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Department of Education

Region XII
Division of South Cotabato
Panay, Sto. Nino, South Cotabato



In partial fulfillment
of the requirements


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Department of Education
Region XII
Division of South Cotabato
Panay, Sto. Nino, South Cotabato


Background of the Study

The grading system plays a vital role in evaluating students' performance

inside the school. Nowadays, some students are struggling to get high grades in

school. As such, a teacher needs to motivate their students to study harder.

Meanwhile, students should also maintain good grades for their own good and own

sake in future life.

Alos, Caranto, & David (2005) conclude in their study that students have to

put the greatest effort into their study to obtain good grades and to prepare

themselves for future opportunities. Some factors cause students to have low grades.

Academic performance according to the Cambridge University Reporter (2003) is

frequently defined in terms of examination performance. As cited in the study of

Ozcan (2021), it is a fact that the student's academic achievement, which is one of the

most basic and essential aims of education institutions, is also an expectation of


School can be viewed as an effective factor in many ways when it comes to

the development and academic success of the student, and in this regard, the

physical conditions of the school. The student's academic success may be attributed

to the school. (Nartgun & Kaya, 2016). Meanwhile, the education level that the
Department of Education
Region XII
Division of South Cotabato
Panay, Sto. Nino, South Cotabato
family possesses can have a bearing on the student's way of thinking, viewpoint,

belief in democracy, and academic achievement. The family nurtures love,

responsibility, social roles, decision-making, and the use of creative behaviors in the

individual (Dil & Bulantekin, 2011).

The family's behavior, attitude, and approach towards the child are factors

that affect the development of the child's personality (Kaya et al., 2012).On the other

hand, the findings of the study of Siachifuwe (2017) revealed that the unsatisfactory

academic performance of learners in Open Learning Classes was due to some the

teacher related factors such as lack of teacher motivation, inadequate teacher

readiness, lack of punctuality by teachers, lack of teaching aids and non-grading of

learners' exercises. Meanwhile, in terms of study habits, the results of the study of

Nair et al. (2020) revealed that there was a positive link between study habits and

academic performance in English among student respondents. So it indicates that if

students have better study habits, it probably will lead to a high-grade performance

of the students.

Furthermore, this study focuses on determining what are the factors that cause low

grades among students of Panay National High School. A survey was conducted

and questionnaires were used to collect information and responses of students.

Statement of the Problem

Department of Education
Region XII
Division of South Cotabato
Panay, Sto. Nino, South Cotabato
This study aims to determine what are the factors causing low grades among

students of Panay National High School.

Specifically, this study seeks to answer the following research questions:

1. Demographic Profile of the Respondents

A. Gender

B. Age

C. Grade Point Average

2. What is the extent of identified factors that cause low grades among students

in terms of:

A. Home-related factor

B. School-related factor

C. Teacher-related factor

D. Study Habits

E. Student-related factor

3. Which indicator among each of the (5) factors has the highest impact on

students’ grades?

Significance of the Study

Department of Education
Region XII
Division of South Cotabato
Panay, Sto. Nino, South Cotabato
This study is significant to students, parents, teachers, researchers, and future


Students will benefit from this study because grades have an important role

in students' lives. They will be able to understand and know what are the factors that

cause them to have low grades.

Parents will benefit from this study because it will give them an idea of which

area their children were having some difficulties in school. They will serve also as

responsible for guiding their children.

Teachers will benefit from this study because it will uncover some factors that

cause students to have low grades in school. With that teachers were able to help

them how to cope with some situations.

Researchers will benefit from this study because it has access `to some

information, which makes finding answers to the question easier. This can also be

their guide if they do their research.

Future researchers will benefit from this study because they may able to use

this research in the future.

Scope and Delimitations

Department of Education
Region XII
Division of South Cotabato
Panay, Sto. Nino, South Cotabato
The study focuses on determining what are the factors that cause low grades

among students. The respondents of the study are composed of purposively

selected Grade 10 students (20 male & 20 female). This study will be conducted at

Panay National High School.

Department of Education
Region XII
Division of South Cotabato
Panay, Sto. Nino, South Cotabato

Academic success is defined as the acquisition of learning objectives, which

are primarily measured through a grading system (Jay & Zain, 2019).

