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Pe d i a t r i c I m a g i n g • O r i g i n a l R e s e a r c h

Blumfield et al.
Ultrasound of Pediatric Appendicitis

Pediatric Imaging
Original Research

Ultrasound for Differentiation
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Between Perforated and


Nonperforated Appendicitis
JOURNA L CLUB in Pediatric Patients
Einat Blumfield1 OBJECTIVE. Acute appendicitis is the most common condition requiring emergency
Gopi Nayak 2 surgery in children. Differentiation of perforated from nonperforated appendicitis is impor-
Ramya Srinivasan1 tant because perforated appendicitis may initially be managed conservatively whereas non-
Matthew Tadashi Muranaka3 perforated appendicitis requires immediate surgical intervention. CT has been proved ef-
Netta M. Blitman 4 fective in identifying appendiceal perforation. The purpose of this study was to determine
whether perforated and nonperforated appendicitis in children can be similarly differentiated
Anthony Blumfield5
with ultrasound.
Terry L. Levin 6 MATERIALS AND METHODS. This retrospective study included 161 consecutively
Blumfield E, Nayak G, Srinivasan R, et al. registered children from two centers who had acute appendicitis and had undergone ultra-
sound and appendectomy. Ultrasound images were reviewed for appendiceal size, appearance
of the appendiceal wall, changes in periappendiceal fat, and presence of free fluid, abscess, or
appendicolith. The surgical report served as the reference standard for determining whether
perforation was present. The specificity and sensitivity of each ultrasound finding were deter-
mined, and binary models were generated.
RESULTS. The patients included were 94 boys and 67 girls (age range, 1–20 years; mean,
11 ± 4.4 [SD] years) The appendiceal perforation rate was significantly higher in children
younger than 8 years (62.5%) compared with older children (29.5%). Sonographic findings
associated with perforation included abscess (sensitivity, 36.2%; specificity, 99%), loss of
Keywords: pediatric, perforated appendicitis, ultrasound the echogenic submucosal layer of the appendix in a child younger than 8 years (sensitivity,
100%; specificity, 72.7%), and presence of an appendicolith in a child younger than 8 years
(sensitivity, 68.4%; specificity, 91.7%).
Received August 17, 2012; accepted after revision CONCLUSION. Ultrasound is effective for differentiation of perforated from nonper-
October 24, 2012. forated appendicitis in children.
Department of Radiology, Jacobi Medical Center, Albert

Einstein College of Medicine, 1400 Pelham Pkwy S, Bronx, cute appendicitis is the most com- diagnosing acute appendicitis [11], but there
NY 10461. Address correspondence to E. Blumfield mon condition in children that re- have been few published reports of the reli-
(; quires emergency surgery and is ability of ultrasound in the diagnosis on ap-
one of the most common causes of pendiceal perforation [12, 13], and no re-
Department of Radiology, Montefiore Medical Center,
Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY.
hospitalization. Perforation occurs with rates sults, to our knowledge, are current.
ranging between 23% and 73% [1]. With the The imaging capabilities of ultrasound
Department of Radiology, University of Hawaii, trend toward conservative management of per- have improved substantially. Although the
Honolulu, HI. forated appendicitis [2–4] as opposed to imme- site of perforation is typically, over the last
4 diate appendectomy for nonperforated appendi- two decades, not identified with ultrasound,
Department of Radiology, Albany Medical Center,
Albany Medical College, Scarsdale, NY. citis, differentiation between the two conditions we hypothesized that the size of the appendix,
has become increasingly important. Because changes in the appendiceal wall, and findings
Radnostics, Scarsdale, NY. clinical differentiation is not always possible, of a large amount of inflamed fat around the
clinicians often rely on imaging findings [5–8]. appendix are associated with perforation. We
Department of Radiology, Children’s Hospital at
Montefiore Medical Center, Albert Einstein College of
CT, although effective in the diagnosis of therefore undertook a retrospective study to
Medicine, Bronx, NY. acute appendicitis, exposes patients to ion- assess the effectiveness of ultrasound in di-
izing radiation [9, 10]. CT signs suggesting agnosing appendiceal perforation in children
AJR 2013; 200:957–962 perforation include defects within the appen- and to determine which sonographic findings
diceal wall, abscess, extraluminal air, ileus, or combination of findings would be most
and the presence of an extraluminal appen- useful in differentiating perforated from non-
© American Roentgen Ray Society dicolith [6–8]. Ultrasound is also effective in perforated appendicitis. We compared the re-

AJR:200, May 2013 957

Blumfield et al.

