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1.1 Background

Insects are the most abundant animal in the world. Insects have other names

for insects and hexapods. The word insect or insect comes from the word

insecare. The word has two meanings, namely in meaning "to be" and secare

meaning "to cut" or "to divide". So, insects mean animals that have a divided body

or segments. While hexapod consists of two words hexa and poda. Hexa means

"six" and poda means "foot" so hexapod means six-legged animal. The group of

animals in sequence will consist of several phyla, one phyla consists of several

classes, and so on which means that the number will continue to increase in each

group. The species/species group consists of about one million names

(Rachmawati, 2012)

Insects or insects are the most dominant animal species among other animal

species in the phylum Arthropoda. Therefore, in the phylum Arthropoda, insects

are included in a larger group of animals or segmented animals. To get a broader

picture of the structure of insects, it is necessary to briefly review the grouping

system or what is often called the classification system. Based on the

classification system, insects belong to the sub phylum Mandibulata which is

divided into 6 classes and the sub phylum Chelicerata which is divided into 3

classes. In addition, the insect class is divided into two subclasses, namely the

Apterygota and Pterygota subclasses. Sub-class Apterygota had 4 orders, while

the sub-class pterygota divided into 2 groups, namely endopterygota consisting of

3 orders and Exopterygota consisting of 11 orders, there are several orders

essential that act as pests, such as the order Orthoptera, the order Hemiptera, the

order coleoptera , order lepidoptera, order homoptera, order odonata, order

diptera, order hymenoptera, order dermaptera, order isoptera, and order

neuropteran (Firmansyah, 2017).

Pests are plant-disturbing organisms that cause physical damage to plants

and economic losses, the largest class of pests comes from the insect class

(insects). However, there are several types of insects that act as natural enemies

for other insects that are pests. Plant pests that rank at the top are from the insect

class (insecta), in this insect class there are several orders that divide the types of

plant-disturbing insect pests. Warehouse pests are pests that often attack human

food ingredients that are already in storage and the symptoms caused are very

detrimental. Warehouse pests have special characteristics that are different from

pests that attack in the field, this is closely related to their limited scope of life

which of course has a limited influence on external factors. limited, because it

turns out that not a few Janis and their species each have their own characteristics,

classification or classification of pests that attack products in the

warehouse (Nurkholik, , 2019).

Biologically Plant disease is an abnormal physiological process in the

plant body, which can cause direct losses to farmers, because it can reduce the

quality and quantity of yields. Diseases that attack plants usually cause symptoms

or characteristics that make it easier to identify diseases that attack plants. One of

the plant diseases can be caused by fungi. Fungi are a group of living organisms

that resemble higher plants, because they have cell walls, do not move, reproduce

by spores but do not have chlorophyll, grow in the form of thallus (no

differentiation into roots, stems and leaves) and do not have a vascular system as

in higher plants. In order to avoid plants from diseases caused by fungi, further

knowledge about fungi must be developed to obtain effective and environmentally

friendly disease control by exploiting biological agents in plants (Suanda, 2019).

Plant pathogenic bacteria are the cause of disease in plants, they live in

their host tissues or around their hosts. Various types of plants can be hosts to one

or many pathogenic bacteria, both whose associations are very detrimental or are

considered less important. Generally, plant bacteria are saprophytic

parasites, none of which are obligate parasites, which means that if there is no

host plant under certain conditions, it can be saprophytic (Lukman Hakim, 2020).

Diseases suffered by plants are caused by viral pathogens that attack

plants. The existence of diseases suffered by plants can cause plants to not be able

to provide good results in quality and quantity, resulting in loss of yields expected

by people who cultivate these plants. Plant viruses have an important role in

influencing plant production, because until now they are still difficult to control,

especially with the use of chemicals. The damage caused by the virus is quite

large because of the nature of the attack and its fast and wide spread. Early

recognition of viral diseases, both in terms of symptoms and causes, host plants,

suitable environmental conditions, and disease treatment carried out (Soesanto,


Nematodes are one of the plant pests that can cause yield losses. Nematode

attacks are often detected too late because the symptoms that appear above the soil

surface indicate that the nematodes have begun to attack the plant roots in the

soil. If no preventive or control measures are taken, nematodes can cause major

damage and crop failure. Therefore, the introduction of nematodes that cause

disease in plants is very necessary (Soesanto, 2013).

Therefore, observations must be made about the introduction of

classification, morphology of pests and diseases and their attacks on plants, and

control efforts to prevent pests and diseases from attacking plants.

1.2 Practical Purpose

The objectives of the Basic Plant Protection practicum include knowing the

morphological parts of insects and their functions, knowing the types of orders of

each insect and their morphology and symptoms of attack, knowing the types of

pests that attack agricultural products storage areas and control efforts, knowing

the symptoms of diseases in plants caused by fungi and their control efforts,

knowing the characteristics of plants that are attacked by bacteria and viruses and

on plants and understanding the signs and symptoms that attack plants and their

control efforts, and knowing the morphological characteristics of nematodes and

symptoms of attack and nematode control in plants.

1.3 Practicum Benefits

We can find out the classification, morphology, order of insects, warehouse

pests, as well as symptoms of attack and control of pests, diseases, fungi, bacteria,

viruses and nematodes on several types of agricultural crops.


2.1 Introduction to Insect Morphology

2.1.1 Head

Head is the front part of the insect's body and serves for plant collection and

manipulation, stimulation and brain receptors (neural fusion). Skeletal structures

that undergo sclerotization are called sclerites. These sclerites are separated from

each other by sutures that appear as grooves. The cuticle on the head protrudes

inward, forming the inner framework of the head, which is called the tentorium.

2.1.2 Thorax

Basically each thoracic segment can be divided into three parts. The dorsal

part is called the tergum or notum , the vertas part is called the sternum and the

lateral part is called the leuron . The pronotum of several types of insects is

sometimes modified, as can be seen in the pronotum of the order Ortoptera. This

section consists of three segments called the anterior thoracic segment

( prothorax ), the middle thoracic segment ( mesothorax ) and the posterior

thoracic segment ( metathorax ). In winged insects, the wings arise in the meso

and mesothorax segments, and collectively these two segments are referred to as

the pterothorax .

2.1.3 Abdomen

Insect abdomen is a body part that contains digestive, excretory, and

reproductive organs. Insect abdomen consists of several segments, an average of 9

to 10 segments. The dorsal and ventral parts are sclerotized while the part that

connects them is a membrane. The clerotized dorsal portion is called the tergit, the

ventral portion is called the sternite, and the membranous ventral portion is called

the pleura. The evolutionary development of insects shows signs that evolution is

leading to a reduction in the number of abdominal segments. Adult female insects

belonging to apterygota, such as Thysanura, have a primitive ovipositor which

consists of two pairs of appendages located on the underside of the eighth and

ninth abdominal segments. In fact, there are some insects that do not have an

ovipositor, so these insects use another method to lay their eggs. These insects are

found in the orders Thysanoptera, Mecoptera, Lepidoptera, Coleoptera, and

Diptera. These insects will usually use their abdomen as an ovipositor. Some

insect species can use their telescope-like abdomen when laying their eggs (Pearl,


2.2 Introduction to the Order of Insects

2.2.1 Introduction to the Order of Insects in General Order Ortoptera

Orthoptera is one of the orders of the insect class (Insecta). The species are

easily recognized because they have four pairs of wings, where a pair of rigid

forelimbs called tegmina and a pair of membranous hind wings (Rente, 1996),

with enlarged hind limbs (femurs) adapted for jumping, for example grasshoppers,

cockroaches and crickets. This group lives in various types of habitats, such as

forests, shrubs, around houses and agricultural land. In nature, the types of

Orthoptera act as predators, carrion eaters, decomposers of vegetable and animal

organic matter, eat living plant parts, natural enemies of other types of insects.

One of the insects of this order is the grasshopper, the grasshopper is a

member of the insect group (insect class), which has an important role in

maintaining the balance of the forest ecosystem. Ecosystem is a biological

environment that contains living organisms, biotic and non-biotic as well as

physical components that interact with each other. Grasshoppers and their

relatives live in various types of environments or ecosystems, including forests,

shrubs, residential areas, agricultural land, and so on (Ari Sugiarto, 2018) Order Hemiptera

Hemiptera is an order of insects also known as ladybugs. Hemiptera

consists of 80,000 species of insects such as cicadas, aphids, walang sangit, and

others. Several types of insects from this order eat plants and some act as

predators that suck the bodies of other insects and this group of insects has a large

body size and modified front wings.

