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Use gerund

➪ When the verb is the subject of a sentence.

 Reading on tablets and phones isn’t very good for your eyes.

➪ After a preposition.

 I’m tired of waiting. Let’s go home.

➪ After some verbs.

 I don’t mind waiting.

 She recommended visiting this museum.

Common verbs followed by a gerund

Some common verbs that are followed by gerund are: avoid, enjoy,
finish, hate, keep, like, love, don’t mind, prefer, recommend, spend
time, stop, suggest, etc.

Negative gerund

The negative form of the gerund is not + -ing.

 He enjoys not having to wake up early at weekends.

Use infinitive without to

➪ After the auxiliary verb do, does, did in negative sentences and

 He didn’t say anything.

 Does Tim work with you?
 I don’t believe you.

➪ After modal verbs (will, can, must, should, might, may, etc.)

 You should come with us.

 I can’t play the guitar.
Use to + infinitive
➪ After adjectives.

 It’s important to arrive early at the station.

➪ To express a reason or purpose (why).

 I went to Madrid to visit some family.

 I need time to study for the exam.

➪ After question words.

 I don’t know what to eat.

 I want to learn how to play the guitar.

➪ After some verbs.

 Don’t forget to call me.

 She seems to be distracted.

Common verbs followed by to + infinitive

Some common verbs that are followed by to infinitive are: ask

(someone), decide, forget, help, hope, learn, need, offer, plan,
promise, remember, seem, try, want, would like, would love, would
hate, would prefer, etc.

The negative form of to + infinitive

The negative form of to + infinitive is not to + infinitive.

 She decided not to enter the competition.

Exercise 1

Choose the correct infinitives and gerunds to complete the sentences below.

1She offered helpig/help/to help me.

2We've decided to get married/get married/getting married soon.

3I stopped to play/playing/play football when I got married.

4We should arrive/to arrive/arriving very early in the morning.

5I'm not very good at playing/play/to play sports.

6You promised to take/take/taking the children to the cinema.

7Have you finished painting/paint/to paint the house?

8You should avoid to talk/talk/talking to strangers.

9To travel/travelling/travel around the world has always been my dream.

10I couldn't phoning/to phone/phone you because I didn't have my phone.

Exercise 2

Choose the correct infinitives and gerunds to complete the following sentences.

1I would like _____ my grandmother next year.

a.visit visit
2I might _____ late today. I have a lot of work. be
3We are planning _____ to Switzerland next year.
a.go go
4Keep quiet, I need _____ on my homework.
a.concentrate concentrate
5My brother is trying _____ smoking.
a.quit quit
6Tennis is okay, but I prefer _____ padel. play
7I enjoy _____ stories to my children. read
8You must never _____ him the truth.
a.tell tell
9I hope _____ a job soon.
a.find find
10What do you want _____ tonight? do

Exercise 3

Fill in the gaps with the correct infinitive or gerund forms of the verbs in box below.

be buy do eat go lock look rain see travel work

EXAMPLE: It was nice to see her again after so many years.

1The weather was nice, so I suggested ____________ for a walk.

2I'd prefer ____________ in a restaurant today.

3When it stopped ____________ we went for a picnic.

4____________ a police officer in this city can be very dangerous.

5I don’t mind ____________ long hours because I love my job.

6We are planning ____________ to Australia this summer. We have

already saved the money for the trip.

7I forgot ____________ the door when I left home.

8I’m thinking of ____________ for a new job.

9I went to the greengrocer’s ____________ some food.

10Could you show me how ____________ this exercise?

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