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PSPO I Notes & Questions – Chee Liang

1) Scrum Guide:

2) Scrum Glossary

3) Agile Manifesto

4) The Three Pillars of Empiricism

5) Evidence-Based Management

6) The Nexus Guide


1) Understanding and Applying the Scrum Framework

 Empiricism
 Scrum Values
 Scrum Team
 Events
 Artifacts
 Done
 Scaling

2) Developing People and Teams

 Self-Managing Teams
 Facilitation
 Leadership Styles
 Coaching
 Mentoring
 Teaching

3) Managing Products with Agility

 Forecasting & Release Planning
 Product Vision
 Product Value
 Product Backlog Management
 Business Strategy
 Stakeholder & Customers

4) Developing & Delivering Products Professionally

 Emergent Software Development
 Managing Technical Risk
 Continuous Quality
 Continuous Integration
 Continuous Delivery
 Optimizing Flow

5) Evolving the Agile Organization

 Organizational Design & Culture
 Portfolio Planning
 Evidence Based Management
1) Agile and Scrum Overview
Agile Manifesto and 12 Principles


A lightweight framework within which people can address complex adaptive problems, while productively and creatively
delivering products of the highest possible value

- An agile framework for developing, developing, and sustaining complex products.

- Cross-functional (from different area of organization)
- Self-organized. Working together with autonomy and not so direct
- Designed for flexibility, creativity, and productivity
- To deliver incremental iterations (little and often)
- Get and act on feedback
- Release useful iterations to get the benefit early
- Decide on next steps of requirements

Heavily focused on Continuous Improvement

- The team
- The product
- The working environment

Scrum Team

- Product Owner (Holder of the product Value)

- The Development Team (A self-organizing group)
- Scrum Master (Leader and Facilitator)

Scrum Values

- Commitment (achieving goal and supporting each other)

- Courage (do the right thing, to work on tough problems)
- Focus (work of the sprint to make best possible progress towards goals)
- Openness (open about work and challenges)
- Respect (respect each other’s capability, independent people. People they work with)

2) Scrum Team and Accountabilities

Product Owner
- Bridge gap between Users, other stakeholders, developers
- Work with people to define problems, requirements, how the product will solve their problem
- Understand customer’s needs and what benefit it will bring them in long term
- Understand clear vision for product and solution
- Benefits should outweigh cost of development
- Leader, clear communication, vision driven

Responsibility of Product Owner

- Controls the backlog of work (User stories, tasks, bugs, epic etc.)
- Work with Customers/users
- JIRA backlog
- Manage Sprints (Why is sprints valuable? What can be done in this sprint? How will the chosen work get done?

Good pointers for Product Owners

- Clear vision to meet customer’s need and produce a worthwhile benefit

- Not JUST on time and to budget, but importantly worthwhile
- Choosing work at the point in time, depending on changing demands allows flexibility
- Developers to estimate how long each task will take
- Focus on creating Minimal Viable Product (MVP) for quick release, feedback, and income generation
- Develop at a realistic pace determined by Developers

Bad Practices

- Inability to fulfil set of accountabilities

- Time spillover multiple roles/ products
- Overworked
- Missing Scrum ceremonies/ meeting
- Limited detail on work items, user stories, completion criteria
- Decisions take longer, creating blockers
- Inconsistent Product Owner (using a proxy PO)
- Focus too much on internal stakeholder and not customers
- Not listening and respecting others feedback
- Unrealistic about work (time/ effort), leading to poor planning


Development Team

- Empowered
- Self-Organized & Self-Managed
- Motivated
- Cross Functional (People from different areas of an organization work together as a team)


- Developers are people in the Scrum Team that are committed to creating any aspects of a useable increment each
- Specific skills needed by the Developers are broad and will vary with the domain of work
- Developers are accountable for:
o Creating a plan for Sprint, the Sprint Backlog
o Holding each other accountable as professionals
o Instilling quality by adhering to a Definition of Done
o Adapting their plan each day towards the Sprint Goal


- Everyone’s input is to be respected

- Each member represents different skills, experience, perspectives, and departments
- No hierarchies
- The accountability for delivering is on the whole team, need to work together

Team size

- 3 to 10, with 5 being a great number

- 3 or less:
o Lack of diverse skills needed
o Limited cover for people off sick
- 10 or more:
o Many people to coordinate
o A lot of tasks to keep track
o Many people = longer meetings

Scrum Master

Scrum Master

- There to help the Organization, Product Owner and Scrum Team

- Accountable to establish Scrum
- Help team understand Scrum Theory and Practice
- Enable Scrum team to improve practices within Scrum Framework

Work nature

- Can be a full-time role but might split between multiple teams and products
- Helps to have a dedicated scrum master
- Keep everyone on track and reducing the admin burden from the team who can concentrate on developing
- Helps to keep everything organized and transparent


- Leader
- Coach team members in self-management and cross functionality
- Help scrum team focus on creating high value increments that meets definition of done
- Causing the removal of impediments to scrum team’s progress
- Ensuring that all scrum events take place and are positive, productive, and kept within timebox
- Ensure clear communication

- Help with backlog management

- Help with using work tracking software – JIRA, ensure software tracking methods works
- Help with best practice habits of writing descriptions or tasks clearly etc.

