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Build A ChatGPT For YouTube Videos with Langchain



Have you ever wondered how good it would be to chat with a video? As a blog person myself, it often bores
me to watch an hour-long video to find relevant information. Sometimes it feels like a job to watch a video
to get any useful information out of it. So, I built a chatbot that lets you chat with YouTube videos or any
video. This was made possible by GPT-3.5-turbo, Langchain, ChromaDB, Whisper, and Gradio. So, in this
article, I will do a code walk-through of building a functional chatbot for YouTube videos with Langchain.

Learning Objectives

Build the web interface using Gradio

Handle YouTube videos and extract textual data from them using Whisper
Process and format texts appropriately
Create embeddings of text data
Configure Chroma DB to store data
Initialize a Langchain conversation chain with OpenAI chatGPT, ChromaDB, and embeddings function
Finally, querying and streaming answers to the Gradio chatbot

Before getting to the coding part, let’s get familiarized with the tools and technologies we will use.

This article was published as a part of the Data Science Blogathon.

Table of contents

Vector Databases
Setup Dev Env
Create Web Interface
Gradio Events
Handle API Keys
Handle Videos
Create Chain
Process Texts
Process Video
Configure Chatbot
Real-life Use cases
Frequently Asked Questions


The Langchain is an open-source tool written in Python that makes Large Language Models data aware and
agentic. So, what does that even mean? Most of the commercially available LLMs, such as GPT-3.5 and
GPT-4, have a limit on the data they are trained on. For example, ChatGPT can only answer questions that it
has already seen. Anything after September 2021 is unknown to it. This is the core issue that Langchain
solves. Be it a Word doc or any personal PDF, we can feed the data to an LLM and get a human-like
response. It has wrappers for tools like Vector DBs, Chat models, and embedding functions, which make it
easy to build an AI application using just Langchain.

Langchain also allows us to build Agents – LLM bots. These autonomous agents can be configured for
multiple tasks, including data analysis, SQL querying, and even writing basic codes. There are a lot of
things we can automate using these agents. This is helpful as we can outsource low-level knowledge work
to an LLM, saving us time and energy.

In this project, we will use Langchain tools to build a chat app for videos. For more information regarding
Langchain, visit their official site.

Whisper is another progeny of OpenAI. It is a general-purpose speech-to-text model that can convert audio
or videos into text. It is trained on a large amount of diverse audio to perform multi-lingual translation,
speech recognition, and classification.

The model is available in five different sizes tiny, base, medium, small, and large, with speed and accuracy
tradeoffs. The performance of models also depends on the language. The figure below shows a WER
(Word Error Rate) breakdown by languages of Fleur’s dataset using the large-v2 model.


Vector Databases

Most machine learning algorithms cannot process raw unstructured data like images, audio, video, and
texts. They have to be converted into matrices of vector embeddings. These vector embeddings represent
the said data in a multi-dimensional plane. To get embeddings, we need highly efficient deep-learning
models capable of capturing the semantic meaning of data. This is highly important for making any AI app.
To store and query this data, we need databases capable of handling them effectively. This resulted in the
creation of specialized databases called vector databases. There are multiple open-source databases are
there. Chroma, Milvus, Weaviate, and FAISS are some of the most popular.

Another USP of vector stores is that we can perform high-speed search operations on unstructured data.
Once we get the embeddings, we can use them for clustering, searching, sorting, and classification. As the
data points are in a vector space, we can calculate the distance between them to know how closely they
are related. Multiple algorithms like Cosine Similarity, Euclidean Distance, KNN, and ANN (Approximate
Nearest Neighbour) are used to find similar data points.

We will use Chroma vector store – an open-source vector database. Chroma also has Langchain
integration, which will come in very handy.


The fourth horseman of our app Gradio is an open-source library to share machine learning models easily.
It can also help build demo web apps with its components and events with Python.

If you are unfamiliar with Gradio and Langchain, read the following articles before moving ahead.

