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J Vet Intern Med 2006;20:20–31

Toxic Neutrophils in Cats: Clinical and Clinicopathologic Features,

and Disease Prevalence and Outcome—A Retrospective Case
Control Study
Gilad Segev, Eyal Klement, and Itamar Aroch

Toxic neutrophils exhibit a variety of nuclear and cytoplasmic abnormalities in Romanowsky-stained blood smears, and are
associated with inflammation and infection. The purpose of the retrospective study reported here was to investigate the
association of toxic neutrophils with clinicopathologic characteristics, diseases, and prognosis in cats. Cats with toxic
neutrophils (n 5 150) were compared with negative-control cats (n 5 150). Statistical analyses included Fisher exact,
independent t-, nonparametric Mann-Whitney, and x2 tests. Cats with toxic neutrophils had significantly (P , .05) higher
prevalence of fever, icterus, vomiting, diarrhea, depression, dehydration, weakness, and cachexia, as well as leukocytosis,
neutrophilia, left shift, neutropenia, anemia, hypokalemia, and hypocalcemia. The prevalence of shock, sepsis, panleukopenia,
peritonitis, pneumonia, and upper respiratory tract diseases was significantly higher among these cats, as were infectious (viral
and bacterial) and metabolic disorders. Control cats had a significantly higher prevalence of feline asthma, as well as allergic,
idiopathic, and vascular disorders. Hospitalization duration and treatment cost were significantly (P , .001) higher in cats
with toxic neutrophils. In 53 and 47% of the cats with toxic neutrophils, the leukocyte and neutrophil counts were normal,
respectively, whereas in 43%, both abnormalities and left shift were absent, and toxic neutrophils were the only hematologic
evidence of inflammation or infection. In conclusion, toxic neutrophils were found to be associated with certain
clinicopathologic abnormalities, and when present, may aid in the diagnosis, as well as the assessment of hospitalization
duration and cost. The evaluation of blood smears for toxic neutrophils provided useful clinical information.
Key words: Hematology; Hospitalization duration; Inflammation; Leukocytes.

he term ‘‘toxic neutrophil’’ refers to a neutrophil cytoplasm, with loss of granule uniformity up to an
T with certain specific morphologic abnormalities
observed on examination of Romanowsky-stained
intensively foamy cytoplasm, and is thought to be
a result of autodigestion or disruption of cell membrane
peripheral blood smears. These changes occur during integrity, or both.2,3 Vacuolation may occur as a conse-
the maturation process in the bone marrow under quence of potassium ethylenediaminetetracetic acid
certain conditions or in association with certain dis- (EDTA) storage artifact, but it rarely occurs in freshly
eases.1 Most of these changes are cytoplasmic, but obtained samples. Nuclear toxic changes include vacu-
nuclear changes and changes in cell size or shape also olation, polyploidy, hyposegmentation and ring forma-
may occur.2,3 Cytoplasmic changes are most prevalent tion, karyorhexis, and karyolysis. Formation of giant
and important, and include Döhle bodies, increased neutrophils represents additional toxic change, and is
basophilia, toxic granulation, and vacuolation.2,3 Döhle a result of skipped cellular divisions during the
bodies are grayish-to-blue cytoplasmic inclusions that maturation process.2,3
are the result of lamellar retention and aggregation of Observation of toxic neutrophils in peripheral blood
rough endoplasmatic reticulum.4,5 Remnants of RNA may precede changes in the leukogram.7 Therefore, their
and ribosomes lead to increased basophilia that appears presence may serve as an early sensitive indicator of
as a bluish-gray to dark-blue cytoplasm, as opposed to disease, and aid in the prediction of disease course and
the normal neutral-staining cytoplasm of the cell. Toxic outcome. Evaluation of toxic neutrophils is simple and
granulation refers to the presence of azurophilic cost effective; a Romanowsky staining solution and light
granules in the neutrophil’s cytoplasm, and is attributed microscope are the only necessary pieces of equipment.
to acid mucopolysaccharide retention, and increased This procedure can be performed quickly in any facility,
permeability of primary granules to Romanowsky and the results may be obtained before a CBC is
stains.4,5 Toxic granulation is uncommon in cats, but available. Evaluation of blood smears for toxic neu-
its prevalence is unknown, and it must be differentiated trophils potentially may provide the clinician with
from the eosinophilic granules present in some Birman valuable information concerning the components of
cats, granules in animals with certain lysosomal storage the differential diagnosis to be considered, as well as
disorders, and other congenital or infectious disease severity of the disease, and it may be useful in the
inclusions.6 Vacuolation appears as mildly reticulated assessment of prognosis. Evaluation of neutrophil
morphology provides additional, complementary data
From the School of Veterinary Medicine (Segev, Klement, to that of the CBC.
Aroch); and the Section of Epidemiology (Klement), School of The morphology of toxic neutrophils is well docu-
Veterinary Medicine, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel. mented, under light and electron microscopy,7,8 but was
Reprint requests: Itamar Aroch, School of Veterinary Medicine, only described in several isolated feline case reports.9 To
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Rehovot 76100 Israel; e-mail:
our knowledge, studies of its clinical relevance and
Submitted November 30, 2004; Revised March 8, 2005; Accepted
association with disease conditions in cats have not been
July 25, 2005. published. The objective of the study reported here was
Copyright E 2006 by the American College of Veterinary Internal to investigate the association of toxic neutrophils in cats
Medicine with clinical findings and disease prevalence and out-
0891-6640/06/2001-0003/$3.00/0 come.
Feline Toxic Neutrophils 21

