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Sonographic features of adenomyosis, as depicted below, include all EXCEPT

which of the following? *

A. Hypoechoic linear striations (fan shape)

B. Anechoic areas within the myometrium
C. Well-defined endometrial-myometrial junction (William GYN p9) : pada mioma uteri
D. Asymmetrically thickened and heterogenous myometrium
2. What is the single most important sonographic finding for exclusion of an ectopic
pregnancy? *
A. Complex adnexal mass
B. Free fluid in the cul-de-sac
C. Identification of an intrauterine pregnancy (William GYN p10)
D. Ectopic pregnancy cannot be diagnosed sonographically
3. Bartholin gland duct cysts form in direct response to which of the following? *
A. Vulvar iritation
B. Cervical gonorrhea
C. Gland duct obstruction (William GYN p24) penyebab paling banyak bakteri gonore
D. Chronic lichen sclerosus
4. During the performance of a pelvic examination, the area of Bartholin’s ducts
should be inspected. Where do Bartholin’s glands ducts open? *
A. Into the midline of the posterior fourchette
B. Bilaterally, beneath the urethra
C. Bilaterally, on the inner surface of the labia majora
D. Bilaterally, into the posterior vaginal vestibule (LANGE 9th Chapter 1)
Nama anatomis atau nama lain gland Bartolini glandula vetibularis mayor.
5. Which of the following should always be considered in the differential diagnosis
of threatened abortion? *
A. Paternal factors
B. Ectopic pregnancy (William GYN p33)
C. Minor maternal trauma
D. Oral contraceptive use
6. Your patient presents with complaints of vaginal spotting and a last menstrual
period 6 weeks ago. Transvaginal sonography reveals intrauteine gestational sac
with fetal pole and fetal heart motion is seen. Your diagnosis is which of the
following? *
A. Missed abortion
B. Incomplete abortion
C. Threatened abortion (William GYN p39)
D. All of the above
7. Reccurent spontaneous abortion or recurrent miscarriage is formally defined by
which of the following? *
A. Hypoechoic linear striationsTwo pregnancy losses in 10 years at 20 weeks’ gestation
B. Two consecutive pregnancy losses at 20 weeks’ gestation
C. Three or more consecutive pregnancy losses at 20 weeks’ gestation (William GYN p35)
D. Two consecutive pregnancy losses with fetal weights more than 500 grams
8. Most ectopic pregnancies implant in the fallopian tube. Where is the MOST
common fallopian tube implantation site ? *
A. Fimbria
B. Isthmus
C. Ampulla kalo di WILLIAM dia Tanya nya LEAST jawabanya fimbrae
D. None of the above
9. The same patient in previous question represent 2 weeks later with light bleeding
and strong cramps. Her blood pressure is 132/78, pulse is 72, and she is afebrile.
Her hematocrit is 40. Transvaginal sonography reveals low-lying gestational sac as
in the following image. Appropriate management includes which of the following? *

A. Await spontaneous miscarriage (William GYN p39)

B. Excise cesarean scar pregnancy
C. Perform emergent cerclage placement
D. Administer intramuscular injections of methotrexate
10. While in your emergency department, the patient in last question passes the
tissue shown below. Her bleeding and pain have now subsided significantly. Your
diagnosis is which of the following? *
A. Missed abortion
B. Complete abortion (William GYN 2th p34)
C. Threatened abortion
D. None of the above
11. One reason pelvic iflammatory disease (PID) occurs in women because of
which of the following characteristics of the fallopian tube? *
A. It is conduit from the peritoneal space to the uterine cavity (LANGE 9th chapter 1)
B. It is found in the utero-ovarian ligament
C. It has five separate parts
D. It is entirely extraperitoneal
12. A 28 year old G2P1 has presented with complaints of brownish vaginal
discharge, passage of vesicles and excessive vomiting. Ultrasound scans shows
snowstorm appearance in uterus with no fetus. The most likely diagnosis is? *
A. Septic induced abortion
B. Twin pregnancy
C. Hydatid mole
D. Ectopic pregnancy
13. In this image, a yolk sac is seen within a gestational sac that is adjacent to an
ovary. This image most likely represents which of the following? *