Responsibility – Serving Organization

- Leading, training, coaching the organization in its Scrum adoption

- Planning and advising Scrum implementations within the organization
- Helping employees and stakeholders understand and enact an empirical approach for complex work
- Removing barriers between Stakeholders and Scrum team

Responsibility – Serving Product Owner

- Helping to find techniques for effective Product Goal definition and Product Backlog Management
- Helping the Scrum Team understand the need for clear and concise Product Backlog items
- Helping to establish empirical product planning for a complex environment
- Facilitating stakeholder collaboration as requested or needed
3) Scrum Events
Scrum Events Introduction
1) Sprint Planning
2) Daily Scrum
3) Sprint Review
4) Sprint Retrospective

- Scrum events to be Timeboxed/ Timeboxing/ Timebox to allocate a fixed amount of time

Backlog Refinement – no more than 10% of development team’s capacity

Sprint planning – Max 8hrs for monthly sprints, shorter for more frequent sprints

Sprint Review - 4hrs

Sprint Retrospective – 3hrs

The Sprint
- A period of time during which a potentially releasable product increment is created
- Show the customer, get feedback on the goal of next sprint
- No longer than 1 month, no less than 1 week. 2 weeks is popular (52 weeks a year, 26 sprints a year)
- Pace VS Meeting Regularly


- Understand the requirements are

- What is needed from customers
- Consider work items for the sprint
- Discuss with development team for what is achievable
- Decide on work items for the backlog to go into the sprint
- Communicate the goal of the sprint
- Scrum team to set clear goal each sprint
- Everyone should know what they are working towards and why

Sprint Planning
- Sprint planning may not go as per planned, hence Product Owner must be up to date with product requirements and
influence the next course of action for backlog review


- Scrum team set clear goals for the Sprint

- Product owner maximizes value
- Developers discuss what can be achieved
- Scrum master makes sure Event is positive and productive
- Everyone should know what they are working towards and why
- Write user stories for scrum team to decide on time/ effort/ tools to use
o Story points to determine size (S/M/L)

Daily Scrum
- Short meeting, 15 mins or less
- Discuss what needs to be done for that day
- Stand up call, Agile recommend face to face communication, same place same time daily

- Discuss what was done yesterday

- In progress/ doing today
- Any blockers risking achieving the Sprint Goal
- Chance to review progress, keep vision alive and goal in sight

Daily Scrum

- Ensures regular communication

- Identify any blockers early
- Promotes quick decision making
- Eliminate the need for other meeting
- Reinforces the goal and motivation
- Keep an eye on progress and the plan towards the Sprint Goal

Sprint Review
- Review what was and was not completed in the Sprint
- Host a ‘show and tell’ to show was you have accomplished
- Discuss what needs to be done for next sprint
- Understand what customer needs

Sprint Review requirements

- Product Owner need to be at this meeting

- Stakeholder only need to attend this meeting
- Fairly informal meeting
- Keep it as short as possible
- 2hrs of less for 2 weekly sprints
- 4hrs max timebox for 1 month sprint review
- Length depends on what is needed to show and discuss
- Facilitated by Scrum Master

Product Owner’s goal

- Sensing of Progress
- Clarity on what is needed from next sprint
- Conformation on satisfying customer’s requirements
- Ideas on how to revise product backlog
- Alerted on changing requirements

Sprint Retrospectives
- To consider the way of working to improve efficiency
- What went well or wrong
- Facilitated by Scrum Master
- Keep it Positive and Productive
- Have empathy and respect, do not blame
- Find solutions to problem and ensure continuous improvement


- Teamwork
- Processes
- Tools/ Software
- Planning
- Pace
- Feature quality
- Good/ bad practices

Continuous Improvement – PLAN > DO > CHECK > ACT

4) Scrum Artifacts
Scrum Artifacts Transparency
- Decisions to optimize value and control risk are made based on perceived state of artifacts
- Understand what work need to be done and left to do is important

Scrum Artifacts

- Product Backlog
- Sprint Backlog
- Increments


- Understanding what work has been done and what is left to do

- Comes from making the work visible to whole Scrum team
- Through good communication and using a Scrum board
- Scrum master job is to work with scrum team and organization to increase the transparency of the artifacts

Ways to improving transparency

- Group understanding of terms. Acronyms, abbreviations

- Encourage people to ask for clarification
- Everyone agrees on the definition of “done” and the goals
- A common language referring to the process must be shared by all participants
- Those performing work and those inspecting the results increment must share a common definition of ‘Done’
- Emergent process and work must be visible to those performing the work
- Scrum artifacts to be inspected frequently to detect undesirable variances or problems
- Inspection enables adaptation
- Scrum events are designed to provoke changes and to help with adaptation

The Product Backlog

- Responsibility of the Product Owner
o Content
o Availability (can access backlog)
o Ordering
- Ordered list of everything that is known to be needed in the Product
- Single source of requirements for any changes to be made to a Product
- Others can add backlog items and content
- Product owner is responsible for that they add

Nature of Product Backlog

- Never completed. If a product exists, its Product Backlog also exist

- Earliest development of it lays out the initial know and best understood requirements
- Evolves as the product and the environment in which it will be used evolves
- Dynamic, constantly changes to identify what the product needs to be appropriate competitive and useful

Product Backlog attributes

- Description
- Order
- Estimate
- Value (Considering using Fibonacci Sequence)


- Measure the actual effort and value to achieve and compare to the estimations to improve future estimations
- Always include Definition of Done (DoD) in the description
- Include test to assure that items has been completed
- Product backlog is a living artifact
- Maketplace provides feedback and Product backlog becomes larger and more exhaustive list
- One product > one product backlog > multiple scrums team > split the Epic

Factors affecting Product Backlog

- Business Requirements
- Market Conditions
- Technology
- Legislation

Product Backlog Refinement

- Ongoing process
- Product Owner and Developers work together to review Details, Estimates, Ordering
- Scrum team decides when to refine backlog
- Backlog refinement meeting is not a Scrum Event

Backlog Refinement Attributes

- Can be refined at any time by any member with agreement from Product Owner
- Responsibility for its content, availability, and ordering list lies with Product Owner
- Ordered by the discretion of the Product Owner
- Higher priority ones are more detailed with better estimates and can be completed in one sprint

Backlog Refinement Objectives

- Each backlog item should be achievable in one sprint

- Clear definition of DoD
- Adequate detail for the item to be chosen for Sprint Backlog
- Development team will be responsible for time and effort estimates

Definition of Done (DoD)

- Criteria that must be met for a work item to be completed
- Formal description of the state of the Increment when it meets the quality measures required for the product


- Clear
- Testable and Measurable
- Concise
- Realistic


- Everyone must understand and agree what “Done” means

- Should cover integration with the product
- As Scrum team matures, the DoD expands to include more stringent criteria for higher quality
- If “Done” for an increment is part of the conventions, standards or guidelines of the organization, all Scrum team
must follow it as a minimum
- Otherwise, the Scrum team defines DoD for the product

