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OBJECTIVES (Arial Rounded, 20)

Gives some overview about what we would learn about the topic.
1. Objectives 1 halaman sama kotak untuk topic diatas yaa,
2. Arial Rounded, 12, black, justify, 1.5.
3. C, list aja objectivenya
1. Leprosy or Hansen’s disease is chronic bacterial infection
caused by Mycobacterium leprae. What is the appropriate
laboratory examination to support the diagnosis?
○ Acid-Fast stain
■ Penjelasan:
2. Ridley-Jopling classified leprosy to be five, based on clinical
signs and immune status. World Health Organization (WHO)
divided into two as a simple classification based on the bacterial
index. What is Ridley-Jopling classification for PB characteristic?
○ Tuberculoid Leprosy
3. A 8 year-old girl went to the doctor because he had a red raised
lesion on the hand. The same lesion is found on his beloved cat.
Which of the following, zoophilic dermatophyte fungi, is the most
likely cause?
○ Microsporum Canis
4. A 22 year old man came to the clinic with a rash on his back. On
physical examination, white spots were found. What is the most
likely etiology in this case?
○ Malassezia furfur (Panu)
5. An 18-year-old woman came in complaining of numb reddish
patches of numbness on both arms. The spots are palpable, dry
and do not sweat compared to the surrounding area. What nerve
function malfunction causes skin lesions not to sweat?
○ Autonomic
6. Skin lesions of leprosy patients can arise in various
morphologies. Which of the following clinical lesions are included
in lepromatous leprosy skin lesions?
○ Diffuse infiltrate lesions
7. Leprosy management that is not suitable for the Multibacillary
(MB) type in adult patients is
○ Fusidic acid cream is applied twice a day on red patches
8. To establish an early diagnosis of leprosy is to recognize the
cardinal signs of leprosy. Which of the following statements does
not correspond to the cardinal sign of leprosy?
○ Clawing of 4th and 5th digit of hands
■ Penjelasan: not a cardinal sign, tapi claw hand itu BISA ada due
to the peripheral nerve damage cause by leprosy
9. In the physical examination of the hands of leprosy patients with
complaints of difficulty grasping, claw hand deformity was found
accompanied by a decrease in sensibility on the palms, while
physical examination of the feet only found a decrease in
sensibility on the soles of the feet without deformity. The degree
of disability based on WHO in the above patients is:
○ 1st degree on the feet, 2nd degree on the hands
10. In the physical examination of the hands of leprosy patients
with complaints of difficulty grasping, claw hand deformity was
found accompanied by a decrease in sensibility on the palms,
while physical examination of the feet only found a decrease in
sensibility on the soles of the feet without deformity. Claw hand
deformity in these patients is caused by lesions on the nerves
○ Ulnar nerve
■ Penjelasan: y hafalan mati dr neuro
11. What is the functions of knuckle-bender orthosis given to
patients with claw hand deformity?
○ Facilitates movement by maintaining joints
12. Tools made to replace lost limbs are called
○ Prostheses
13. What is the mechanism of action of rifampicin
○ inhibits DNA-dependent RNA-polymerase of bacterial
14. What sentence below is TRUE for dapson?
○ Wide distributed in almost all organs
15. What sentence below is TRUE for for clofazimine
○ The most adverse effect is discoloration of skin and conjunctiva
16. What sentence below is NOT APPROPRIATE for topical
○ Topical corticosteroid has no potential to suppress
hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis
17. What are the criteria for selecting the best location for
performing a skin biopsy for the diagnosis and confirmation of
○ Active lesion, the biopsy reaches a thickness up to the subcutaneous
18. The histopathological characteristic of a diagnosis of leprosy
typically include
○ Presence of acid-fast bacteria
19. Histiocytes with foamy cytoplasm in leprosy, especially in
lepromatous leprosy (LL) are also known as
○ Virchow Cell
20. The characteristic histopathological features of lepromatous
leprosy include
○ Foamy granuloma, sparse lymphocyte aggregate, abundant acid-fast

A. Sub-Topic (arial rounded, 16, #ffdcec)
o Font: Roboto Medium, size 12, justify, black, space 1.5
o Info penting di highlight pake warna #ffdcec.
▪ If you need some space to give side notes, you can use
post-it. Copas aja sesuai kebutuhan ^^
TOPIC 3 (Arial Rounded, 20)
A. Sub-Topic (arial rounded, 16, #ffdcec)
o Font: Roboto Medium, size 12, justify, black, space 1.5
o Info penting di highlight pake warna #ffdcec.
▪ If you need some space to give side notes, you can use
post-it. Copas aja sesuai kebutuhan ^^

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