TABLE 1: Sonographic Findings

Finding Description
Transverse diameter of appendix Largest diameter, based on longitudinal image of the appendix (Fig. 1)
Appendicolith Present or absent (Fig. 2)
Loss of the echogenic submucosal layer Present or absent (Fig. 3)
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Presence and amount of periappendiceal echogenic fat No echogenic fat, small amount, moderate amount, or large amount (Fig. 4)a
Free fluid No free fluid, free fluid in right lower quadrant or distant free fluid (e.g., in the Morrison pouch or
in the pelvis)
Abscessb Present or absent (Fig. 5)
aSmall amount, small area of echogenic fat seen on one side of the appendix; moderate, echogenic fat surrounding the entire circumference of the appendix; large, large

amount of echogenic fat occupying a large region in the right lower quadrant or extending to the pelvis (Fig. 4).
bCollection of complex material with increased blood flow at its walls and no flow at its center in color Doppler examination.

Clinical data, including age, sex, and findings in sur- Further analysis for specificity and sensitivity of
gical and pathologic reports, were collected from the models and of isolated variables was performed
computerized medical charts. with Microsoft Excel software. The Pearson chi-
square test was performed to evaluate the statistical
Ultrasound Examinations significance of various sonographic findings and to
Ultrasound examinations were performed with determine the statistical significance of the perfora-
one of two scanners (HDI 5000 or IU 22, Philips tion rate difference between the two age groups re-
Healthcare) by certified ultrasound technologists. sulting from the Eureqa Formulize analysis.
The graded compression technique was used. The
diagnostic criteria for appendicitis were based on Results
previous reports [14, 15]. The study included 161 pediatric patients
All ultrasound images were reviewed by one of (94 boys, 67 girls; age range, 1–20 years;
two experienced pediatric radiologists blinded to mean, 11 ± 4.4 [SD] years). A final diagnosis
the surgical and pathologic results. The radiolo- of perforated appendicitis was made in 58 cas-
gists reviewed the imaging findings detailed in Ta- es (36.0%); 103 patients (64%) had nonperfo-
ble 1, which included transverse diameter of the rated appendicitis. Table 2 details the distribu-
Fig. 1—3-year-old girl with acute nonperforated
appendicitis. Ultrasound image shows measurement appendix (Fig. 1), presence or absence of an ap- tion of age, sex, and sonographic findings in
of appendiceal diameter (calipers) from serosa to pendicolith (Fig. 2), evaluation of the submucosal the study group. The results of the Eureqa For-
serosa. layer of the appendix (Fig. 3), amount of periap- mulize analysis showed that abscess was as-
pendiceal echogenic fat (Fig. 4), and presence or sociated with perforation and that in children
sults with results of previous studies in which absence of an abscess (Fig. 5) or free fluid. younger than 8 years, appendicolith and loss
ultrasound and CT images were evaluated for The surgical report served as the reference stan- of the echogenic submucosal layer were inde-
findings of perforation. dard for determining appendiceal perforation. When pendently associated with perforation.
the surgical report documented perforation that was The sensitivity and specificity of various
Materials and Methods not confirmed in the pathology report, it was as- sonographic findings and their statistical sig-
Patient Data sumed that the pathologic specimen did not include
This retrospective study, approved by our insti- the site of perforation. When the pathology report
tutional review board (informed consent waived), documented perforation that was not evident at sur-
included pediatric patients from two medical cen- gery, it was assumed that the perforation occurred
ters: a level 1 trauma center with a pediatric emer- during surgery or during handling of the specimen
gency department and a children’s hospital. At or that it was a microperforation (which for the pur-
both centers patients were identified in the radi- pose of management would not be different from
ology PACS. The medical charts were then evalu- nonperforation). In a subset of five children who
ated to determine which patients would be includ- underwent delayed elective appendectomy, the di-
ed. Inclusion criteria were ultrasound diagnosis of agnosis of perforation was based on imaging find-
acute appendicitis, appendectomy, and patholog- ings. In these patients, ultrasound followed by CT
ic review of the appendix. The records of 72 pa- showed appendicitis and periappendicular abscess-
tients consecutively registered at the trauma cen- es. The patients were treated conservatively with IV
ter between November 2005 and November 2011 antibiotics and percutaneous drainage of abscesses.
and of 91 patients consecutively registered at the
children’s hospital between January 2008 and July Statistical Analysis
2009 were identified. Two patients were excluded Data modeling was performed with Eureqa For-
Fig. 2—11-year-old girl with acute perforated
because it was unclear from the surgical reports mulize (Nutonian) [16] tuned to seek binary mod- appendicitis. Ultrasound image shows shadowing
whether appendiceal perforation had occurred. els to diagnose perforation with high specificity. appendicolith (arrow) in appendiceal lumen.