- Testing including integration testing

- Adequate documentation
- Policies, legislation, best practice met
- Organization conventions, standards, guidelines met
- Security standards
- Usability Standards
- Scalability Standards
- Performance Standards
- Other Non-Functional requirements

For new requirements and standards > Review in Sprint Review and Sprint Retrospective > Add improvements and new work
into the Product Backlog for future sprints

Sprint Backlog
- Made up of work items from Product Backlog chosen to be in this sprint via Sprint Planning Session
- Sprint backlog items become a plan for delivering the product increment and realizing the Sprint Goal
- Forecast by the Scrum team as to what functionality will be in next increment


- Highly visible, real-time picture of the work that the Development team plans to achieve during the Sprint
- Burn down chart
- Estimation of how much effort/ time left to complete the sprint
- Daily scrum to discuss the backlog
- Status: To do, In Progress, completed
- Sum of work estimates – time remaining = likelihood of achieving the Sprint Goal

More information emerges during development:

- Unplanned work
- Roadblocks
- Bottlenecks
- Dependencies
- Unexpected absences

- Step towards a vision or goal
- Additive to the previous increments
- All increments should work together
- Sprint goal = to produce at least one increment
- Multiple increments maybe released in one sprint, even before the Sprint Review

5) Other Important Knowledge

Evidence Based Management
- Continue to improve business results by measuring business value and using Empirical Management
- Empirical = based on, concerned with, or verifiable by observation or experience rather than theory or pure logic
- Focus on why instead of how
Able to measure:

- Value delivered
- How value is delivered

4 Key value area (KVA)

1) Current value (CV)

Measure current value to maximize value of the current product

- How happy are users with current product?

- How happy are employees?
- How happy are stakeholders?

2) Time to Market (T2M)

To minimize the amount of time it takes for the organization to deliver value

- How fast can organization learn from new experiments?

- How fast can you learn from new information and adapt?
- How fast can you deliver new value to customers?


- Removed bottlenecks
- Improve delivery with automation and better processes
- Reducing technical debt
- Keeping meeting efficient and to a minimum
- Ensure sprints are producing a deliverable increment

3) Ability to Innovate (A2I)

Maximize the organization’s ability to deliver new capabilities and innovate solutions

- What prevents the organization to delivering new value?

- What prevents customers or users from benefitting from that innovation

Factors that hinder innovation:

- Technical debt
- Over complex architecture, poorly planned
- Inflexible architecture
- Being stuck with legacy technology, processes, hardware
- Poor code management, poor documentation
- Poor employee retention
- Too much firefighting and unplanned work
- Not having a development environment for testing and experimenting
- Organization does not provide access to new technologies and training

4) Unrealized Value (UV)

To maximize the value from the product over time

- Can additional value be created?

- Is it worth the effort and risk to pursue these untapped opportunities?
- Should further investment be made to capture additional unrealized value?

Other indicators:
- Time taken to gather feedback from indicators/ measurements
- Lagging indicators (monthly survey)
- Leading indicators (daily feedback)

Scrum Theory Empiricism

- Working in a fact-based, experience-based, and evidence-based manner
- Scrum work is based on experience gained and not estimated/ fictional plans
- Scrum is an iterative, incremental approach to optimize predictability and control risk

3 pillars of empirical process control

1) Transparency

- All members are self-organized team, trust each other

- Willing to share good and bad news
- Avoid blame culture
- Individuals are free of personal criticism
- Development team is empowered and take responsibility for their work

2) Inspection

- Scrum Event
- Sprint Planning – Daily Scrum – Sprint Review – Sprint Retrospective
- Inspection happens throughout the development process
o Work in done is review
o DoD

Sprint Retrospective:

o Inspection of processes
o Inspection of team working
- Inspections keep things on track with the goal of the sprint and the vision for the product
Sprint Review:
 Inspection of the increment
 Inspection of the product vision

3) Adaptation

- Based on result of those inspections

- Responding to change over following a plan (A value of agile manifesto)
- Variation correction/ needs for change can be implemented in the next sprint
- Scrum forces frequent opportunity to be transparent, inspect and adapt

Cone of Uncertainty
- The “Cone of Uncertainty” describes the reduction of the uncertainty about scope after each iteration. At the
uncertainty is eliminated and the exact amount of scope is known. (with a cone graph)
- Illustrate that, as a forecast lengthens, it is increasingly less certain.
- It shows how much is known about the Product over time.
- It's helping a Product Owner estimate how much work is likely to be done during a certain number of Sprints.

Y axis – Estimates on amount of error

X axis – period of time

Do not make big promises from Initial concept – detail architecture phase

Feature and Component Teams

- Feature team is cross-functional
- All the skills to completes the increment
- Component team focus on specific component
- Components may be reused for other teams and products
- Using component teams creates dependencies

Product backlog should be made known to all interested parties

- Items with external dependencies are not considered ready for selection at sprint planning

Mini Quiz and Answers

Scrum Fundamentals
1) The Scrum Guide defines Scrum as:
- Lightweight, Simple to understand and built upon by the collective intelligence of the people
using it

2) Scrum can be used for:

- Almost all work management situations

3) Scrum is a:
- Framework

4) What are the Scrum Values?

- Commitment, Courage, Focus, Openness, Respect

5) What is the fundamental unit of Scrum? Select most appropriate option.

- A small team of people that is highly flexible and adaptive

Scrum Team and Accountabilities

1) If the product owner is senior and very busy, a proxy product owner should be assigned in their
- False

2) Who is accountable for the Product Backlog?

- Product Owner

3) Who is most responsible for promoting and supporting the adoption of Scrum?
- Scrum Master

4) Can the Product owner and the Scrum Master also be Developer?
- Yes

5) Varied Stakeholders have different interests and priorities for the product. What is the best
strategy for the Product Owner?
- Do an intelligent balancing of interests and try to maximize the value of the Product as a whole

6) Who has the authority to cancel the Sprint?

- Product Owner only

7) Who has responsibility for monitoring progress towards high-level goals?

