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Name: ____xavier camerer_____________________________________

DCA #2 Study Guide: Make sure all questions are answered. Draw diagrams and
use different colors to help you.

1) What is the building block of life? (All living things contain this element.)

2) List and give examples of the 4 macromolecules.

1. protein contain carbon hydrogen oxygen and nitrogen – amino acids
2. carbohydrates made of carbon hydrogen and oxygen
3. lipids made of fats oils waxes cell membrane and steroids
4. nucleic acids contains hydrogen oxygen nitrogen carbon and phosphorous

3) What are the 2 types of cell transport and describe the process
1. active requires energy

2. passive requires no energy

4) List and define the 3 types of passive transport.

Diffusion low to high soultion
facilitated diffusion.
Osmosis movement of water

5) List and describe the 3 types of osmotic solutions.

a. hypotonic more solute outside the cel then inside
b. hypertonic less solute outside the cell then inside
c. isotonic same solute inside and outside
6) List and define the 3 types of active transport?
a. protein pump
b. endocitosis cell eating
c. exocytosis cell pooping

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