profile custody cases where lesbians were refused custody of their
When was the first gay TV series?
24th November 1959, first broadcast in the UK
When did the first gay MP ‘come out’ whilst in office?
Chris Smith became the UK’s first openly gay MP in 1984.

How have norms relating to homosexuality changed over time?

Norms relating to homosexuality have gradually developed over time -
acceptance of homosexuality seemed impossible during the 13th century,
but currently in the 21st century, homosexuality is considered acceptable
and those in the community have a stronger sense of feeling accepted for
who they are compared to the treatment they faced in earlier times. While
this feeling of acceptance is not felt strongly for all in current times,
homosexuality has become much more normalised and acknowledged in

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