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Lunar International College

School of Business

Department of Marketing Management

Inclusiveness assignment

Name Eyob Birku

Id 0024/12
1. How can we educate people with visual impairment?

There are many ways to educate people with visual impairment.

1. Supplement visual material with clear verbal explanation: When

teaching, it’s important to provide clear verbal explanations of any visual
materials used. This can help students with visual impairments understand
the content better .
2. Use concrete material and hands-on experience whenever possible:
Concrete materials and hands-on experiences can help students with visual
impairments understand abstract concepts better .
3. Increase oral activities: Oral activities such as discussions, debates, and
presentations can help students with visual impairments participate more
actively in the classroom .
4. Allow more time to complete tasks and provide breaks to combat
fatigue: Students with visual impairments may need more time to complete
tasks than their sighted peers. Providing breaks can help them combat
fatigue .
5. Do not lower expectations because the student has a visual impairment:
It’s important to have high expectations for all students, regardless of their
abilities .

2. What will be the consequences if we do not educate them?

Not educating people with visual impairment can have short- and
long-term consequences. For instance, students with visual
impairments may experience delayed cognitive skill development and
physiological regression in development or a delayed socialization
effect . In addition, students with visual impairments may face
challenges in accessing academic subjects such as Mathematics,
Science, and Physical Education . Although students with visual
impairments seem to be studying at or above their grade level, their
exclusion from participation in classroom activities is apparent .
Unfortunately, these challenges lead to short- and long-term
consequences. It is important to increase accessibility to subjects by
providing general education teachers with a generic set of effective
pedagogical strategies, effective teaching-learning tools, and external
support . The importance of teacher training and a holistic support
system were emphasized .

3. What will be the consequences if we exclude them from all

walks of life?
Excluding people with visual impairment from all walks of life can
have a significant impact on their quality of life. According to
the World Health Organization (WHO), adults with vision
impairment can experience lower rates of employment and higher
rates of depression and anxiety. In the case of older adults, vision
impairment can contribute to social isolation, difficulty walking, a
higher risk of falls and fractures, and a greater likelihood of early
entry into nursing or care homes 1.
In addition, sustaining a visual impairment may have a substantial
impact on various life domains such as work, interpersonal relations,
mobility, and social and mental well-being . People affected will
mourn their loss of vision and associated losses including their job,
leisure activities, and independence and may go through various
phases of grief, which include denial, anger, depression, bargaining,
and acceptance . Positive or negative mechanisms of adjustment, also
termed coping strategies, can help individuals to master their
impairment. Broadly speaking, we can distinguish between adaptive
coping strategies such as seeing a counsellor and goal setting or
maladaptive coping strategies including social withdrawal and
substance misuse .
It is important to increase accessibility to subjects by providing
general education teachers with a generic set of effective pedagogical
strategies, effective teaching-learning tools, and external
support . The importance of teacher training and a holistic support
system were emphasized .
4. What support they demand for education, work and living
daily life?

People with visual impairment may require different types of support

for education, work, and daily life. Here are some examples:
1. Assistive technology: Assistive technology such as screen readers,
magnifiers, and Braille displays can help people with visual
impairments access information and perform tasks .
2. Orientation and mobility training: Orientation and mobility training
can help people with visual impairments navigate their environment
safely and independently .
3. Counseling and support groups: Counseling and support groups
can help people with visual impairments cope with the emotional
impact of their condition .
4. Employment services: Employment services can help people with
visual impairments find jobs that match their skills and interests .
5. Accessible transportation: Accessible transportation can help people
with visual impairments travel to work, school, or other destinations
safely and independently .
6. Accessible housing: Accessible housing can help people with visual
impairments live independently by providing features such as Braille
labels, tactile markings, and audio cues .
7. Social services: Social services such as meal delivery, housekeeping,
and personal care can help people with visual impairments maintain
their independence .

5. What is your role as an individual and group to create

As a college student, you can play a role in creating inclusiveness by
being aware of your own biases and taking steps to overcome
them. For example, you can educate yourself about different cultures
and perspectives, be open to feedback from others, and actively seek
out opportunities to learn from people who are different from you .
As a group, it’s important to create a culture of inclusiveness by
promoting diversity and equity in the classroom. This can be achieved
by providing training on diversity and inclusion, creating student
resource groups, and ensuring that all students feel valued and
respected . In addition, it’s important to ensure that policies and
practices are inclusive and that everyone has equal access to
opportunities for growth and development .

6. How persons with behavioral disorder should employed and

live independent life?

People with behavioral disorders can be employed and live an

independent life. Here are some tips that can help:
1. Seek professional help: It’s important to seek professional help from
a mental health provider who can provide a diagnosis and
recommend appropriate treatment .
2. Develop coping skills: Developing coping skills such as relaxation
techniques, mindfulness, and cognitive-behavioral therapy can help
people with behavioral disorders manage their symptoms and
improve their quality of life .
3. Find a supportive work environment: Finding a supportive work
environment that accommodates the needs of people with behavioral
disorders can help them thrive in the workplace .
4. Consider vocational training: Vocational training programs can help
people with behavioral disorders develop the skills they need to
succeed in the workplace .
5. Join support groups: Joining support groups can help people with
behavioral disorders connect with others who share similar
experiences and provide emotional support .
6. Develop a routine: Developing a routine can help people with
behavioral disorders manage their symptoms and improve their
overall well-being .
7. Take care of physical health: Taking care of physical health by
eating a healthy diet, getting regular exercise, and getting enough
sleep can help people with behavioral disorders manage their
symptoms and improve their quality of life .

7. How can persons with behavioral disorder lead independent

life in the community?
The person with a behavioral disorder leads an independent life in the
community by not being familiar with large or moderate social
institutions, background, and unconsciousness about social structure
and functions.
8. Describe the effect of attitude on the move towards inclusion?

Attitude plays a crucial role in the move towards inclusion. According

to a study conducted by the Queensland University of Technology,
even general education teachers with positive attitudes towards
inclusion are reluctant in practice to have students with disabilities in
their classrooms. The study also found that 41.37% of general
education teachers had positive attitudes towards inclusion programs,
while 55.16% were unwilling to actually participate.
Public attitudes towards people with disabilities can be a key
facilitator or a serious barrier to their inclusion and participation in
society. The National Disability Authority states that negative
attitudes towards people with disabilities can lead to social exclusion,
discrimination, and marginalization.
Inclusive education requires the involvement and collaboration of
educational professionals. While educational professionals accept the
educational rights of children with disabilities and the principle of
inclusion, there remain significant barriers to achieving these
ideals. Inclusion entails a restructuring of mainstream schooling to
accommodate every child irrespective of ability or disability.
It is important to note that changing attitudes is not an easy task.
However, it is essential to promote positive attitudes towards people
with disabilities and create an inclusive environment for them. A
review of teachers’ sentiments and attitudes in inclusive education
found that pre-service teachers’ experience with people with
disabilities has a significant relationship with their attitudes and
sentiment about inclusive education.

9. List different types of disabilities and vulnerability.

1. Visual impairment
2. Hearing impairment
3. Specific learning disability
4. Speech and Language Impairments
5. Autism
6. Emotional and Behavioral Disorders
7. Intellectual Disability
8. Physical disability/Orthopedic Impairment and Health
impairment Vulnerability

10. How can schools create inclusive education for students

with intellectual disabilities?
Students with disabilities should receive reasonable
accommodations within the classroom. Schools should address the
academic, social, and life skills needs of each student. If
needed, alternative learning methods should be used, such as braille
instruction or alternative communication devices.

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