The main characteristic of hemiptera insects is the structure of their mouths

that are shaped like needles. They use this oral structure to puncture the tissue

from food and then suck the liquid inside. Hemiptera themselves are omnivores

which means they eat almost all kinds of food from plant fluids, seeds, other

insects, to small animals such as fish. Ladybugs do not undergo complete

metamorphosis, the newly hatched chicks of this order usually have the same

appearance as their parents, but are smaller in size and have no wings (Sri

Mulyani, 2017) Order Coleoptera

The order coleoptera is a group of winged insects (Pterygota) which have

hard, thick and veinless front wings (elitra) that function as protective hind

wings. Around 350,000 coleoptera species in the world have been identified and it

is estimated that 10% of the world's coleoptera species are found in

Indonesia. Some members of the order Coleoptera act as plant pests such as the

coconut beetle ( Oryctes rhinoceros) , Helmet beetle (Coccinela arcuta) , but

some act as predators (predators) for other insects (Eka Sofiana, 2019) Order Lepidoptera

Order Lepidoptera, meaning insects that are almost the entire surface of

the body covered by sheets of scales that give the butterfly wings the pattern and

color. Lepidoptera is divided into three suborders, namely Rhopalocera

(butterflies), Grypocera (skippers) and Heterocera (moths). Along with the

development of the taxonomy of Lepidoptera, Grypocera was included in the

suborder Rhopalocera, so that Lepidoptera was only divided into two suborders,

namely Heterocera (moths) and Rhopalocera (butterflies and

skippers). Lepidoptera are divided into two large groups based on the average

body size, namely Microlepidoptera for smaller species and Macrolepidoptera for

large ones. Rhopalocera is monophyletic (derived from a single ancestor that

produces the same offspring), while Heterocera is paraphyletic (species that do

not have a common ancestor). Heterocera is nocturnal (active at night), while

Rhopalocera is diurnal (active during the day) (Devi Rahmayani, 2019) Order Homoptera

Homoptera are large insects and are closely related to the hemiptera. They

show great variety with their bodies, and many types of structures degenerate. The

life cycle of Homoptera is very complex, including bisexual and parthenogenetic

generations, winged and wingless generations. All Homoptera are plant eaters,

and many species are destructive to cultivated plants. Homoptera generally have

two pairs of wings, the front wings are the same structure and the hind wings are

membranous. There are also wingless homoptera. The shape and size of the types

of Homoptera vary, ranging from microscopic to large. Homoptera live in various


Homoptera are mostly insect pests, Homoptera as plant destroyers, among

others, cause pale, wrinkled, curly, stunted leaves and can result in plant

death. Homoptera in the family Alerodidae is one of the most important pests in

the world that gets special attention (Rendi, 2019) Order of Odonata

Odonata comes from the word "odont" which means tooth (which refers to

the mandible in adult dragonflies). The odonata order is divided into two

suborders, namely Anisoptera (dragonfly) and Zygoptera (needle dragonfly). The

two sub-orders can be distinguished from their body shape, namely Anisoptera's

body shape is larger than Zygoptera's. The eye shape in Anisoptera is fused while

in Zygoptera it is separate. Flying behavior Anisoptera has a wider range than


Dragonflies undergo incomplete metamorphosis. There are three phases in

the dragonfly life cycle, namely the egg, naiad and adult dragonfly stages. The

egg and naiad phases of the aquatic dragonfly and the adult phase are

terrestrial. After adult dragonflies will copulate, female dragonflies will lay their

eggs between aquatic plants and will hatch after 1-3 weeks. The eggs that hatch

will become naiad and will live around clean waters by eating small animals such

as small fish, mosquito larvae and others. After molting 10-15 times, the naiad

will come out of the perian and become an adult dragonfly (Laily, 2018) Order of Diptera

Diptera (two-winged flies) are a major insect group. Diptera larvae have

the ability to process organic matter and include a diverse range of chironomids,

leaf-damaging typhus and black lalar larvae, which are insects that obtain

nutrition by filter-feeding (Moss 2018). Diptera larvae are found in all types of

aquatic habitats, and are the most aquatic or semi-aquatic families (31 families)

compared to other orders of aquatic insects, Some diptera larvae can also tolerate

low dissolved oxygen, high salinity conditions, and some can survive live in hot

springs (Rizky Regina at al ., 2020). Order Dermaptera

Dermaptera is one of the orders of the insect class which is characterized

by a body length of 5-35 mm, a flat, slender body, black or brown in color,

filiform antennae, well-developed compound eyes, and the presence of forceps on

the back of the body. The order Dermaptera has folded hind wings and is curled

like a forcep. Dermaptera wings are not used for flight, but only to cover the body.

Dermaptera are omnivorous insects that can act as predators. Some

Dermaptera species have also been reported to eat rotting vegetables, sometimes

live plants. Dermaptera which act as predators catch prey by directing forceps to

the mouth by arching the abdomen above the head. Dermaptera Euborellia

annulata fabricus was reported to prey on the eggs and larvae of Helicoverpa

armigera on cotton plants. Dermaptera is an effective predator because it can prey

on eggs, larvae, and pupae of the corn stem borer Ostrina furnacalis (Mulyani,

2017). Order Isoptera

The order Isoptera is characterized by a prognathous head (prognathous

head, which is the position of the mouth apparatus in the direction of the body

plane or towards the front). Behind the head there is a thorax, consisting of a

prothorax that can move freely, narrower than the head, in worker termites, which

rarely have a large prothorax. Meso and metathorax are wider than long. Pleuron

is real but sternite is very small.

Termites, which are small insects, live in groups with a caste system that

reproduces perfectly. This insect belongs to the order Isoptera. Taxonomy or

classification of the types of termites is one of the mysteries of the insect world

because of the high level of similarity between the types of termites in each

family. I hope we don't have to worry too much about the types(species) of these

termites. The important thing is to be able to recognize the types as mentioned

earlier. In general, termites found in one category have similarities in almost all

aspects of their behavior, so the control methods can be the same

(Dodi Irawan, 2018). Order Neuroptera

Neuroptera comes from the

words neuro (veins) and ptera (wings) . This insect has a very small to large

body. The antennae are generally long and the mouthparts in sucking larvae and in

biting imago. Two pairs of wings, such as membranes, forewings and hindwings

are almost the same in shape and arrangement of veins. At rest the wings are

placed above the body. The larvae of this insect have well-developed jaws and are

used to catch prey. Insects of this order are snake fly ( Rhapidia adnixa ), dorson

fly ( Corydalus cornutus ), antler ( Dendroleum obsotelum ) and mantispid

( Mantispa cincticornis ).

The order neuroptera or has the common name netting wings comes from

the Greek, namely neure which means veins and ptera which means wings. The

order Neuroptera contains about 4700 species. The neuropterans are the most

primitive insects. This insect belongs to the holometabola group or insects that

are specialized to undergo complete metamorphosis in their development

(Mulyani, 2017).

2.2.2 Attack Symptoms grasshopper

Grasshopper pests attack and damage plants on young plant parts such as

leaves and plant shoots, the most visible symptom of attack is whether there is

damage due to locust bites such as hollow leaves, but generally the bones of the

leaves and leaf veins are left (Herni Is Sumayanti, 2021) Bug

Bug pests attack plants by damaging plant parts, especially stems and

grain, both parts of these plants are damaged by sucking liquid from the stems and

grain which causes production to decrease and inhibits the increase in plant

growth, other symptoms are on the leaves, the same thing with symptoms of

attacks on grasshoppers, stink bugs also damage the leaves causing holes in the

leaves (Khurotul Aeni, 2018) Koksi Beetle

Symptoms of pest attack on leaves occur after the beetles burrow into

plant stems, which eat young developing leaf midribs, causing damage to plant

cells and tissues and this damage causes plant development to be disrupted

(Karmawati E. 2018) Caterpillar Larva and Imago

Symptoms of attack The young larvae (instars 1-3) damage the leaves by

leaving remnants on the upper epidermis (transparent) and leaf bones. Unlike the

case with instars 4-6, the symptoms of attack on the leaves do not leave

transparent or remnants of the epidermis on the top and leaf bones, but rather

large leaf holes are formed. (Ilyas, 2016). Planthoppers

Planthoppers are the main pests on rice plants that can cause crop failure if

hopperburn attacks (Generally symptoms appear to be clustered in one location

and circular), Rice plants attacked by brown planthoppers show symptoms of

yellowing and drying quickly (Eva, Zulaika 2021) Dragonfly

Dragonflies are not insects that are included in pests, in fact dragonflies

are natural enemies of pests. Large dragonflies and needle dragonflies fly fast so

they can catch other flying insects. The length can be between 2 to 13.5 cm. Even

some types of dragonflies eat their prey while flying. Other types perch to

eat. Dragonflies can catch and eat fleas, mosquitoes and ladybugs (for example,

Helopeltis) in the air. Large dragonflies are able to catch small butterflies while

they fly in the air (Nuruddin, Muhammad, 2017) Fruit Flies

Fruit fly attacks are often found on almost ripe fruit. Early symptoms are

indicated by the appearance of small black spots from the ovipositor puncture, the

larvae live in the fruit and get nutrition from the fruit by damaging the flesh, so

the fruit becomes rotten and eventually falls (Tariyani., 2016). Pickpocket

Pickpocket is a common predator that is reported to be able to prey on

pests that destroy crops. Cocopet belongs to the order Dermaptera which is easily

recognized by the characteristic claws / claws at the end of the abdomen. The

claws are used to grab and hold prey as well as a means of self-defense and the

membranous wings are folded under the short forewings (Tirsa Salasa, 2021). Termite

Common symptoms of termite attack occur in plants planted close to tree

stumps or the remains of forest wood that are not dismantled. The presence of

stumps contributes to the occurrence of repeated termite attacks in the

field. Attacks from the outside of the plant are marked by the formation of soil

tunnels starting from the plant hump to cover the base of the midrib. The attack

from the inside of the stem is characterized by the accumulation of spear leaves,

yellowing leaves, and sengkleh midribs. At heavy intensity, attack from the inside

of the stem can cause plant death. Termite attacks on ex-forest peatlands also

cause plants to fall due to heavy damage to the weevil and plant root systems

(Elisyafan, 2019) Antlion

In general Antlion can be classified as a predator and not a threat,

Retreat-retreat will prey on ants and wait for insects that will eat through it and, if

no ants are trapped in the hole undurundur, then undurundur will not receive food

that may reduce regress survival (Pradyna dinata, 2016).

2.3 Warehouse Pest Introduction

2.3.1 Introduction to Warehouse Pests in General Rice Beetle

Flour beetle ( Sitophilus oryzae L), is one type of insect that heavily

damaged warehouse supplies of rice in storage. The

insect Sitophilus oryzae causes the rice grains to become hollow and easy to

break and crumble like flour, so that the quality is low because it tastes bad and

smells musty. The presence of this rice beetle needs to be controlled properly, so

that the quality and quantity of rice in storage does not decrease. A decrease in the

quantity and quality of foodstuffs can occur during storage in warehouses caused

by insect pests.

