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Taylor Fornwald & Tyler White

Comm. Tech. Micro-Teach Reflection

Begin with a brief overview of the lesson

● We decided to provide a brief insight into Grade 5 vocabulary learning outcomes through
○ This mostly focuses on different affixes and suffixes
● We showed our group mates how to create an account, and after we walked them through the
process on their devices we had them go through our list of words
○ We had already created a list of words which contain some common affixes and suffixes
○ Each word comes up one at a time, in multiple choice format, and the students have to
select which context (between the 4 options) in which the word fits best.
○ The students are scored on the correctness of their answers, but in practice I would only
use it as a low-stakes assessment because some students might be stressed out from
the scoring process if they think their scores will affect their grade.
○ Then, we had our group mates participate in a survey in which we discussed what went
well and what we could do to improve.
● Here is our list of words if you would like to check it out (you may need to create an account to
view it):
Provide a rationale for the selection of the technology
● We selected this technology because it provides students with an interactive and engaging way to
strengthen their vocabulary and learn new words. In my opinion, this does it much more
meaningfully than consulting a thesaurus.
Evaluate the effectiveness of the technology
● Personally, I find the technology super effective, as it is very interactive and allows students to
see their progress in one place.
● I also believe that it can meet students at their individual learning levels so that they can find
words that they can do easily, and then transition into more challenging words as they feel more
confident about their abilities.
● Also, if students are doing a novel study, then the teacher can create vocabulary lists based on
important words/terms from the novel. In some cases, there are already premade lists of
vocabulary from certain novels, which would be extremely helpful if the students read those
novels in class
● Students can also make their own lists which I find very useful.
Reflect on the lesson delivery
● Overall, I think we delivered the lesson well. I think we were especially lucky that our group mates
were in the same physical room as us. This way we were able to help them easily with
troubleshooting and assistance when they were setting up their accounts and accessing our list.
● Everybody participated in our activity and gave valuable feedback, which we really appreciated.
● I do have some considerations regarding improvements, which I will list below.
Are there other tools that may be more effective?
● Having a whiteboard with the steps written out would be valuable, as would be using a projector
screen to walk through the entire process with the students.
Taylor Fornwald & Tyler White

What would you change?

● Other than using more tools that would make the presentation run more smoothly, I do not think
that we need to change much
● I think I would also make sure to go through a sample list either just in my own to show the
students, or together with the students, to introduce them to the activity
What went well?
● I think we covered everything we intended and clearly tied our choice of technology to the desired
learning outcomes.
What setup or prep must you do?
● In an actual classroom, I would need to either:
○ Book a computer lab
○ Book a tablet cart
○ If the students are older, have them use their personal devices
● Write out the steps on the whiteboard
● Rehearse the example walkthrough a few times
● Have the list ready to go
What classroom management strategies will you use?
● I would establish clear expectations with the students:
○ Inform the students of what they are and are not supposed to do on the computers
○ Make clear the consequences if they do not follow the rules (ie. loss of computer
● If the students become disruptive, I think a clap-in might be effective in regaining their attention
● I will walk around the room throughout the duration of the lesson to make sure that the students
are on task

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