A. An intracervical pregnancy
B. A normal intrauterine pregnancy
C. A pregnancy within the fallopian tube (WILLIAM GYN 2th p39)
D. An intraligamentous pregnancy
14. In previous question, the cystic mass seen within this ovary most likely
represents which of the following ? *
A. Endometrioma
B. Theca lutein cyst
C. Serous cystadenoma
D. Corpus luteum cyst (WILLIAM GYN 2th p39)
15. Without intervention, an ectopic tubal pregnancy can lead to which of the
following? *
A. Tubal rupture
B. Spontaneous resolution
C. Expulsion of proucts of conception through the tubal fimbria
D. All of the above (WILLIAM GYN 2th p39)
16. Most state-of-the-art serum pregnancy test have a sensitivity for detection of b-
hCG of 25 mIU/mL. Such test would diagnose pregnancy as early as which of the
following ? *
A. 5 days after fertilization
B. 24 hours after implantation
C. day of the expected (missed) menses (LANGE 9th chapter 6)
D. 5 weeks’ gestation age by menstrual dating
17. Changes that occur in the cervix during pregnancy include which of the
following? *
A. Normal small amounts of bleeding
B. Progresive hypertrophy and enlargement of the entire cervix
C. Retraction of the squamocolumnar junction into the cervical canal
D. Softening ?
18. During early pregnancy a pelvic examination may reveal that one adnexa is
slightly enlarged. This is most commonly due to which of the following? *
A. Corpus luteum cyst (jurnal)
B. Fallopian tube hypertrophy
C. Follicular cyst
D. Ovarian neoplasm
19. Pregnancy is rare in which of the following instances? *
A. After one episode of pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
B. After the age of 50
C. Before the age of 18
D. In physically active women
20. Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) stimulates the release of which of the
following? *
A. Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)
B. Growth hormone (GH)
C. Luteinizing hormone (LH) (and FSH from anterior pituitary gland)
D. Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)
21. Which of the following statements best describes the role of FSH in
menstruation? *
A. FSH increases its own receptor numbers on theca cells
B. FSH induces granulosa cell LH receptors within the dominant follicle (Lange)
C. FSH induces theca cell aromatase
D. FSH stimulates granulosa cell androgen production
22. Which statement best describes estrogen positive feedback on LH release? *
A. It is affected by the level of circulating estrogen
B. It is enhanced by testosterone
C. It is unaffected by progesterone
D. It is increased by opioid steroids
23. Which of the following gametes is released from the graafian follicle during
ovulation? *
A. Primary oocyte
B. Primary oocyte and first polar body
C. Secondary oocyte
D. Secondary oocyte and first polar body Lange Chapter 9
24. Woman complaining of milky whitish discharge with fishy odour. No history of
itching. The most likely diagnosis is? *
A. Bacterial vaginosis
B. Trichomoniasis
C. Candidiasis
D. Malignancy
25. Development of corpus luteum is most closely associated with which of the
following? *
A. Fertilization of an ovum
B. Follicular phase of endometrium
C. Proliferative phase of the endometrium
D. Secretory phase of the endometrium
26. Menstrual flow is associated with which of the following? *
A. Prolonged maintenance of estrogen
B. Prolonged maintenance of progesterone
C. Withdrawal of LH
D. Withdrawal of progesterone (lange)
27. What is the amount of blood lost during an avereage normal menses? *
A. 10 to 25 mL
B. 25 to 75 mL
C. 180 to 220 mL
D. 125 to 175 mL
28. A 35-year-old woman is seen for annual examination. Her LMP was 1 week
ago. Menses occur at 30-day intervals but are heavier than they were 5 years ago.
She has experienced three spontaneous abortions over the past 5 years.
Abdominal examination is normal. Pelvic examination demonstrates an enlarged,
firm, irregular uterus and a 4-cm left adnexal mass fixed to the uterus. A complete
blood count (CBC) is normal, and a serum pregnancy test is negative. Transvaginal
sonography shows a solid left adnexal mass. Which of the following is the most
likely diagnosis? *
A. Follicular cyst
B. Adnexal torsion
C. Benign cystic teratoma
D. Leiomyomata
29. All EXCEPT which of the following are appropriate medical treatment for
adenomyosis? * gang dipakai sekarang gnrh agonis, pkk, progesterone (primolut),
aromatase inhibitor (letrazol)
A. Copper intrauterine device
B. Combined oral contraceptives (COCs)
C. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS)
D. Levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system (LNG-IUS)
30. Which of the following theories is the most widely accepted as the cause of
endometriosis? *
A. Lymphatic spread
B. Hormonal induction
C. Coelomic metaplasia
D. Retrograde menstruation
31. When considering the diagnosis of endometriosis, which of the following
gynecologic conditions should be considered in the differential diagnosis? *
A. Tubo-ovarian abscess
B. Interstitial cystitis
C. Degenerating leiomyoma
D. All of the above (William 2nd)
32. Sonographic features of a complete mole shown below include which of the
following? *

