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Fullname:______________________________________ Grade: _______

Match people’s descriptions with their traits.

honest confiden lazy patient selfish shy Neat

mean brave stubborn careful aggressive kind Ingenious

1. I like to help people.

2. I help people even when it’s dangerous for me.

3. I don’t like working, I prefer to relax all day.

4. I only think about myself, I don’t care about others.

5. I always tell the truth and I don’t steal or cheat.

6. I have a big imagination and I come up with new ideas all the time.

7. I often feel nervous talking in front of other people.

8. I tidy up my room every day and my clothes are always clean.

9. Nobody can change my mind, I don’t listen to other people’s arguments.

10. I never buy people expensive presents.

Complete the sentences with the correct question tags.

1.Mr McGuinness is from Ireland, ?

2.The car isn't in the garage, ?

3.You are John, ?

4.She went to the library yesterday, ?

5.He didn't recognize me, ?

6.Cars pollute the environment, ?

7.Mr. Pritchard has been to Scotland recently, ?

8.The trip is very expensive, ?

9.He won't tell her, ?

10.Hugh had a red car, ?

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