The characteristic of the rice beetle is slightly reddish brown. Beetle males

and beetle females can be distinguished from his size, beetle female body size is

larger than the male beetle, a slender body shape and slightly flattened. On the

pronotum there are six pairs of teeth that resemble saw teeth. The shape of the

head resembles a triangle. On the front wings there are clear longitudinal stripes

(Rizal,, 2019). Flour Beetle

Damage to flour or wheat during storage is caused by several factors

including physical factors (temperature and humidity), biological factors

(microflora and vertebrates), and technical factors (storage warehouse conditions,

methods and length of storage time). The most destructive warehouse pest insect

is the Coleoptera beetle , one of which is Tribolium castaneum (Subagia, et., al ,


The flour beetle ( Tribolium castaneum ) belongs to the order Coleoptera

and the family Tenebrionidae. Tribolium castaneum attacks the product mainly in

the form of flour. Tribolium castaneum undergoes complete metamorphosis

which includes egg, larva, pupa, and imago. The use of chemical insecticides is

the main choice in overcoming these problems. Chemical insecticides can have a

negative impact on the environment and the accumulation of toxic residues on

products in storage. The characteristics of the flour beetle are flat and rust red in

color with a body length of 2.3 - 4.4 mm. Long development of insect varies

considerably, depending on temperature, humidity, and the type of food

(Hendrival, ., 2016). Corn Beetle

Pests beetle corn ( Sitophilus zeamays) is an important pest in cereal

products in tropical and subtropical regions, mainly stored in warehouses without

being protected by chemical treatment. This pest is polyphagous because it can

damage food commodities such as corn and food products. Damage to stored

products has an important economic value because these materials are ready for

consumption, these materials cost a lot of money since seeding, tillage, planting,

and maintenance (Saenong, 2016).

Characteristics Adult corn beetles are faded reddish brown to near black,

and usually have a spot on the back with four bright reddish or yellowish

spots. 2.5 – 4.5 mm long, narrow and long snout. Has an antenna that is angled

(right-angled). The larvae are fat white and legless. Sometimes the larvae develop

in a single grain of corn (Tenrirawe,, 2016).

17 Mung Bean Beetle

The mung bean beetle ( Callosobruchus chinensis ) is an important pest

on green beans . This pest causes the quality of stored green beans to decrease and

become hollow. Hama i ni is polyfag and imagonya

like commodities pea green . In addition to attacking green bean seeds , this pest

also attacks soybean seeds. The loss caused by this pest reaches 96

percent, as a result , green beans cannot be used for seed or consumption. Damage

to postharvest materials or stored materials is very significant and has important

economic value because these materials are ready to be consumed, costing quite a

lot of money, starting from seeding, tillage, planting, maintenance and

harvesting. To overcome this problem, it is necessary to control the

pest Callosobruchus chinensis (Patty,, 2020).

The characteristic of the green bean beetle for its imago is 5 mm in size and

oval in shape, convex on the dorsal side. The body length of the male beetle is

between 2.40-3 mm, while the female is 2.76-3.48 mm. The antennae of

the male beetle are comb type ( pectinate ) and the female beetle is saw type

( serrate ). The imago stage is between 25-34 days. The number of eggs laid by

a female beetle ranges from 50-150 eggs. The eggs are oval in shape with an

average length of 0.57 mm, convex on the dorsal and flat on the part that is

attached to the seed (Harahap, 2017). Copra Beetle

The copra beetle ( Necrobia rufipes ) is a beetle that attacks dry coconut

by eating the product and causing damage in the form of holes. These beetles are

usually predators of other pests. The copra beetle ( Necrobia rufipes ) has

morphological characteristics consisting of antennae, head, compound eyes,

abdomen, thorax, forelegs, hind limbs and a pair of wings. Adult body size is

about 4-5 mm. The upper surface of the body is metallic bluish-green and

glossy. The underside of the abdomen is dark blue. Their feet are bright reddish

brown or orange. The antennae are reddish brown with dark brown or

black tips (Gabriel,, 2020).

2.3.2. Attack Symptoms Rice Beetle

Symptoms of rice beetle attack include narrow and branching

burrows. The female beetle lays eggs in crevices or between grains of rice in a

scattered or separate manner. A few days later the eggs hatch and the larvae

immediately destroy the surrounding rice grains. The length of the adult larva is

about twice the length of the beetle. When going to pupate, the larvae position

themselves in the grooves or crevices of the rice, with a few strands of silk thread

at the end of the abdomen. The larvae make a kind of imperfect cocoons in the

corners of the attacked rice deposits. Furthermore, the affected rice grains become

easily broken and crumble like flour. The quality of rice will be completely

damaged by this pest attack which is mixed with pest saliva

(Mastuti,, 2020).

19 Flour Beetle

Symptoms of this pest attack include imago

and castaneum larvae destroying flour by waiting for the results of destruction of

rice grains. When present in large quantities, flour beetles will cause flour to

become susceptible to mold and can contaminate commodities with secretions

from the odorous glands, castaneum contaminates flour by benzoquinone

resulting from the beetle's excretion which is toxic so that the commodity is not

suitable for consumption and causes brown flour ( Subagiya,, 2018). Corn Beetle

Corn beetle ( Sitophilus zeamays ) attacks the ripe corn kernels in the field

so that the corn cobs have holes. Each hole is drilled, one egg is inserted. Then the

hole is closed again with a substance such as gelatin which functions as an egg

plug. The eggs will hatch in a few days into larvae and eat the inside of the seed

core. Then it becomes a cocoon, then becomes an adult beetle (Faqy,, 2019). Mung Bean Beetle

Symptoms of the attack of the mung bean beetle, namely the green bean

seeds are recognized by the presence of holes in the soybean granules. Soybean

seeds that are attacked by this beetle are also a shelter for insects. Sometimes

insects can be seen coming out of the hoist. The female imago lays one egg on the

outer shell of the mung bean, then the egg hatches into a larva and the larva digs

the endosperm layer of the mung bean seed, forming a hole. The larvae perforate

and eat the endosperm layer and the mung bean seed embryo or just pierce the

mung bean seed to complete the pupa stage (Nurwanto, 2017). Copra Beetle

Symptoms of the copra beetle attack are biting the copra into holes,

making the copra rotten and emitting an unpleasant odor. Imago fly actively to

spread to new food sources. The larvae are laid in crevices of hidden material,

after hatching, the larvae make burrows that wind in the copra. When approaching

pupation, the larvae create a cavity that is oval in shape and is lined with a mixture

of saliva and the remains of the hoof. They are destructive in both the larval and

adult stages, although the larval stage is the most destructive. The larvae will

burrow and damage the copra of low quality, with high moisture content, causing

the air in the copra storage area to become moist and wet

(Gabriel,, 2020).

2.4 Introduction to Diseases Caused by Fungi

2.4.1 Classification and Morphology Alterina porri

Fungus Alternaria porri macroscopically which has a characteristic that

the growth of the white awaljamur then after a few days began to turn into a gray-

abukehitaman to black, colony spread uniformly on the entire surface of a petri

dish. While the microscopic morphology of the fungus is characterized by having

brown mycelium, conidium and conidiophores, the conidium is in the form of an

inverted club that is insulated while the conidiophores are upright

(Vira et al., 2020). Collectotrichum capsici

Colletotrichum capsici is classified in kingdom Fungi, division

Ascomycota, class Sodariomycetes, order Phyllachorales, family Phyllachoraceae,

genus Colletotrichum , and species Colletotrichum capsici . Pure breeding of the

fungus Colletotrichum capsici , at first the fungus is white to grayish, then

gradually becomes black. fungal morphology microscopically, it was known that

the growth of Colletotrichum capsici was slow, and the hyphae were not

insulated. The conidia were oblong, 1.94 m long and 0.61 m wide. The

fungus Colletotrichum capsici has macroconidia shaped like a crescent moon and

does not have a septum (Khairul et al., 2018). Phyptoptora palmivora

Sporangiophores have a length of more than 10 m, the mating type is

heterothallic and none is homo-mothal, forming chlamydospores, the length of the

spores ranges from 30-100 m, the width of the sporangium is 25-90 m, the ratio of

length to width ranges from 1.3-2, 1, has a clear papilla, and a simple sporangium

branching type to an umbrella-shaped (umbel) (Wahyuno et al 2016). Fusarium Oxyporum

Fusarium oxyporum is classified in the kingdom Fungi, phylum

Ascomycota, class Sordariomycetes, order Hypocreales, family Nectriaceae,

genus Fusarium, and species Fusarium oxyporum . Typical morphological

characteristics of Fusarium Oxysporum , namely purple colonies, and forming

short monophyalid conidiophores. The macroconidium is canoe-shaped with a

notch-type base and a hook-type tip, unchained micronidium, having one or two

oval, cylindrical, elliptical or kidney-like septa. Chlamydospores have smooth or

rough walls and are formed singly or in series, namely in the middle or at the ends

of the hyphae (Whardana et al., 2021)

2.4.2 Symptoms and Signs of Attack Alterina porri

Symptoms of necrosis caused by the fungus Alterina Porri

are characterized by the death of plant parts from a group of cells in certain

tissues and then black spots appear. Symptoms of purple spot disease are small,

curved, white to gray spots. When the size of the spot increases, the color changes

to purplish and appears ringed. The edges of the spot are purplish red, surrounded

by a yellow zone. When the weather is humid, the color of the surface of the spots

changes to blackish brown, with dry leaf tips. The number of spots on old leaves

is more than on young leaves (Sari and Inayah, 2020).

