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belligerents must still respect IHL even

Why Russia Invaded if it is violated by their adversary

Ukraine? (lawan) ;non reciprocity of
humanitarian law (reciprocity; timbal
Invasi Rusia terhadap Ukraina balik – jadi pelanggaran IHL oleh satu
Awalnya satu kesatuan dalam “Uni pihak tidak membenarkan pihak lain
Soviet”  Walaupun sebenarnya, latar untuk juga melanggar IHL sebagai
belakang, budaya, bahasa, dll mereka bentuk balasan atau imbalan.
tuh beda  Pas USSR runtuh (?)Why we called it as “Armed
-Rusia ngerasa Ukraina masih bagian Conflict” ,not war?
nya  Kenapa kita nyebutnya konflik
-Ukraina ngerasa dia bukan lg bagian bersenjata, bukan perang.
dari USSR/Rusia.  Karena istilah "perang" sering
kali berarti adanya pernyataan
Ketika Rusia mau invasi Ukraina  resmi (official statement) antara
Ukraina minta tolong sama USA  dua atau lebih negara, yang
ditolong USA u/ attack Rusia  Korut dapat memicu berbagai
dg ideologi yg sama dg Rusia (Komunis) konsekuensi hukum
ikutin marah temennya diattack  internasional yang lebih rumit.
Korut bales attack USA & Ukraina.  Because the terminology about
Many people still suffering in this “War” usually means that
armed conflict  bombing, etc there’s a precident who make
an official statement that the
Both of country have their own country itself declare they want
strong statement  but can we still to have a war ,and this kind of
involve IHL on this armed conflict? Yes, official statement can trigger
because in art 1 .. “in all circumstances. several things ,including make a
IHL is specifically designed to apply in more complicate international
situations of armed conflict. humanitarian law and etc
 But, Armed conflict  They
The belligerents (pihak yg terlibat dalam don’t state a war directly by a
armed conflict) therefore cannot justify official statement. Ex:
failure to respect IHL by invoking American; pearl harbour (war) –
(mengacu/memohon) the harsh nature but now, they just do armed
(sifat kejam) of armed conflict; ---- conflict. –ex: getting included in
Vietnam war, Korean war, and
they must comply (mematuhi) with
Russian-Ukraine war.
their humanitarian obligations in all
circumstances. – That’s why the
IHL  Applicable for international Vocabulary
armed conflict even the underclear nor
Frameworks = Kerangka kerja/dokumen
unrecognized conflict.
utama yg mengatur perilaku pihak2
yang terlibat dalam konflik bersenjata,
especially for protecting victims of war,
Why we need IHL? rescuing civilians, and regulating the
use of military force (kekuatan militer)
To protect people that don’t involve 
in the conflict
The 2 main frameworks in
To huminiliaze people humanitarian law are:
To eliminate and unnecessary 1. Geneva Conventions
suffering of all parties involved in A series of international
armed conflict agreements (Serangkaian
perjanjian inter) that first agreed
2 Concept in IHL/HHI? upon in 1864 and later revised
in 1949.
-Jus in Bello (a law concept that apply
There are 4 main conventions
in warfare. That’s why its kinda related
within (dalam) the Geneva
to IHL ,because in IHL we study about a
law that we can use when there’s
1. Convention on the
actually a war.
Treatment of the Wounded
-Jus ad bellum (a law concept about and Sick.
validity and legality of a country in 2. Convention on the
using an armed force based on VII Protection of War Victims at
Chapter of United Nations charter)  Is Sea.
that right or wrong to do a armed 3. Convention on the
force?  how to implementing this Treatment of War Prisioners
concept “Jus ad bellum” to start a war? on Land
4. Convention on the
Protection of Civilians in
Relations of IHL with Times of War
These 4 conventions form the
Other Law basis of inter humanitarian law
-Public International Law (4 Konvensi ini membentuk
dasar hk humaniter inter).
-International Criminal Law
-International Human Rights Law
2. Additional Protocols to the Kurukshetra War—terjadi setelah
Geneva Conventions upaya2 negosiasi damai gagal
In addition to the Geneva u/menyelesaikan perselisihan antara
Conventions, there are several kedua belah pihak).  The connection
Additional Protocols that further between The history of Mahabharata
regulate the protection of war and IHL can be seen in the concept of
victims. “Dharma Yudha” or “Righteous War”
1. Protocol Additional 1 & 2 (ˈrīCHəs; Perang yg adil) that applied in
(1977) ;Elabaorate on the this war. 