- Product Owner

8) Which three are the most applicable characteristics of the Product Owner?
- Product Marketplace Expert
- Lead Facilitator of Key Stakeholder Involvement
- Product Value Maximizer

9) Product Owner should be expertly aware of the marketplace for the product
- True

10) Who takes the leadership on obtaining Stakeholder feedback during the Sprint Review?
- Product Owner

11) Who is responsible for identifying the Key Stakeholders for the Product?
- Product Owner
12) When are Developers allowed to interact with the Key Stakeholders?
- Anytime when it is valuable to have the Stakeholder input.

13) Where can the Developers find guidance on why they are building the Increment?
- The Sprint Goal

14) Select the three typical Stakeholder types

- People responsible for making funding decisions for product development
- The customers who pay to use the product
- The people who use the product whilst under development

15) How does the Scrum Master serve the Product Owner?
- Helping find techniques for effective Product Goal definition and Product Backlog Management
- Helping the Scrum team understand the need for clear and concise Product Backlog items
- Helping establish empirical product planning for a complex environment
- Facilitating stakeholder collaboration as requested or needed

16) Who is the main product visionary?

- Product Owner

17) Who makes the final decision on whether to release the latest increment of the product?
- Product Owner

18) Is the development Team a Sub-team of the Scrum team?

- No

19) What does the Scrum Team consist of?

- The Scrum Master, Developers and Product Owner

20) For big projects is there any concern in having more than one Product Owner to share the work?
- Yes, the Product Owner is one person, not a committee

21) How frequent should the Product Owner re-iterate the product vision to the Scrum Team and
the Key Stakeholder? Choose the best answer
- Early and Often

Scrum Events
1) What is the maximum time-box for the Sprint Review in a month Sprint?
- 4hrs

2) What is the maximum time-box for the Sprint Retrospective in a month Sprint?
- 3hrs

3) What is the maximum time-box for the Sprint Planning in a month Sprint?
- 8hrs

4) What is correct regarding the Sprint?

- No changes are made that would endanger the Sprint Goal. Quality goals do no decrease, and
the scope may be clarified and re-negotiated between Product Owners and Developers as more
is learned.

5) The Sprint Review is just a demo to Stakeholders and the Product Owner of the Product Backlog
items completed during the last sprint.
- False, the Sprint Review contains much more activities

6) Who is responsible for crafting the Sprint Goal at Sprint Planning?

- Scrum Team

7) What happens when a Sprint is cancelled?

- Any completed and “DONE” product backlog items have become increments and are reviewed.
All incomplete Product Backlog items are re-estimated and put back on the Product backlog. A
new Sprint Planning is started right away.

8) Who should be at every Sprint Review?

- Scrum Master
- Product Owner
- Developers
- Key Stakeholders

9) Which two meetings are people from outside the Scrum Team usually invited to?
- Sprint Review
- Sprint Planning

10) The Scrum master should not allow the Product Owner to attend the Sprint Planning if the
Product Owner does not have the Sprint Goal?
- False, the sprint goal is decided by the Scrum Tea

11) Scrum team are cross-functional and self-managing. The entire Scrum team is accountable for
creating a valuable, useful increment every sprint. True or false.
- True

12) Who plans the work at Sprint Planning?

- Scrum team

13) Which meetings are the Key Stakeholders required to participate?

- Sprint Review only

Scrum Artifacts
1) Every product backlog item should be created by the Product Owner personally and only the
developers can add details to it at the PO’s discretion
- False

2) What is the order of items in the Product Backlog?

- At the discretion of the Product Owner. The order of precedence needs to be transparent to

3) What two attributes are optional for Product Backlog item?

- Dependencies, Test Descriptions

4) Who is allowed to make changes in Product Backlog?

- Product owner and scrum team, with permission of the product owner

5) How long does the Product Backlog exist?

- While the product exists

6) Who has the last say on the order of items in the Product backlog
- Product Owner

7) The sprint backlog is created at Sprint Planning. It is prohibited to add new work into the Sprint
Backlog later by the Developers
- False

8) What is a Sprint Backlog?

- The sprint goal, Product backlog items selected for this sprint plus the plan for delivering them

9) How does definition of “DONE” help the scrum team?

- DoD is used to assess when work is complete on the product increment. The DoD ensures
artifact transparency

10) What are Scrum Artifacts?

- Product backlog
- Sprint backlog
- Increment

11) All Scrum teams working on the same product should use the same product backlog?
- False

12) Who is the Sprint backlog for?

- Developers

13) Who is responsible for tracking the total work remaining in the Sprint Backlog to project the
likelihood of achieving the Sprint Goal?
- Developers

14) What is the source of requirements for any changes to be made to the product?
- Product backlog

15) What technique should be used for representing Product backlog items?
- Any technique, even a mixed of several techniques

16) Who is best placed to make time and effort estimates in the sprint backlog?
- Developers

17) Who is responsible for monitoring progress towards high level goals?
- Product owner

18) Imagine the following situation. At the sprint retrospective meeting, the scrum team identified
some improvements that can be done. What should the scrum team do?
- Identifies the most helpful changes to improve its effectiveness. The most impactful
improvements are addressed as soon as possible

19) When considering the characteristics of a Product backlog item that is ready for selection in a
sprint planning, select incorrect statement.
- Can be implemented within one sprint and tested in the next sprint.
Mock Exam 1:
1) What topics does Sprint Planning aim to answer?
- Why is this sprint valuable?
- How will the work needed to deliver the increment be achieved?
- What can be delivered in the Increment resulting from the upcoming sprint?

2) What is Scrum?
- A lightweight framework that helps people, teams and organizations generate value through adaptive
solutions for complex problems

3) Select three most applicable items for Definition of Done

- Keeps quality standards consistent through multiple Development teams
- DoD ensures artifact transparency
- DoD is used to assess when work is complete on the product Increment

4) Of the below which are correct statements that explains what happens during the Sprint?
- No changes are made that would endanger the Sprint Goal
- Scope may be clarified and re-negotiated between the Product Owner and Developers as more is learned
- Quality goals do not decrease

5) Which three are the most applicable characteristics of Product Owner?

