ESP Simulado Com Gabarito Pronto

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Coordenador: Mauro Marinho Professor: Telmo Carmo



Environmental Sustainability
In the sixties, Brazil stimulated mechanization without limits, offering credit lines, supporting large-
scale agriculture. Subsistence agriculture was neglected in favor of export production. With the
worldwide concern around the preservation of biodiversity and the avoidance of damage to natural
resources, several institutions have shown interest in strengthening family farming, as a way of
environmental sustainability, security and food sovereignty. The General Assembly of United Nations
Organizations highlights the “Decade of Family Farming” from 2018 to 2029, drawing attention to this
category of producers, destitute and responsible for 80% of the food produced in the world. It is
observed that the public sectors need to prioritize and elaborate public policies regarding lines of credit
to modernize and strengthen small producers, provide technical assistance, access to technologies and
encourage women and young people to improve their level of study, supporting them while staying in
the field. Undoubtedly, family farming is the essential production activity to feed the world population,
as well as to provide future generations with a preserved environment.
QUESTION 1 Este texto fala sobre?
a) Politicas públicas brasileiras.
b) Acesso às tecnologias por parte da população.
c) Crescimento populacional no Brasil.
d) Sustentabilidade Ambiental.
e) Aumento da produção alimentar no Brasil.

QUESTION 2 Em que década o Brasil encorajou a agricultura a larga escala no país?

a) Na década de 1970.
b) Na década de 1960.
c) Na década de 1990.
d) Na década de 2010.
e) Na década de 2020.
Global Warming
While the northern hemisphere will naturally cool in autumn and winter, there is a view that the large
temperature differences from the pre-industrial period may persist, especially as El Niño reaches a peak
at the end of this year or early next. Researchers believe that these ongoing high temperature anomalies
should be a wake-up call for political leaders, who will gather in Dubai in November for the COP28
climate summit. Action on emissions is needed, they say, and not just in the long-term. In March, the
UN urged countries to accelerate climate action, stressing effective options to reduce emissions were
available now, from renewables to electric vehicles. "It's not just about reaching an end goal, of net
zero by 2050, it's about how we get there," said Prof Hawkins. "The IPCC [the UN's climate body]
very clearly says we need to halve emissions over this decade, and then get to net zero. It's not just
about reaching net zero at some point, it's about the pathway to get there." And as this year's extreme
weather events have shown - from heatwaves in Europe to extreme rainfall in Libya - the consequences
of climate change increase with every fraction of a degree of warming.
QUESTION 3 A palavra em destaque no trecho acima (Researchers) refere-se a qual das alternativas que seguem?
a) Pessoas.
b) Médicos
c) Investigadores.
d) Politicos.
e) Ambientalistas.

QUESTION 4 Como se chama o Gabinete das Nações Unidas que estuda o aquecimento global?
a) COP 28
b) Hawkins
c) El Niño
d) Autumn

QUESTION 5 O termo em destaque no trecho “... we need to halve emissions over this decade...”, significa:
a) ... precisamos reduzir para metade as emissões durante esta década....
b) ...precisamos aumentar para metade as emissões durante esta década...
c) ...precisamos reduzir para o dobro as emissões durante esta década...
d) ...precisamos aumentar para o dobro as emissões durante esta década...
e) ...precisamos investir nas emissões durante esta década...

QUESTION 6 Marque a alternativa que traduz corretamente a expressão “... autumn and winter...”:
a) ...agosto e setembro....
b) ...antes e depois...
c) ...outono e inverno...
d) ...agora e sempre...
e) ...atum e sardinha...

Mining is the extraction of valuable geological materials from the Earth and other astronomical objects.
Mining is required to obtain most materials that cannot be grown through agricultural processes, or feasibly
created artificially in a laboratory or factory. Ores recovered by mining include metals, coal, oil shale,
gemstones, limestone, chalk, dimension stone, rock salt, potash, gravel, and clay. The ore must be a rock or
mineral that contains valuable constituent, can be extracted or mined and sold for profit. Mining in a wider
sense includes extraction of any non renewable resource such as petroleum, natural gas, or even water.

QUESTION 7 Qual das palavras não é um substantivo (noun)?

a) Clay
b) Chalk
c) Gemstones
d) Wider
e) Petroleum

QUESTION 8 Segundo o texto, mineração só envolve extração de minérios?

a) Verdadeiro
b) Falso


Reciprocal obligations are decisive for well-being, but how do they come about? Any account has to be
consistente with evolution, including the cravings and values that undergird reciprocity. It is easy to see why the
competition for food would select those with a predisposition to greed, winnowing out the altruists. But why do
we also crave belonging and esteem? Why do we value loyalty, fairness and care, or indeed have any values at
all? Evolution has been a brutal process of selection by advantageous traits, so selfish materialism looks to be
what you needed: you can’t eat esteem and belonging, and values cramp your style. Economic man sounds
superficiality like an amplified echo of the selfish gene. Yet we know that this is wrong: the selfish does not
produce the selfish man. For many thousands or years, humans could only survive by co-operating in a grpup:
going it alone spelles dealth. Lacking the craving for belonging and esteem, economic man was too selfish to be
allowed to remain in the group; he has banished.

