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I learned that many pieces of literature can be seen through different lenses, changing the perspective

from which we read it. This also can shift the meaning, or how we interpret the message of a text. I think

that connection is the most interesting concept in studying literature because of the many different

techniques that authors use to forge a connection between the text and the reader. Furthermore, I think it is

a very expansive concept, and can be used to interpret every piece of literature. Two similar questions I

found challenging were in the “creativity” core concept. They were “why do writers write?” And “why do

artists create?”. I think that these questions are very difficult to connect to a text, as many artists and

writers have very different reasons for creating. Furthermore, I think it is difficult to link that reason with

a text or artwork. For me, the core concept “Transformation” was difficult to connect. I think it is

challenging to form a general consensus as to what is transformative, and how that is shown in a reader.

The concepts of “Representation” and “Identity” I think can sometimes overlap, as both reference in-text

characters and how they affect the reader. Furthermore, I think that “Perspective” and “Transformation”

also overlap, because of the way a different or shifted perspective, as a result of a text, can count as a

transformation of the reader. I think that all of these concepts will be very helpful to me in my learning of

literature. They offer new perspectives in different texts, and offer a sort of guideline as to how to analyze

and view pieces of literature.

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