Materials and Methods

Selection of Cases and Collection of Data
Clinical records of cats presented to the Department of Small
Animal Internal Medicine at the Hebrew University Veterinary
Teaching Hospital (HUVTH) were reviewed retrospectively. One-
hundred fifty cats with evidence of toxic neutrophils (eg, Döhle
bodies, basophilia, vacuolation or foaminess, toxic granulation,
giant toxic neutrophils) on examination of Mäy-Grünwald-Giemsa
(MGG)-stained peripheral blood smears were included in the study
(defined as cats with toxic neutrophils). These cats were compared
with a randomly selected equal number of cats from the same
period (the next cat within a 14-day interval after a cat with toxic
neutrophils was presented), admitted to the Department of Small
Animal Internal Medicine at the HUVTH that presented with no
evidence of toxic neutrophils on examination of MGG-stained
peripheral blood smears. The examination of all blood smears was
performed by a single clinician (IA) before case selection for the
The data collected from hospital records included signalment,
history, physical examination findings, clinicopathologic findings,
diagnosis, hospitalization duration, treatment cost, and 30-day
survival. Nonsurvivor cats included those that died naturally or
were euthanized within the hospitalization period or within 30 days
from discharge. The total number of diagnoses in each group
exceeded the number of cats, because a cat may have had more
than 1 diagnosis during a single visit. Specific diseases were
classified into the following categories: allergic, anatomic, de-
generative, developmental, infectious-bacterial, infectious-viral, Fig 1. Cytoplasmic toxic morphologic changes in feline neutro-
infectious-parasitic, inflammatory (presumed noninfectious), im- phils. (a) Toxic neutrophils from a cat with Mycoplasma hemofelis
mune-mediated, idiopathic, iatrogenic, metabolic, neoplastic, infection. Neutrophils contain Döhle bodies (solid arrows) and
nutritional, traumatic, toxic, and vascular. In all cats of this study, moderate cytoplasmic basophilia. Notice band neutrophil (open
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) and dilated cardiomyopathy arrowheads) with mild cytoplasmic basophilia (solid arrowhead).
(DCM) were classified as idiopathic, because the history excluded (b) Large toxic neutrophil with marked cytoplasmic basophilia
familial causes (for both diseases) or taurine deficiency (for DCM). from the cat in a. (c) Neutrophil from a cat with acute pancreatitis,
Obstructive and nonobstructive feline lower urinary tract diseases Notice ring-shaped nucleus and moderate cytoplasmic basophilia.
(FLUTD) also were classified as idiopathic, when urinary tract (d) Two neutrophils with moderate cytoplasmic basophilia (open
infection (classified as infectious), and crystalluria or urolithiasis arrowheads), a large Döhle body (solid arrow), and a normal
(both classified as metabolic) were excluded. Feline asthma was monocyte (asterisk) from the cat in a. (e) Neutrophils from the cat
classified as allergic, whereas acute renal failure (ARF) was in a, with mild (solid arrow), moderate (open arrowhead), and
regarded as a metabolic disorder. High rise syndrome, bite wounds, marked (white arrowhead) cytoplasmic basophilia. The last was
head trauma, and road traffic car accident were classified as defined as a toxic giant band neutrophil. Giemsa stain; bars 5
mechanical trauma. 10 mm (original magnification, 6003).

Laboratory Tests
(ALT), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), albumin, amylase, aspartate
On admission, blood samples for a CBC were collected in transaminase (AST), calcium, chloride, creatinine, creatine kinase
potassium EDTA-containing tubes, and analyses were performed (CK), c-glutamyltranferase (c-GT), glucose, lactate dehydrogenase
within 15 minutes of sample collection (to avoid EDTA storage (LDH), phosphorus, potassium, sodium, total protein (TP), total
artifacts) by automatic impedance cell analyzers,a,b calibrated for bilirubin, triglycerides, and urea. Ionized calcium and ionized
feline blood. Blood smears for differential leukocyte counting and magnesium concentrations were measured by an electrolyte
morphologic evaluation were prepared within 30 minutes of sample analyzer.d
collection. The differential count was obtained by manually
counting 100 leukocytes in MGG-stained blood smears. Hemato-
logic variables in the automated CBC included red blood cell
Definition of Toxic Neutrophils
(RBC) count, hemoglobin concentration, hematocrit, mean cor- The severity of toxic neutrophil presence was assessed sub-
puscular volume (MCV), mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH), jectively and semiquantitatively on the basis of cytoplasmic toxic
mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC), and white changes (eg, foaminess, basophilia, Döhle bodies, toxic granula-
blood cell (WBC) count. Nucleated red blood cells (NRBC) were tion, giant toxic neutrophils) on examination of a single MGG-
counted manually (as NRBC/100 WBC) when observed, and the stained blood smear for each case (Figs 1, 2). Each individual type
WBC count was corrected for them.10 of toxic change was assigned 1 of 3 final grade scores of
Blood for biochemical analysis, when performed, was collected morphologic abnormality: mild, moderate, or marked (scores 1,
in plain tubes, and serum was separated by centrifugation of the 2, and 3, respectively). The final grade of each type of toxic change
sample within 1 hour after collection. Sera were stored at 4uC was a combination of a quantitative assessment of the percentage
pending analysis, which was performed within 24 hours of sample of affected neutrophils (,10% 5 mild, 10–30% 5 moderate, .30%
collection by means of a wet chemistry autoanalyzer.c The 5 marked), and a qualitative grade of the intensity of each of the
measured biochemical variables included alanine transaminase individual toxic scores for each morphologic change (Table 1).
22 Segev, Klement, and Aroch

Table 1. Grade of individual toxic changes in

Cells affected in peripheral blood
smear (%)
Morphologic change
intensityb ,10 10–30 .30
Döhle bodies
Mild 1 1 1
Moderate 1 1 2
Marked 2 2 3
Cytoplasmic basophilia
Mild 1 1 2
Moderate 2 2 3
Marked 2 3 3
Cytoplasmic vacuolation
Mild 1 1 2
Moderate 2 2 3
Marked 2 3 3
Giant toxic neutrophils 3 3 3
Overall toxic score is the sum of all individual toxic grades.
See text for details.

