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Quadratic Equations

1) When should you use the completing the square method?

a) The trinomial is not factorable. A=1 and B is even.
b) The other methods do not apply.
c) An equation has an x^2 or (x + c)^2 (but does not have an x).
d) The equation is factorable.
2) What are the steps in using the completing the square method? (In the correct order
a) Make sure the equation is in the form: Ax^2 + Bx = C
b) Use the formula (B/2)^2 to determine C
c) Add C to both sides
d) Factor the left side of the equation into a binomial squared.
e) Take the square root of both sides.
f) Isolate the x.
3) If the Binomial is in the form A^2 - B^2, then it is a (Blank) which means it factors into
difference of square and conjugates
4) What are the steps if given a trinomial where A doesn't equal 1. Remember a Trinomial is
x^2+Bx+C. (In the correct order already)
a) Multiply A and C and list pairs of factors.
b) Find a pair that has a sum/difference of the target #.
c) Factor by grouping.
5) What method should you use to solve this equation. x^2 + 8x + 1 = 10
a) Completing the Square
b) Factoring
c) Square Root Method
d) Quadratic Formula
6) What method should you use to solve this equation. x^2 + 11x = 4
a) Factoring
b) Quadratic Formula
c) Completing the Square
d) Square Root Method
7) What is the answer to this quadratic equation? x^2 = 18x + 40
x= 20 and x=-2
8) Where would you use a quadratic equation in real life?
a) All the following are true
b) calculating the areas of an enclosed space
c) the speed of an object
d) profit and loss of a product
e) curving a piece of equipment for designing

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