- Product Value Maximizer
- Lead Facilitator of Key Stakeholder Involvement
- Product Marketplace Expert

6) The Scrum master is focused primarily on the Scrum Team and usually does not care about those outside
the Scrum Team.
- False

7) Scrum is founded on
- Empiricism

8) If there are multiple Scrum Teams working on a product but on different aspects of the development, they
must comply with the SAME definition of Done
- True

9) Select all Scrum Artifacts

- Sprint Backlog
- Increment
- Product Backlog

10) If the Sprint Review is successful what is the resulting output?

- An understanding of what has changed in their environment and a plan on what to do next. The Product
Backlog may be adjusted to meet new opportunities.

11) During the Daily Scrum, the Scrum master should make sure each team member should answer the three
main questions: What did I do yesterday? What will I do today? Do I see any impediments?
- False

12) Who is best placed to make time and effort estimates in the Sprint Backlog?
- The Developers

13) Select five scrum values

- Respect
- Commitment
- Openness
- Focus
- Courage

14) What can lead to the Sprint Goal becoming invalid according to the Scrum Guide 2020?
- When the sprint horizon is too long
- Long sprints

15) How long should the Sprint Planning be?

- Not more than 8 hours

16) What is Sprint Backlog?

- The Sprint Goal, Product Backlog items selected for this Sprint plus the plan for delivering them

17) Sprint Retrospective is to:

- Identify and order the major items that went well and potential improvements
- Inspect how the last Sprint went with regards to people, relationships, process, and tools
- Create a plan for implementing improvements to the way the Scrum Team does its work

18) How is a “Developer” defined in the context of Scrum?

- Anyone that gets value from Scrum

19) True or false. It turned out there is a lot more work to do in the current Sprint than was estimated. If an
item in the Sprint Backlog cannot be finished by the end of the Sprint, the Sprint is cancelled.
- False

20) Does the Daily Scrum help to eliminate the need for additional meeting?
- Yes

21) Scrum recommends using and adapting the Scrum components and rules that work for a particular
project or team. Adjusting Scrum to work best for you is encouraged.
- False

22) What is the Increment?

- A stepping stone towards the Product Goal and an additive to all prior increments which integrates

23) What does Cone of Uncertainty show?

- How much is known about the Product over time

24) Sprint Planning only requires the Product Owner and the Developers. There is nothing to do for the Scrum
- False

25) Where can Scrum be used? Check all that are applicable.
- Development of products and enhancements
- Sustain and renew products
- Research and identifying of viable markets, technologies, and product capabilities
- Development and sustaining of Cloud and other operational environments for product use
- Release products and enhancements, as frequently as many times per week.

26) What person or group has the authority to cancel the Sprint?
- Product Owner
27) From the Scrum team who is most responsible for promoting and supporting Scrum?
- The Scrum Master

28) During the Sprint Review, what happens if an item does not meet the Definition of Done?
- It cannot be presented at the Sprint Review

29) How does the Scrum Master assist the Product Owner? Select the three most appropriate from below.
- Finding techniques for effective Product Backlog management
- Facilitating stakeholder collaboration as requested
- Understanding product planning in an empirical environment

30) What does the Burn-down chart show?

- How much work remains till the end of the Sprint

31) Select three of the most appropriate characteristics of the Developers

- Scrum recognize no titles for Developers
- Scrum recognize no sub-teams between the Developers
- Accountability belongs to the Developers for the Sprint Plan and Sprint Backlog

32) How frequently should Scrum artifacts and progress towards a Sprint Goal be inspected?
- Frequently and diligently to enable adaption

33) What should the Developers do if the work needed in the Sprint to achieve the Sprint Goal turns out to be
different than predicted at Sprint Planning?
- Discuss with the Product owner to negotiate the scope of the Sprint Backlog without affecting the Goal

34) Which of the below feature does the Scrum Team possess?
- It should choose how best to accomplish their work, rather than being directed by others outside the
- It should have all competencies needed to accomplish the work without depending on others not part of
the team

35) For a new product, 10 developers and the Product Owner have been assigned. As the Scrum Master how
should you advise they be divided into teams?
- 2 teams of 6 and 4 people (after a short meeting the developers decided this is the best option)
- 3 teams of 4, 3 and 3 people (each team is cross functional)

36) Some key stakeholders have asked the Scrum Master it they can attend the Sprint Planning to provide
technical or domain advice. Should the Scrum Master allow or deny this?
- Allow
37) What does Product Backlog management include? Select the 3 most applicable items:
- Ensuring that the Product Backlog is transparent, visible and understood
- Creating and clearly communicating Product Backlog items
- Ordering the items

38) Who participates in the Sprint Planning?

- Scrum Master
- Other people may be invited to provide advice
- Product Owner
- Developers

39) Select 2 meetings in which people outside the Scrum Team are allowed to participate
- The Sprint Planning
- The Sprint Review

40) The time-box for the Daily Scrum is how long?

- 15 minutes

41) What are the three pillars that uphold every implementation of empirical process control?
- Adaptation
- Transparency
- Inspection
42) As a manager, the Product Owner should tell the Developers how to decompose Product Backlog items
into smaller work items of one day or less.
- False

43) Who is accountable for effective Product Backlog Management?

- The Product Owner

44) The Scrum Guide recommends increasing the Daily Scrum timebox dependent on the size of the Scrum
team. The more Developers the more time will be needed.
- False

45) Who is responsible for projecting the likelihood of achieving the Sprint Goal by tracking the total work
remaining in the Sprint Backlog at every Daily Scrum?
- The Developers

46) Who is accountable for the effective management of the Product Backlog?
- The Product Owner
47) Is Scrum a process, technique, framework or method?
- Framework

48) Can the Sprint Planning session be finished with work planned only for the first days of the Sprint where
the work consists of units of one day or less?
- Yes, if the remaining work is also estimated, maybe in bigger units

49) Choose the correct order of items in the Product Backlog.

- At the Product Owner’s discretion but usually the less valuable and most unclear items at the bottom

50) Should the daily scrum be skipped if there is nothing that needs to be discussed?
- No

51) True or False. The Definition of “Done” is created during the first Sprint and should remain unchanged
until the product release?
- False
52) What is the Developers’ source of requirements for the product?
- Product Backlog

53) All Scrum team working on the same product should have the same Sprint length. True or False?
- False

54) Who usually makes required changes to the Sprint Backlog during the Sprint?
- The developers

55) What are the purposes for the Daily Scrum?