Mild cytoplasmic basophilia was defined as presence of a non-

uniform grayish to light-blue cytoplasm in the neutrophils (Figs 1a,
2b), whereas a uniformly light-blue cytoplasm was judged as
a moderately abnormal change (Figs 1a, c, d, e). The presence of
a uniformly blue to dark-blue cytoplasm was considered a marked
abnormality (Figs 1a, b, e); presence of 1–2 small Döhle bodies/cell
was judged as a mild abnormality (Fig 1a), whereas presence of 3–4
Döhle bodies was ranked as a moderate abnormality (Fig 2a); and
a large prominent Döhle body (Figure 1d), more than 4 Döhle
bodies per cell (Fig 2a), or both were judged as a marked
The presence of cytoplasmic vacuolation was classified into 3
categories. Mild vacuolation was defined as loss in cytoplasm
clarity and neutral-stained granules, whereas a moderate change
was defined as observation of small cytoplasmic vacuoles.
Appearance of intense vacuolation with grayish reticulation was
classified as severe cytoplasmic vacuolation. The presence of giant
toxic neutrophils was considered a marked abnormality (Fig 1e).
For assessment of overall neutrophil toxic change in a smear, the
sum of all scores of the individual morphologic abnormalities in
neutrophils was calculated. Mild overall neutrophil toxic change
included a sum of scores of 1–6. Moderate toxic change included
a total score of 7–12, whereas a total score .12 was classified as
marked toxic change.

Statistical Analysis
Normality of interval variables was assessed with P-P plots.
Descriptive statistics are presented as median with interquartile
range (IQR) for all variables. The prevalence for each variable was
calculated separately within the study and the control groups.
Prevalence ratio with its 95% confidence interval was calculated for
each variable. Results for nominal variables from the 2 groups were
compared by means of the x2 (clinicopathologic data) and Fisher
exact (all other data) tests. Interval variables were compared by an
independent t-test (if they were normally distributed) or by the
nonparametric Mann-Whitney test (if they were not normally
Fig 2. Cytoplasmic toxic morphologic changes in feline neutro-
phils. (a) Toxic neutrophils from a cat with septicemia. Notice
two (solid arrow) and multiple (solid arrowhead) Döhle bodies r
and mild cytoplasmic basophilia. (b) Toxic neutrophils from
a cat with panleukopenia. Notice mild basophilia (solid arrowhead) neutrophils. Giemsa stain; bars 5 10 mm (original magnification,
and toxic granulation (open arrowheads). (c) Normal feline 6003).
Feline Toxic Neutrophils 23

Table 2. Prevalence of selected clinical signs of disease in cats with toxic neutrophils and in controls.
Clinical sign Toxica Controlb PR CI95% P-value
Tachypnea (.30 breaths/min) 80 88 0.91 0.74–1.11 .42
Anorexia 49 35 1.40 0.97–2.03 .09
Depression* 34 19 1.78 1.07–2.99 .03
Dyspnea 30 31 0.97 0.62–1.51 1.00
Vomiting* 30 13 2.31 1.25–4.25 .008
Hypothermia #37.5uC) 29 27 1.07 0.67–1.72 .88
Weakness* 28 13 2.15 1.16–3.99 .02
Dehydration* 24 10 2.4 1.19–4.84 .02
Diarrhea* 21 9 2.33 1.11–4.93 .03
Fever ($39.5uC)* 21 9 2.33 1.11–4.93 .03
Pale mucus membranes 19 13 1.46 0.75–2.85 .35
Salivation* 10 1 10.00 1.30–77.15 .01
Icterus* 9 1 9.00 1.15–70.16 .02
Increased lung sounds 9 6 1.50 0.55–4.11 .60
Cachexia* 8 1 8.00 1.01–93.18 .04
Skeletal fracture 8 2 4.00 0.86–18.53 .10
Polyuria/polydipsia 8 11 0.73 0.30–1.76 .64
Abdominal mass 7 3 2.33 0.61–8.85 .34
Cough 7 5 1.40 0.45–4.31 .77
Abdominal pain 6 2 3.00 0.62–14.63 .28
Constipation 5 3 1.67 0.41–6.85 .73
Lymphadenopathy 5 2 2.50 0.49–12.69 .45
Hematuria 4 5 0.80 0.22–2.92 1.00
Stranguria 3 8 0.38 0.10–1.39 .22
Heart murmur 2 6 0.33 0.07–1.63 .28
Dysuria* 0 12 NA NA , .001

PR, Prevalence ratio; CI95%, 95% confidence interval; NA, not applicable.
Number of cats with toxic neutrophils.
Number of control cats.
Significant difference by the Fisher exact test (P , .05).