Spots on infected leaves are quite visible, have fungal mycelium with a dry

structure, and attack the flower stalk during the generative period. The purple

spots that can be seen visually, the majority attack on the old leaves, black spots

have signs in the form of a purple-black mushroom mycelium which is quite clear

with yellow edges. Usually the leaves become wilted and turn yellow from the tip

of the leaf and spread to the base of the leaf (Sari and Inayah, 2020). Collectotrichum capsici

Anthracnose caused by the fungus Collectotrichum Capsici generally

attacks almost all parts of the plant, from twigs, branches, leaves to fruit. The

attack phase also varies, it can start from the vegetative phase (germination) or the

generative phase (fertilization). Symptoms are seen when plants are infected by

this disease where the fruit rots and dries up. On the fruit there are concave

circular spots that are brown in the center and light brown around the circle. In its

development, these spots will expand and then cause the fruit to rot, dry and fall

(Sondakh, 2021). Phyptoptora palmivorai

Symptoms of fruit rot disease caused by the fungus Phytopthora

palmivora . Symptoms of Fruit Rot Disease can occur at various ages of fruit. The

color of the fruit changes, generally starting from the tip of the fruit or near the

stem, which quickly extends throughout the fruit. Finally the fruit turns

black. This disease is characterized by the surface of the skin of the fruit that is

attacked, there are signs of the disease in the form of a layer hanging on the tree

with rotten fruit stalks, generally causing symptoms of cancer. On the surface of

the fruit that is attacked and turns black, a powdery layer appears, consisting of

secondary fungi that form a lot of spores. (Defitri, 2017). Fusarium Oxyporum

Symptoms of Fusarium oxyporum attack are where initially the upper leaf

bones turn pale, the petiole droops and the plant wilts. Complete wilting can occur

between 2 to 3 weeks after infection. The sign can be seen in the plant transport

tissue that changes color to yellow or brown. This disease can survive in the soil

for a long time and can be transferred from one field to another through

agricultural machinery, leaf litter that has been attacked, and irrigation

water. High soil temperatures are very suitable for the development of this disease

(Irzayanti, 2018)

2.5 Introduction to Diseases Caused by Bacteria and Viruses

2.5.1 Classification and Morphology BDB ( Blood Disease Bacterium )

Ralstonia solanacearum is a gram-negative bacterium, rod-shaped with a

size of 0.5 to 0.7 x 1.5 to 2.5 m, flagellated, aerobic, not encapsulated, and

forming white slimy colonies. Blood disease bacterium (BDB) is caused by the

bacterium Ralstonia solanacearum which is classified in the kingdom Bacteria,

phylum Proteobacteria, class Beta Proteobacteria, order Burkholderiales, family

Ralstoniaceae, genus Ralstonia, and species Ralstonia solanacearum.

The life cycle of bacteria (Rostalnia solanacearum) in bananas (Musa spp.)

is that bacteria can survive on roots and on plants that have close relationships

with bananas. The presence of wounds on the roots will increase the

infection. When entering the roots, bacteria develop along the roots to the stems,

and fungi will develop extensively in the vascular network (Nur Sulastri Jaffar,

2016) Pseudomonas Solanacearum

Morphological characteristics of P. solanacearum measuring 0.5–0.7 x

1.5–2.5 microns, rod-shaped with rounded ends, not forming a capsule,

without spores, motile with one polar flagellum, virulent isolates generally have

short flagella and movement slow.

The life cycle of the bacterium Pseudomonas solanacearum on tomato

plants (Lycopersicum esculentum) is to infect the soil and plants. Soil that has

been infected is difficult to liberate from these bacteria. This bacteria infects the

roots, especially those that have been injured, then settles and grows in the

bundles of plant vessels. Pseudomonas solanacearum is classified in kingdom

Bacteria, phylum Proteobacteria, class Gama Proteobacteria, order

Pseudomonadales, family Pseudomonas, genus Pseudomonas, and species

Pseudomonas solanacearum (Triwidodo Ariyanto, 2018). PmoV

PMoV belongs to the Potyvirus group, with a width of 12 nm and a length

of 750 nm, having a single RNA thread composed of 9500 nucleotides. In the

cytoplasm of leaf flesh cells (Mesophyll) there are inclusion bodies in the form of

chakras (Pinwheel inclusion), circular, in pieces and nearby are the particles of the

virus. PMoV (Peanut Mottle Virus) is classified in group IV (+) sense RNA

Viruses, family Potyviridae, genus Potyvirus, and Peanut mottle virus species

(Hapsoro, 2019) PStV

PStV virus has flexible rod-shaped particles, has a length of 700-750 nm,

is resistant to acidity between PH 4 to 8. While the welts on peanut leaves are

caused by Peanut Stripe Virus or PStV (Peanut Stripe Virus). PStV virus particles

are in the form of flexible rods with a length of ± 750 nm, inside diseased plant

cells there are inclusion bodies similar to chakras. PStV (Peanut Mottle Virus) is

classified in group IVsense RNA Viruses, family Potyviridae, genus Potyvirus,

and Peanut stripe virus species (Dwi Hapsoro, 2019) Tungro

RTBV (Rice tungro bacilliform virus) was classified in group VII

(dsDNA-RT), family Caulimoviridae, genus Tungrovirus, and Rice tungro

bacilliform virus species RTSV (Rice Tungro Spherical Virus) classified in group

IV ((+)ssRNA), family Sequiviridae, genus Waikavirus, and species Rice tungro

spherical virus. In its life cycle, the tungro virus is carried by the brown

planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens), by sucking diseased plants and spreading it

through rice plant tissues. Transmission of disease in green leafhoppers is non-

persistent, which occurs immediately within 2 hours after sucking the plant, and

causes signs of attack after 6 to 9 days later (Mimi Sutrawati, 2019)

2.5.2 Symptoms and Signs of Attack BDB

The spread of banana wilt disease is caused by bacteria (Rostalnia

solanacearum) assisted by insects that transmit the bacteria Ralstonia

solanacearum from the order Diptera and the order Lepidoptera which act as

vectors of pathogens causing bacterial wilt disease and insects from the order

Hymenoptera which act as carriers of the disease to banana plants. Insects of the

order Hymenoptera that land on the heart (cob) of bananas that have been attacked

by bacterial wilt disease will carry bacteria (Ralstonia solanacearum) to other

banana plants, so the banana plants they infest will also be infected with bacterial

wilt disease (Aisya, 2020). Pseudomonas Solanacearum

Symptoms caused by Pseudomonas Solanacearum are wilting of young

leaves or yellowing of old leaves, while the symptoms that appear on the stems

are brown hair bundles (Robbianti, 2019) PmoV

Symptoms of PMoV (Peanut Mottle Virus) attack can be seen from the

irregular stripes on the leaves, dark green and light green, the leaf bones are

slightly curved, and the leaf edges are slightly curled up. Infections that occur

when the plant is still young often cause striped symptoms with chlorotic

rings. Therefore, PMoV is often also called striped disease (Berlian et al., 2020) PstV

Symptoms of PStV (Peanut Stripe Virus) attack can be seen from the

presence of dotted lines (Discontinuous), and severe mosaic symptoms occur on

the leaves, and there are certain patterns with widespread welts, so it is very

similar to the symptoms of striped disease. PStV is often also referred to as welt

disease (Mirsam, 2016). Tungro

The main symptoms of tungro disease appear in the discoloration of the

young leaves to yellow-orange starting from the tips of the leaves, the young

leaves curl up, the number of tillers is reduced, the plants are stunted and their

growth is stunted. When the attack is heavy there are black spots on the

leaves. Symptoms of the disease spread in groups, the paddy field looks like wavy

due to the difference in plant height between healthy and infected plants (Mimi et

al., 2019).

2.6 Nematodes

2.6.1 Classification of Nematodes

Meloidogyne spp. is a nematode that develops very quickly and has a high

compressive power to plant growth with characteristic visible symptoms.

Classification of nematodes changes in line with the development of knowledge.

Some references that can be used as benchmarks in nematode taxonomy

include the Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS), Animal Diversity

Web (ADW), Catalog of Life (CoL), and Encyclopedia of Life (EOL), based

on the IT IS classification, the nematode class is divided into 3, namely Class

Chromadorea (subclass: Chromadoria), Class Dorylaimea, Class Enoplea

(subclass: Enoplia) based on the ADW Classification, the nematode class is

divided into 2, namely Class Adenophorea and Class Secernentea (subclass:

Chromadoria and Enoplia) while based on the Classification of CoL and EOL, the

nematode class is divided into 2 namely Class Adenophorea and Class

Secernentea In general, the division of the nematode phylum into two classes,

namely Adenophorea (gland carriers) and Secernentea (secretors) is more widely


This classification method then divides the nematode phyla into 19 orders,

namely Aphelenchida, Araeolaimida, Ascaridida, Camallanida, Desmodorida,

Desmoscolecida, Diplogasterida, Dorylaimida, Enoplida, Mermithida,

Monhysterida, Mononchida, Oxyurida (= Rhabdiasida, S, Rhabditida,

Stronghalida, S. Triplonchida, and Tylenchida. In some references, the order

Muspiceida is also found) and the Nematodes Meloidogyne spp. classified in

kingdom Animalia, phylum Nematoda, class Secernentea, order Thylenchida,

family Heteroderidae, genus Meloidogyne, and species Meloidogyne spp.

2.6.2 Nematode Life Cycle

Generally, the development of plant parasitic nematodes consists of three

phases, namely egg - larvae I to larvae IV - adult nematodes. The life cycle of

root-knot nematodes is about 18–21 days or 3–4 weeks and becomes longer in

cold temperatures. The number of eggs that a female produces depends on

environmental conditions. Under normal conditions the female can lay 300-800

eggs and sometimes can produce more than 2800 eggs. In the root (nematode

larvae settle and cause changes in the cells that become their food, the larvae swell

and molt rapidly for the second and third time, then become an adult male or

female that is elongated in the cuticle, the fourth stage emerges from the tissue.

roots and produce eggs continuously throughout its life.

There are more male larvae if the roots are heavily attacked and nutrients

are lacking, if there are few larvae in the host tissue, almost all of them become

female, but reproduction is mostly parthenogenesis, although root exudates are

able to stimulate egg hatching, these compounds are not needed for the success of

their life cycle (Anafzhu, 2010). 2019).