- To inspect progress towards the Sprint Goal
- To adjust the upcoming planned work
- To adapt the Sprint Backlog as necessary

56) Does Scrum allow the product owner and the scrum master be part of the developers?
- Yes

57) What is Product Backlog Refinement?

- The act of breaking down and further defining Product backlog items into smaller more precise items
- Adding more details, such as a description, order and size

58) Which are all the opportunities to inspect and adapt

- The daily Scrum
- The Sprint Retrospective
- The Sprint
- The Sprint Planning
- The Sprint Review

59) Who can help establish empirical product planning for a complex environment?
- The scrum master

60) Who in the Scrum team pays particular attention to monitor progress towards the Product Goal?
- The Product Owner

61) What questions does Sprint Planning answer?

- What can be delivered in the Increment resulting from the upcoming sprint?
- Why is the Sprint Valuable
- How will the work needed to deliver the Increment be achieved?

62) What provides guidance to the Developers on why they are building the Increment?
- The Sprint Goal

63) Why does Scrum have Sprint Retrospective?

- It is an opportunity for the Scrum team to inspect itself and create a plan for improvements to be enacted
during the next Sprint

64) Who is allowed to make changes in the Product Backlog?

- The product owner
- Anyone, but with permission of the Product Owner

65) The product is experiencing many bugs in testing. Is it normal to have a dedicated Sprint to remove all
technical debts and prepare the Product for the upcoming release?
- No

66) Is Scrum an incomplete framework?

- Yes, Scrum is purposefully incomplete. It is built on the collective intelligence of the people using it, rather
than providing detailed instructions.

67) Who participates in the Sprint Review?

- Developers
- Scrum Master
- Product Owner
- Stakeholders
68) The Scrum master is responsible from promoting and supporting Scrum as defined in the Scrum guide.
How does he/ she serve the organization?
- Planning and advising Scrum implementations with the organization
- Helping employees and stakeholders understand and enact in empirical approach for complex work
- Leading, training and coaching the organization in its Scrum adoption
- Removing barriers between stakeholders and Scrum teams

69) Scrum masters are true leaders who serve the Scrum team and the larger organization, how does he/ she
serve the Product owner?
- Helping the Scrum team understand the need for clear and concise Product Backlog items
- Helping find techniques for effective Product Goal definition and Product Backlog management
- Facilitating stakeholder collaboration as requested or needed
- Helping establish empirical product planning for a complex environment

70) How long are the time-boxes for the Sprint Review and the Sprint Retrospective?
- 4 and 3 hours respectively

71) In the Daily Scrum, the Scrum master does which of the following?
- Ensures the team has the meeting
- Teaches the Developers to keep the Daily Scrum within the 15mins time box
- If others are present at the Daily Scrum, ensures that they do not disrupt the meeting

72) At the sprint retrospective, some improvements were identified. What should be done?
- The most impactful improvements are addressed as soon as possible

73) The scrum team members are

- The Scrum Master
- The Product Owner
- The Developers

74) What makes up Scrum?

- Artifacts
- Rules
- Events
- Roles

75) When must an adjustment be made if an inspector determines that one or more aspects of a process has
deviated outside of tolerable limits?
- As soon as possible to minimize further deviation
76) Which is true regarding cancelling a Sprint?
- The sprint may be cancelled if the Sprint Goal becomes obsolete
- Only the Product Owner has the authority to cancel the sprint

77) Who is responsible for the creation of the Definition of “Done” if the organization cannot provide one as
a standard?
- The scrum team

78) What do the Developers have sole accountability for?

- The Sprint backlog

79) If your team managers to complete the Daily Scrum in 5 minutes, can you finish early or spend another 10
on another useful team activity such as the Product Backlog refinement?
- Yes they can finish early

80) It is a good practice to have at least two Product Owners on big projects so there is coverage if one
Product Owner is off ill. True or False?
- False

81) Who is the Product Visionary and Goal Setter?

- Product Owner

82) Should the Product Owner be keenly aware of the marketplace for the Product?
- Yes

83) Which are benefits of Product Backlog Refinement?

- All are correct (Clarify the value, to reduce dependencies, To incorporate learning, To increase

84) What costs would a Product Owner take into consideration when making investment decisions?
- All the necessary investments to conceive, develop, operate, and maintain the product

85) An opportune time to obtain customers feedback on the product is through the Sprint Reviews
- Yes
86) Before starting the first Sprint, should the Product Owner have a complete and detailed Product Backlog?
- No

87) During which of the following stages is it best to do the bulk of the Product Backlog refinement?
- During the Sprint

88) Can we refer to a Product Owner (PO) as a traditional Project Manager (PM)?
- No

89) Should the developers guarantee the release of the most valuable product possible?
- No.

90) Stakeholders are free to reorder the Product Backlog during the sprint review if they need to.
- False

91) Items that are “Ready” or actionable in the Product Backlog are analyzed, estimated, and prioritized to
begin the Sprint. In Sprint Planning, select the best description of the Product Backlog items that the
Product Owner wants done.
- They are refined and understood by the Scrum Team. The Scrum team are able to estimate the items and
plan the development to fit in the capacity of the Sprint and achieve the Sprint Goal.

92) The Sprint Review is a chance for the stakeholders to reorder the Product Backlog.
- False

93) It is vital that the Product Owner be at the Sprint Retrospective?

- PO presence is mandatory. The Sprint Retrospective is an opportunity for the whole Scrum Team to assess
its performance and improve itself.

94) When is it possible to update the Product Backlog?

- At any time by the Product Owner at the Product Owner’s discretion

95) How can the Scrum Framework be used to get feedback from the market and users?
- Through frequent releases of Increments of the Product into the Market

96) Can the first Sprint begin before the Product Owner has fully complete Product Backlog?
- Yes
97) The value created by a product is only measured by the revenue it brings in.
- False

98) Who is accountable for estimating the effort to complete the Product Owner’s Product Backlog items?
- The developers. They will be doing the work and should have a complete view of the work needed to
transform Product Backlog items into Increments of the project.