distributed). Differences in hospitalization duration were evaluated Cats with toxic neutrophils had significantly (P , .05)
for all surviving cats in both groups by survival analysis, and were lower RBC count, hemoglobin concentration, and
tested for statistical significance by the Gehan test.11 The same hematocrit (6.82 3 106/mL versus 7.72 3 106/mL,
comparison was performed separately for each specific diagnosis,
10.45 g/dL versus 11.75 g/dL, and 31.7% versus 35.2%,
when at least 5 surviving cats in each group were present (eg,
enteritis, feline immunodeficiency virus infection, mechanical respectively), and higher prevalence of anemia (hemat-
trauma, pneumonia). Multivariate analysis was performed with ocrit ,24%, 22.8% versus 7.7%, P 5 .0353 [Table 3]).
the Cox proportional hazards model. This model was applied to Cats with toxic neutrophils also had significantly (P ,
control for disease effect on hospitalization duration. For all tests .05) higher prevalence of macrocytosis (MCV .55 fL,
applied, differences were considered statistically significant when P 6.71% versus 1.3%, P , .001), although there was no
# .05. Statistical analysis was performed by means of 2 statistical significant difference in mean MCV between groups.
software programs.e,f Cats with toxic neutrophils had significantly (P , .05)
higher WBC and absolute neutrophil counts (18.52 3
Results 103/mL versus 13.16 3 103/mL, and 14.08 3 103/mL
Differences in age and sex between cats with toxic versus 9.85 3 103/mL, respectively). The prevalence of
neutrophils and control cats were not found. Differences neutrophilia and neutropenia also was significantly (P 5
were not found in mean body temperature, pulse, or .001) higher in cats with toxic neutrophils, compared
respiratory rate between groups (38.3uC versus 38.1uC, with controls (45.0% versus 25.5% and 10.1% versus
175 beats/min [bpm] versus 176 bpm, and 48 bpm versus 2.7%, respectively). Normal leukocyte and neutrophil
51 bpm, respectively). However, cats with toxic neutro- counts were observed in 53 and 47% of cats with toxic
phils had significantly (P , .05) higher prevalence of neutrophils, respectively, whereas leukocytosis with
increased body temperature (.39.5uC, 17.2% versus neutrophilia and left shift were absent in 43% of cats
8.3%). with toxic neutrophils. In 45% of affected cats,
Depression, dehydration, weakness, cachexia, diar- leukocytosis and left shift or neutrophilia and left shift
rhea, icterus, salivation, and vomiting were significantly were absent. Mean absolute band neutrophil counts
(P , .05) more prevalent in cats with toxic neutrophils. tended to be higher in cats with toxic neutrophils, but
Dysuria was the only clinical sign of disease that was did not achieve statistical significance (P 5 .082), and
significantly more prevalent in the control group prevalence of left shift was significantly higher in those
(Table 2). cats (28.9% versus 7.4%, P , .001).
24 Segev, Klement, and Aroch

Table 3. CBC results for cats with toxic neutrophils and for controls.
Cats with toxic neutrophils Control cats

Parameter Median IQR % ,RI % .RI Median IQR % ,RI % .RI RI

3 *
WBC count (10 /mL) 14.0 14.1 8.05 38.9 11.5 7.0 2.0 22.8 5.0–16.0
Corrected WBC count (103/mL)* 13.5 13.3 8.05 38.3 11.4 6.8 2.0 22.8 5.0–16.0
RBC count (106/mL)* 7.05 3.09 22.8 6.0 7.67 2.45 4.1 13.5 5.0–10.0
Hemoglobin (g/dL)* 10.6 5.1 27.5 8.1 11.8 3.9 8.7 13.4 8.0–15.0
Hematocrit (%)* 33.1 12.7 22.8 7.4 35.4 9.4 6.7 10.7 24.0–45.0
MCV (fL) 47.0 10.0 2.01 6.7 46.0 5.0 0.0 1.3 39.0–55.0
MCH (pg) 15.2 2.9 6.7 30.9 15.2 2.5 6.7 11.4 12.5–17.5
MCHC (g/dL) 32.3 3.5 20.1 10.1 32.5 3.0 12.2 13.5 30.0–36.0
Neutrophils (103/mL)* 10.07 12.21 10.1 45.0 8.33 6.41 2.7 25.5 3.0–11.5
Band neutrophils (103/mL) 0.00 0.50 0.0 28.9 0.00 0.00 0.0 2.0 0.0–0.3
Nucleated RBC (103/mL) 0.00 4.00 0.0 16.0 0.00 0.00 0.0 9.3 0.0–0.0
Monocytes (103/mL) 0.44 0.56 12.8 8.1 0.39 0.43 17.4 3.4 0.15–1.3
Lymphocytes (103/mL) 1.19 1.45 38.9 6.0 1.58 1.86 30.2 6.7 1.0–4.8
Eosinophils (103/mL) 0.18 0.60 38.9 10.7 0.40 0.81 24.8 12.1 0.10–1.25
Basophils (103/mL) 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.00–0.24

RI, reference interval; IQR, interquartile range; RBC, red blood cell; MCV, mean cell volume; MCH, mean cell hemoglobin; MCHC,
mean cell hemoglobin concentration.
Significant difference by the x2 test (P , .05).

