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Requires HeroQuest Game System to play.

The Mad Goblin King

by Manuel & Robert Vega
It’s only forever, not long at all…
Welcome adventurers,
Sarah is dead.
Jareth has gone mad trying to find a new Sarah,
scouring the human world in search for any
Sarah who has a baby brother. So far, every
Sarah who has attempted his Labyrinth has
failed and with it her baby brother transformed
into a goblin, joining the ranks of Jareth’s vast
goblin army. You are Jareth’s newly chosen
Sarah. Be warned, that many trials and tricks
will block your path. Will you be able to solve
the Labyrinth and breach the Goblin Castle?
Will you save your baby brother by defeating
Jareth the Mad Goblin King?
Good luck adventurers, you will need it.
Playing the Quests
Jareth: In this twisted tale Jareth replaces Zargon. When Jareth gets his/her turn and has no monsters on the board,
he/she may draw one card from the Crystal Spells deck and choose to either play it or keep it for future use. Some cards
must be played immediately. Jareth may never have more than three cards in hand. If a fourth card is drawn, one card
must immediately be played or discarded. In quests 1 & 2 Jareth only gets 1 deck after that the deck will be reshuffled.

Hard mode: In hard mode if Sarah dies you lose the game. Another cruel rule is: If the heroes lose, Jareth may add one
random goblin to any quest where he wants for the next attempt of the Labyrinth.

Wandering Monster: If you need a Wandering Monster choose one randomly from the Monster Deck or simply assign a
monster at the start of the quest that you think would suit the gear the players have.

Bypass any obstacle: This is a special rule for Jareth and Goblin Thief, it allows them to move through furniture, heroes
and monsters. Like all Heroquest rules use common sense to this rule.

Chests: Chests contain Gold/Jewels worth 50 minimum gold. Spin the Timekeeper and add a zero to determine how
much exactly.

Healing & Treasure cards : There is a lack of healing in this set, feel free to give each player a healing potion to record on
their character sheet at the start of each quest (identical to the Treasure card). Lastly remove Treasure cards that will
not work in the Labyrinth system ie: Holy Water.

Upping the stakes: There is two variations of this card, one that speeds up the game and puts
pressure on the heroes that can be used each quest and the other that is discarded and can’t be used

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Staircases in will feature upper and lower floors if you only have one tile just move it with the hero when
they travel up or down.

Fairies have Defence 0, Attack 1, Mind/Body Point 1 and Move 1. (They do not come with a card.)

Hedges: Place the hedges with adhesive putty to keep them in place.

Locked Door: This tile represents a impassable locked door. It will open on a trigger.

False Alarm Stones: It’s recommended you make your own stones as shown here.

The Forbidden Forest: This is an extension to the board with stairs to exit.

Green Cellophane: is provided as an overlay to simulate the Bog. Stone tiles help hold it in place.

Humongous: This Giant monster can rotate in the Centre room if he rolls a 4,5,6 to move.

The Wiseman: Any hero that donates 10 or more gold gets one question, then The Wiseman falls asleep.
Sarah may reroll but must accept the second result. Try to plan hints ahead of time before the game.

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Timekeeper: Heroes can use it instead of dice to move if they wish. It will be used to track the timer
for the ‘Upping The Stakes’ card. If it lands on the line between numbers spin again. There’s two
versions of ‘Upping the Stakes’ to try. (Take one out of the crystal deck)

The Worm: The Worm will misdirect the heroes in the first quest.

The Escher: The Escher is used in the final mission.

Alph & Ralph: These are basically doors that talk and lead the Heroes in either direction.

QR Codes: Be sure to be using google chrome logged in and it’s best to download the file.

Labyrinth HQ Sound board: Can be used for many things like False Alarm stones: Beware! or
Door Knockers ‘Knock and the door will open’ and other parts of the movie that is
happening as you play.

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Quest 1
The Stone Maze
The first of the Labyrinths complex maze systems, the Stone Maze is located just beyond the Great Wall and
the Endless Corridor. If solved successfully, the Stone Maze leads directly to the Hedge Maze. The Stone
Maze is also rifle with hidden traps and tunnels that lead to a variety of Oubliettes, and other less advantages
destinations. After venturing through the Labyrinths Outskirts barren expanse you come across the Great
Wall. Although not as perplexing as the mazes that follow, the Outskirts are just as dangerous for they serve as
a makeshift exile for many undesirables who have been banished from the Labyrinth by the Goblin King.