2.6.3 Morphology and Method of Infecting Plants

In the order Thylenchidae the skeleton is absent or underdeveloped, the

stylet is small. Both males and females are active, in the form of elongated

nematodes. Single ovary, vulva is located between the mid-length of the body and

the anus. The tail of the female nematode is tapered. Male nematodes have tail

wings but do not reach the tip of the tail. The oesophageal gland is located in the

basal bulb, slightly overlapping with the intestine. The stylet is slender, pointed,

usually at the base of the stylet there is a knob consisting of three parts as a place

for attaching muscles. The pharynx is divided into four parts, which are the

procorpus, the metacorpus (a crescent-shaped sheet, as a place of attachment for

the radial muscles), the istimulus (elongated slender ring which is surrounded by a

nerve ring), and the lower part is the basal bulb. or lobe. The cuticle of this

nematode group has a clear annulation (Asyiah IN 2016)

Nematodes lay eggs in the soil or on their host plants. Larvae that have

formed inside the eggs hatch outside. If there is a host plant, the larvae

immediately parasitize it and develop in it through four larval stages. After the last

molt, the morphological differences between male and female nematodes will be

clearly visible and have been able to carry out the reproductive process

(Nurjayadi, 2016).

Adult male nematodes are elongated in the cuticle and emerge from the root

tissue. Meanwhile, adult female nematodes remain attached to the blood where

they feed on the stele with the posterior part of their bodies on the root

surface. The female nematode continuously lays eggs throughout her life,

sometimes reaching more than 1000 eggs. Especially for root-knot nematodes

(Meloidogyne spp.) it takes 18-21 days for one life cycle (Pratiwi, NW K, 2020)


3.1 Place and time

Practicum courses on Plant Protection Basics, concerning Introduction of

Insects, Insect Orders, introduction of warehouse pests, introduction of fungal

diseases, introduction of bacterial and viral diseases, introduction of nematodes,

located at the Laboratory of Plant Pests and Diseases (HPT) Faculty of

Agriculture, Tadulako University . Meanwhile, the Practicum will be held

on Wednesday, October 27, 2021, until November 17, 2021, starting from 09.40

to 11.40 WITA.

3.2 Tools and materials

3.2.1 Introduction to Insect Morphology Parts

The tools used in this practicum are containers, writing utensils and picture

books. While the materials used are 70% alcohol and grasshoppers ( Caelifera ).

3.2.2 Introduction to the Orders of Insects

The tools and materials used in this practicum are containers, writing

utensils and picture books. While the materials used are alcohol 70%, grasshopper

( Caelifera ), walang sangit ( Leptocorisa acuta ), Helm beetle ( Cocconella

Arcuta ), armyworm ( Sodoptera litura ), fruit fly ( Bactocera ), dragonfly

( Anisoptera ), leafhopper ( Fuigoromorpha ). , termites ( Isoptera ),

and crabtails ( Dendrocum apsotelum )

3.2.3 Warehouse Pest Introduction

The tools used are containers, A4 picture books, writing utensils. While

the ingredients used were 70% alcohol, rice beetle Sitophilus oryzae L and

symptoms of attack, flour beetle Tribolium sp and symptoms of attack, corn

beetle Sitophilus zeamays and symptoms of attack, green bean

beetle Callosobrocus chinensis L and symptoms of attack, and opra

beetle Necrobia rupifes and attack symptoms.

3.2.4 Introduction to Fungal Disease

The tools used are writing lats, containers, and knives. Meanwhile, the

materials used were leeks which were attacked by Alterina Porri , chilies which

were attacked by Collectotrichum capsici , cocoa pods which were attacked

by Phytopthora palmivora , tomato plants which were attacked by Fusarium

oxyporum , and banana plants which were attacked by Fusarium oxyporum.

3.2.5 Introduction to Bacterial and Viral Diseases

The tool used is a knife or cutter. While the materials used were 70%

alcohol, samples of peanuts infected with PmoV, samples of peanuts infected with

PstV, rice plants infected with the tungro virus, bananas infected with Blood

Disease Bacterium (BDB), banana stems infected with Blood Disease

Bacterium (BDB), and tomato plants infected with Psedomonas solanacearum

3.2.6 Introduction to Nematodes

The tools used are writing utensils, picture books, and containers. While the

materials used include aquades, celery plants ( Aphum graviolens ) which are

attacked by nematodes and the soil around the roots of celery plants.

3.3 Ways of working

3.2.1 Introduction to Insect Morphology Parts

The method of work carried out on the introduction of insect morphological

parts is to look for grasshoppers as specimens to be observed, then bring the

specimens to the pest and disease laboratory, after that prepare the material

for locust insect specimens ( Caelifera ), then observe the morphology of the

grasshoppers and then draw on a book. pictures and provide information on the

morphology of the insect.

3.2.2 Introduction to the Orders of Insects

The method of work carried out in the introduction of insect orders is to

look for specimens based on the type of order and then bring them to the pest and

disease laboratory to be observed, after that prepare the specimen material, then

observe the morphology of insects one by one and identify the type of order based

on its morphology. Then describe the specimen in the picture book and give a

description of each part of the insect morphology.

3.2.3 Warehouse Pest Introduction

The way of working on the introduction of warehouse pests is to look for

warehouse pests in each place according to their symptoms. Then it is stored in a

container to bring the specimen to the pest and disease laboratory, after that

observe each specimen and the symptoms of the attack then describe it in a picture

book along with its description.

3.2.4 Introduction to Fungal Disease

The method of work carried out on the introduction of fungal diseases is to

look for pathogens in leeks that are attacked by Alterina Porri , chilies that are

attacked by Collectotrichum capsici , cocoa pods that are attacked

by Phytopthora palmivora , tomato plants that are attacked by Fusarium

oxyporum , banana plants that are attacked by Fusarium oxyporum, after

everything is ready. , then brought to the pest and disease laboratory to further

observe the fungus that attacked the specimen then describe it on a picture book

and provide information.

3.2.5 Introduction to Bacterial and Viral Diseases

The method of work carried out on the introduction of bacterial and viral

diseases is to look for pathogens in peanut plants that are attacked by PmoV,

samples of peanut plants that are attacked by PstV, rice plants that are attacked by

the tungro virus, bananas that are attacked by Blood Disease Bacterium (BDB),

banana stems which was attacked by Blood Disease Bacterium (BDB), and

tomato plants which were attacked by Psedomonas. After everything is ready,

then take it to the pest and disease laboratory to further observe the bacteria and

viruses that attack the plant and then describe it in the picture book along with the


3.2.6 Introduction to Nematodes

The way of work carried out on the introduction of nematodes is to look for

pathogens on celery plants that are attacked, the search for pathogens is carried

out on several celery plants that are attacked by root fungus pathogens, where the

roots show symptoms on the celery. Then take a sample of the infected whole

plant along with the soil media attached to the plant roots. After all the pathogenic

materials are ready, then take them to the pest and disease laboratory for further

observation, then observe the plant roots and draw on a picture book along with

the symptoms of the attack.


4.1 Introduction to Insect Morphology

4.1.1 Results

Based on the observations that have been carried out, the following results

are obtained:


Figure 1. Insect morphology

4.1.2 Discussion

Based on the observations that have been made on the grasshopper insect

( Caelifera), it was found that the grasshopper has three main body parts such as

the head ( caput ) , chest ( thorax ) , and stomach ( abdomen ). In addition, there

are also other body parts such as the legs ( legs ) which amount to six for the

forelegs used for walking and the long legs are used for jumping, two pairs

of wings ( tera ) for flying and a pair of antennas as sensors, the grasshopper has

five eyes consisting of two compound eyes and three ecelli, grasshoppers breathe

using the trachea. The body parts of male and female grasshoppers are different,

female grasshoppers have a larger body size ranging from 58-71 mm, while male

grasshoppers have a smaller body size ranging from 49-63 mm.

Grasshoppers are insects belonging to the order Orthoptera which means

straight wings, insects belonging to this order fold their wings straight over their

bodies at rest. There are medium to large body sizes. Many of them are pests of

agricultural crops, some are predators. Grasshoppers bite the leaves by biting on

the edges and then reaching the bone which causes teeth to form on the leaves and

over time the leaves of the plant with holes in the middle and ends of the leaves

will run out. This insect has an incomplete metabolic growth type. How to walk

by jumping and assisted by short flight (Syahrin, 2019).

Pest and disease control by farmers still depends on the use of synthetic

pesticides because they are practical in application and control results can be seen

quickly. However, the use of synthetic pesticides has a negative impact on health

and the environment. Management of pests and diseases in seedlings should be

efficient, effective and economical by using an integrated

pest control (IPM) approach . This control combines several compatible controls ,

consisting of quarantine, physical, mechanical, silvicultural, chemical and

biological (Nurrahma, 2019).

4.2 Introduction to the Order of Insects

4.2.1 Results

From the observation of the Practicum on the Basics of Plant Protection on

insect morphology along with the introduction of Insect Orders of Plant Pests, the

following results were obtained:


Figure 2. Wood Grasshopper ( Valangan Nigricornis )


Figure 3. Walang Sangit ( Leptocorisa Acuta )


Figure 4. Helmet beetle ( Coccinella Arcuta )


Figure 5. Army caterpillar ( Spodoptera Litura )


Figure 6. Fruit fly ( Bactrocera SP.)


