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Customer satisfaction is a direct factor in customer retention and an important factor in

customer retention. The focus of the survey is customer satisfaction. As a motorcycle

company, customer satisfaction is our top priority as we provide quality products in the face

of increasing domestic and international competition.

• My research uncovered four general characteristics of customer satisfaction. This

includes characteristics or qualities related to customer satisfaction that help identify this

phenomenon among other customer relationship management proposals.

• Customer satisfaction is a highly variable personal assessment that is highly

influenced by individual informed expectations, expectations, direct contact and interaction,

and context (time, place, environment).

• Customer satisfaction includes the sum of personal (product and service) experiences

brought about by precedent.

• Customer satisfaction is most commonly associated with purchasing, loyalty and

retention behaviours that impact business profitability.

• Customer satisfaction is characterized by a high level of word-of-mouth promotion.

A satisfied customer is more likely to share the experience with others, perhaps in her order

of five or her six. Similarly, an unhappy customer is more likely to tell another 10 of hers

about their unhappy experience.

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