According to Minnesota (2007) "the higher education performance depends

upon the academic performance of graduate students. Durden and Ellis quoted

Staffolani and Bratti, (2002) who observed that "the measurement of students

previous educational outcomes are the most important indicators of students future

achievement; this refers that the higher the previous appearance, the better will the

student's academic performance in future endeavors be.

A gap between the achievement of boys and girls has been found, with girls

showing better performance than boys in certain instances (Chambers & Schreiber,


Tani et al. (2019) evaluated factors contributing to the poor academic

performance of students in higher education. The effect of factors relating to family

obligations, work and social commitments, and financial concerns were examined.

Results showed a significant relationship between the academic performance of

students and their attendance. Other significant findings included the relationship

between attendance and the level of the study, work shift, ethnicity, whether

participants had any dependents, and how studies were funded.

Parental involvement in home-based education covers a wide range of issues,

such as parental expectations for their children's academic future, home supervision,
Department of Education
Region XII
Division of South Cotabato
Panay, Sto. Nino, South Cotabato
emotional engagement regarding school problems, the extent to which parents help

their children learn for school assignments or homework (e.g., supervising and

checking homework), and parents' interactions with their children about school, or

frequency of parent–child communication (Benner, Boyle, & Sadler, 2016; Castro et

al., 2015; W. Fan et al., 2018; Yotyodying & Wild, 2016).

A study by Corak (2013) indicated that students from poor family

backgrounds are put under slavery work and have restricted time to study and this

happens because they regard household work more than education. Also, prevalent

in developing nations are several families who are not capable of feeding twice daily

despite working throughout the day.

The influence of teachers' teaching effectiveness on the learning outcome of

students as measured by student's academic performance has been the subject of

several studies (Adediwura and Tayo 2007; Adu and Olatundun 2007; Lockhead and

Komenan 1988; Schacter and Thum 2004; Starr 2002)

Poor academic performance of students in Nigeria has been linked to poor

teachers' performance in terms of accomplishing the teaching tasks, negative attitude

to work, and poor teaching habits which have been attributed to poor motivation

(Ofoegbu 2004).

According to Brew et al. (2021), teachers and researchers have long been

interested in investigating variables contributing to the quality of academic

performance of learners. Academic performance is affected by many factors

including parents' education levels and income, teachers' knowledge of the subject,
Department of Education
Region XII
Division of South Cotabato
Panay, Sto. Nino, South Cotabato
truancy, textbook availability and accessibility, libraries, practical laboratory, meals

provision, and many other factors.

Among the school-related factors found are unqualified and poorly trained

teachers, inadequate facilities, and dilapidated instructional materials. Non-school

factors include poverty, low educational attainment illiteracy of parents, and poor

health and nutrition (Gato et. al 2014).

Marquez (2009) also pointed out that a student who is successful in his

desired career has good study habits. In line with this, she stated that students

should apply these habits to all of their classes. She also suggested that the students

should not try to study all the subjects in a single period.

Bhan and Gupta (2010) conducted a study on academic achievement and

study habits among students belonging to scheduled caste and non-scheduled caste

groups. The result revealed that sex has no significant impact on academic

achievement and study habits of students.

Ogbodo (2010) examined that parent sends their children to school to learn. In

the school, children are exposed to various experiences which influence their

behavior. Therefore, learning is a change in behavior. Such a change is seen in their

mental reasoning, physical growth, manipulative skills, and development of values

and interests. The change may be easy or difficult depending on the home and

school environment. Reading for recreation or relaxation is very common among the

educated elite. Students, who read magazines at intervals learn to relax, cool their

brains, and avoid mental fatigue, which also makes them live a disciplined life in
Department of Education
Region XII
Division of South Cotabato
Panay, Sto. Nino, South Cotabato
school. In most cases, its effects in inducing sleep and rest after tedious reading in

the classroom or the library add to good health habits.

While studying is the best way to grow and attain academic achievements, it

is still a challenging task that needs to be done. Especially in this generation,

distractions such as the internet, television, cell phones, and even friends are

rampant. (Mapua, 2016).