Let’s Build ChatGPT with Gradio

Build a ChatGPT for PDFs

Let’s now start building it.

Setup Dev Env

To set up the development environment, create a Python virtual environment or create a local dev
environment with Docker.

Now install all these dependencies

pytube==15.0.0 gradio == 3.27.0 openai == 0.27.4 langchain == 0.0.148 chromadb == 0.3.21 tiktoken == 0.3.3


Import Libraries

import os import tempfile import whisper import datetime as dt import gradio as gr from langchain.embeddings

import OpenAIEmbeddings from langchain.vectorstores import Chroma from langchain.chat_models import

ChatOpenAI from langchain.chains import ConversationalRetrievalChain from pytube import YouTube from typing

import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Generator, List

Create Web Interface

We will use Gradio Block and components to build the front end of our application. So, here’s how you can
make the interface. Feel free to customize as you see fit.

with gr.Blocks() as demo: with gr.Row(): # with gr.Group(): with gr.Column(scale=0.70): api_key =
gr.Textbox(placeholder='Enter OpenAI API key', show_label=False, interactive=True).style(container=False)

with gr.Column(scale=0.15): change_api_key = gr.Button('Change Key') with gr.Column(scale=0.15): remove_key =

gr.Button('Remove Key') with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): chatbot = gr.Chatbot(value=[]).style(height=650)

query = gr.Textbox(placeholder='Enter query here', show_label=False).style(container=False) with gr.Column():

video = gr.Video(interactive=True,) start_video = gr.Button('Initiate Transcription') gr.HTML('OR') yt_link =

gr.Textbox(placeholder='Paste a YouTube link here', show_label=False).style(container=False) yt_video =

gr.HTML(label=True) start_ytvideo = gr.Button('Initiate Transcription') gr.HTML('Please reset the app after

being done with the app to remove resources') reset = gr.Button('Reset App') if __name__ == "__main__":

The interface will appear like this

Here, we have a textbox that takes the OpenAI key as input. And also two keys for changing the API key
and deleting the key. We also have a chat UI on the left and a box for rendering local videos on the right.
Immediately below the video box, we have a box asking for a YouTube link and buttons that say “Initiate

Gradio Events

Now we will define events to make the app interactive. Add the below codes at the end of the gr.Blocks(). :(pause, update_yt), outputs=[start2, yt_video]).then( fn=embed_video, inputs=

, outputs=

).success( fn=lambda:resume, outputs=[start2]) :(pause, update_video), outputs=

[start1,video]).then( fn=embed_yt, inputs=[yt_link], outputs = [yt_video, chatbot]).success(

fn=lambda:resume, outputs=[start1]) query.submit(fn=add_text, inputs=[chatbot, query], outputs=

[chatbot]).success( fn=QuestionAnswer, inputs=[chatbot,query,yt_link,video], outputs=[chatbot,query])

api_key.submit(fn=set_apikey, inputs=api_key, outputs=api_key),

outputs=api_key) = remove_key_box, outputs=api_key) = reset_vars, outputs=

[chatbot,query, video, yt_video, ])

star t_video: When clicked will trigger the process of getting texts from the video and create a
Conversational chain.
star t_ytvideo: When clicked will do the same but now from the YouTube video, and when completed
will render the YouTube video just below it.
query: Responsible for streaming response from LLM to the chat UI.

The rest of the events are for handling the API key and resetting the app.

We have defined the events but haven’t defined the functions responsible for triggering events.


To not make it complicated and messy, we will outline the processes we will be dealing with in the

Handle API keys.

Handle Uploaded video.
Transcribe videos to get texts.
Create chunks out of video texts.
Create embeddings from texts.

Store vector embeddings in the ChromaDB vector store.

Create a Conversational Retrieval chain with Langchain.
Send relevant documents to the OpenAI chat model (gpt-3.5-turbo).
Fetch the answer and stream it on chat UI.

