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In MongoDB, we are allowed to create new users for the database.

Every MongoDB user

only accesses the data that is required for their role. A role in MongoDB grants privileges to
perform some set of operations on a given resource. In MongoDB, users are created using
createUser() method. This method creates a new user for the database, if the specified user is
already present in the database then this method will return an error.


db.createUser(user, writeConcern)


1. user: It contains authentication and access information about the user to create. It is a

 user: Name of the user

 pwd: User password. This field is not required if you use this method on $external
database to create a user whose credentials are stored externally. The value of this
field can be of string type or passwordPrompt().
 customData: User Associative Information. It is an optional field.
 roles: Access Level or Privilege of a user. You can also create a user without roles by
passing an empty array[]. In this field, you use built-in roles or you can create you
own role using db.createRole(role, writeConcern) method. To specify the roles you
can use any of the following syntax:

Simply specify the role name:


Or you can specify a document that contains the role and db fields. It is generally used when
the role is specified in a different database.

{role:<role>, db: <database>}

 authenticationRestrictions: Authentication permission of the user. It is an optional

 mechanisms: It is used to specify the SCRM mechanisms or mechanisms for creating
SCRM user credentials. It is an optional field.
 passwordDigestor: It is used to check whether the server or client digest the
password. It is an optional field.

2. writeConcern: It is an optional parameter. It manages the level of Write Concern for the
creation operation. It takes the same field as the getLastError Command takes.


 In MongoDB, the first created user in the database must be the admin user. The admin
user has the privileges to maintain all the users. Also, you are not allowed to create
users in the local database.
 db.createUser() Sends Password And All Other Data to The MongoDB Instance
Without Any Encryption. To Encrypt the Password During Transmission, Use
TLS/SSL In order To Encrypt It.

How to create an administrative user?

In MongoDB, you can create an administrative user using the createUser() method. In this
method, we can create the name, password, and roles of an administrative user. Let us discuss
this concept with the help of an example:


In this example, we are going to create an administrative user in the admin database and gives
the user readWrite access to the config database which lets the user change certain settings
for sharded clusters.

user: "hello_admin",
pwd: "hello123",
{ role:"readWrite",db:"config"},
] } );

So to create an administrative user first we use the admin database. In this database, we create
an admin user using the createUser() method. In this method, we set the user name is
“hello_admin”, password is “hello123” and the roles of the admin user are readWrite, config,
How to create a normal user without any roles?
In MongoDB, we can create a user without any roles by specifying an empty array[] in the
role field in createUser() method.


db.createUser({ user:”User_Name”, pwd:”Your_Password”, roles:[]});

Let us discuss this concept with the help of an example:


In the following example, we are going to create a user without roles.

db.createUser({user:"geeks", pwd: "computer", roles:[]});

Here, we are working on the “example” database and created a user named “geeks” without
How to create a user with some specifying roles?
In MongoDB, we can create a user with some specified roles using the createUser() method.
In this method, we can specify the roles that the user will do after creating. Let us discuss this
concept with the help of an example:


In this example, we are going to create a user with some specified roles.

...user: "new_one_role",
...pwd: with_roles",
...roles:["readWrite", "dbAdmin"]

Here, we create a user whose name is “new_one_role”, password is “with_roles” and the
specified roles are:

 readWrite Role: This role provides all the privileges of the read role plus the ability to
modify data on all non-system collections.
 dbAdmin Role: This role gives the ability to the user to perform administrative tasks
such as schema-related tasks, indexing. It does not grant privileges for the User and
Role Management.

How to create a user for a single database?

In MongoDB, we can also create a user for single database using createUser() method. Let us
discuss this concept with the help of an example:

user: "robert",
pwd: "hellojose",
roles:[{role: "userAdmin" , db:"example"}]})

Here, we create a user whose user name is “Robert”, password is “hellojose”, and we assign a
role for the user which in this case needs to be a database administrator so it is assigned to the
“userAdmin” role. This role will allow the user to have administrative privileges only to the
database specified in the db option, i.e., “example”.

How to create a user with authentication restrictions?

In MongoDB, authentication is a process which checks whether the user/client who is trying
to access the database is known or unknown. If the user is known then it allows them to
connect with server. We can also create a user with authentication restrictions using
createUser() method by setting the value of authenticationRestrictions field. This field
provides authentication permission of the user and contains the following fields:

 clientSource: If the value of this field is present, so when a user is authenticating the
server verifies the client IP by checking the IP address in the given list or CIDR range
in the list. If the client IP present in the list then the server authenticate the client or if
not then server will not authenticate the user.
 serverAddress: It is a list of IP addresses or CIDR ranges to which the client can
connect. If the value of this field is present in the list, then the server verify the client
connection and if the connection was established via unrecognized IP address, then
the server does not authenticate the user.

Let us discuss this concept with the help of an example:


In this example, we are going to create a user with authentication restrictions:

use admin
user: "restrict",
pwd: passwordPrompt(),
roles: [ { role: "readWrite", db: "example" } ],
authenticationRestrictions: [ {
clientSource: [""],
serverAddress: [""]
} ]

Here we create a user named “restrict” in the admin database. So this user may only
authenticate if connecting from IP address to this server address IP address

How to drop a User?

In Mongodb, we can also drop a user using dropUser() method. This method returns true
when the user is deleted otherwise return false.




In this example, we will drop a user whose name is Robert.


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