rights and protection of war
There are several aspects on in that
victims. (including civilians
relevant to IHL:
and medical
personnel/personel medis). 1. Justice in war
2. Protocol Additional 3 (2005) the Pandavas consider their
;Treaties governs the use of war to be just because they
distinctive (berbeda/khusus) believe they are fighting for
emblems (lambang/tanda their rightful claim to the throne
pengenal) in armed conflicts that has been unjustly taken by
to protect medical the Kauravas. This reflects the
personnel and facilities. concept in IHL that legitimate
war (perang yang sah) can be
waged (dilaksanakan) to defend
legitimate rights (hak2 yg sah).
HISTORY, LEGAL 2. Ethics in Conflict
FRAMEWORK & Mahabharata details various
ethical norms that should be
SOURCES followed in warfare. These
include rules on how to treat
captured adversaries (musuh yg
HISTORICAL TIMELINE OF IHL tertangkap), the protection of
non-combatant (tidak
1. ANCIENT TIME (Zaman Kuno) bertempur) civilians, and
guidelines on the fair use of
Pre-Medieval (Pre Abad
weaponry (persenjataan).
3. Treatment of Prisoners of War
Ancient India  Mahabharata (one (Tawanan Perang)
of the great epics in ancient Indian  Mahabharata also depicts (də
literature that portrays the conflict ˈpikt; menggambarkan)
between 2 groups of brothers The situations where prisoners of
Pandavas vs The Kauravas (The war are treated with ethics and
respect, similar to the principles that time. In Europe,
of IHL that regulate about the Christianity, including the
treatment of prisoners of war. concept of Christendom
(Christianization of Europe),
dominated, while in the Islamic
2. IHL in Medieval Time (Abad world, there was an expansion
Pertengahan) of the Caliphate, which
•The importance of religions in controlled large territories in the
all aspect of life. ; in this period, Middle East, North Africa, and
religions have an important role Spain during this period. Both of
in all aspect especially in these religions had a significant
thoughts, culture, and social impact on politics, culture, and
structure at that time history in their respective
• Feudalism  Chivalry
Principle (Kode Kavalier) ; this "They who have waged
refers to the feudal system that (mengobarkan) war in
dominated the social obedience (ketaatan) to the
organization in Europe during divine command (dəˈvīn;
the Middle Ages. perintah ilahi), or in conformity
In this system, nobles (kənˈfôrmədē; kesesuaian) with
(bangsawan) owned land and His laws, have represented
provided (memberikan) (diwakili) in their persons the
protection to their subjects in public justice or the wisdom
exchange for loyalty and (kebijaksanaan) of government,
service. and in this capacity have put to
death wicked men (menghukum
The Chivalry Principle/The Code mati org jahat); such persons
of Chivalry was a set of norms & have by no means violated the
ethics followed by knights commandment (tidak
(kesatria) at that time, melanggar perintah), "Thou
emphasizing (menekankan) shalt not kill."(engkau tidak
values such as bravery, honesty, boleh membunuh) (St
and the protection of the week. Augustine - City of God)
This sentence shows that in a
• Big2  Christianity certain role or situation,
(Christendom) & Islam individuals have executed
(Caliphate). ; this refer to the 2 wicked (ˈwikid; nakal ) people,
major (besar) religions that had and they firmly (ˈfərmlē; dg
a significant influence during tegas) believe that they have
not violated the commandment aturan ke dalam 1 dokumen/kode yg
“Thou shalt not kill”, which is terstruktur)
one of the moral or religious
This early codification refers to the
commandments (kə
systematic organization and explanation
ˈman(d)mənt) that prohibiting
of rules that regulates about conduct
murder.  bcs they considered
(Kun-dukt ; tingkah laku—biasanya dlm
it as a law enforcement
konteks ada kode etik aturan yg
(penegakan hukum) action
berlaku //kalau behaviour u/ perilaku
rather than murder in a sense
sehari2) of parties involved in armed
that violates (melanggar)
certain ethical or moral
principles. IHL aims (bertujuan) to minimize the
suffering of civilians and combatants
(kəmˈbatnt; pejuang) during times of
•IHL in Holy Quran war by establishing legal norms and
Qur’ān 2 : 190  “And fight in guidelines (pedoman).
the way of God those who fight
American Civil War (1861-1865) 
against you and do not
Union Army (Federal Government –