We will be doing all these things along with a few exception handling.

Define a few environment variables.

chat_history = [] result = None chain = None run_once_flag = False call_to_load_video = 0 enable_box =
gr.Textbox.update(value=None,placeholder= 'Upload your OpenAI API key', interactive=True) disable_box =
gr.Textbox.update(value = 'OpenAI API key is Set', interactive=False) remove_box = gr.Textbox.update(value =

'Your API key successfully removed', interactive=False) pause = gr.Button.update(interactive=False) resume =

gr.Button.update(interactive=True) update_video = gr.Video.update(value = None) update_yt =

Handle API Keys

When a user submits a key, it gets set as the environment variable, and we will also disable the textbox
from further input. Pressing the change key will make it mutable again. Clicking the remove key will remove
the key.

enable_box = gr.Textbox.update(value=None,placeholder= 'Upload your OpenAI API key', interactive=True)

disable_box = gr.Textbox.update(value = 'OpenAI API key is Set',interactive=False) remove_box =
gr.Textbox.update(value = 'Your API key successfully removed', interactive=False) def set_apikey(api_key):

os.environ['OPENAI_API_KEY'] = api_key return disable_box def enable_api_box(): return enable_box def

remove_key_box(): os.environ['OPENAI_API_KEY'] = '' return remove_box

Handle Videos

Next up, we will be dealing with uploaded videos and YouTube links. We will have two different functions
dealing with each case. For YouTube links, we will create an iframe embed link. For each case, we will call
another function make_chain() responsible for creating chains.

These functions are triggered when someone uploads a video or provides a YouTube link and presses
transcribe button.

def embed_yt(yt_link: str): # This function embeds a YouTube video into the page. # Check if the YouTube link

is valid. if not yt_link: raise gr.Error('Paste a YouTube link') # Set the global variable `run_once_flag` to
False. # This is used to prevent the function from being called more than once. run_once_flag = False # Set
the global variable `call_to_load_video` to 0. # This is used to keep track of how many times the function

has been called. call_to_load_video = 0 # Create a chain using the YouTube link. make_chain(url=yt_link) #
Get the URL of the YouTube video. url = yt_link.replace('watch?v=', '/embed/') # Create the HTML code for the
embedded YouTube video. embed_html = f"""<iframe width="750" height="315" src="{url}" title="YouTube video
player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-

in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>""" # Return the HTML code and an empty list. return embed_html, [] def
embed_video(video=str | None): # This function embeds a video into the page. # Check if the video is valid.
if not video: raise gr.Error('Upload a Video') # Set the global variable `run_once_flag` to False. # This is

used to prevent the function from being called more than once. run_once_flag = False # Create a chain using
the video. make_chain(video=video) # Return the video and an empty list. return video, []

Create Chain

This is one of the most important steps of all. This involves creating a Chroma vector store and Langchain
chain. We will use a Conversational retrieval chain for our use case. We will use OpenAI embeddings, but
for actual deployments, use any free embedding models like Huggingface sentence encoders, etc.

def make_chain(url=None, video=None) -> (ConversationalRetrievalChain | Any | None): global chain,

run_once_flag # Check if a YouTube link or video is provided if not url and not video: raise gr.Error('Please
provide a YouTube link or Upload a video') if not run_once_flag: run_once_flag = True # Get the title from
the YouTube link or video title = get_title(url, video).replace(' ','-') # Process the text from the video

grouped_texts, time_list = process_text(url=url) if url else process_text(video=video) # Convert time_list to

metadata format time_list = [{'source': str(t.time())} for t in time_list] # Create vector stores from the
processed texts with metadata vector_stores = Chroma.from_texts(texts=grouped_texts, collection_name='test',
embedding=OpenAIEmbeddings(), metadatas=time_list) # Create a ConversationalRetrievalChain from the vector

stores chain = ConversationalRetrievalChain.from_llm(ChatOpenAI(temperature=0.0), retriever=

vector_stores.as_retriever( search_kwargs={"k": 5}), return_source_documents=True) return chain

Get texts and metadata from either YouTube URL or video file.
Create a Chroma vector store from texts and metadata.
Build a chain using OpenAI gpt-3.5-turbo and chroma vector store.
Return chain.

