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What means a lot to me?

(aka me going off the rails about poetry)

Poetry occupies a special corner in my heart for a multitude of reasons, each of which has
brought a unique richness to my life. From a very early age, I was entranced by the
captivating world of rhymes and rhythms. It was during my toddler years, at around one or
two years old, that I first encountered the magic of rhyme. I found myself spellbound by the
musicality of words and began spontaneously crafting simple verses purely for the joy of it.
This initial fascination with rhyme planted the seeds of my enduring passion for poetry.

Beyond the magnetic pull of rhyme, poetry has functioned as a crucial channel for
expressing emotions that often defy conventional language. Some emotions are so intricate
and profound that they resist articulation through everyday speech. Poetry, with its arsenal of
metaphors, similes, and vivid language, offers me a canvas upon which to paint the
intangible shades of my inner world. It enables me to plunge into the depths of my emotions,
navigating through their turbulent currents with the soothing power of words and turns even
the darkest parts of my existence into enchanting art.

Furthermore, poetry serves as an exceptional platform for political agitation and critique. In a
world teeming with socio-political challenges and disparities, poetry becomes a potent
instrument. It has the ability to cut through the noise, delivering impactful messages that
provoke contemplation and inspire change. The skill of crafting verses that resonate with
others, shedding light on societal injustices and challenging the status quo, is a responsibility
that I hold close to my heart. As a person with strong ties to the world of politics — political
theory as well as the actual institutions which govern us, I find it cathartic to have the ability
to scream at the issues in our world and argue against the powers that be through my

Poetry is not just a mode of expression but also a catalyst for transformation, a call to action,
and a medium for raising awareness about issues that are deeply meaningful to me.

In essence, poetry is more than just a pastime or a means of artistic expression for me; it is
a lifelong companion that has evolved from the innocent enchantment with rhyme in
childhood to a powerful tool for navigating the complexities of life, emotions, and society. It
continues to be a source of solace, inspiration, and a way for me to contribute to the global
conversation, making it an indispensable and profoundly significant part of my existence.

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