958 AJR:200, May 2013

Ultrasound of Pediatric Appendicitis

genic fat had low sensitivity and specificity

(sensitivity, 32.8% and 73.7%; specificity,
54.9% and 45.6%).
When the presence of more than one sono-
graphic finding was evaluated, the combined
specificities and sensitivities were either neg-
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atively affected or not improved substantial-

ly compared with the separate analysis of
each finding. For example, the combination
of age younger than 8 years and appendico-
lith or loss of the echogenic submucosal layer
resulted in sensitivity of 95% and specific-
ity of 75%. The combination of age younger
than 8 years, appendicolith, and loss of the
echogenic submucosal layer resulted in sen-
A B sitivity of 68.8% and specificity of 90.9%.
Fig. 3—Submucosal echogenic layer. The perforation rate in young children was
A, 10-year-old boy with acute nonperforated appendicitis. Ultrasound image shows submucosal echogenic significantly higher than that in older chil-
layer (arrowheads) in inflamed appendix. dren. Perforation was found in 20 of 32 chil-
B, 9-year-old boy with acute perforated appendicitis. Ultrasound image shows region of normal submucosal
layer (black arrowhead) in inflamed appendix but loss of echogenic submucosal layer (white arrowheads) in
dren younger than 8 years (62.5%) while only
distal segment of appendix. 38 of 129 children 8 years and older (29.5%).
This difference was statistically significant
nificance as determined with p values are ever, the sensitivity and specificity of both (p < 0.001) perforated. The sensitivity and
detailed in Table 3. Presence of an abscess, findings increased if the child was younger specificity were 34.5% and 88.3%. Of the 38
presence of an intraluminal appendicolith, than 8 years (sensitivity, 68.4% and 100%; older children with perforation, 17 had an ab-
and loss of the echogenic submucosal layer specificity, 91.7% and 72.7%). scess at presentation (44.7%), while only 4 of
of the appendiceal wall were statistically sig- The finding of free fluid distant from the 20 (20%) younger children with perforation
nificant findings associated with appendiceal appendix (p = 0.12) and the presence of a had an abscess. Most of the patients 8 years
perforation (p < 0.001, p = 0.001, and p = large amount of echogenic fat around the ap- or older without an abscess did not have per-
0.002). Although the presence of an abscess pendix (p = 0.13) were found not to have a foration (91/112, 81.3%).
was highly specific for perforation (specific- statistically significant association with ap-
ity, 99%), the sensitivity was low (36%). The pendiceal perforation. These findings had Discussion
presence of an appendicolith and loss of the moderately high specificities (78.4% and In children with acute appendicitis, the risk
echogenic submucosal layer of the appendix 89.3%). The finding of free fluid in the right of appendiceal perforation ranges from 23% to
were neither sensitive nor specific when the lower quadrant and the presence of a small to 73% [1]. Lee et al. [17] reported that perfora-
entire study population was evaluated; how- moderate amount of periappendiceal echo- tion occurred with greater incidence in children

Fig. 4—Periappendiceal echogenic fat.
A, 17-year-old boy with acute nonperforated appendicitis. Ultrasound image shows inflamed appendix with small amount of periappendiceal echogenic fat (arrowheads)
on only one side of appendix.
B, 10-year-old girl with acute nonperforated appendicitis. Ultrasound image shows moderate amount of echogenic fat (arrowheads) encircling appendix (calipers).
C, 10-year-old boy (same patient as in Fig. 3A). Ultrasound image shows large amount of periappendiceal echogenic fat (arrowheads) encircling appendix and extending

AJR:200, May 2013 959

Blumfield et al.

