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Gypsy kyle R.

Lazar Alu-BSCE-2A
Ex. Have savings of 7,000 pesos Start saving by keeping 20 5 years
per year pesos from my daily allowance
of 100 pesos
College graduate soon Pray 3 years
To pass the Board exam Pray 3 years
To help my Parents Be proud and be kind Infinite
I want to be a better son to my Self control for a better son Infinite
Own my dream car Start saving by keeping 10 5 years
pesos from my daily allowance
Own my dream house Work hard 5 years
Have a dream house for my Work hard 5 years
Start a business Be stable with my work 5 years
I want to travel around sa world Earn money 5 years
Earn a steady passive income Control and to earn 5 years
Wedding Soon If I find my the one 7 years
Have a positive impact of the Be Kind and generous Infinite
Conquer my fears Live without fear 3 years
Rekindle an old Relationship Some relationships 5 years
are better left in the
Sleep better Sleep has a massive Infinite
impact on how you
think and feel. When it
comes to short term
goals in life, improving
your sleep is one of
the most valuable
things you can do.
Plan for my children’s future Setting life goals doesn’t have 5 years
to be just about doing things
that benefit you. Your life goals
can also center around your
child’s happiness
Become more mindful Good life goals focus on Be proud
helping you get the most
out of your time on this
earth. Living a fulfilling life
means learning how to live
in the present.

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