Figure 7. Dragonfly ( Anisoptera )


Figure 8. Planthopper ( Fulgoromorpha )


Figure 9. Termites ( Isoptera )


Figure 10. Cocopet ( Dermaptera )

4.2.2 Discussion

Observation of the morphology of Walang Sangit (Leptocorixa acuta). The

antennae, head, thorax, and abdomen can be seen. Walang sangit (Leptocorixa

acuta) is an animal that defends itself from other predators by emitting an

unpleasant odor. This attack is found in cultivated plants, especially rice

plants. Symptoms of the pest attack (Leptocorixaacuta) are in the leaves of the

attacked plant there are small holes that resemble the symptoms of a grasshopper

attack (Wahyu Maulana, 2017)

Observations on pests Koksi beetle has a unique way of defending

itself. When he feels threatened by danger, he will pretend to be dead by turning

his body and pulling his legs in or immediately flying away when under threat. As

a further protective mechanism, it will secrete a yellow liquid from the joints of its


This liquid has an unpleasant odor and taste so that if successful, the

predator will not eat it because they cannot stand the smell of the liquid. One of

the types of koksi beetles is Epilachna admirabilis which is known to eat the

leaves of cultivated plants such as eggplant, watermelon, bitter melon and

pumpkin leaves, the E. admirabilis beetle looks dull, spotted and not shiny

(Trisnadi, 2010). This beetle is destructive in the larval stage to adulthood. At the

time of feeding E. admirabilis will leave traces on the leaves of the former food,

do not eat leaf veins and also cause damage to the nectar of plants.

Predatory koksi beetles that are used as biological control agents include:

Chilocorus politus (orange in color and unspotted elitra), Coccinella arcuata (red

and spotted elitra). The main prey are aphids (Aphididae spp.), scale insects and

insect eggs. Most of the aphids preyed on are major pests on various agricultural

crops. The koksi beetle has short legs and a head that looks bent down. This head

position helps when eating prey. The predatory koksi beetle is known as an

environmentally friendly insect that can help farmers in overcoming the attack of

aphids. During its lifetime, a koksi beetle can prey on up to 1000 small insects and

the predatory koksi beetle is characterized by a firm and shiny elitra color (Sri

Mulyani, 2017).

Observations on Grayak Caterpillars , Armyworms ( Spodoptera Litura )

are one of the important pests that are widespread in the tropics to subtropics,

including Asia, Australia, and the Pacific Islands, with a wide host range. Because

it is a polyphagous, this pest does not only damage food crops, but also plantation

crops, vegetables, and fruits, including peanuts, corn, rice, soybeans, taro, cotton,

hemp, tea, tobacco, eggplant, pumpkin, potatoes. , sweet potatoes, including

ornamentals, weeds, and weeds.

Symptoms of Armyworm Attacks Armyworm attack on corn plants is

characterized by symptoms of leaf damage, leaf holes and only leaf bones

remaining. Leaf damage is caused by larvae, which after hatching produce 1st

instar larvae which then spread to the entire leaf surface. The larvae eat the lower

leaf surface and leave only the leaf bones. The larvae first eat the leaves, but in the

event of a population explosion ( outbreak ) the larvae also eat the pods, flowers,

and shoots.

Observations on fruit flies, fruit fly pests can be seen directly by the naked

eye. Symptoms of attack are marked by: fruit flies will be seen on young

chilies; chili stalks will turn yellow and the fruit will fall; if fruit fly eggs are

placed at the end of the fruit, the chili will look yellow and rotten and a little

wet; On chilies that are attacked by fruit flies, there will be black dots from the

puncture marks of fruit flies to lay their eggs; and if the fruit is split, you will see

fly larvae like white caterpillars.

If the signs of a fruit fly attack have started to appear, immediately do fruit

fly pest control. The way to control fruit fly pests on chili plants is as follows:

carry out land sanitation by collecting and burning rotten fruit caused by fruit fly

larvae, this is important because the larvae in the fruit will turn into pupae which

will eventually become new fruit flies. ; do not plant chilies on former host plants

such as cucumbers, gambas and bitter melons; use a fruit fly anthrax methyl

eugenol trap, namely a fruit fly trap that is given a lure in the form of methyl

eugenol; use glue traps such as wrapped glue; pick the infested chilies and destroy

them by burning or burying them; use fruits such as jackfruit, cucumber whose

aroma is liked by fruit flies, mixed with the active ingredient insecticide

metomil; and spraying chili plants using insecticidal pesticides with the active

ingredients of deltamethrin, dimehipo, cartophydrochloride, chlorpyrifos,

metomil, profenofos, or cypermethrin. Spraying time should be done in the

morning when the dew is still on the leaves (Denny, 2020)

Observations on Dragonfly Pests, This insect uses most of its life to fly.

Dragonflies also have a slender body with two pairs of wings, and have blood

vessels. In addition, dragonflies also have short hair-shaped antennae, well-

developed legs, mouth type chewing, large compound eyes, long and slender

abdomen. important in the rice field ecosystem. Dragonflies function as predatory

insects, both in the form of nymphs and adults, and prey on various types of

insects and other organisms including rice plant pests, such as: rice stem borer

(Chilo sp), brown leafhopper (Nilaparvata lugens), and walang sangit

(Leptocorisa acuta). ). In addition, dragonflies can also be used as an indicator of

ecosystem quality.

This is because dragonflies have 2 habitats, namely water and air. Female

odonata in oviposition chooses clear and clean water habitat, because the nymph

stage is susceptible to polluted water quality. Dragonflies are able to breed in

almost all fresh waters that are not too hot, acidic or salty, from waters in the

highlands to those in the lowlands (Samsul Rizal, 2019)

Observation of planthopper pests, insect pests and plant diseases. One of the

most destructive insect pests that attack rice plants in rice producing countries is

the planthopper. In general, planthoppers undergo incomplete metamorphosis

( paurometabola ). The immature insects in the form of nymphs and the adults in

the form of leafhoppers have a piercing-sucking type mouth apparatus equipped

with a stylet. Planthoppers eat by sucking the liquid on the stems of rice

plants. This activity causes symptoms in the form of brown rice leaves such as

burning and drying.

In addition to the white rice stem borer, the brown planthopper is one type

of insect that causes losses to rice crops. The ability of planthoppers to adapt very

quickly to their habitat is one of the obstacles in controlling them. Planthopper

control itself is widely applied, namely with natural enemies such as spiders

(Fattahuddin, 2020).

Observations on termites ( Isoptera ), the termite species C. curvignathus is

a phylum Anthropoda, class Insecta, order Isoptera, family Rhinotermitidae, and

genus Coptotermes. There are three castes in a termite colony, namely the

working, warrior, and reproductive castes. The caste of workers is in charge of

building and repairing nests, maintaining queens, eggs, young termites, and

foraging for food. The warrior caste is in charge of guarding the colony from

enemy attacks. While the reproductive caste is tasked with breeding and forming

new colonies. The termite C. curvignathus is a phytophagous that feeds on oil

palm plant tissue that contains cellulose.

Mild attack is characterized by the presence of tunnels on the surface of the

stem. Oil palm plants are categorized as heavily attacked when termite attacks

have reached the growing point which can cause the plant to die. This termite

attack symptom occurs due to the opening of the area with a light burning system

which leaves a lot of wood that does not burn out. The burnt residue and wood

stumps are suitable forage and nesting materials for termites.

A termite study showed that 63% of the affected plants were near rows of

wood piles such as stem pieces, branches and stumps after land clearing by the

light burning method. Approximately 37% of the affected plants were near

drainage canals. Even though wood has been burned during land preparation,

termites can live in the soil and avoid fire and some of them can survive in the

trunks with holes in the middle (Ditjenbun, 2019)

Observations on Pickpocket Hamans ( Dermaptera ), Pickpocket

are common predators that are reported to be able to prey on plant-destroying

pests. Cocopet belongs to the order Dermaptera which is easily recognized by the

characteristic claws / claws at the end of the abdomen. Claws are used to grab and

hold prey as well as a means of self-defense. Most types of cocopet are nocturnal,

that is, they are actively looking for prey at night and hide in the ground or plant

parts during the day.

Several types of pickpocket that play a role in biological control include

Celisoches morio which is reported to be able to prey on B. longissima Euborellia

annulipes which can prey on Tirathaba fructivora, Ostrinia furnacalis, Spodoptera

sp and Spodoptera litura pests. Cocopet not only preys on one stage of pest

development but almost all stages of pest development starting from eggs, larvae,

pupae, and imago and can prey on a continuous basis throughout their life

(Rahma, Salim, 2016)

4.3 Warehouse Pest Introduction

4.3.1 Results

From the practical observation of warehouse pest insects that have been

carried out, the following observations were obtained:


Figure 11. Rice Beetle ( Sitophilus Oryzae )


Figure 12. Flour beetle (Tribolium SP.)


Figure 13. Corn Beetle (Sitophilus Zeamays)


Figure 14. Green Bean Beetle (Callosobruchus Chinensis L.)


Figure 15. Copra Beetle (Necrobia Rufipes)

4.3.2 Discussion

Based on the observations that have been made on pest Warehouse flour

beetle ( Sitophilus oryzae ) obtained the observation that morphology flour beetle

(Sitophilus oryzae) consists of a head (caput), eyes, a pair of antennae, appliance

mouth, wings, legs 3 pairs, thorax and abdomen . The morphological

characteristics of the rice beetle ( Sitophilus oryzae ) are having eyes, antennae,

thorax, horns, legs, head, wings, abdomen and ofipositor. And has a small and

elongated body shape. Larvae usually hide in grains and other seeds where they

pupate Legless Adult 2-3mm long.

Symptoms of rice beetle attack on rice grains begin with the formation of

several irregular bite marks on the surface of the rice grains , small holes in

the rice grains are made by female insects with their mouthparts before

ovipositioning eggs on the rice grains . Infected rice grains when opened will

show signs of attack in the form of the presence of rice beetles in the larval and

pupa stages, the rice grains (Oryza sativa) appear to have holes due to being eaten

by rice beetles and have a bad smell. Symptoms of attacks caused by rice beetles

are that the affected rice grains will have scratches on the sides of the rice. And if

the attack stage is long, the rice grains will be destroyed

(Mastuti,, 2020).