Process Texts

In this step, we will do appropriate slicing of texts from videos and also create the metadata object we
used in the above chain-building process.

def process_text(video=None, url=None) -> tuple[list, list[dt.datetime]]: global call_to_load_video if

call_to_load_video == 0: print('yes') # Call the process_video function based on the given video or URL

result = process_video(url=url) if url else process_video(video=video) call_to_load_video += 1 texts,

start_time_list = [], [] # Extract text and start time from each segment in the result for res in
result['segments']: start = res['start'] text = res['text'] start_time = dt.datetime.fromtimestamp(start)

start_time_formatted = start_time.strftime("%H:%M:%S") texts.append(''.join(text))

start_time_list.append(start_time_formatted) texts_with_timestamps = dict(zip(texts, start_time_list)) #
Convert the timestamp strings to datetime objects formatted_texts = { text:
dt.datetime.strptime(str(timestamp), '%H:%M:%S') for text, timestamp in texts_with_timestamps.items() }

grouped_texts = [] current_group = '' time_list = [list(formatted_texts.values())[0]] previous_time = None

time_difference = dt.timedelta(seconds=30) # Group texts based on time difference for text, timestamp in
formatted_texts.items(): if previous_time is None or timestamp - previous_time <= time_difference:

current_group += text else: grouped_texts.append(current_group) time_list.append(timestamp) current_group =

text previous_time = time_list[-1] # Append the last group of texts if current_group:
grouped_texts.append(current_group) return grouped_texts, time_list

The process_text function takes either a URL or a Video path. This video is then transcribed in the
process_video function, and we get the final texts.
We then get the start time of each sentence (from Whisper) and group them in 30 seconds.
We finally return the grouped texts and starting time of each group.

Process Video

In this step, we transcribe video or audio files and get texts. We will use the Whisper base model for

def process_video(video=None, url=None) -> dict[str, str | list]: if url: file_dir = load_video(url) else:

file_dir = video print('Transcribing Video with whisper base model') model = whisper.load_model("base")
result = model.transcribe(file_dir) return result
For YouTube videos, as we cannot directly process them, we will have to handle them separately. We will
use a library called Pytube to download the audio or video of the YouTube video. So, here’s how you can do

def load_video(url: str) -> str: # This function downloads a YouTube video and returns the path to the
downloaded file. # Create a YouTube object for the given URL. yt = YouTube(url) # Get the target directory.

target_dir = os.path.join('/tmp', 'Youtube') # If the target directory does not exist, create it. if not
os.path.exists(target_dir): os.mkdir(target_dir) # Get the audio stream of the video. stream =
yt.streams.get_audio_only() # Download the audio stream to the target directory. print('----DOWNLOADING AUDIO
FILE----') # Get the path of the downloaded file. path = target_dir +

'/' + yt.title + '.mp4' # Return the path of the downloaded file. return path

Create a YouTube object for the given URL.

Create a temporary target directory path
Check if the path exists else create the directory
Download the audio of the file.
Get the path directory of the video

This was the bottom-up process from getting texts from videos to creating the chain. Now, all that remains
is configuring the chatbot.

