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Yusra Zaveri

Lifetime Fitness and Wellness Pursuits

Lesson One: Assignment

Chapter One:

1) Kinesiology
2) Scientific method
3) Biomechanics
4) Lack of physical activity
5) Body composition
6) Muscle endurance- e- ability to use muscles continuously without tiring
7) Agility- c- ability to change body position quickly
8) Pedagogy- d- art and science of teaching
9) Physical activity- a- movement of the body using larger muscles
10) Wellness- b- positive component of health
11) Physical fitness is the ability of your body's systems to work together to maintain your health
and carry out tasks.
12) Your body's overall health is what health-related fitness is all about, whereas skill-related
fitness is more about the things you can do with your health-related fitness.
13) Health was earlier essentially determined by sickness, it changed over time to include things
like physical fitness.

Chapter Two:

1) Determinants
2) Personal determinants
3) Lifestyle choices
4) Stairway to lifetime fitness, health, and wellness
5) PACER (Progressive Aerobic Cardiovascular Endurance Run)
6) Sedentary person- e- is inactive
7) Inactive thinker- d- is considering becoming active
8) Planner- a- just bought exercise equipment
9) Activator- c- is something active
10) Active exerciser- b- is active most days of the week
11) Self-management skills, such as self-assessment and self-confidence, assist you in changing
your lifestyle. They contribute to the creation and maintenance of good transformation.
12) The fitness gram is one example of how fitness test items assess your fitness level by
gradually pushing you to go faster over time.
13) Precontemplation: when a person does not consider change.
Contemplation: a person considers making a beneficial adjustment but does not take action.
Planning for change: a person prepares to make a change, but not yet engaging in the new habit.
Taking action to change: a person begins to engage in the new behavior.
Maintenance: the person continues to engage in the new habit on a regular basis.

Video Discussion:
The increasing incidence of cancer in children and young people is due to factors such as body
care, environment, and movement. High blood pressure, diabetes, and chronic inflammation can
predispose individuals to cancer, heart attacks, and other serious diseases. Maintaining overall
wellness is crucial for a lifetime of health. The six parts of health-related fitness include strength,
body composition, muscular endurance, cardiorespiratory endurance, and flexibility.
Strength and body composition are essential for metabolic rate and preventing injuries.
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle starting at a young age is very important. Smoking, drugs, and
alcohol can contribute to health issues so it is important to try to avoid them. A healthy lifestyle
is essential for general well-being.

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