transgress (melanggar), indeed
North)  General Order 100 (Lieber
God does not like transgressors.
Code)  How to Conduct (tingkah
laku) in Wartime.  Martial Law,
SOURCES OF IHL Military Jurisdiction, Treatment of
Art.38 ICJ Statute Deserters, Spies & POW.
 During the American civil war
(1861-1865), the union army
represented (ˌreprə
ˈzent;mewakili) the Federal
Government of the North in the
conflict against (melawan) the
Confederate States (negara
konfederasi) of the South. This
context is significant because it
set the stage for the
development of IHL within the
dispute: diˈspyo͞ ot : perselisihan
Union forces (kekuatan pihak
EARLY CODIFICATION OF IHL  Intinya perang saudara amerika
(Kodifikasi awal – penggabungan byk antara Pemerintah Federal di
Utara /Union/The united states
of america (yg dipimpin o/ (pengecut), spies (mata2), and
Presiden Abraham Lincoln) & prisoners (tawanan) of war. It
Negara Konfederasi di Selatan— emphasized (ˈemfə
ex: Florida, Texas, Virginia, dll (yg ˌsīzd ;menekankan) humane
dipimpin o/ Presiden Jefferson (manusiawi) treatment and the
Dalvis)  The war happens protection of certain rights,
because there is a contradiction even in the midst (di tengah) of
about several fundamental armed conflict.
things, the main contradiction is  This code was established on 24
the difference in views April 1863 during American
regarding (mengenai) slavery Civil War  by Franz Lieber
(perbudakan) and state rights
(hak2 negara).
 Many civillian die because of it THE HAGUE CONVENTIONS
 Union soldies starts to think
how to treat properly civillian 1899
that affected by it  Around 1. Convention for the Pacific Settlement
that time, A germany came to (penyelesaian) of International
US and finally able to becomes a Disputes (Perselisihan)
minister (Franz Lieber)  He’s
one of the main supporter of 2. Convention with respect to the Laws
IHL  That’s why, after that he and Customs of War on Land
makes a ethics code called 3. Convention for the Adaptation to
“Lieber Code/General Orders Maritime Warfare +3 Declarations
No. 100)
 The Lieber Code addressed 1907
(mengatasi) various aspects of 1. Hague Convention III Concerning the
conduct during wartime. It Opening of Hostilities (pembukaan
outlined rules and principles for perang)
military operations, including
the treatment of civilians, 2. Hague Convention IV Concerning the
prisoners of war, and other Laws and Customs of War on Land
individuals affected by the 3. Hague Convention V Concerning the
conflict. Rights and Duties (kewajiban) of
 It also included critical (penting) Neutral Powers (negara netral) and
aspects such as the application Persons in Case of War on Land (HCV);
of martial law, the jurisdiction
of military tribunals (pengadilan 4. Hague Convention VI Concerning the
militer), and the treatment of Status of Enemy Merchant (dagang)
individuals like deserters
Ships at the Outbreak (Pecahnya) of
Hostilities (HC VI);
5. Hague Convention VII Concerning the
Conversion (Konversi/perubahan) of
Merchant Ships into Warships (kapal Conventions
perang) (HCVII);
1. The First Geneva Convention for the
6. Hague Convention VIII Concerning Amelioration of the Condition of the
the Laying (peletakan) of Automatic Wounded and Sick in Armed Forces in
Submarine Contact Mines(HCVIII);  the Field (first adopted in 1864, revised
Naval mines (ranjau laut) in 1906, 1929 and finally 1949);
7. Hague Convention IX Concerning 2. The Second Geneva Convention for
Bombardment (Pengeboman) by Naval the Amelioration (perbaikan dlm
Forces in Times of War (HC IX); konteks kondisi ;əˌmēlēəˈrāSH(ə)n) of
the Condition of Wounded, Sick and
8. Hague Convention XI Concerning
Shipwrecked (terdampar) Members of
Certain Restrictions with Regard Armed Forces at Sea (first adopted in
(tentang) to the Exercise (penggunaan) 1949, successor of the Hague
of the Right of Capture (hak Convention (X) 1907);
penangkapan) in Naval War (perang
laut)(HC XI); 3. The Third Geneva Convention
relative to the Treatment of Prisoners
9. Hague Convention XIII Concerning of War (firstadopted in 1929, last
the Rights and Duties of Neutral revision in 1949);
Powers in Naval War (HC XIII).
4. The Fourth Geneva Convention
relative to the Protection of Civilian
Persons in Time of War (first adopted in
1949, based on parts of the Hague
1864 Geneva Convention  wounded Convention (II) of 1899 and Hague
armies in the field Convention (IV) 1907).

