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Grammar Quiz Unit 7

7.5 Quantifiers Group B

Name: ______________________________________ Class: ____

Total: ___/15
1 Choose the correct option.
I don’t eat much bread / apples.
1 How many hours / time a week are you going to work there?
2 I think there is too much shopping centres / advertising in my city.
3 A lot of people in my family get / gets socks for Christmas.
4 There is / are lots of questions I want to ask.
5 Is there a little tea / chocolates left in the cupboard?
2 Complete the sentences by translating the part in Polish. Do not use some.
Do you want to buy any (jakieś) clothes?
1 I haven’t got _______________ (żadnych) new books to read.
2 He didn’t get _______________ (dużo) presents for his birthday.
3 Wendy, _______________ (ile) parties have you been to?
4 _______________ (Bardzo mało) shop assistants are happy with their salaries.
5 I’d like _______________ (trochę) milk with my coffee, please.
3 Complete the sentences with the expressions from the box. There are more
expressions than you need.

how much / how many few / a few too much / too many little / a little

How much water do you drink a day?

1 There is _______________ sugar in the cake. It’s very sweet.
2 I’m going out tonight with _______________ of my friends.
3 John isn’t very outgoing and he has _______________ close friends.
4 Are you thirsty? There is _______________ orange juice in the fridge.
5 We won’t get the theatre tickets because there are _______________ people waiting to
buy them.

© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2019 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 2 SECOND EDITION (A2+/B1)

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