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- Encryption
o Process of using algorithm to transform info into a ormat that cannot be read
o Plaintex -> ciphertext
- Decryption
o Process of using the algorithm to transform encrypted info back to redeemable format
o Ciphertext -> plain text
- Original text is referred to as the plain text while the encrypted version is the cipher text
- Cryptography
o Used to protect transactions
o Objectives
 Confidentiality
 Privacy from third party
 Integrity
 Change in message should be detected
 Authhenticity
 Identity should be detected
o Non Repudiation
 Denial of sender should not be possible

Simple Ciphers

- Pigpen Cipher
o Example of a substitution cipher in which the letters are replaced by symbols
o Referred as Freemasons Cipher
- Caesars Cipher
o Changing the order of letters of alphabet.
o Substitute the 4th letter of the alphabet, namely D, for A, and so with others
 A = D, B=E…….. X=A, Y=B, Z=C
 Three places to the left
 The code should be the purple while the yellow shows the plaintext
- Vigenere Cipher
o French diplomat, Blaise de Vigenere

Modular Arithmetic


o Remainder = (x / y ) = z – no decimal, then z * y = a, then x – a = Remainder

- Modulo operator
o Ex: 28 mod 5 = 3
o Ex 39 mod 3 = 0

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o Ex: 1 mod 2 = 1  0 remainder of 1
 This means “what is the remainder”

- Encrypt
- Use mod 26 since 26 letters
- Key is HUSH
- Add the code and key then mod it

For decryption

- Subtract instead of adding

- If result is negative then add 26

The Enigma Machine

Public Key Cryptography

- W. Diffie and M. Hellman new method of encryption

Symmetric Encryption

- Same key to encrypt and decrypt

- Ex. Pigmen cipher

Asymmetric Encryption

- 2 different key for encryption and encryption

- Public key encryption

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- Encryption is public key
- Decryption is secret key

RSA Encryption

- Encryption
o Plaintex -> ciphertext
- Decryption
o Ciphertext -> plain text

- No fast way to identify the prime factors of very large numbers

- Ex. Prime factor of 10 is 2 & 5
- Math
o Public key (n,e)
o Private Key (n,d)
o N = two large prime numbers (p*q)
o E should be less than n and does not have a common factor with (p-1)(q-1)
o D is secret number
 E*d -1 is divisible by (p-1)(q-1) (go to check = e*d-1/(p-1)(q-1) = whole number
 Formula = (1 + (k) (p - 1) (q - 1)) / e
 Plug random number for k until a whole number
 D is a whole number/exact
- Process
o Translate the message into integers
 A= 0, B = 1, C = 2 ……..
o Group the integers together to from large numbers
o Transform message M to the encrypted version C using C = M^e (mod n)

Decryption Process

- M = C^d (mod n)
- C is given
- D is secret no.

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