TABLE 2: Distribution of Age, Sex, and Sonographic Findings

Characteristic Perforated Nonperforated
No. of patients 58 103
Age (y) 9.3 ± 4.5 12 ± 4
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Girls 22 45
Boys 36 58
Appendix diameter (cm) 1.2 ± 0.36 1.1 ± 0.3
Appendicolith 31 (53) 30 (29)
Loss of echogenic submucosal layer 38 (75) 48 (47)
Patients excludeda 7 1
Amount of echogenic fat

Fig. 5—5-year-old girl with acute perforated

None 9 (16) 24 (23)
appendicitis. Ultrasound image shows outline of Small 6 (11) 23 (22)
walled-off fluid collection (calipers), internal echoes,
and foci of gas consistent with abscess. Moderate 31 (54) 45 (44)
Large 11 (19) 11 (11)
younger than 5 years and that abscess forma- Patients excludedb 1
tion at presentation occurred more commonly Free fluid
in children older than 10 years. Our results
None 28 (48) 56 (55)
concur with those in that report. We found a
significantly higher rate of perforation in chil- Right lower quadrant 11 (19) 24 (24)
dren younger than 8 years (62.5%) than in old- Distant 19 (33) 22 (22)
er children (29.5%). Similarly, older children Patients excludedc 1
had a higher incidence of abscess at presenta-
Appendix identified 54 (93) 103 (100)
tion (44.7%) than did younger children (20%).
Once the diagnosis of appendicitis is made, Abscess 21 (36) 1 (1)
differentiation of perforated from nonperfo- Patients excludedc 1
rated appendicitis becomes important. Emer- Note—Except for age and size, values are numbers of patients. Values in parentheses are percentages.
gency surgery is indicated for nonperforated aExcluded because ultrasound images were suboptimal, appendiceal walls were not adequately visualized.
bAppendix and surrounding fat not visualized.
appendicitis, whereas the initial therapy for
cUltrasound study included only images of the appendix; presence of an abscess and distant free fluid could
perforated appendicitis may be nonsurgical
not be determined.
because nonsurgical treatment has a lower
complication rate [2–4]. Thus to avoid delay
of a required surgical procedure, diagnosing statistically significant (p < 0.001, p = 0.001, a 2012 study [18] that showed an increased
perforated appendicitis with high specificity and p = 0.002). The finding of an abscess was incidence of necrosis and perforation of the
is desired. In our study, the findings of an ab- associated with perforation with high speci- appendix when an appendicolith was present.
scess, an intraluminal appendicolith, and loss ficity (99.0%) but low sensitivity (36.2%). Although loss of the echogenic submucosal
of the submucosal echogenic layer of the ap- The finding of an appendicolith in a child layer was found to be highly sensitive for per-
pendix were found to be associated with ap- younger than 8 years also had high specific- foration in young children (100%), the speci-
pendiceal perforation. These associations are ity (91.7%). This concurs with the findings of ficity was low (72.7%). Therefore we do not

TABLE 3: Sensitivity and Specificity of Sonographic Findings

Finding No. of Patients pa Sensitivity (%) Specificity (%)
Abscess 160 < 0.001 36.2 99.0
Loss of echogenic submucosal layer 153 0.001 74.5 52.9
Appendicolith 160 0.002 54.4 70.9
Free fluid distant from the appendix 160 0.12 32.8 78.4
Large amount of echogenic fat around the appendix 160 0.13 19.3 89.3
Loss of the echogenic submucosal layer and age < 8 y 28 < 0.001 100 72.7
Appendicolith and age < 8 y 31 0.14 68.4 91.7
aPearson chi-square test.

