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Change Management Foundation

Which statement describes ‘shared values’ in the McKinsey 7S model?

A. The ability of employees to perform their roles
B. The introduction of matrix management
C. The attitude of staff toward their work
D. The management style adopted by senior leaders

Correct Answer: C


The McKinsey 7S model is a framework to analyze and improve organizational performance and
effectiveness. The model consists of seven interrelated elements: strategy, structure, systems, shared
values, skills, style, and staff. Shared values refer to the core values and beliefs that guide the
organization’s vision, mission, and culture. The attitude of staff toward their work is an example of
shared values. The other options are examples of other elements in the model. References: Management Foundation Sample Paper
12(page 11)


According to Schein, which approach would decrease learning anxiety?

A. Reminding the stakeholders of all the times they have failed to change
B. Encourage staff to try new things
C. Penalising staff who make mistakes
D. Creating a sense that the organization might fail if the change is NOT made.

Correct Answer: B


According to Schein, learning anxiety is the fear or discomfort that people experience when they are
aske to learn something new or change their behavior. To decrease learning anxiety, change leaders
should create psychological safety, which is the sense of trust and support that people feel when they
are learning or changing. One way to create psychological safety is to encourage staff to try new
things and experiment without fear of failure or punishment. The other options would increase
learning anxiety, as they would create more pressure, stress, and negativity for the staff. References: Management Foundation Sample Paper
6%(page 11)

Which advice is given about managing the ‘complex responsive processes’ that surround emergent
A. He prepared to spend time addressing every specific issue that anses
B. Focus on the main purpose of the change father than specific events
C. Restrict communications about change to only those who need to know
D. Ignore any ‘unofficial’ discussions between managers and staff

Correct Answer: B


Emergent change is a type of change that arises from within an organization, rather than being
imposed from outside. Emergent change is influenced by complex responsive processes, which are
the patterns of interaction and communication that occur among people in an organization. To
manage these processes, change leaders should focus on the main purpose of the change rather than
specific events, as this helps to create a shared vision and direction for the change. The other options
are not good advice for managing complex responsive processes, as they either ignore, restrict, or
overreact to them, which can hinder the emergence and adaptation of the change. References: Management Foundation Sample Paper
32(page 11)


Which statement about Senge’s system thinking model is correct?

A. Processes in organizations can either support or limit the effectiveness of change
B. Change can be planned and implemented using an eight-stage model
C. Change must e driven primary by senior sponsors
D. Leadership support is NOT required in the systems thinking model

Correct Answer: A


Senge’s system thinking model is a holistic approach to understand how different elements in an
organization interact and influence each other. Processes are one of the elements that can either
support or limit the effectiveness of change, depending on how they are designed and implemented.
The other statements are not correct, as they do not reflect Senge’s model. References: https://apmg- Management Foundation Sample Paper 4%(page 11)

When change takes a long time to embed, which is the MOST likely stakeholder response that may
affect its momentum?
A. Change work priorities to devote more time to change
B. Withdraw attraction and focus on day to day tasks
C. Redefine the changes to suite then better
D. Complain to senior management that change is being badly managed

Correct Answer: B


When change takes a long time to embed, stakeholders may lose interest, enthusiasm, or
commitment to the change. They may withdraw attention and focus on day to day tasks, as they feel
that the change is not relevant, urgent, or beneficial for them. This may affect the momentum and
success of the change. Therefore, option B is the most likely stakeholder response that may occur in
this situation. The other options are less likely, as they either imply more involvement, effort, or
feedback from the stakeholders. References: https://apmg- Management Foundation Sample Paper 24(page 11)

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