Cats with toxic neutrophils had significantly higher statistical significance (P 5 .056 and P 5 .071,
mean serum activity of AST and significantly (P , .05) respectively). Mean sodium concentration tended to be
lower mean serum activity of ALP, as well as lower in cats with toxic neutrophils, but the value did
significantly lower mean concentration of total calcium not achieve statistical significance (P 5 .072 [Table 4]).
and potassium. Compared with control cats, those with Cats with toxic neutrophils also had a significantly (P ,
toxic neutrophils tended to have higher mean serum CK .05) higher prevalence of hyperbilirubinemia (P 5 .002),
and LDH activities, but the differences did not achieve hypocalcemia (P 5 .038), hypokalemia (P 5 .012), and

Table 4. Serum biochemical values in cats with toxic neutrophils and in controls.
Cats with neutrophil toxicity Control cats

Parameter n Median IQR % ,RI % .RI n Median IQR % ,RI % .RI RI

Albumin (g/dl) 45 3.10 0.75 17.8 0.0 42 3.10 0.53 7.1 0.0 2.6–4.0
ALP (U/L)* 44 28 35 9.1 0.0 42 44 44 9.5 4.8 13–140
ALT (U/L) 73 45 51 2.7 42.5 69 49 56 1.4 40.4 10–50
Amylase (U/L) 43 608 399 11.6 23.3 41 607 403 4.9 31.7 340–800
AST (U/L)* 45 45 63.5 4.4 44.4 42 30 39 2.4 12.9 14–50
Chloride (mEq/L) 38 113.4 9.1 2.6 28.9 38 115.2 5.6 5.3 31.6 102–117
Cholesterol (mg/dL) 44 127 93 38.6 15.9 42 153 87 23.8 4.8 120–260
Creatine kinase (U/L) 42 476 1339 2.4 81.0 42 218 540 0.0 66.7 13–100
Creatinine (mg/dL) 76 1.29 1.7 2.7 37.3 80 1.36 1.0 0.0 38.7 0.5–1.6
Total calcium (mg/dl)* 43 9.2 1.2 25.6 2.3 42 9.7 1.1 7.1 2.4 8.7–11.8
c-GT (U/L) 44 1.8 1.8 22.7 0.0 41 1.7 1.9 29.3 0.3 1.0–10.0
Globulin (g/dL) 44 4.3 1.0 0.0 79.5 41 3.8 1.2 4.8 64.3 1.9–3.5
Glucose (mg/dL) 37 122.0 60 8.1 73.0 38 143.0 98 5.3 65.8 70–110
LDH (U/L) 43 738 918 0.0 82.1 41 516 634 0.0 61.0 34–360
Potassium (mEq/L)* 69 3.91 0.93 42.9 1.4 62 4.24 0.91 22.6 11.3 3.8–5.6
Total protein (g/dL) 44 7.3 1.6 2.3 40.9 41 7.0 1.4 4.9 29.3 5.5–7.5
Phosphate (mg/L) 42 4.10 7.00 16.7 14.3 38 4.72 6.00 2.6 21.1 2.5–6.2
Sodium (mEq/L) 66 148.0 9.7 9.0 28.4 58 151.60 5.57 3.4 24.1 140.0–154.0
Total bilirubin (mg/dL) 47 0.39 0.92 2.1 40.4 39 0.24 0.18 2.6 10.3 0.10–0.60
Triglycerides (mg/dL) 38 86 110 13.2 31.6 35 57 68 14.3 25.7 40–100
Urea (mg/dL) 86 55.3 59.2 1.2 71.4 90 57.6 56.0 2.2 80.0 21–40
Ionized calcium (mmol/L) 43 1.17 0.18 30.2 2.3 30 1.16 0.16 26.7 3.3 1.1–1.4
Ionized magnesium (mmol/L) 41 0.54 0.17 9.8 31.7 30 0.52 0.18 13.3 33.3 0.4–0.6

IQR, Interquartile range; RI, reference interval; ALP, alkaline phosphatase; ALT, alanine transaminase; ASP, aspartate transaminase; c-
GT, c-glutamyltransferase; LDH, lactate dehydrogenase.
Significant difference by the x2 test (P , .05).
Feline Toxic Neutrophils 25

Table 5. Prevalence of selected diagnoses in cats with toxic neutrophils and in controls.
Diagnosis Toxica Controlb PR CI95% P-value
Mechanical trauma 19 23 0.83 0.47–1.45 .63
Pneumonia* 16 6 2.67 1.07–6.63 .04
Chronic renal failure 14 13 1.08 0.52–2.21 1.00
Enteritis 12 8 1.50 0.63–3.56 .49
Skeletal fracture 12 9 1.33 0.58–3.07 .65
Feline immunodeficiency virus infection 11 7 1.57 0.63–3.94 .47
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy 10 12 0.83 0.37–1.87 .82
Upper respiratory tract disease* 10 1 10.00 1.30–77.15 .01
Bite wounds 7 5 1.40 0.45–4.31 .77
Hepatic lipidosis 7 2 3.50 0.74–16.57 .17
Diabetic ketoacidosis 6 2 3.00 0.62–14.63 .28
Gastritis 6 3 2.00 0.51–7.85 .50
Gingivitis 6 6 1.00 0.33–3.03 1.00
Intestinal foreign body 6 2 3.00 0.62–14.63 .28
Peritonitis* 6 0 NA NA .03
Pleural effusion 6 1 6.00 0.73–49.24 .12
Acute renal failure 5 1 5.00 0.59–42.29 .21
Congestive heart failure 5 9 0.56 0.19–1.62 .41
Lymphoma 5 3 1.67 0.41–6.85 .72
Panleukopenia 5 0 NA NA .06
Sepsis 5 0 NA NA .06
Shock 5 0 NA NA .06
Nonobstructive FLUTD 4 9 0.44 0.14–1.41 .26
Obstructive FLUTD 4 12 0.33 0.11–1.01 .07
Pancreatitis 4 0 NA NA .12
Pneumothorax 4 4 1.00 0.25–3.92 1.00
Poisoning 4 3 1.33 0.30–5.86 1.00
Eosinophilic granuloma 3 4 0.75 0.17–3.29 1.00
Diabetes mellitus 0 5 NA NA .06
Feline asthma* 0 6 NA NA .03
Lung contusion 0 5 NA NA .06
Thromboembolism 0 5 NA NA .06