1906 Geneva Convention  (revising Additional Protocols

1. Protocol I (1977) relating to the
1929 Geneva Conventions  POW Protection of Victims of International
(Prisioner of war; tahanan perang) Armed Conflicts;

1949  4 Geneva Conventions 2. Protocol II (1977) relating to the

Protection of Victims of Non-
1977  2 Additional Protocols
International Armed Conflicts;
2005  Additional Protocol
3. Protocol III (2005) relating to the • Convention on the Prohibition of
Adoption of an Additional Distinctive Biological Weapons, 1972
Emblem  Not yet entry into force….
Banning development
(pengembangan), production, and
acquisiton (ˌakwəˈziSH(ə)n ; perolehan)
THE PARTIES OF GENEVA of biological weapons.
CONVENTIONS’49 • Convention prohibiting Chemical
Weapons, 1993
• Anti-Personnel Mine (Ranjau darat)
Ban Convention, 1997 // Ottawa Treaty
• Convention on Cluster Munitions
(sejenis senjata yg dirancang untuk
melepaskan sejumlah bom kecil2 di
area yg luas pd saat yg sama—bahaya
karena kadang pas jatuh tuh beberapa
ga meledak—jd misal pas perang dah
Indonesia? Parties to GC I-IV, but not berakhir –bisa aja sewaktu2 dia baru
additional Protocol  Law No. 59 Year meledak), 2008 ;
1958  Accession to 4 all 4 Geneva • Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear
Conventions. Weapons, 2017
Cultural Property
OTHER INTER LEGISLATIONS • Hague Convention for the Protection
RELATED TO IHL of Cultural Property, 1954

Perundang2an inter lainnya yg Even if we’re in conflict, we still need

berhub. dg IHL to protect cultural property. Ex:
museums, historical buildings, and any
Methods and Means of Warfare other cultural sites -- so it’s not gonna
• Geneva Protocol on Asphyxiating (ə be damage or destroy by the warfare.
ˈsfiksēˌāting ; gas bikin sulit napas) or • Hague Protocol for the Protection of
Poisonous (ˈpoiz(ə)nəs; beracun) Gases, Cultural Property, 1954
and of Bacteriological Methods, 1925
(+) additional protocol – extends its
This protocol restricting and banning protection by including cultural poverty
the use of chemical and biological
in it and give additional steps about
how to protect cultural heritage.
• Second Hague Protocol for the
Protection of Cultural Property, 1999
(+) additional protocol – emphasize
the important of preventing illegal
trade in cultural property during armed Kekuatan mengikat dr peraturan IHL
• For States parties to the conventions
or protocols  Treaty Obligation 
Wajib  States that have ratified or
Other treaties relating to IHL
acceded (menyetujui—dlm konteks
• Convention for the Protection of all menyetujui permintaan/permohonan)
Persons from Enforced Disappearance to these treaties are legally obligated to
(Penghilangan paksa), 2006 comply (mematuhi) with the provisions
(ketentuan) contained therein.
• States non parties to the conventions
ICC STATUE or protocols  Customary
International Criminal Court Statue International Law (vide ICJ North Sea
(Statuta Mahkamah Pidana Inter) // Continental Shelf Case 1969  State
Rome Statue.  Individu dpt dituntut Practice & Opinio Juris
scr pidana berdasarkan hk. inter.  States that are not parties to
For those who violate IHL  Criminal specific IHL conventions or protocols
liability (individual or may still be bound (terikat) by the
Commander/komandan responsibility) relevant (ˈreləvənt) customary rules
 International Criminal Court Statute (Hk. kebiasaan) of IHL. This means that
even if a state has not formally ratified
(Rome Statute 1998): (Art. 5ICC Statute)
or acceded to a treaty, it can still be
a. Genocide (Art.6) held accountable for violations of
customary IHL if its actions or omissions
b. Crimes against Humanity (Art. 7)  (kelalaian) breach (brēCH; melanggar)
Kejahatan terhadap kemanusiaan. these established (əˈ stabliSHt –naik-
c. War Crimes (Art. 8) turun bacanya; diterapkan) rules.

d. Crimes of Aggression (Art. 8)  • The rest…???

involve the planning, initiation, or Martens Clause; "In cases not covered
execution (pelaksanaan) of acts of (tercakup) by international (ˌin(t)ər
aggression by a state against the ˈnaSH(ə)n(ə)l) agreements, civilians
sovereignty (ˈsäv(ə)rən(t)ē; kedaulatan), and combatants (kəmˈbatnt) remain
territorial integrity, or political under (tetap berada di bawah..) the
independence of another state. protection and authority of the
principles of international law derived
(dəˈrīvd; berasal) from established
custom (kebiasaan yang telah
ditetapkan), from the principles of
humanity and from the dictates of
public conscience (hati nurani;
ˈkän(t)SHəns).“: Art 1(2), AP I 1977

Why differentiate? (ˌdifəˈren(t)SHēˌāt)

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