99) Why should a Product owner order Product backlog items by value points?
- It is a good practice, keeping in mind that market reception is the best measure of value

100) What is the best description of the Product Owner?

- Value maximizer

101) Who creates the definition of “Done”?

- If the organization has a Definition of Done that meets defined standards, it must be followed as a
minimum. The Scrum team will create it if none is available from the organization.

102) To make investment decisions, the Product Owner will consider the Total Cost of Ownership
(TCO) of the product. What costs will a Product Owner take into account?
- All investments required to conceive, develop, operate and maintain the product

Mock Exam 2

1) Who is accountable for releasing the most valuable product possible?

(choose all that apply)

The Product Owner.

The entire Scrum Team.

The Development Team.

The Scrum Master.

The CEO.

2) A new developer is having continuing conflicts with existing Development Team members and creating a hostile
environment. If necessary, who is responsible for removing the team member?

(choose the best answer)

The Scrum Master is responsible, because he/she removes Impediments.

The Development Team is responsible, and may need help from the Scrum Master.

The Product Owner is responsible, because he/she controls the return on investment (ROI).

The hiring manager is responsible, because he/she hired the developer.

3) Why is it important that there is only one Product Owner per product?

(choose the best three answers)

It helps avoid barriers to effective communication and rapid decision-making.

The Scrum Master knows who acts as their backup while on vacation.

It helps the economy by increasing employment.

It is clear who is accountable for the ultimate success of the product.

The Development Team always knows who determines the order of the Product Backlog.

4) What are three advantages of a Product Owner with a solid product vision?

(choose the best three answers)

It's not mandatory in Scrum. There's no real advantage.

It helps the Scrum Team keep focus and they can check any decision against it, even within a Sprint.

It gives a good overall direction so Sprints will feel less like isolated pieces of work.

It is easier to inspect incremental progress at the Sprint Review.

It helps the Scrum Team maintain focus on when the complete Product Backlog should be finished.
5) Scrum requires that the Product Owner must use which of the following items?

(choose all that apply)

Release bumdown diagram.

Feature bum-up.

None of the above.

Critical Path Analysis.

Burndown chart.

Project Gantt chart.


6) True or False: To get started in terms of what to build, Scrum requires no more than a Product Owner with enough
ideas for a first Sprint, a Development Team to implement those ideas and a Scrum Master to help guide the process.



7) What happens if the Development Team cannot complete its work by the end of the Sprint?

(choose the best answer)

The Sprint is extended temporarily. Lessons are taken to ensure it doesn't happen again.

The Sprint length holds and the Development Team continuously learns what is actually possible to do within a Sprint of
this length.

The Sprint is extended and future Sprints use this new duration.

8) Multiple Scrum Teams working on the same project must have the same Sprint start date.


9) Which is the most important stakeholder Product Owners must satisfy?

(choose the best answer)

The Product's users.

Executive staff.

The Chief Product Owner.

The company owner or shareholders.

10) The Product Owner is accountable for the functionality included in each Increment. Does he or she have the final say
over the definition of "Done"?

(choose the best answer)

Yes, the Product Owner is responsible for the definition of "Done". The Development Team may be consulted.

No, the Development Team is responsible for the definition of "Done". The Product Owner may be consulted.

11) True or False: The value delivered by a product can only be determined by revenue.



12) True or False: A properly functioning Scrum Team will have at least one Release Sprint.



13) A Sprint Retrospective should be held:

(choose the best answer)

At the end of the last Sprint in a project or a release.

At the end of each Sprint.

Only when the Scrum Team determines it needs one.

At the beginning of each Sprint.

14) Which three questions might be answered by Development Team members at the Daily Scrum?

(choose the best three answers)

Why were you late?

What did I do yesterday that helped the Development Team meet the Sprint Goal?

Do I see any impediment that prevents me or the Development Team from meeting the Sprint Goal?

How many hours did I spend on the project yesterday?

How is the Sprint proceeding?

What will I be working on tomorrow?

What will I do today to help the Development Team meet the Sprint Goal?

15) True or False: Dependencies could influence how the Product Owner orders Product Backlog Items.



16) The Development Team finds out during the Sprint that they aren't likely to build everything they forecast. What
would you expect a Product Owner to do?

(choose the best answer)

Cancel the Sprint.

Re-work the selected Product Backlog items with the Development Team to meet the Sprint Goal.

Skip Product Backlog refinement activities.

Change the Sprint Goal.

Inform management that more resources are needed.

17) When a Development Team determines that it will not be able to finish the complete forecast, who has to be present
when reviewing and adjusting the Sprint work selected?

(choose the best answer)

The Development Team.

The Product Owner and the Development Team.

The Product Owner and all stakeholders.

The Scrum Master, project manager and Development Team.

18) Which is NOT a valid consideration when ordering a Product Backlog?

(choose the best answer)

Dependencies on other Product Backlog Items.

Development Team tools and techniques.


Alignment with business strategy and goals.

Importance to customers.

19) How often should customer satisfaction be measured?

(choose the best answer)





20) You have just been hired by a company new to Scrum. Your management has assigned you to be the Scrum Master of
six new Scrum Teams. These teams will build one product. Select two conditions you should strive for in this scenario.

(choose the best two answers)

There should be six Product Owners, one for each Scrum Team.

There should be only one Product Owner.

Each Scrum Team should have a separate Product Backlog.

The product has one Product Backlog.

There should be six Product Owners, reporting to a chief Product Owner.

21) What does it mean for a Development Team to be cross-functional?

(choose the best answer)

The Development Team includes not only developers but also business analysts, architects, and testers.

Developers on the Development Team work closely with business analysts, architects, developers and testers who are not
on the team.

The Development Team includes cross-skilled individuals who are able to contribute to do what is necessary to deliver an
increment of software.

The Development Team is a virtual team drawing from separate teams of business analysts, architects, developers and

22) When might a Sprint be abnormally cancelled?

(choose the best answer)

When the sales department has an important new opportunity.

