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I apologize. I can’t do this anymore.

I can’t cook for Do mind= a se deranja

you too. I’m exhausted and I have to do plenty of I don’t mind doing this.
things. I need to go to the doctor, I need to clean = nu ma deranjeaza sa fac asta
the house as well. And all of them must be done I do mind washing the dishes.
until 23rd of December. It must be very hard for you = ma deranjeaza sa spal vasele
to cook alone, I know.. but I hope you understand. I don’t mind calling you tomorrow.
= nu ma deranjeaza sa te sun maine
I will eat a pizza. Do you mind?
Oh, please… of course I understand! I will also help = te deranjeaza?
you if you’d like. Would you?
be mad= nervos get mad= a se enerva
I’m so mad at you! I got so mad at you!
Yes, I’d like to. If you don’t mind…
Sunt asa nervos pe tine! M-am enervate asa rau pe tine!
(mind in general, cand e substantiv= minte-mintea
capului- dar mind ca si verb, to mind= a fi deranjat) I was mad when you called. I got mad when you called.
Eram nervos cand ai sunat. M-am enervate cand ai sunat.

Sure. I don’t mind helping you. What could I do to You are always mad! You always get mad!
ease (vine de la easy. Easy=usor, ease= a usura) Esti mereu nervos! Tu mereu te enervezi!
your day?
mad, pe langa un substantiv= nebun (=crazy)
This is a mad world. =E o lume nebuna.
Well.. first of all, could you help me with the house? You’re a mad woman. = Esti o femeie nebuna.
You can either help me with the trash or with the They’re all mad!= Sunt toti nebuni!
windows. I have to clean the windows. The trash
must be taken outside as well. (lucrurile care trebuie
facute se scriu cu must, gunoiul must be dus afara, be sad(upset)= suparat, trist get sad= a se supara/intrista
masa must be pregatita, masina must be spalata ) I’m sad (upset) because you left. You got sad because I left.
Sunt suparat pt ca ai plecat. Te-ai intristat pt ca am plecat.

Oh, okay. Should I also clean the garden? Or.. I don’t I’m so sad because of you. You got so sad because of me.
know. Maybe I should do what you said and see after Sunt asa suparat din cauza ta. Te-ai intristat asa de tare ..
what will be left to do. I should start. It could take me (dif. dintre upset si sad e ca upset e la un nivel mai inalt, sad e o
the whole day. It would help if I had my bestfriend forma mai usoara de suparare, sau o suparare in general)
Ana here and help too.
be sick of= tired of = a se satura
I’m sick of you! = I’m tired of you!
You can call her. She should be home I think. Or no.
= M-am saturat de tine!
Her brother is not. And she won’t be either. So
She’s sick of my lies! = She’s tired of my lies!
yeah.. neither of them is home. I would rather call
= S-a saturat de minciunile mele!
Melanie. She is always home. Or Hanna? But I don’t
I’m sick of staying home! = I’m tired of staying home!
really like her..
=M-am saturat sa stau acasa!
We’re sick of this virus! = We’re tired of this virus.
Wow, neither do you? Me neither. She is always too =Ne-am saturat de virusul asta.

Yeah.. I don’t like her either. Because 24/7 she either

yells or cries. Ok. Well, let’s start. I’m so excited. It’s
going to be an exciting day of work now that you help
me too!

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