The Worm: When adjacent to The Worm one player rolls 1 combat die. On a skull, your entire team lose a turn as you get
misdirected by The Worm. If you are all successful your rolls your team roll double movement for one round as you get told
a shortcut by the worm. Then the worm disappears from the board.
Alph and Jim and Ralph and Tim: (Both doors are locked.) READ: “The only way out of here is to try one of these doors,
A. one of them lead to the castle and the other…CERTAIN DEATH!” If they take the right Sarah immediately falls into the pit
trap. She suffers 1 Body point of damage. In this room the secret door takes you through the cupboard to the other side.

B. False Alarm Stones: Each time a player pass the False Alarm stones,
Read: “Beware, Beware” or “Go back while you still can” or “This is not the way.”

C. Chests contain Gold/Jewels worth 50 minimum gold. Spin the Timekeeper and add a zero to determine how much exactly.

Fairy’s: Stats: Movement: 1, Atack: 1, Defence: 0, Mind: 1 and Body Point: 1

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Quest 2
The Hedge Maze
The Hedge Maze is located beyond the Stone Maze, close to the Wide Tract of Rottenness and the
Bog of Eternal Stench. Although it is possible to 'solve' this part of the Labyrinth and arrive directly
at the Gates to the Goblin City, the fastest route goes through the Wide Tract of Rottenness. Like
the stone sections of the Labyrinth, the Hedge Maze is composed of walls too high to see over. Also
like their stone counterparts, the hedges will rise infinity if an enterprising visitor attempts to climb
them. (Please read note: A)
A. Bog of Eternal Stench: The first pit trap for ALL players will lead you to the Bog you may attempt to jump one square
by rolling a white shield on combat dice. Sir Didymus can roll any shield. Landing in the Bog they suffer 1BP of damage and
all future wandering monsters will spawn on you for the rest of the entire game including further missions.
Ludo can use an action (anywhere) and roll 4,5,6 on a D6 to summon two 1x1 stone tiles that you may walk on.
B. Broken Bridge: Read: “The bridge breaks from under you and Ludo comes to your aid and summons a rock for you to
stand on.” (Remove the bridge and place a rock tile under the hero)
Door Knockers: (Players must knock and the door will open) Read: “There is no good asking him he is a deaf as a post…
C. Knock and the door will open”. The doors are an illusion both doors lead them into the Forbidden Forest tile.
The Forbidden Forest: (Once one player enters move all heroes with them, then the door locks behind them.)
D. Read: “It’s a vast expanse that stretches for miles in all directions. Although it is relatively unchanging compared to other
areas of the Labyrinth there aren't any landmarks that can be used to navigate. As you explore you notice 4 wild Fireys appear
guarding an exit.” (These stairs lead to the end of this level.)
The Wiseman: Read: “The Wiseman mumbles and shakes his wooden tin.” - Any hero that donates 10 or more gold gets
E. one question, then The Wiseman falls asleep. Sarah may reroll but must accept the second result.
If The Wiseman is killed he no longer appears in the next two levels. If they roll a 3 the hint for this level could the Broken
Bog Bridge or Next level where Hoggle’s can use an instant kill attack on Humongous.
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Quest 3
The Goblin City
If you are able to fight through dangers untold, and hardships unnumbered, to make it to the goblin city, you are in the
minority. After travelling so far you might be disappointed to find the ‘City’ is more of a shanty town containing
approximately ten blocks of ramshackle houses with winding lanes between them. The City sprung up organically during the
Goblin King's heyday, when an average of 13 children where wished away and turned into goblins each week. Now many of
the buildings stand but a breath from ruin. You enter the Goblin City it seems deserted, it’s littered with scraps of food
tossed from windows and overrun with chickens and cats it looks like the goblins prefer it this way.