960 AJR:200, May 2013

Ultrasound of Pediatric Appendicitis

recommend relying solely on this sonographic The limitations of our study included small Pediatr Surg 2007; 42:19–23
finding because it can lead to false diagnosis sample size of the younger age group (< 8 5. Oliak D, Yamini D, Udani VM, et al. Can perfo-
of perforation and delay needed surgery. The years, 32 patients) and omission of Doppler rated appendicitis be diagnosed preoperatively
findings of a large amount of periappendiceal findings due to inconsistent settings in this ret- based on admission factors? J Gastrointest Surg
echogenic fat and of free fluid distant from the rospective study. 2000; 4:470–474
appendix have limited diagnostic value (sen- CT is currently the modality of choice for 6. Alaedeen DI, Cook M, Chwals WJ. Appendiceal
Downloaded from by on 08/01/21 from IP address Copyright ARRS. For personal use only; all rights reserved

sitivity, 32.8% and 19.3%; specificity, 78.4% differentiating perforated from nonperfo- fecalith is associated with early perforation in pe-
and 89.3%). Findings with no significant di- rated appendicitis because this differentia- diatric patients. J Pediatr Surg 2008; 43:889–892
agnostic value include appendix size, presence tion cannot be made accurately on a clinical 7. Tsuboi M, Takase K, Kaneda I, et al. Perforated
of a small or moderate amount of periappendi- basis. Even in the group of young children and nonperforated appendicitis: defect in enhanc-
ceal echogenic fat, and free fluid in the right (< 8 years), who tend to experience perfora- ing appendiceal wall—depiction with multi-de-
lower quadrant. tion more frequently, a substantial number tector row CT. Radiology 2008; 246:142–147
In a 1992 study by Quillin et al. [13], so- presented with nonperforated appendicitis 8. Bixby SD, Lucey BC, Soto JA, Theysohn JM,
nographic findings of perforated appendici- (12/32). Our study showed that ultrasound Ozonoff A, Varghese JC. Perforated versus non-
tis were evaluated in 71 children. Those in- of children is effective in diagnosing perfo- perforated acute appendicitis: accuracy of multi-
vestigators suggested an association between ration of the appendix, thus it has the poten- detector CT detection. Radiology 2006; 241:780–
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echogenic submucosal layer. However, the of CT examinations commonly performed in 9. Brenner DJ, Hall EJ. Computed tomography: an
specificity and sensitivity of this finding were this situation. The diagnosis of perforated increasing source of radiation exposure. N Engl J
very low, in part because the appendix was not appendicitis can be reliably made when an Med 2007; 357:2277–2284
identified in most of the patients with perfora- abscess is detected with ultrasound. In chil- 10. Pearce MS, Salotti JA, Little MP, et al. Radiation
tion. In our study, we identified the appendix dren younger than 8 years, who tend to have exposure from CT scans in childhood and subse-
in 54 of 58 patients with perforated appendi- perforation without abscess formation, the quent risk of leukaemia and brain tumours: a retro-
citis and found that loss of the echogenic sub- differentiation is more complicated. In that spective cohort study. Lancet 2012; 380:499–505
mucosal layer had a higher diagnostic value age group, the findings of an appendicolith, 11. Goldin AB, Khanna P, Thapa M, McBroom JA,
in young patients. Similarly, although Quil- loss of the appendiceal echogenic submuco- Garrison MM, Parisi MT. Revised ultrasound cri-
lin et al. reported no association between ap- sal layer, a large amount of periappendiceal teria for appendicitis in children improve diagnos-
pendicolith and perforation, our study showed echogenic fat, and free fluid in the Morrison tic accuracy. Pediatr Radiol 2011; 41:993–999
that in children younger than 8 years, the pres- pouch or pelvis are associated with perfora- 12. Borushok KF, Jeffrey RB Jr, Laing FC, Townsend
ence of an appendicolith correlated with per- tion in a decreasing order of significance. RR. Sonographic diagnosis of perforation in patients
foration. In 1990, Borushok et al. [12] eval- with acute appendicitis. AJR 1990; 154:275–278
uated the sonographic findings of perforated Conclusion 13. Quillin SP, Siegel MJ, Coffin CM. Acute appendi-
appendicitis in 100 adults and children. They In children, ultrasound is useful in the di- citis in children: value of sonography in detecting
found that a combination of pericecal collec- agnosis of perforated appendicitis and should perforation. AJR 1992; 159:1265–1268
tions, loss of the echogenic submucosal layer suffice as the modality of choice whenever the 14. Ramarajan N, Krishnamoorthi R, Barth R, et al.
of the appendix, and prominent pericecal fat appendix is identified. The decision to perform An interdisciplinary initiative to reduce radiation
had moderately high sensitivity (86%) but low appendectomy or to treat a patient conserva- exposure: evaluation of appendicitis in a pediatric
specificity (60%) for perforation. tively should be made in association with clin- emergency department with clinical assessment
The discrepancies between our study and ical findings. CT should be reserved for com- supported by a staged ultrasound and computed
the previous studies may be explained by the plicated cases in which the appendix is not tomography pathway. Acad Emerg Med 2009;
technologic advances in sonographic imag- identified or the presence or absence of perfo- 16:1258–1265
ing that have occurred since the early 1990s. ration cannot be determined with ultrasound. 15. Kaiser S, Frenckner B, Jorulf HK. Suspected ap-
In addition, our sample size was larger and pendicitis in children: US and CT—a prospective
allowed separate analysis of different pedi- References randomized study. Radiology 2002; 223:633–638
atric age groups. 1. Sivit CJ. Imaging the child with right lower quad- 16. Schmidt M, Lipson H. Distilling free-form natu-
We compared our results with those of rant pain and suspected appendicitis: current con- ral laws from experimental data. Science 2009;
studies of the effectiveness of CT in diag- cepts. Pediatr Radiol 2004; 34:447–453 324:81–85
nosing perforated appendicitis [8, 19] and 2. Oliak D, Yamini D, Udani VM, et al. Nonoperative 17. Lee SL, Stark R, Yaghoubian A, Shekherdimian
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ic findings (19–100%) are comparable to appendiceal mass. Am J Surg 2000; 179:177–181 agement of pediatric appendicitis? J Pediatr Surg
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AJR:200, May 2013 961

