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MODULE 9 - Question bank

• The following list is intended to illustrate the variability of

IELTS questions. 
• IELTS questions are changed all the time, so, there will
certainly be questions in the exam that are not in the list below. 
• Examiners ask similar questions in many different ways. So,
you may get some questions that are similar but stated
• There is no complete, published list of topics, so you may be
asked about some topics that are not here. 
• Therefore, don’t memorize these questions or answers to them. 

Admin questions 

1. Can I see your (photo) ID please? 
2. Please show me your passport 
3. Can I see some identification first? 

4. Can I just check your name? 
5. Your name is _______________ , is that right? 
6. So, you are_______________. Is that right? 
7. Could you tell me your (full) name please? 
8. Can I check out how to pronounce/ spell your name? 
9. What would you like me to call you? 
10. Which part is your first name? 
11. So, it says here that your name is ________________ Did I
pronounce that okay? 
12. Would you prefer me to use your first name or your family name? 
13. Is it okay if I use your first name? 
14. Should I call you _____________ or ______________? 
15. Do you prefer Mrs, Miss or Ms? 

16. Are you a student at present?
17. Do you enjoy your studies? (What makes you say that/ Why?)
18. What is the most interesting aspect/ part of your studies?
19. Is there anything you dislike about your studies?
20. What course would you like to do in the future?
21. Why did you choose this subject?
22. Is it a difficult subject in your view?
23. What was/is your favorite subject at school? What did you/do you
like about that?
24. Did/do you like science/math at school? Why/why not?
25. What was your favorite subject as a child/at primary school?
26. What is/will be your area of specialization?
27. Who is/was your favorite teacher at school/college/university?
28. If you had the opportunity to change your course of study what would
you do instead?

29. What do you do for a living?
30. How did you get your present job?
31. Do you enjoy your work? What makes you say that?
32. Are you satisfied with your job?
33. What is the most interesting/challenging part of your job?
34. Is it a difficult job in your view?
35. Is there anything you don’t like about your job?
36. What job would you like to do in the future?
37. What job do you hope to be doing in ten years time?
38. What are your long-term career goals?
39. Why did you choose your present job/employer?
40. Can you describe a typical day in your job?

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