A. Humongous: When they move into the orange READ “You’ve reached the barbican before the gates of the Goblin City!
As you approach, a steel colossus slowly detaches itself from the gates and lumbers toward you, its eyes gleaming with cold
fury.” Giant Humongous can only rotate 90 degrees if he can roll a 4,5,6 on a D6 and can't move. If Hoggle attacks him from
behind (shown with) and hits him, he is defeated immediately! (Players may attack through the rooms walls).
When defeated READ “Bells start to chime and you see goblins starting to appear!”
Open ALL locked doors when Humongous is defeated. (Reveal the monsters in front of the doors)
Junk Lady: (pile up equipment in this room) READ “The room is filled discarded rubbish, you come across a Junk Lady,
B. bent under the weight of her massive pile of useless items she carries on her back. She paws through the pile, cooing over
strange knick-knacks and antique furniture.” Anyone who enters the room will need a second hero to help free them. Then
they BOTH must make a mind save each turn to exit. (Roll a D6 for each mind point each turn until you roll a 6)
C. The Wiseman: “The Wiseman mumbles and shakes his wooden tin.” - Any hero that donates 10 or more gold gets one
question, then The Wiseman falls asleep. If they roll a 3 the hint for this level could be: Locations of a chest, Book of Power
location or how to attack Jareth in the final level. This chest contains 100 gold or Jewels.

D. Chests contain Gold/Jewels worth 50 minimum gold. Spin the Timekeeper and add a zero to determine how much exactly.

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Quest 4
The Goblin Castle
“Located at the centre of the Labyrinth, the Castle is home to the infamous Goblin King
and his reunite of loyal followers, most who seek it never find it. The many rooms within
the Castle are as varied as it's inhabitants and as changing as the winds. The Castle is most
susceptible to the changes in King's whims, and only he can navigate its many passages
with absolute certainty.”

Heroes do not start at the staircase but on the left side where the arrow states.
A. Instead this staircase has an upper floor shown in the top left that Monsters and Heroes can move up and down.

B. If the players search for Treasure the find The Book of Power on the desk.

C. The Wiseman: “The Wiseman mumbles and shakes his wooden tin.” - Any hero that donates 10 or more gold gets one
question, then The Wiseman falls asleep. If they roll a 3 the hint for this level could be: Locations of a chest, Book of
Power, chests in this level or Next level the hidden danger of the Escher danger or how to attack Jareth.

D. Chests contain Gold/Jewels worth 50 minimum gold. Spin the Timekeeper and add a zero to determine how much exactly.

E. As the players approach this door let them know they are approaching the entrance to the Goblin Throne Room. Once the
players move through the door that concludes this Quest.

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Quest 5
The Throne Room
“At the centre of the castle, at the centre of the Labyrinth lies the Throne Room. This is the
favourite haunt of the Goblin King, and his most entertaining subject. The stone walls are
lined with various types of ledges and perches that serve as goblin seating. The floor is always
littered with goblin garbage and discarded above ground treasures. You are one of the few
Sarah’s that have made it this far and you must hurry as time is running out!”

Notes Pit Traps: All failed Pit Traps will drop the player into the Escher void and require a mind test to escape. (See rule A.)

A. “The Escher, located in a chamber that offshoots from the Throne Room, the Escher Room is both one of the most famous,
and perplexing elements of the Labyrinth. Although most runners never reach its great stone halls, those that do are often
overtaken by Madness.” The Room defies the laws of physics and presents a nearly insurmountable challenge. Filled with
staircases, balconies, windows and doorways. Floors become ceiling and walls transform into precipices, gravity becomes a
state of mind and perspective breaks into seven dimensions.
Moving Through Escher: When a player moves on the Escher tile roll a combat dice. If a skull is rolled rotate the Escher tile
clockwise with the players on it (the players should still be on the same square).
Escher Void: As soon as players move into this zone they start falling to infinity and may only take a mind test to escape
each turn. They may attempt to escape once per turn by rolling a single red die for each of their mind points. On a roll of a 6
they are free and may move to an adjacent square (not diagonal).

B. (This is the final encounter with Jareth) Read: Jareth says: “Everything that you wanted I have done. You asked for the
child to be taken, I took him... I have done it all for you!”

C. Read: Jareth appears briefly and says: “Your eyes can be so cruel!” (only say this once) The rooms with the bookcase
have the Book of Power (If players search for Treasure.) You can also guide them to search for the book of power. If they are
about to miss it. (top left)
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