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International law refers to a set of rules and doing so, the country ensures that it

principles that govern the interactions complies with its international obligations
between countries on a global level. It's like and can hold individuals and entities
a big rulebook that everyone kind of agrees accountable under both domestic and
to play by (although not always). This international law.
includes things like treaties, conventions,
and agreements made between nations. The doctrine of transformation in
The primary goal of international law is to international law refers to the process by
promote peace, cooperation, and stability which international treaties or agreements
among countries. It covers a wide range of are given legal effect within the domestic
topics like human rights, trade, diplomacy, legal systems of states. It enables states to
environmental protection, and even armed incorporate the provisions and principles of
conflicts. international law into their domestic laws,
ensuring that individuals and entities within
National law is essentially a set of rules and their jurisdiction are bound by and protected
regulations that are established by the by international legal norms.
central government of a country to govern
its citizens. It serves as the legal framework These agreements aim to establish
within which individuals and organizations common guidelines, principles, and laws
must operate, dictating their rights and that can govern various aspects of global
responsibilities. The purpose of national law relations, such as human rights,
is to maintain social order, protect individual environment, trade, and warfare. By bringing
liberties, ensure justice, and foster together diverse countries and cultures,
economic development within a nation. international conventions promote
cooperation and provide a platform for
The doctrine of adoption in international law discussions on pressing global issues. They
refers to the legal principle where a state foster unity, ensure compliance with
assumes the rights and obligations of an universally accepted norms, and ultimately
existing treaty by becoming a party to it. In contribute to the maintenance of peace and
other words, when a state decides to join a stability worldwide.
treaty that has already been adopted by
other states, it accepts the same rights and International customs refer to the diverse
obligations as those original states agreed range of traditions, practices, and behaviors
upon. This doctrine ensures that all states that have emerged and evolved within
are subject to the same legal framework different countries and cultures around the
and are bound by the terms of the treaty, world. They represent the collective wisdom
promoting consistency and universality in and heritage of a nation, reflecting its values,
international relations. beliefs, and ways of life. These customs
encompass various aspects of daily
The doctrine of incorporation in routines, greetings, social interactions,
international law refers to the process by cuisine, fashion, and more, each serving as
which provisions of international treaties a unique expression of cultural identity. By
become part of a country's domestic law. By appreciating and respecting international
customs, individuals can foster mutual luck. These customs reflect the diversity
understanding, promote tolerance, and and individuality of people and their values.
forge meaningful connections across
borders, ultimately contributing to a more Jus cogens refers to peremptory norms of
harmonious and inclusive global community. international law that are universally
recognized and considered non-derogable.
Regional custom refers to the traditions and These norms have attained a higher status
practices that are specific to a particular than other rules of international law due to
geographic area or region. These customs their fundamental importance and are
are often deeply rooted in the history, binding on all states. This concept emerged
culture, and social norms of a specific in the 20th century as a response to the
community. Regional customs can range atrocities committed during World War II,
from dialects, clothing styles, cuisine, serving as a means to ensure respect for
festivals, and even traditional art forms. essential human rights and maintain
These customs are often passed down international peace and security. Jus
from generation to generation, serving as a cogens norms include prohibitions against
way to preserve and celebrate the unique genocide, torture, slavery, aggression, and
identity of a specific region. For example, in crimes against humanity. These norms are
India, different states have their own unique considered to be inherent in the
customs and traditions that are distinct to international legal order and can only be
their region. From the vibrant festivals of modified by a subsequent norm of general
Holi in North India to the stunning dances of international law with the same hierarchical
Odisha in the east, these customs add status.
richness and diversity to the country.
Obligation erga omnes, on the other hand,
On the other hand, special custom refers to refers to obligations that are owed towards
the practices and rituals that are specific to the international community as a whole. It
an individual or a particular group of people. implies that certain duties are not only owed
Special customs are unique to a person's to another state or states but are owed to
beliefs, preferences, or personal the international community at large. These
experiences. These customs can be seen in obligations arise from the general principles
various aspects of life, such as wedding of international law and are binding on all
ceremonies, religious practices, and even states, regardless of whether they are
daily habits. Special customs vary greatly parties to a particular treaty or not.
across individuals and can often serve as a Examples include the duty to prevent and
way for people to express their personal punish acts of genocide, the prohibition of
identity or beliefs. For example, some aggression, and the protection of human
individuals may have a special custom of rights.
starting their day with a morning meditation
to promote mindfulness and well-being, Jus cogens and obligation erga omnes are
while others may have a special custom of closely related concepts as they both
wearing a certain piece of jewelry for good represent the highest level of legal
obligations within the international legal
order. Jus cogens norms are considered executive agreements, which are generally
customary international law, meaning they bilateral in nature, concordats are
are widely accepted by the international considered to be multilateral agreements,
community, while obligations erga omnes involving the Vatican and the state in
arise from treaties or customary law. Both question. Concordats can play a significant
concepts aim to ensure the protection of role in shaping the relationship between the
fundamental values and rights that are Catholic Church and the state, and are seen
considered essential for the well-being and as a means to secure the legal and religious
dignity of individuals, as well as the privileges of the Church within a specific
maintenance of international peace and jurisdiction.
security. Violations of these norms and
obligations give rise to the responsibility of
states and may lead to collective action by
the international community to address
such breaches.

An executive agreement is a legally binding

agreement between the heads of two or
more countries, which does not require
ratification by the respective legislatures.
Unlike formal treaties, executive
agreements are not subject to the same
level of scrutiny and approval by the
legislature. These agreements are typically
used for issues that do not directly affect
domestic law, such as foreign policy, trade
relations, and military cooperation. While
executive agreements have less formal
legal standing than treaties, they are
considered binding and enforceable under
international law.

On the other hand, a concordat is a type of

agreement between, primarily, the Vatican
and a particular state, aimed at defining the
rights and privileges of the Catholic Church
within that state. Concordats often address
matters such as the recognition of the
Church's legal status, the appointment of
clergy, and the relationship between the
state and the Church in areas such as
education and social services. Unlike

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