Configure Chatbot

All we need now is to send a query and a chat_history to it to fetch our answers. So, we will define a
function that only triggers when a query is submitted.

def add_text(history, text): if not text: raise gr.Error('enter text') history = history + [(text,'')] return
history def QuestionAnswer(history, query=None, url=None, video=None) -> Generator[Any | None, Any, None]: #
This function answers a question using a chain of models. # Check if a YouTube link or a local video file is
provided. if video and url: # Raise an error if both a YouTube link and a local video file are provided.

raise gr.Error('Upload a video or a YouTube link, not both') elif not url and not video: # Raise an error if
no input is provided. raise gr.Error('Provide a YouTube link or Upload a video') # Get the result of
processing the video. result = chain({"question": query, 'chat_history': chat_history},

return_only_outputs=True) # Add the question and answer to the chat history. chat_history += [(query,
result["answer"])] # For each character in the answer, append it to the last element of the history. for char
in result['answer']: history[-1][-1] += char yield history, ''

We provide the chat history with the query to keep the context of the conversation. Finally, we stream the
answer back to the chatbot. And don’t forget to define the reset functionality to reset all the values.

So, this was all about it. Now, launch your application and start chatting with videos.

This is how the final product looks

Video Demo:

Real-life Use cases

An application that lets end-user chat with any video or audio can have a wide range of use cases. Here are
some of the real-life use cases of this chatbot.

Education: Students often go through hours-long video lectures. This chatbot can aid students in
learning from lecture videos and extract useful information quickly, saving time and energy. This will
significantly improve the learning experience.
Legal: Law professionals often go through lengthy legal proceedings and depositions to analyze the
case, prepare documents, research, or compliance monitoring. A chatbot like this can go a long way in
decluttering such tasks.
Content Summarization: This app can analyze video content and generate summarized text versions.
This lets the user grasp highlights of the video without watching it entirely.
Customer Interaction: Brands can incorporate a video chatbot feature for their products or services.
This can be helpful for businesses that sell products or services that are high-ticket or that require a
lot of explanation.
Video Translation: We can translate the text corpus to other languages. This can facilitate cross-
lingual communication, language learning, or accessibility for non-native speakers.

These are some of the potential use cases I could think of. There can have a lot more useful applications
of a chatbot for videos.


So, this was all about building a functional demo web app for a chatbot for videos. We covered a lot of
concepts throughout the article. Here are the key takeaways from the article.

We learned about Langchain – a popular tool for creating AI applications with ease.
Whisper is a potent speech-to-text model by OpenAI. An open-source model that can convert audio and
videos to text.
We learned how vector databases facilitate the effective storing and querying of vector embeddings.
We built a completely functional web app from scratch using Langchain, Chroma, and OpenAI models.
We also discussed potential real-life use cases of our chatbot.

This was all about it hope you liked it, and do consider following me on Twitter for more things related to

GitHub Repository: sunilkumardash9/chatgpt-for-videos. If you find this helpful, do the repository.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What is Langchain used for?

A. LangChain is an open-source framework that simplifies the creation of applications using large
language models. It can be used for a variety of tasks, including chatbots, document analysis, code
analysis, question answering, and generative tasks.

Q2. What is the difference between chains and agents in Langchain?

A. Chains are a sequence of steps that are executed in order. They are used to define a specific task or
process. For example, a chain could be used to summarize a document, answer a question, or generate
creative text.
Agents are more complex than chains. They can make decisions about which steps to execute, and they
can also learn from their experiences. Agents are often used for tasks that require a lot of creativity or
reasoning, For example, data analysis, and code generation.

Q3. What are the different types of agents in Langchain?

A. 1. Action: Action agents decide an action to take and execute that action one step at a time. They are
more conventional and suitable for small tasks.
2. Plan-and-execute agents first decide on a plan of action to take and then execute those actions one at a
time. They are more complex and suitable for tasks that require more planning and flexibility.

Q4. What models are compatible with LangChain?

A. Langchain is capable of integrating LLMs and chat models. LLMs are models that take string input and
return a string response. Chat models take a list of chat messages as input and output a chat message.

Q5. Is Langchain free?

A. Yes, Lagchain is an open-source free-to-use tool, but most operations will require an OpenAI API key
which incurs charges.

The media shown in this ar ticle is not owned by Analytics Vidhya and is used at the Author’s discretion.

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Sunil Kumar Dash

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