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Myumi Lee

IB English
Mr. Malashewski

Embracing Racial Diversity Through Challenging Stereotypes

A common myth in racial stereotypes is every certain race or ethnic group consists of

individuals that are conventionally the same. People with similar personalities, backgrounds, and

experiences. Stereotyping an entire race or ethnic group overshadows the rich diversity in these

communities, overlooking the unique qualities and life experiences of each person. Individuals

within racial groups possess unique characteristics, values, beliefs, and traits. They encompass a

variety of different cultures, languages, traditions, and customs. For instance, the label "black"

encompasses a multitude of unique cultural backgrounds like African, Nigerian, Kenyan,

Caribbean, and more. Drawing conclusions based on racial or ethnic identities can lead to

mistreatment, exclusion, and prejudiced views, ultimately deepening societal inequalities. This

can also encourage a pattern where individuals choose selectively to pay attention to information

that supports their preconceived judgements while dismissing conflicting information.

Growing up with African American roots has been an impactful learning experience for

me to learn about racial stereotypes. I would always hear stories from my Dad and grandparents

about how they were treated in certain situations. My uncle lived in an impoverished

neighborhood and would constantly get pulled over by cops without participating in any illegal

misconduct. Three years ago a cop hit him while he was driving on his moped and he broke

numerous ribs and his collarbone. They searched him and found nothing, and the cop had no

repercussions. When I hear cultural stereotypes about African Americans as drug dealers and
Myumi Lee
IB English
Mr. Malashewski

gang members, it’s a harmful misconception towards many of the people I care deeply for. Not

only my own family, but every African that has to go through these forms of racial profile.

These misconceptions are not only harmful to such communities, but also our entire

world and the idea that people tend to justify themselves when engaging in discriminatory

actions. They reflect deeply on our nation and how we can discredit an entire race and encounter

others with bias. This is a terrible cycle that needs to end because it isn’t right to make

assumptions based on someone’s ethnicity. It’s about time we reject these generalized stereotypes

and work towards a more supportive and inclusive future.

Humans have a variety of different perspectives and approaches towards life, and there is

no one person that is the same. It is extremely important to recognize the genetic diversity within

racial and ethnic groups and to understand that our genes vary and differ from one another. In

fact, said a 2018 article in Scientific American, there is a “broad scientific consensus that when it

comes to genes there is just as much diversity within racial and ethnic groups as there is across

them.” This consensus is strongly supported by evidence and research in genetics and proves

individuals within a race can have as much genetic diversity as individuals from separate races.

This explores the idea that we are all genetically different and we shouldn’t judge a person based

on what race they come from.

People usually never think I’m African American because I live in Hawai’i and I look

like any other local girl, but when they come to find out, they continuously ask me if they can
Myumi Lee
IB English
Mr. Malashewski

have the pass to say the n-word or make unnecessary racist comments.. A very common

misconception is that all African Americans talk similarly and use those derogatory terms, while

this is extremely untrue and everyone interacts with the world differently.

I find it extremely upsetting to encounter misconceptions about African Americans, even

in a diverse place like Hawaii, where people of various backgrounds come together.

Unfortunately, upon learning about my African American heritage, some individuals incorrectly

believe it allows them to use offensive language or inquire intrusively about my family's

background. It's impossible to clarify that there is no such allowance, and these assumptions are

not just misguided but harmful. We need to move away from all these false stereotypes and

acknowledge that African Americans, like everyone else, are unique individuals with their own

life stories and experiences. This highlights the importance to remove bias and promote respect

and understanding between all communities.

Many believe that an individual’s race determines intelligence and behavior, however,

this is extremely untrue. There is more genetic variation in same race groups than between

different groups. Physical traits correlated with race cannot be used to determine human

characteristics and potential criminal behavior. “The average person on the street thinks that race

consists of differences in physical appearance, in particular things like eye color, eye shape, skin

tone, hair type, and aspects of body stature. They also think that from looking at a person's

physical appearance, in the way we just described, that they can find out or know more subtle
Myumi Lee
IB English
Mr. Malashewski

things about them such as their potential intelligence or their likeliness to be aggressive, to

commit crime, predisposition towards disease.” The statement raises awareness about how

people often associate race with physical traits like eye color, skin tone, and hair type. Focusing

on these ideas can cause harm and lead to unfair treatment. Instead, we should pay attention to

unique qualities and traits, instead of making assumptions based on appearances. Addressing

these misconceptions is important for generating a more fair and inclusive society.

Questioning the belief that racial or ethnic groups are similar promotes important values,

attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors. It highlights the commitment to equality for all individuals,

leading to actions that actively fight discrimination and bias. It brings out empathy and

compassion by acknowledging the specific qualities and life experiences of every person. As

humans, we should never categorize one another based on physical appearance. Challenging

stereotypes contributed to creating inclusive communities where people from different

backgrounds feel respected and valued.

Myumi Lee
IB English
Mr. Malashewski

The primary focus and purpose of my nomos was to debunk racial stereotypes, advocate

for equality, and encourage empathy and respect among individuals, regardless of their racial or

ethnic backgrounds. This essay employs a combination of emotional and logical strategies to

convey its message effectively and persuade the audience. I incorporated pathos by sharing

personal anecdotes and experiences that evoke strong emotional responses in the reader. For

example, when I spoke about my Uncle’s encounter with racial profiling, it stirred up empathy

and a sense of outrage. These emotional narratives serve to make the issue more relatable and

tangible, establishing a personal connection with the reader. By weaving emotional stories

throughout the essay, I aimed to narrate a shared experience and deepen the reader's appreciation

of the harm brought on by racial stereotypes.

In addition to tugging at the reader's heartstrings, I contrasted the use of pathos using

logos, by integrating factual evidence and logical reasoning. By referencing a 2018 Scientific

American article to support the argument that genetic diversity within racial groups equals that

among different groups. This strategic use of scientific evidence and rational argumentation

effectively analyzes the foundation of racial stereotypes, emphasizing their irrationality. By

presenting this type of evidence, I hope to appeal to the reader's sense of logic and the credibility

of the argument, encouraging them to carefully evaluate and redefine their preconceived beliefs.

In conclusion, the essay emphasizes both emotional and logical strategies to convey its

message and persuade the audience. The narratives establish a deep connection with the reader,
Myumi Lee
IB English
Mr. Malashewski

while the inclusion of scientific evidence and logical reasoning fortify the argument against

racial stereotypes. This harmonious blend of emotional engagement and rational reasoning

strengthens my case for equality, respect, and empathy. This paper brings a persuasive call to

challenge stereotypes and establish a more inclusive society.


"The Concept of 'Race' Is a Lie." Scientific American, Peter G. Prontzos, 14 May

the-concept-of-race-is-a-lie/. Accessed 24 Sept. 2023.

"Ethnic minorities: defining ethnicity and race." ScotPHO, 25 June 2023,
defining-ethnicity-and-race. Accessed 24 Sept. 2023.

"RACE: The Power of an Illusion." PBS,

002_04-background-01-06.htm. Accessed 24 Sept. 2023.

ALA American Library Association." Using Ethos, Logos, and Pathos to Introduce
the Elephant in the Room: Racism,
elephant-room-racismV. Accessed 24 Sept. 2023.

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