One alternative for controlling rice beetle warehouse pests is the use of

pesticides and botanical insecticides as environmentally friendly compounds that

can repel or repel insects because they emit odors that are not liked by insects, use

of insecticides and vegetable pesticides whose basic ingredients come from

plants in addition to controlling rice beetles. can also rely on synthetic

insecticides, but ecologically this technique can have a negative impact on the

environment and insecticide residues on stored materials (Sayang, 2020).

Based on the observations that have been made on the flour beetle

( Tribolium castaneum ) , the results obtained are that the flour beetle has a head,

a pair of antennae, has wings, eyes, 3 pairs of legs, mouth apparatus, thorax and

abdomen. The morphology of the flour beetle (Tribolium sp.) is to have a pair of

eyes, antennae, thorax, horns, legs, head, wings, abdomen and ofipositor. And has

a small and elongated body shape. Adults 0.5 mm long. 4 pairs of legs. Off white

or brown. Move slowly. Larva - 6 feet and 0.5 mm long. White. Goes through two

stages, 8-legged child stage

Symptoms of flour beetle attack can be seen in certain circumstances so that

the quality of flour decreases, in a fairly short time flour beetle attack can result in

the development of fungi, so that flour production is completely damaged, musty

smell is unpleasant and cannot be consumed. The attack of the flour beetle is

sometimes also followed by the attack of the caterpillar Corcyra cephalonica

Stt. so that the flour becomes smelly due to the attack of flour beetles and high

humidity will increase the temperature, so the fungus also attacks until the flour is

damaged and smells bad (Arum, 2020).

Controlling pests flour beetle uses pesticides and fumigation until

today. The fumigants used in fumigation in Bulog warehouses currently consist of

phosphine and methyl bromide. Vegetable insecticides can be an alternative as

an environmentally friendly means of pest control. Srikaya is one type of plant

that has the potential to be used as a vegetable insecticide because the seeds

contain annonain bioactive compounds consisting of squamosin and asimicin

which are toxic to insects (Subagiya, 2018).

Based on the observations that have been made on the corn beetle

( Sitophilus zeamays ), the results obtained are that it has 3 pairs of legs, eyes,

antennae, mouthparts, wings, thorax, and abdomen. Corn beetle (Sitophilus

zeamays) has a length of 2.5-4.5 mm, brown, narrow and long snout, has

antennae, larvae are white and fat and legless. Sometimes the larvae develop in a

single grain of corn. Young beetles are slightly reddish brown, the old ones are

black. There are slightly reddish yellow spots on the forewings. On the left and

right wings there are two spots. Adult beetle body length is about 3.5-5 mm,

depending on where the larvae live.

Corn beetle ( Sitophilus zeamays ) attacks corn which causes the corn

grains to become holes. The size of the hole caused is larger than the symptoms of

the attack on rice, the infected corn becomes easily broken and crushed, so that

the quality of the corn decreases because it mixes with the saliva of pests. Corn

beetle ( Sitophilus zeamays ) attacks the ripe corn kernels in the field so that the

corn cobs have holes. Each hole is drilled, one egg is inserted. Then the hole is

closed again with a substance such as gelatin which functions as an egg plug. The

eggs will hatch in a few days into larvae and eat the inside of the seed core. Then

it becomes a cocoon, then becomes an adult beetle (Saenong, 2016).

Corn beetle ( Sitophilus zeamays ) control can be done by keeping the

storage humidity less than 8% or drying the corn to dry completely before storage,

because the beetles cannot live in low humidity. Corn beetle pest control in

warehouses is readily available, for example by fumigation using phosphate

(PH3), methyl bromide (CHBr), fospin, and ethylene oxide, but the cost is very

expensive so it is difficult for small farmers to reach, besides being technology

intensive. Therefore, the use of insecticide plant more prospective to be developed

and used as the raw material is available and making easy that will be quickly

adopted by farmers, controlling more can be done with the use of synthetic

insecticides should have as a last alternative, as well as the impact resulting from

the use of a chemical compound These synthetics have to be considered as early

as possible and must be suppressed to a minimum (Anonymous 2016).

Based on observations made on the mung bean beetle

( Callosobruchus chinensis ) it was found that the mung bean beetle has a pair of

eyes, antennae, thorax, legs, head, horns, wings, abdomen and ofipositor. And has

a rather short body compared to other warehouse pests. The characteristic of the

green bean beetle for its imago is 5 mm in size and oval in shape, convex on the

dorsal side. The body length of the male beetle is between 2.40-3 mm, while the

female is 2.76-3.48 mm. The antennae of the male beetle are comb type and the

female is saw type.

Symptoms of the attack of the mung bean beetle ( Callosobruchus

chinensis ) on the mung bean grains are known that the mung bean beetle causes

hollow green beans. Symptoms of the attack of the mung bean beetle

( Callosobruchus chinensis ) caused on mung bean seeds are in the fruit grains

that are attacked with holes and emit very small granules and sometimes the

infected seeds are eaten until only a portion remains (Nurwanto, 2017).

Pest attacks Callosobruchus chinensis , can be controlled by fumigation

and using natural enemies of this pest ( Anisopteromalus calandrae and black

ants) or other insects belonging to the beetle nation. Ants can also

attack adult Callosobruchus chinensis beetles , especially those that are abnormal

or near death. Light traps or glue can catch the imago. Control in the warehouse

can be done by fumigation, besides that the seed storage area must also be low in

water content (Marisa,, 2019).

Based on the results of observations made on the copra beetle ( Necrobia

rufipes ), it was found that the copra beetle has a morphology consisting of a

head, thorax, abdomen, eyes, antennae, 3 pairs of legs, mouth apparatus, and

wings. The morphological characteristics of the copra beetle (Necrobia rufipes)

are having a pair of eyes, antennae, thorax, horns of legs, head, horns, wings,

abdomen and ofipositor. And has a longer and larger body shape than other

warehouse pests. Adults 4 - 5 mm. The upper surface of the body is metallic

bluish-green and shiny. The underside of the belly is dark blue. Their feet are

bright reddish brown or orange. The antennae are reddish brown with dark brown

or black tips.

Copra that is attacked will look small holes and smell bad. Symptoms of

attacks caused by the copra beetle ( Necrobia rufipes ) are visible scratches on the

edges of the affected copra, so that the copra is reduced little by little, the burrow

is narrow and branched. The female beetle lays eggs in crevices or between grains

of rice in a scattered or separate manner. A few days later the eggs hatch and the

larvae immediately destroy the surrounding rice grains. The length of the adult

larva is about twice the length of the beetle. When going into cocoons, the larvae

place themselves in the grooves or crevices of the rice, with a few ties of silk

thread at the end of the abdomen (Mastuti,, 2020).

Copra beetle control can be done by fumigation (fumigation), or by

cleaning the warehouse storage area (sanitation). Besides that, it can be done

using predators, parasitic pathogens as natural enemies and some are using

mechanical methods by turning them off using tools or by hand, dispelling with

curtains or using other plants as curtains that are not liked by Necrobia

rufipes (Marisa, ., 2019).

4.4 Introduction to Diseases Caused by Fungi

4.4.1 Results

Based on the observations made on the diseased plants, the following results

were obtained:


Figure 16. Shallots ( Alium cepa L.) Affected by Fungus

Alterina Porri


Figure 17. Chili ( Capsicum annum ) Infected by Colletotrichum Capsici


Figure 18. Cocoa fruit ( Theobroma cacao ) attacked by Phyptoptora Fungi



Figure 19. Tomato ( Solanum lycopersicum ) infected with fungus

Fusarium oxyforum


Figure 20. Banana Stem ( Musa paradisiaca ) Affected by Fusarium Fungus


4.4.2 Discussion

Based on the results of observations made on red onion leaves ( Allium

ascolonicum ) that were attacked by the fungus Alternaria porri , purple spots

appeared on the leaves, the tips of the leaves were yellowish and the leaves looked


Symptoms that appear in the form of small spots or patches, indented white

to gray, on further development the wound turns a purplish brown color, the edges

of the wound are often reddish or purple and surrounded by a yellow circle. The

disease that often attacks onion plants is the fungus Alternaria porri , with early

symptoms marked by the appearance of small curved spots, white to gray in

color. If enlarged, the spot looks ringed and slightly purplish in color. In humid

weather, the surface of the spots is covered by brown to black conidiophores and

fungal conidia. The tips of the affected leaves turn yellow, are transmitted through

the air and develop well when the humidity is high with an average temperature

above 260C (Korlina et al., 2020).

Alternative control is using natural ingredients that act as fungicides,

namely vegetable fungicides. Vegetable fungicides are fungicides derived from

plants which are then extracted, processed, or made into concentrates that do not

change their chemical structure. control of Alterina porri which causes purple

spot disease on shallots by using betel leaf extract (Fahrun et al., 2018).

Based on the results of observations made on chili peppers ( Capsicum

annum ) which were attacked by the fungus Colletotrichum capsici , black spots

appeared on the surface of the chili peppers, and the infected chilies became


Symptoms caused by this anthracnose disease plant will experience shoot

death which continues at the bottom of the plant. On the leaves, twigs and

branches that are attacked will be dry brown and black-black. In cayenne pepper,

the symptoms are caused by Colletotrichum capsici characterized by the presence

of brown spots on chili peppers which will then dry and rot, and can reduce the

quantity and quality of chilies (Muliani et al., 2019).

Based on the results of observations made on cocoa fruit ( Theobroma

cacao ) which was attacked by Phyptopthora palmivorai, it appears that the

surface of the cocoa fruit is blackened which almost covers the entire surface of

the cocoa fruit.

Symptoms of cacao fruit disease caused by a fungus are characterized by

brownish black spots starting from the base of the fruit and then spreading to

almost cover the entire surface of the fruit and the layer appears with a white

powdery color. The development of an adequate place is fast, so that within a few

days the surface and contents of the fruit become rotten (Cikita et al., 2016)

Phyptoptora control techniques Palmivora can use biokaolin which is the

application of ingredient formulation in the form of flour which can mechanically

protect cocoa pods from infectious diseases including cacao pod rot disease. The

presence of a kaolin mineral layer that can be water repellent is thought to have a

protective effect on cocoa pods from pathogenic infections that cause cacao pod

rot disease (Wahab et al., 2016).