A. Absent fetal and amniotic tissues

B. Hydrophic changes of the trophoblastic tissue
C. Inhomogenous and echogenic endometrial mass
D. All of the above
33. Which of the following describes the appropriate technique for performing a
fractional D&C? *
A. The currete should be held tghtly in palm
B. Pressure with tip of currete should be applied as it is advanced to the fundus
C. The curette should be advanced to fundus and then pressure exerted on uterine wall as it
is withdrawn
D. The cervix should be dilated before attempting the endocervical curetting
34. A 54-year-old woman is take to operating theatre for a fractional D&C for
postmenopausal bleeding. During sounding the uterus, the fundus of the uterus is
perforated. The patient’s vital signs are normal. Which of the following is the best
management at this stage? *
A. Abandon the procedure and observe the patient in the hospital overnight
B. Continue the procedure as long as the vital signs are normal
C. Continue the procedure under laparoscopic guidance
D. Perform a hysterectomy
35. Which of the following treatments is most appropriate for the patient with the
sonographic findings in previous question? *
A. Observation
B. Hysterectomy
C. Suction curettage
D. Prostanoid induction
36. Which of the following is the most common pelvic mass associated with
amenorrhea in a reproductive-age woman? *
A. Follicular cyst
B. Corpus luteum cyst
C. Leiomyoma
D. Pregnancy
37. A 8 cm cystic ovarian tumor is detected during routine prenatal examination.
Which of the following is the most common complication of such a tumor during the
first trimester of pregnancy? *
A. Torsion
B. Rupture
C. Solid degeneration
D. Intracystic hemorrhage
38. A 45-year-old woman is found to have a-4 cm-ovarian fibroma, ascites and
pleural effusion. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis? *
A. Endometrioma
B. Krukenberg tumor
C. Meigs’ syndrome
D. Benign cystic teratoma
39. Number 1 : LH *
Question 39 through 42. Refer to figure below for question 39 through 42, name the appropriate hormone
contributing to the cycle as mentioned in associated number.

Jawaban Anda
40. Number 2 : FSH *
Jawaban Anda
41. Number 3 :estrogen *
Jawaban Anda
42. Number 4 :progesteron *
Jawaban Anda
43. The abnormal proliferation of trophoblastic tissue with or without embryonic
tissue * E

Jawaban Anda
44. The partial expulsion of products of conception with products of conception
seen measuring 65 mm in diameter on ultrasound scan *
Jawaban Anda C
45. Bleeding in pregnancy, <24 weeks’ gestation with fetal heart visible on
ultrasound scan and closed cervical os *
Jawaban Anda A
46. Light bleeding, pelvic pain, shoulder-tip pain, 7 weeks’ gestation, empty uterus
on ultrasound and fluid in pouch of Douglas *
Jawaban Anda D
47. A sexually transmitted disease typified by genital ulcers and painful vesicles *

Jawaban Anda E
48. A non-sexually transmitted infection typified by itchy, sore vagina with a white
‘curdy’ discharge *
Jawaban Anda A
49. A non-sexually transmitted infection typified by offensive fishy discharge *
Jawaban Anda C
50. A sexually-transmitted disease typified by Gram-negative diplococci, and
colonizing columnar and cuboidal epithelium, 50 per cent are found
asymptomatically. *
Jawaban Anda H

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