QUESTION 9 “Evolution has been a brutal process of selection.” Qual o tempo verbal da frase?
a) Simple Present
b) Simple Past
c) Present Perfect Continuos
d) Past Perfect Continuous
e) Future Continuous

QUESTION 10 No texto temos o conector “Yet”, que significa:

a) Antes.
b) No entanto.
c) Aposto.
d) Qualquer.
e) Saber.
QUESTION 11 O texto afirma que a medicina da família:
a) Os humanos só conseguiram sobreviver por cooperarem em grupo.
b) As obrigações de reciprocidade são inúteis.
c) A ganãncia produz homens gananciosos.
d) A evolução sempre foi um processo tranquilo.
e) Seguir sozinho significava sobreviver

The Statue of Liberty

The Statue of Liberty, arguably one of New York City’s most iconic symbols, is a popular tourist attraction for first-time
visitors to the city. This 150-foot monument was gifted to the United States from France in order to celebrate 100 years of
America’s independence. The statue is located on Liberty Island, and it is accessible by taking a ferry from either Battery
Park in New York City or Liberty State Park in Jersey City.
When Claire visited the Statue of Liberty for the first time, she instantly admired it as a symbol of freedom. Claire made
sure to make reservations before her visit because only 240 people are permitted to climb the staircase to the top of the
statue every day. After climbing almost 400 stairs, Claire received spectacular views of the city from the statue’s crown.
During her visit, Claire learned that the Statue of Liberty was not always the color that it is now. She found out that
because the statue’s exterior is made of copper, the statue oxidized over time, giving it the greenish appearance, it has in
present day. When it was first constructed, the statue was the same color as a shiny penny!
After touring the Statue of Liberty, Claire spent the rest of the day in New York City visiting other important monuments
and historic landmarks. Claire left New York hoping to have had the time to explore more sites, but she can’t wait to
return to the city in the future.

QUESTION 12 From which part of the statue did Claire receive spectacular views of the city?
a) The mouth.
b) The nose.
c) The crown.
d) The eyes.
e) The torch.

QUESTION 13 A Estátua da Liberdade em Nova York, foi vendida pelos franceses aos americanos, na celebração dos
100 anos da independência da América.
a) Falso
b) Verdadeiro

QUESTION 14 O exterior da Estátua da Liberdade em Nova York é feito de:

a) Cimento
b) Prata
c) Cobre
d) Tijolo
e) Ouro

QUESTION 15 Qual é a forma negativa da frase” Claire spent the rest of the day in New York.”:
a) Claire did spent the rest of the day in New York.
b) Claire aren’t spend the rest of the day in New York.
c) Claire did spending not the rest of the day in New York.
d) Claire have not spending the rest of the day in New York.
e) Claire didn’t spent the rest of the day in New York.

QUESTION 16 A palavra sublinhada na frase “...she instantly admired it as a symbol of freedom.”é utilizada pelo
autor como?
a) Advérbio
b) Referente contextual
c) Verbo
d) Substantivo
e) Cognato

The Meaning Behind The Song: For Your Babies by Simply Red
Simply Red, a British soul and pop band, released the heartfelt ballad “For Your Babies” in 1991. This
beautiful composition was written by the band’s lead vocalist and songwriter, Mick Hucknall. The
track, which was one of the standout songs from their album “Stars,” resonates with listeners due to its
emotional lyrics and soulful melody.
The song “For Your Babies” is best described as a love letter from a parent to their child. It captures
the overwhelming feeling of unconditional love and the desire to protect and provide for one’s offspring.
Through heartfelt verses, Hucknall beautifully expresses the deep bond between a parent and a child,
emphasizing the lengths they would go to ensure their baby’s happiness and well-being.
Furthermore, the song’s chorus, with its repetition of the phrase “For your babies, I’d go anywhere,”
serves as a powerful reminder of the lengths a parent would go to protect their children from any
hardships or pain. This sentiment resonates deeply with listeners, as it portrays the universal desire to
shield our loved ones from life’s challenges.

QUESTION 17 Who wrote the song describes on the text?

a) Furthermore
b) Mick Hucknall
c) Simply Red
d) British
e) Anitta

QUESTION 18 What’s the best description about this song?

a) Uma canção sobre um amor platónico.
b) Uma canção sobre uma carta de amor paternal.
c) Uma canção sobre os britânicos.
d) Uma canção sobre as estrelas.
e) Uma canção sobre os anos 90.

QUESTION 19 Qual o significado da palavra “Furthermore” no texto acima?

a) Além disso.
b) Mais disso.
c) Acima de tudo.
d) Apesar disso.
e) Ao invés disso.

QUESTION 20 Existe equivalência de classe gramatical entre as palavras do par em?

a) heartfelt – soulful
b) beautifully – chorus
c) would - babies
d) through – hucknall
e) stars - powerful

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