APPENDIX 1: AJR Journal Club

Study Guide
Ultrasound for Differentiation Between Perforated and Nonperforated
Appendicitis in Pediatric Patients
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Alan Mautz, Margaret Mulligan, Joseph J. Budovec*

Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI,,

1. What is the clinical question being asked? What is the authors’ hypothesis? How would you state the alternative hypothesis?
2. What is the current reference standard for the evaluation of appendicitis in children? How sensitive, specific, and accurate is that test?

3. What were the inclusion criteria for the study? What were the exclusion criteria?
4. Does the study address potential discrepancies between surgical and pathologic findings related to perforation appropriately?
5. What are the limitations of this study? Are these limitations adequately discussed?
6. Were appropriate statistical tools used to determine the significance of the sensitivities and specificities of the imaging findings in

7. Were the research questions answered? Were the hypotheses resolved?
8. Was the sample size large enough to draw conclusions on the basis of patient age with respect to rates of appendiceal perforation?
9. What demographic and sonographic findings are associated with increased rates of perforation in appendicitis?

10. What is the normal sonographic appearance of the appendix? How does graded compression sonography contribute to the diagnostic test?
What is the accuracy of compression sonography in diagnosing appendicitis?

11. At your institution, how frequently is ultrasound used as the first-line imaging modality in pediatric patients with right lower quadrant
pain? Do you recommend or plan on recommending ultrasound instead of CT for such situations in the future?
12. What is the average CT dose for pediatric patients undergoing CT for possible appendicitis at your institution? How do CT and ultrasound
compare at your institution for evaluation of appendicitis?
13. What outcomes data might augment the power of this study? Is the study designed well enough and powerful enough to evoke change in
managing pediatric patients for whom appendicitis is a concern?

Background Reading
1. Goldin AB, Khanna P, Thapa M, McBroom JA, Garrison MM, Parisi MT. Revised ultrasound criteria for appendicitis in children improve diagnostic accuracy. Ped
Radiol 2011; 41: 993–999
2. Kaise S, Frenckner B, Jorulf HK. Suspected appendicitis in children: US and CT—a prospective randomized study. Radiology 2002: 223:633–638

*Please note that the authors of the Study Guide are distinct from those of the companion article.

962 AJR:200, May 2013

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