Furthermore, Ebele (2017) suggested that students cannot perform and

improve their academic performance without developing study habits.

In support of the study mentioned above, Ebele & Olofu (2017), in their study

entitled "Study Habit and Its Impact on Secondary School Students' Academic

Performance in Biology in the Federal Capital Territory," revealed that there is a

significant relationship between the said variables. This implied that students who

developed good study habits are likely to have better academic performance in

school and enhance their academic success.

Nuthana & Yenagi,(2009) have examined the causes of poor academic

performance among university undergraduates. Some of these factors identified are

intellectual ability, poor study habits, achievement motivation, lack of vocational

goals, low self-concept, low socio-economic status of the family, poor family

structure, and so on. If for instance a child consistently fails or performs poorly in his

examination, he presumably may develop a low self-concept and may lack

confidence to study or pass.

Department of Education
Region XII
Division of South Cotabato
Panay, Sto. Nino, South Cotabato
A Daily Sketch Publication on "cause and curse of poor academic

performance" of university undergraduates 2006, identified and categorized factors

responsible for students' poor performance. Such factors are the problem of teachers,

the problem of inadequate facilities in the school, problems traceable to students,

problems caused by parents and the society at large, and problems of government

policies and low funding of the educational sector (Ajila and Olutola 2007).

In the same vein, Ichado (1998) also argued that the environment in which the

student comes from can greatly influence his academic performance academically in

the school.



Research Design

This study employs the Quantitative research design as it will focus on

determining on what are the factors that cause low grades among students. The

descriptive research design will be used in this study. It is a type of research design

that aims to systematically obtain information to describe a phenomenon, situation,

Department of Education
Region XII
Division of South Cotabato
Panay, Sto. Nino, South Cotabato
or population. In this study, the researchers will focus on determining the factors

that cause low grades among students using a quantitative method.

Locale of the Study:

This study was conducted at Panay National High School.


In this study, the researchers will use a purposive sampling technique. The

researchers will purposively select grade 10 students (20 male & 20 female) of Panay

National High School.

Research Instrument

The study utilized a survey questionnaire designed to gather information

from respondents. The questionnaire was adopted from the study of Alos et al.

(2015). It consists of item statements regarding the factors causing low grades among

students in the following parameters such as Student-Related Aspects, Study Habits,

Home-Related Aspects, School-Related Aspects, and Teacher-Related Aspects. The

researchers will use a five-point Likert Scale for the responses of students in each

indicator. Students' responses on the factors causing low grades will range from (1)

Strongly Disagree, (2) Disagree, (3) Slightly Agree, (4) Agree, and (5) Strongly Agree.
Department of Education
Region XII
Division of South Cotabato
Panay, Sto. Nino, South Cotabato
Meanwhile, to obtain data on students' challenges in their academics, self-made

open-ended questions were crafted which were validated by experts in the field.

Albarico, Alejandro & Blas, Ria & Cruz, Arlene & Enriquez, Grace (2023).

Data Collection Procedure

A letter of request to conduct the study will be prepared. A survey

questionnaire will be constructed by the researchers. The researchers will explain to

the respondents what are the terms in the survey, and the researchers will request

the respondents to answer the survey questionnaire. After the respondents answered

the questionnaire, the data will be collected and analyzed for interpretation.

Sampling Technique:

The researchers will use frequency distribution and mean to analyze the

factors causing low grades among students of Panay National High School.

Data Analysis:

The data will be analyzed using the Excel spreadsheets. Descriptive statistics

was used to analyze the data. This will be presented in the form of frequency

distribution and mean.

Department of Education
Region XII
Division of South Cotabato
Panay, Sto. Nino, South Cotabato


Albarico, Alejandro & Blas, Ria & Cruz, Arlene & Enriquez, Grace. (2023). FACTORS


PERFORMANCE. 2582-5208. 10.56726/IRJMETS37089.

Alos, S. B., Caranto, L. C., & David, J. J. T. (2015). Factors affecting the academic

performance of the student nurses of BSU. International Journal of Nursing

Science, 5(2), 60-65.

Ayodele, C. S., & Adebiyi, D. R. (2013). Study habits as influence of academic

performance of university undergraduates in Nigeria. Research journal in

organizational Psychology & Educational studies, 2(3), 72-75.

