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Nama : Wenny

NIM : 045269909



Name: Wenny
NIM : 045269909

Infrastructure or infrastructure is the entire structure as well as basic facilities,

both physical and social, such as buildings, electricity supply, irrigation, roads, bridges
and others needed for the operational activities of the community and companies.
In accordance with article 1 number 65 of PMK Number 112/PMK.07/2017 concerning
Amendments to PMK Number 50/PMK.07/2017 concerning Management of Transfers to
Regions and Village Funds, what is meant by infrastructure is technical, physical, system,
hardware and software needed to perform services to the community and support the
network structure so that the economic and social growth of the community can run well.

Infrastructure spending in question is expenditure that is directly related to

accelerating the development of public service facilities and the economy in the context
of increasing employment opportunities, reducing poverty, and reducing disparities in
public services between regions.
Infrastructure development plays a very important role in spurring economic growth, both
at the national and regional levels, as well as reducing unemployment, alleviating poverty
and of course increasing people's welfare.

In the absence of infrastructure, a country will not progress, such as regional

traders only selling merchandise around them because there are no adequate roads,
human resources will also have minimal education due to the absence of school
construction, etc.

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