PR, prevalence ratio; CI95%, confidence interval; NA, not applicable; FLUTD, feline lower urinary tract disease.
Number of cats with toxic neutrophils.
Number of control cats.
Significant difference by the Fisher exact test (P , .05).

increased LDH activity (P 5 .038), whereas control cats Fig 3), and treatment cost ($357.1 versus $252.8,
had a higher prevalence of hyperkalemia (P 5 .019). respectively). This difference in hospitalization duration
Cats with toxic neutrophils had a significantly (P , also was highly significant when controlled for disease
.05) higher prevalence of pneumonia, sepsis, shock, and type by means of the Cox proportional hazards model
upper respiratory tract infections. Panleukopenia tended (adjusted hazards ratio 5 .32, P , .001). Comparison of
(P 5 .06) to be more prevalent in cats with toxic hospitalization duration between cats with toxic neu-
neutrophils, but the value did not achieve statistical trophils and controls also was done for specific diseases,
significance. Controls had a significantly (P 5 .03) if the number of cases in each group was $5. These
higher prevalence of feline asthma, and tended to have diseases included pneumonia (median 2.75 days versus
higher prevalence of thromboembolism and lung con- 0.83 days, respectively, P 5 .011), enteritis (median
tusions, but this difference did not achieve statistical 3.00 days versus 0.70 days, respectively, P 5 .002),
significance (P 5 .06 [Table 5]). Cats with toxic feline immunodeficiency virus infection (median
neutrophils had a significantly higher prevalence of 3.17 days versus 0.75 days, respectively, P 5 .013),
metabolic disorders (P 5 .05) and bacterial (P , .001) and mechanical trauma (median 3.33 days versus
and viral (P 5 .003) infections, whereas controls had 1.25 days, respectively, P , .001).
a significantly (P # .05) higher prevalence of allergic, Differences in mortality and treatment cost between
idiopathic, and vascular diseases (Table 6). cats with moderate-to-marked (total toxic score .6),
Differences in mortality were not found between cats compared with mild (total toxic score ,6) neutrophil
with toxic neutrophils and controls (20.0% versus 15.3%, toxic changes, were not found. However, significantly (P
respectively, P 5 .29). However, there was a significant 5 .007) longer hospitalization duration was found in
(P , .001) difference between cats with toxic neutrophils cats with moderate-to-marked (total toxic score .6),
and controls in median hospitalization duration for compared with mild (total toxic score ,6) neutrophil
surviving cats (3.0 days versus 1.1 days, respectively, toxic changes (median toxic score, 3.75 versus 2.61).
26 Segev, Klement, and Aroch

Table 6. Disease category prevalence in cats with toxic neutrophils and in controls.
Disease category Toxic (n)a Control (n)b PR CI95% P-value
Allergic 3 11 0.27 0.08–0.96 .05
Degenerative 13 7 1.86 0.76–4.52 .25
Developmental 2 3 0.67 0.11–3.93 1.00
Metabolic* 20 9 2.22 1.05–4.72 .05
Neoplasia 10 10 1.00 0.43–2.33 1.00
Nutritional 0 4 NA NA .12
Infectious bacterial* 67 30 2.23 1.55–3.22 , .001
Infectious viral* 28 10 2.80 1.41–5.56 .003
Infectious parasitic 4 5 0.80 0.22–2.92 1.00
Inflammatory 14 11 1.27 0.60–2.71 .67
Immune 0 0 NA NA 1.00
Idiopathic* 17 35 0.49 0.28–0.83 .009
Iatrogenic 0 1 NA NA 1.00
Traumatic 27 27 1.00 0.62–1.62 1.00
Anatomic 9 7 1.29 0.49–3.36 .80
Toxic 5 4 1.25 0.34–4.56 1.00
Vascular* 0 6 NA NA .03

PR, prevalence ratio; CI95%, 95% confidence interval; NA, not applicable.
Cats with toxic neutrophils.
control cats.
Significant difference by the Fisher exact test (P , .05).

Discussion tions.2,3 The results of the study reported here support

this observation, because cats with toxic neutrophils had
Observation of toxic neutrophils has been a well a significantly (P , .05) higher prevalence of systemic
known phenomenon in humans and animals, and its infectious conditions, such as peritonitis and pneumo-
morphologic characteristics are well described.2,3,7,8 nia, as well as a higher tendency, however insignificant
However, its association with specific disease conditions (P 5 .06), toward panleukopenia and sepsis, compared
has been described mostly in dogs, in a limited number with controls. Although some of these diseases may
of clinical case reports or series, and in animals with sometimes be localized, in most such cases admitted to
experimentally induced inflammation.8,12–18 Recently,
the HUVTH, the animals are systemically ill, requiring
toxic neutrophils in dogs were investigated in a large
intensive care and hospitalization. Some of these
retrospective study.20 In recent reports, toxic neutrophils
diseases are characterized by high tissue demands for
were associated with chloramphenicol toxicosis and
neutrophils attributable to inflammation, leading to
tularemia in cats.9,15
accelerated neutrophil production and maturation in the
Toxic neutrophils have been associated with systemic,
bone marrow, which may predispose the cells to
rather than localized infection and inflammatory condi-
disturbances and manifestation of toxic changes.19
Alternatively, inflammatory mediators and cytokines
may influence the neutrophil maturation process in the
bone marrow, resulting in toxic changes.
Cats with toxic neutrophils had more severe clinical
signs of disease and a wider variety of signs on
presentation, compared with controls, probably because
the former had more severe and systemic disorders. This
was manifested by a significantly (P , .05) higher
prevalence of cachexia, dehydration, depression, di-
arrhea, increased body temperature, icterus, salivation,
vomiting, weakness, and signs of shock (Table 2).
Increased body temperature and icterus were also
significantly more prevalent in dogs with toxic neutro-
phils, compared with controls (Table 7).20
Compared with controls, cats with toxic neutrophils
had a significantly (P 5 .01) higher prevalence of icterus.
It is likely that some of the same disorders that led to
Fig 3. Comparison of hospitalization duration between cats with icterus also induced formation of toxic neutophils, but
toxic neutrophils (––—) and controls (- - - - -). Rate of cats’ the possibility that increased bilirubin concentration
discharge from the hospital is depicted as a function of days after actually is a cause of toxic neutrophil formation cannot
admission. be ruled out. Bilirubin, especially in the nonconjugated
Feline Toxic Neutrophils 27