Based on the results of observations made on tomato plants ( Solanum

lycopersicum ) that were attacked by Fusarium oxysporum , the leaves of tomato

plants withered and turned yellow and tomato stems became shriveled.

The visual symptom of Fusarium wilt on Infected plants is that the lower

margins of the leaves turn dark yellow, spreading to the interior rapidly so that the

entire leaf surface turns yellow. These symptoms appear because the

pathogen Fusarium Oxysporum continues to penetrate into plant

tissues. Fusarium oxysporum infection in the roots of susceptible tomato plants

can develop into xylem and continue to the stem which results in disruption of

water transportation, resulting in yellowing of leaves (Srinivas et al., 2019).

Environmentally friendly and safe control in increasing the productivity of

good tomato plants. This can be done by using tobacco extract and the use of

natural husk ash. has the potential to prevent the growth of Fusarium

oxysporum fungus or to resist the presence of destructive insects, especially on

tomato plants. The nicotine content in tobacco is a group of alkaloids found in the

Solanaceae family. Nicotine content ranges from 0.6 to 3.0% of the dry weight of

tobacco. Nicotine acts as a contact poison for insects and fungus control

(Ramadhani, 2018).

Based on observations on banana stems ( Musa paradisiaca ) which

were attacked by the fungus Fusarium oxyporum , purple spots appeared on the

periphery of the stem and black spots in the center of the stem.

Fusarium disease, the initial symptom caused by banana plants is the

yellowing of the older leaf edges. Yellowing develops from the oldest leaves to

the youngest leaves, then gradually the stalk withers so that it breaks around the

base of the leaf, and hangs around the pseudo stem. The size of the newly

emerged leaves become smaller, looks wrinkled and damaged. The fruit is

asymptomatic, but the quality and quantity of the fruit is decreasing (Fatmawati et

al., 2020).

4.5 Introduction to Diseases Caused by Bacteria and Viruses

4.5.1 Results

Based on the observational practicum on Bacteria and Viruses in Plants, the

following observations were obtained:


Figure 21. Bananas affected by BDB ( Blood Disease Bacterium)


Figure 22. Banana stems infected with BDB ( Blood Disease Bacterium)


Figure 23. Tomato Plants attacked by Pseudomonas Solanacearum


Figure 24. Peanut plants infected with PMoV Virus


Figure 25. Peanut Plants Affected by PStV Virus


Figure 26. Rice Plants Affected by the Tungro Virus

4.5.2 Discussion

Based on the results of observations, peanut plants that were attacked by

Peanut Mottle Virus PMoV had brown spots between the leaf bones and slightly

wavy leaves.

Infected plants stunted their growth, the bones of the leaves turned yellow,

the leaflets narrowed and the shoots and edges of the leaves turned yellow. While

the center of the leaf is still green. Pod growth is greatly reduced (Diamond,


Based on observations, peanut plants that were attacked by Peanut Stripe

Virus (PStV) were brown spots on the leaf bones, uneven leaf surfaces and curved

leaf tips.

Peanut plants that are attacked by Peanut Stripe Virus (PStV) are brown

spots on the leaf bones so they almost look the same as PMov

symptoms. Symptoms by PstV that appear on infected peanut leaves are

symptoms such as stripes, chlorosis between the leaf bones is dark green, and


PMoV and PstV diseases can be controlled in several ways, including

technical culture, disease-causing vector control, healthy virus-free seeds, and

resistant varieties (Mirsam, 2016).

Observations on rice plants (Oryza sativa) infected with the Tungro virus

showed morphological characteristics of blackish brown spots on stems and

leaves, as well as stunted plant size.

The main symptoms of tungro disease appear in the discoloration of the

young leaves to yellow-orange starting from the tips of the leaves, the young

leaves curl up, the number of tillers is reduced, the plants are stunted and their

growth is stunted. If the attack is heavy there are black spots on the

leaves. Symptoms of the disease spread in groups, the paddy field looks like wavy

due to the difference in plant height between healthy and infected plants (Mimi et

al., 2019).

Control of tungro disease can be done by controlling the population of its

vector insects and using rice varieties that are resistant to planthoppers and or

resistant to tungro (Mimi et al., 2019).

4.6 Introduction to Nematodes

4.6.1 Results

Based on the practical observation of nematodes on plants, the following

results were obtained:


Figure 27. Celery Plants Affected by Nematodes

4.6.2 Discussion

Root- knot nematodes ( Meloidogyne spp. ) are HPTs that attack celery

plants, nematodes are not classified as pests but are classified as worms,

nematodes in celery attack plant roots that develop very quickly and have high

compressive power to plant growth, nematodes are divided into male and female

nematodes. both females certainly have significant differences. Morphological

observations were made by looking at the characteristics of each phase of

development of the nematodes. Observations were made using a camera (Munif,

A. (2016)).

This nematode attacks the roots of the plant, as a result, there are several

symptoms of the attack caused by this nematode, which can be seen in the leaves

becoming wilted and yellowing, the plant grows abnormally, and appears on the

roots with nodules or commonly called root chole (Mulyadi. 2019) Symptoms of

the disease which are widely found in celery roots are root cavities. Symptoms of

root chole disease on celery are yellowing leaves, stunted, and uneven plant

growth on land. Symptoms on the roots are in the form of small root cavities,

there are many and form strands like chains (Kurniawati F, 2020)

Symptoms of nematode attacks can be controlled or prevented by the

application of IPM (integrated pest control, safe and environmentally friendly

control which is currently widely used is the use of vegetable nematicides. One of

them is by using papaya leaf powder as a vegetable nematicide (Alam, S. 2020),

as for the control of plant parasitic nematodes that are usually carried out by using

nematicides, antagonist agents, and crop rotation. One alternative control that can

be used is the use of endophytic bacteria (Kurniawati F, 2020)


5.1 Conclusion

1. Based on the results of observations in the insect morphology recognition

module, it can be concluded that the grasshopper (Valanga nigricornis),

walang sangit (Leptocorisa acuta), green ladybug (Nezara viridulla), helmet

beetle (Coccinella arcuta), armyworm (Spidometer litura), fruit fly (

Bactrocera sp), helmet beetle (Oryctes rhinoceros) and dragonfly

(Anisoptera) have general morphology, namely head (caput), thorax,

abdomen, eyes, mouth, legs and antennae.

2. Based on observations in the Insect Orders introduction module, it can be

concluded that the grasshopper (Valanga nigricornis) is of the order

Orthoptera, the walang sangit (Leptocorisa acuta) is of the order Hemiptera,

the green ladybug (Nezara viridulla), the helmeted beetle (Coccinella

arcuta) including the order coleoptera, caterpillars armyak (Spidometer

litura) is an order of Lepidoptera, fruit flies (Bactrocera sp) is an order of

Diptera and dragonflies (Anisoptera) are included in the order Odonata.

3. The morphological characteristics of the rice beetle (Sitophilus oryzae), flour

beetle (Tribolium sp.), corn beetle (Sitophilus zeamays), mung bean beetle

(Conopomorpha cramerella), copra beetle (Necrobia rufipes) generally have

eyes, antennae, thorax, horns, legs, head, wings, abdomen. Symptoms of the

attack caused by the rice beetle (Sitophilus oryzae) are that the affected rice

grains will have scratches on the sides of the rice. Symptoms of the attack by

the flour beetle (Tribolium sp. ) on flour, it is known that the flour that is

attacked will be yellowish and lumpy. visible holes. Symptoms of attack by

mung bean beetle (Callosobruchus chinensis) on mung bean grains.

Symptoms of attacks caused by the copra beetle (Necrobia rufipes) are

visible scratches on the edges of the affected copra.

4. Leeks that are attacked by Alterina porri on these leeks have white or gray

spots and also look like a ring with a slightly purplish color with slightly

reddish or purplish edges surrounded by a yellow zone. Chili (Capsicum

annum) which is attacked by the fungus Colletotrichum capsici looks black

with black spots, holes in the chili are visible. Cocoa pods (Theobroma

cacao) which were attacked by the fungus Phytophthora palmivora were

seen where Cocoa (Theobroma cacao) had black skin with a few yellow

spots. Tomatoes (Lycopersicumesculentum) which are attacked by Fusarium

oxysporum lycopersici show symptoms of attack, namely the leaves of

tomatoes (Lycopersicumesculentum) look dry where all the leaves are

shriveled, the stem color looks yellowish green.

5. Mung bean (Arachis hypogeae) infected with PMoV (Peanut Mottle Virus),

spotted on the leaf bones, Mung bean (Arachis hypogeae) infected with

PStV (Peanut Stripe Virus), spotted on the leaf surface with spots dark, there

are also yellowish spots that are almost similar to mosiak disease, rice plants

(Oryza sativa) that are attacked by tungro, appear yellowish on the edges of

the leaves, and the rice grains look full but after pressing the grains feel

empty, bananas ( Musa paradisiaca) which was attacked by BDB (Blood

Disease Bacterium), when cut, blackish red spots appeared on the surface of

the fruit flesh, and tomato plants (Solanumlycopersicum) which were

attacked by Pseudomonas solanacearum, the leaves of the tomato plants

withered, the roots looked brittle,and when the stem is cut it will secrete


6. Nematodes can act as a disease when nematodes attack plants through plant

tissues, causing plants to not grow properly. The female nematodes are

longer than the male nematodes. The female nematodes are usually on the

root surface.

5.2 Suggestion

It can be expected that we Practitioners can understand and know what we

have observed during the practicum on the basics of plant protection so that in the

future we can become a source of information for farmers.


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