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Present perfect simple and continuous
1сап use the present perfect simple and continuous correc
tly. ...
1 S'PEAКING Ask and answe r the questions ln pairs.
1 H o\vOft en doyc u \'lla tch film s? How do you w atcl1 tt,em
at the ci ne m з . on D\ 1D, o n li\•e TV, о, online 7
2 Аге some types of fi lm better to \\•atch
оп n t? \Nhy? G1ve examp les.
at t he cinema than
4 Wnte questions about Ellie and Jack from exercise 2
the pre5ent perfect contin uous.
How long / Ellie / wait?
2 How long / Jack / try to phone Ellie7
· Use

3 How lo ng / Ell 1e / look for\lvard t o t he f1lm?


2 СУ -fii ~ead and listen to the dialogue. Who do you think 4 Wl1y / Ell ie / look forwar d to the film ?
is more enthusiastic about seeing the film: Jack or Ellie? S How I011g / Jack / ru n? ~
Find evidence for your opinio n. б Why / Ja ck / ru117
5 S PEAКI NG ln pairs, ask and answe r your questi ons from
exercise 4. Find the answers in the dialogue in exercise
2. ~
How long has Ellie been wa1tIn g1
Ellie has been waitin g for ages_ 1
_; ~
ARM THIS Present perfect simple ~
1/1/е use the presen t perfec t si mple, not contin
а for comple ted actions .
1\.·е set up з Тwit1,er accoun t . \\1ill yo u follo\•1me2
Ь when we say how often something has happe
O l1r tе;л11 h;;::, won three t inie~ t his :oeason.
Ellie дt
la5t l 1·ve Ьее n vv ,щ I n g for ages \"Jhere have you
с with verbs t hat аге not used in cont inuous
tenses .
been) \N hat have you been doing) 1ve owed f-. irп f..50 -since r,1,e summ er.
Jack Му bus didn' t com e. l'v e Ь е е 11 try ing to phone
s , п се 7 30 ..
Ellie You're 25 m inu tes late! The f ilm has sta rted . б Read the 1. с I r1 t \11 ~1 Ьох. Underline an example of the е­
Jack So rry Do you still 1,vant to see it' present perfect simple for а completed action in exercis
e 2.
Ellie Yes. 1do. I·ve bee n looki ng for,,va rd to it for ,,veeks
. ~
lt stars my f avourit e actor. And l've already bough
t he ticket s! ~
Jack Let 's go 1nside th en 7 USE OF ENGLIS H Compl ete the sentences using
Ellie О К . But w t1y Is yo ur hair wet? lt hasn't been
the correc t
ra ini ng. form of the words in brackets. Do not change the order
Jack That 's swea t . I·ve bee n ru nning for 25 minute s! And of
the words. You can add up to three other words .
1t,ave o' t ea ten Can \'Ve see tl1e film later?
l'm not sure what 's happen ,ng in this film beca use
3 Read the 1
· t, , Ьох and compl ete the rules. Use the __ _ _ _ __ (only / ,,vatch / it) for а few m iriu te s..
dialogue in exercise 2 to help you. How many examples
of 2 How long _ __ (Alex / Ье / rnen) ber) of t he
this tense are there in the dialogue? f i lm c luЫ

r- - - - --~-,--.t- Present perfectcontinuous 3 1can't go to the cine111a because _ _ _(1 /

flnisl, / rny horne,,vork} ye t.
а \Ne fo rm the present perfec t continu ous with have /
'-._, _ _ _ _ _ + 2_ _ _ _ _ + -ing form
\ 4 Those two girls in the f ront row ____ __ __
(ta lk /
each other) since the filn, started !
Ь We use t he present perfec t con tmuou s: 5 М у p areп t s were w atct1ing а science f iction
filщ but they ~
1 for an acti on t hat began in t he past апd Is st ill ln (turп / off / TV} IIOW .
progress. б How long _ _ _ _ _ _ (they / n1ake
/ 111ovies} in ~
YOL• 1 _ _ _ _ _ 1-юrk1ng rnuch th,s Т-вrт . \Л/l 1у Hol lywood 7
We of t en use for or 4_ _ _ _ _ to say how long
8 S PEAКING Work in pairs. Take turns to Ье д and В. ~ '
tt1e act ion l1a s been in progres s
Но~; lo~ hд\'е they been l1v·irtg In Franи2 А Tel1 your partne r tl1a t l1e or sl1e looks: t-:.. 1
Тf1 !?у 5_ _ _ _ _ liv111g In Pans 6 ,·xl1
_ _ _ _ _ teI1 ,L ',•,: , 1 11, l,1·1 r•.·I ,,,·u ,
',·р,• L'P'Pt wo ied
ye.эrs .
В Explain why you look t hat way. Use th e preseпt perfec
t-; I 1
2 for an acti on tha t has rec'=ntly been in progress
and simple and continLюL1s .
w h1ch explain s the current si tuation .
\'rr1hot Ьесэut>е 17 __ _____ _ _ runnlng. You look exhausted.
~ .,1
l've been getting up very early for the past few days.
~ -1•
U!\lt 1 Lelsure time
~- 1

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