Department of Education
Region XII
Division of South Cotabato
Panay, Sto. Nino, South Cotabato
Brew, E. A., Nketiah, B., & Koranteng, R. (2021). A literature review of academic

performance, an insight into factors and their influences on academic

outcomes of students at senior high schools. Open Access Library Journal,

8(6), 1-14.

Chambers, E. A., & Schreiber, J. B. (2004). Girls’ academic achievement: Varying

associations of extracurricular activities. Gender and Education, 16(3), 327-


Farooq, M. S., Chaudhry, A. H., Shafiq, M., & Berhanu, G. (2011). Factors affecting

students’ quality of academic performance: A case of secondary school

level. Journal of quality and technology management, 7(2), 1-14.

Jay, A., & Zain, R. M. (2019). The impact of facilities on student’s academic

achievement. Research Gate. Retrieved from:


Minnesota Measures (2007) Report on higher education performance. Retrieved on

May 24, 2008 from

Rabia, M., Mubarak, N., Tallat, H., & Nasir, W. (2017). A study on study habits and

academic performance of students. Int J Asian Social Sci, 7(10), 891-897.

Rabia, M., Mubarak, N., Tallat, H., & Nasir, W. (2017). A study on study habits and

academic performance of students. Int J Asian Social Sci, 7(10), 891-897.

Department of Education
Region XII
Division of South Cotabato
Panay, Sto. Nino, South Cotabato

Factors Causing Low Grades Among Students of Panay National High School

Name (Optional):___________________ Grade & Section:_______________

Sex: Male □ Female □ Age:__________

Direction: For each statement in the survey, please indicate how much you agree or
disagree with the statement by putting check in the box on the right side of each
statement. There are no right or wrong answers. Your answers will be kept strictly
confidential and you will not be identified.
Scale: 5- Strongly Agree (Indicates that the characteristic is manifested)
4- Agree (Indicates that the characteristic is often manifested)
3- Slightly Agree (Indicates that the characteristic is sometimes manifested)
2- Disagree (Indicates that the characteristic is seldom manifested)
1- Strongly Disagree (Indicates that the characteristic is never manifested)

Table I. Factors Causing Low Grades Among Students

A. Home-Related Aspect 5 4 3 2 1
Strongly Agree Sometimes Disagre Strongly
Agree Disagree e Disagree
1. I live far from school
2. I do too much house
3. I don’t live with my
4. My parents don’t support
me with my studies
5. My parents never
motivated me
Department of Education
Region XII
Division of South Cotabato
Panay, Sto. Nino, South Cotabato

Table II. Factors Causing Low Grades Among Students

B. School-Related Aspect 5 4 3 2 1
Strongly Agree Sometimes Disagre Strongly
Agree Disagree e Disagree
1. There are just few
programs in school
2. Activities in school are
3. The time schedule is
4. The classroom is
comfortable enough

Table III. Factors Causing Low Grades Among Students

C. Teacher-Related Aspect 5 4 3 2 1
Strongly Agree Sometimes Disagre Strongly
Agree Disagree e Disagree
1. Teacher has mastery of
the subject matter
2. Teacher is biased
3. The teacher has a
negative attitude toward
4. The teacher gives too
much homework
5. Teachers discuss many
topics in a short period of
Department of Education
Region XII
Division of South Cotabato
Panay, Sto. Nino, South Cotabato
Table IV. Factors Causing Low Grades Among Students
D. Study Habits 5 4 3 2 1
Strongly Agree Sometimes Disagree Strongly
Agree Disagree Disagree
1. I study only when there is
a quiz
2. I feel tired, bored and
3. I am lazy to study
4. I study only when I like
5. I have no time to study at
6. I am disturbed when
7. I don’t have a
comfortable place to study
8. I don’t like to study

Table V. Factors Causing Low Grades Among Students

D. Student-Related Aspect 5 4 3 2 1
Strongly Agree Sometimes Disagree Strongly
Agree Disagree Disagree
1. Feeling sleepy in class
2. Feeling hungry in class
3. Difficulty in seeing
4. Difficulty in hearing
5. I don’t like to listen in the

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