Fig 4. Comparison of hospitalization duration for specific disease entities between cats with toxic neutrophils (––—) and controls
(- - - - -).

form, may lead to cellular disturbances in various body of inflammation, such as leukocytosis, neutrophilia,
systems.21–24 Although there was a significantly higher neutropenia, and left shift (Table 3), probably because
prevalence of hyperbilirubinemia (P 5 .002) and clinical of a significantly higher prevalence of pneumonia,
icterus (P 5 .01) in cats with toxic neutrophils, mean peritonitis, and upper respiratory tract infections, and
total bilirubin concentration only tended to be different higher tendency for sepsis in this group (Table 5). In
between groups (P 5 .07), probably because hyperbiliru- contrast, control cats had a lower prevalence of these
binemia in cats with toxic neutrophils was not severe hematologic markers of inflammation. They tended (P
(mean, 1.05 mg/dL; maximum, 8.76 mg/dL; reference 5 .06) to present with noninflammatory and, presumed,
interval, 0.1–0.6 mg/dL). noninfectious diseases, but this association was not
The traditional observation that toxic neutrophils are significant. These conditions included thromboembo-
associated with infection and inflammation2 is further lism, obstructive FLUTD, diabetes mellitus, and lung
supported by the hematologic results of the study contusions. The same applies to feline asthma, which
reported here. Cats with toxic neutrophils had a signif- was significantly (P 5 .03) more prevalent in control
icantly higher prevalence of most hematologic markers cats (Table 5).
28 Segev, Klement, and Aroch

Table 7. Results in cats and dogs with toxic neutrophils, compared with their respective controls.*
Dogs with toxic neutrophils versus controls (n 5 248) Cats with toxic neutrophils versus controls (n 5 150)
Clinical signs of disease seen more frequently in animals with toxic neutrophils
Fever, icterus, pale mucous membranes, vaginal discharge, Fever, icterus, vomiting, diarrhea, depression, dehydration, weakness,
abdominal organomegaly, melena cachexia,
Prevalence of hematologic abnormalities in animals with toxic neutrophils, compared with controls
Leukocytosis q Leukocytosis q
Leukopenia q
Neutrophilia q Neutrophilia q
Neutropenia q Neutropenia q
Left shift q Left shift q
Monocytosis q
Anemia q Anemia q
Macrocytosis q Macrocytosis q
Hypochromia q
Prevalence of biochemical abnormalities in animals with toxic neutrophils, compared with controls
Hyperbilirubinemia q Hyperbilirubinemia q
Increased LDH activity q Increased LDH activity q
Hypocalcemia q Hypocalcemia q
Hypoalbuminemia q
Hypoproteinemia q
Hypokalemia q Hypokalemiaq
Hyponatremia q Hyperkalemia Q
Increased ALP activity q
Increased ALT activity q
Increased c-GT activity q
Increased creatinine concentration q
Increased urea concentration q
Increased triglycerides concentration q
Prevalence of diseases in animals with toxic neutrophils, compared with controls
Sepsis q Sepsis q
Parvovirus infection q Panleukopenia q
Pancreatitis q
Peritonitis q Peritonitis q
Acute renal failure q Pneumonia q
Immune-mediated hemolytic anemia q Proximal respiratory tract disease q
Disseminated intravascular coagulationq Shock q
Pyometra q
Pyoderma Q Thromboembolism Q
Intervertebral disk disease Q Diabetes mellitus Q
Feline asthma Q
Lung contusion Q
Prevalence of disease categories in animals with toxic neutrophils, compared with controls
Neoplasia q Metabolic q
Infectious bacterial q Infectious bacterial q
Developmental Q Infectious viral q
Degenerative Q Idiopathic Q
Allergic Q
Nutritional Q

q, Higher prevalence; Q, lower prevalence; LDH, lactate dehydrogenase; ALP, alkaline phosphatase; ALT, alanine transaminase; c-GT,
Included are categories with prevalence ratio $2 and P # .06.

