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Servicios en red (Módulo 2º SMR) Septiembre 2023

Vim Editor Exercises

Do the following exercises and check that the result is correct:

1. Create a new file (vim holamundo)

2. Change to insert mode (i)
3. Enter text
4. Switch to command mode (ESC key)
5. Write file and exit vim (:wq)
6. In the command line type (vim holamundo)
7. Open file for editting (vim holamundo)
8. Append text folowing the current cursor position (a)
9. Open up a new line following the current line and add text there (o)
10. Try cursor movement commands (h, l, k,j)
11. Move cursor to the end of current line ($)
12. Move cursor to the beginning of current line (O)
13. Forward one word (w)
14. Backward one word (b)
15. Write file to disk and quit the editor (:wq)
16. Quit no warning (:q!)
17. Delete a character (x)
18. Delete to end of line (d$)
19. Copy current line (yy)
20. Paste below cursor (p)
21. Undo last change (u)
22. Restore line (U)

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