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Name: Adilah Zahra Fadhilah Subject: Applied Culinary English

ID Number: 220207600007 Class: Culinary Art (D4)

Lecture: Dr. Anwar, M.Pd & Rissa Megavitry, S.Pd., M.Si

Task 4 || February 28, 2023

Write the recipe of a typical dish from your region. Use the vocabulary from this unit and the
recipes in exercises 8,9, and 1 to help you.

Results: 30 packs
Cooking Time: 30 minutes

 1 comb (600 g) Ripe kapok bananas
 1.5 lt Coconut milk (from 2 coconuts)
 8 eggs Egg
 ½ can Sweetened condensed milk
 200 g Granulated sugar
 ¼ tsp Salt
 2 drops Yellow dye (optional)
 15 pieces Banana leaves (cut in size 30x15 cm)
 +- Toothpicks or skewers, for pinning

How to make
1) Peel the banana and the remove the middle or black seeds so that the barongko doesn’t
have black spots.
2) Blend the bananas with coconut milk, eggs and granulated sugar gradually until smooth.
Transfer the dough into a container.
3) take 2 pieces of banana leaves and arrange/stack them together. Pour ½ cup of banana
mixture into the banana leaf, then gently wrap it into a tum shape. Secure with
toothpicks or skewers. Repeat this step until all the dough is wrapped.
4) Heat the steamer/cooker until steam appreas. Steam barongko for 25 minutes until
cooked and the leaves look wilted and change color. Lift.
5) Ready to be served.

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