Although cats with toxic neutrophils had a signifi- leukocytosis, left shift, or neutrophilia and left shift were
cantly higher prevalence of neutrophilia and neutrope- absent. Furthermore, difference was not found in mean
nia, compared with controls, 53 and 47% of these cats band neutrophil count between cats with toxic neutro-
presented with normal leukocyte and neutrophil counts, phils and controls. These findings indicate that presence
respectively. A combination of normal neutrophil and of toxic neutrophils may not necessarily correlate with
WBC counts and no left shift was present in 43% of cats abnormalities in the absolute numbers of leukocytes,
with toxic neutrophils, whereas in 45% of those cats, neutrophils, and band cells. Thus, in certain cases,
Feline Toxic Neutrophils 29

presence of toxic neutrophils may serve as the only higher prevalence of feline asthma in the controls
hematologic marker of inflammation and infection. This probably accounted for the higher prevalence of allergic
finding emphasizes the benefit of assessing neutrophil conditions in this group. Differences in the prevalence of
morphology. toxicologic conditions between cat groups were not
Cats with toxic neutrophils also were found to be found, similar to what was reported for dogs,20 although
significantly more anemic, compared with controls, these conditions were previously linked with presence of
similar to what was reported in dogs.20 Unfortunately, toxic neutrophils.2,9,17,26 This inconsistency could result
reticulocyte counts, bone marrow cytologic examination from differences in the type and nature of toxicoses
findings, and quantitative analysis of polychromasia between the present study and previous reports.
were not available for the cats of this retrospective The results of this study indicated that the presence of
study. Thus, it is impossible to provide a definitive toxic neutrophils in cats is associated with a higher pre-
explanation for the higher prevalence of anemia in cats valence of systemic and more severe diseases, compared
with toxic neutrophils. In contrast to dogs with toxic with that in controls. This was reflected by marked
neutrophils, in which immune-mediated hemolytic ane- clinical signs of disease and hematologic abnormalities,
mia was more prevalent, compared with that in controls, as well as a significantly longer hospitalization period
we found no significant difference in the prevalence of and higher treatment cost in cats with toxic neutrophils.
hemolysis between the two groups of cats. Inflammation The hospitalization period was consistently longer when
and blood loss are 2 possible mechanisms that might cats with toxic neutrophils were compared with controls
have led to a higher prevalence of anemia in cats with that had the same diseases (Fig 4). Thus, for a given
toxic neutrophils. Although anemia of inflammation is disease, when toxic neutrophils are present, a longer
normocytic in most cases,25 some cats with toxic hospitalization period should be expected.
neutrophils might have experienced other kinds of There are some differences between cats and dogs
anemia, because macrocytosis, a possible marker of with toxic neutrophils, compared with their respective
erythroid regeneration, was significantly (P 5 .0002) control, but some similarities can be pointed out
more prevalent in cats with toxic neutrophils, compared (Table 7).20 The prevalence of many of the clinical signs
with controls (6.71% versus 1.3%, respectively), al- of disease was higher in dogs and cats with toxic
though no significant (P 5 .09) difference in mean neutrophils, compared with that for their respective
MCV was found between groups. controls, indicating that, in both species, presence of
There were 4 of 23 significant mean serum bio- toxic neutrophils was associated with more severe
chemical variable differences between cat groups illness. In contrast, dogs with toxic neutrophils had
(Table 4). When the prevalence of deviations from the considerably more serum biochemical and hematologic
reference interval for 5 variables was compared between abnormalities (13 and 12, respectively) and mean serum
groups, it was statistically significant (Table 7). Hypo- biochemical and hematologic variable differences (13
calcemia and mean lower total calcium concentration in and 12, respectively) than did controls. However, in this
cats with toxic neutrophils probably was of little clinical study, cats with toxic neutrophils had significantly fewer
relevance, because differences in mean ionized calcium serum biochemical and hematologic abnormalities (5
concentration between groups were not observed. We and 6, respectively), and fewer mean serum biochemical
have no reasonable explanation for the observed higher and hematologic variable differences (4 and 6, re-
mean serum ALP activity in the control cats, but there spectively) than did their controls.20 Thus, in cats, toxic
was no difference in the prevalence of increased serum neutrophils possibly may appear in milder disorders or
ALP activity between groups. earlier in the disease course, and may be a more sensitive
Data of disease categories in both groups (Table 6) indicator of illness in them, compared with dogs.
indicate that cats with toxic neutrophils had a Nevertheless, certain diseases were found to be signifi-
significantly higher prevalence of bacterial and viral cantly more prevalent in dogs and cats with toxic
infections. Possibly, the presence of viruses alone did neutrophils, compared with their respective controls (eg,
not lead to toxic neutrophil formation, but rather, sepsis, peritonitis, canine parvovirus, panleukopenia). In
secondary bacterial infections complicated some of both species, the infectious bacterial disease category
these viral diseases (eg, panleukopenia, upper respirato- was the most prevalent category in animals with toxic
ry tract infection), and played a major role in such neutrophils. In dogs and in cats, presence of toxic
changes. neutrophils was associated with longer hospitalization
Compared with controls, cats with toxic neutrophils duration (3.9 and 2.7 times longer, respectively) and
had a significantly higher prevalence of metabolic higher treatment cost (2.0 and 1.4-fold, respectively),
disorders (Table 6), as was also reported in dogs compared with their respective controls. However, only
(Table 7).20 This probably was a result of a cumulative in dogs, was it also associated with significantly higher
effect of the higher, although nonsignificant, prevalence mortality. These differences further support the sugges-
of acute renal failure, diabetic ketoacidosis, hepatic tion that presence of toxic neutrophils in cats is
lipidosis, and other metabolic conditions, more com- associated with milder diseases, compared with those
monly observed in cats with toxic neutrophils (Table 5). in dogs.
Idiopathic conditions were more prevalent in the control The comparison between dogs and cats has its
group because of the higher prevalence of FLUTD limitations because of the different disease prevalence
(obstructive and nonobstructive). The significantly and bone marrow characteristics between species, and
30 Segev, Klement, and Aroch

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