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Activity 9 UTS

Case Analysis

Ivy is a senior high school student who woks full time as a gamer. He is hooked
to his desktop for 12 hours daily, attends school 18 hours a day and rests for 4
hours. He lives in digital world surrounded by his game consoles and motivated
by the characters he embodies in the world of digital games. He is virtually an
avatar in the flesh. Even in school, Ivy is preoccupied with the procedures and
the cheats in leveling up in his games. His performance in school is below
average and often he is detached from the rest of the real world.
Points to Ponder:
How does being a gamer impact the life and maturity of Ivy? Elaborate
your answer clearly (300 to 500 words).
Being a gamer impact the life and maturity of Ivy really bad because he
forgets about the reality of the world, although there is a good money in gaming
but I think there is more in life than earning good money. They say that the
purpose of our education is for us to find a good job and earn good money, but I
think it is more than that, though we can benefit from our education by having a
good job that offers good salary but our education is not just simply for that it is
for us to be matured as a person to build us and nurture us through knowledge
and understanding. Although having bad grades does not define that you are a
bad learner, in Ivy’s case he is just preoccupied by the procedures and cheats to
level up his games that is why he receive a below average in school, maybe if Ivy
is not too into his games maybe he could have a good grades and also a good
gaming life. I think it is okay to be a gamer but being detached from the rest of
the world I think it is not good. Even Ivy’s health is in risk because he only sleeps
for 4 hours and to keep in mind that he is only a senior high student, I think he
should enjoy his youth other than playing games, there is more to life to enjoy
and I think he missed it because of his full time work as a gamer, he could spend
time with his family and friends while they are still around, because if the time
comes that his family is not around anymore and he feels that he need them and
wanted to see them he will just regret it because he spend so much time in his
work and being preoccupied by it all the time even memories of them is not
around because he don’t have them and he just spend most the time in his

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