When the Sprint Goal becomes obsolete.

When it becomes clear that not everything will be finished by the end of the Sprint.

When the Development Team feels that the work is too hard.

23) True or False: The Product Owner must write all of the Product Backlog items (e.g. user stories, non-functional
requirements, etc.) on the Product Backlog before handing them over to the Development Team.



24) When should the Product Owner update the project plan?
(choose the best answer)

After the Daily Scrum to ensure an accurate daily overview of project progress.

The Product Owner shouldn't be occupied by that. It is work for the Project Manager.

Scrum forbids having a project plan.

The Product Backlog is the plan in Scrum. It is updated as new information and insights emerge.

Before the Sprint Planning to know how much work will have to be done in the Sprint.

25) True or False: The Product Owner makes sure the right stakeholders are invited to the Sprint Retrospective. They
might have important instructions for team improvements.



26) Which metrics will help a Product Owner establish that value is being delivered?

(choose the best two answers)


Customer satisfaction.


Time to market.

Scope implemented.

27) True or False: During the Sprint Review it is up to the stakeholders to reorder the Product Backlog.



28) The IT manager asks a Development Team for a status report describing the progress throughout the sprint. The
Development team asks the Scrum Master for advice. The scrum master should:

(Choose the best answer)

Create and deliver the report to the manager herself.

Talk to the IT manager and explain that progress in scrum comes from inspecting an increment at the Sprint Review.

Tell the Development Team to figure it out themselves.

Tell the Development team to fit the report into the Sprint Backlog.

Ask the product Owner to send the manager the report.

29) Which two ways of creating Development Teams are consistent with Scrum's values?

(choose the best two answers)

Existing teams propose how they would like to go about organizing into the new structure.

Bring all the developers together and let them self-organize into Development Teams.

The Chief Product Owner determines the new team structures and assignments.

Managers collaborate to assign individuals to specific teams.

Managers personally re-assign current subordinates to new teams.

30) You are a product manager with a proven track record in your company. Your management has asked you to take the
lead in the development of a new product. Six teams new to Scrum will build this product. You have gathered a
number of requirements and ideas into an early form of a Product Backlog. How would you minimize dependencies
between the Scrum Teams?

(choose the best answer)

You raise this as an impediment with the Scrum Master.

You divide Product Backlog items among the six Product Owners.

You create an independent Product Backlog per Scrum Team.

You identify the dependencies and re-order the Product Backlog for them.

You work with the Development Teams on how to best analyze and break apart the work.

31) In order to maximize the value of the product, a Product Owner needs awareness of the following:

(choose the best answer)

None of the above.

Customer feedback.

Forecasting & feasibility.

Competitive research.

Product vision.

All of the above.

32) During a Sprint Retrospective, for what is the Product Owner responsible?

(choose the best answer)

The Product Owner should not take part in Sprint Retrospectives.

Summarizing and reporting the discussions to the stakeholders that he/she represents in the Scrum Team.

Capturing requirements for the Product Backlog.

Participating as a Scrum Team member.

33) True or False: A Product Owner with multiple teams working on one product should maintain separate Product
Backlogs for each team.



34) Which of these may a Development Team deliver at the end of a Sprint?

(Choose the best answer)

A single document, if that is what the Scrum Master asked for.

Failing unit tests, to identify acceptance tests for the next Sprint.

An increment of work software that is "Done".

An increment of software with minor known bugs in it.

35) Which are properties of the Daily Scrum?

(choose the best two answers)

It is free form and designed to promote conversation.

It is fifteen minutes or less in duration.

It is facilitated by the team lead.

Its location and time remain constant.

It is held first thing in the morning.

It consists of the Scrum Master asking the Team members the three questions.

36) How small should a "ready" Product Backlog item be?

(choose the best answer)

Small enough for a single team member to complete in a Sprint.

Small enough to build in 1 Sprint.

No longer than one day.

No bigger than 8 story points.

It should fit on a small index card.

37) Who creates a Product Backlog Item's estimate?

(choose the best answer)

The Scrum Master.

The Product Owner with input from the Development Team.

The most senior people in the organization, including architects and subject matter experts.

The Development Team after clarifying requirements with the Product Owner.

The Development Team, alone.

38) Every Development Team should have:

(choose the best answer)

At least one representative from each major software engineering discipline; such as, Quality Assurance, Development, and
User Experience.

One Lead Developer and no more than 8 other members.

The competencies and skills needed to deliver a Done Increment in a Sprint.

39) True or False: Product Owners must specify complete acceptance criteria for a Product Backlog item before the team
can select the item in Sprint Planning.



40) Which two things are appropriate for a Scrum Master to do if the Development Team doesn't have the engineering
tools and infrastructure to completely finish each selected Product Backlog item?

(choose the best two answers)

Coach the Development Team to improve its skills, tools and infrastructure over time and adjust the Definition of "Done"

Declare the Development Team not ready for Scrum.

Refocus the current Sprint on establishing the Development Team's infrastructure instead of delivering an Increment.

Encourage the Product Owner to accept partially "Done" increments until the situation improves.

Have the Development Team establish a Definition of "Done" that is actually possible to achieve given current

41) What is typical work for a Product Owner in a Sprint?

(choose the best two answers)

Collaborate with stakeholders, user communities and product managers.

Work with the Development Team on Product Backlog refinement.


Update the work plan for the Development Team on a daily basis.

Attend every Daily Scrum to answer functional questions on the discussed Sprint Backlog items.

Create financial reporting upon the spent hours reported by the Development Team.
42) What is Product Owner work that a Product Owner might delegate?

(choose the best answer)

Ordering the Product Backlog.

Attending the Sprint Review.

Representing stakeholders to the Scrum team.

Writing User Stories.

43) An organization has decided to adopt Scrum, but management wants to change the terminology to fit with terminology
already used. What will likely happen if this is done?

(choose the best answer)

Without a new vocabulary as a reminder of the change, very little change may actually happen.

All of the above.

The organization may not understand what has changed with Scrum and the benefits of Scrum may be lost.

Management may feel less anxious.

44) True or False: A Scrum Master is essentially the same thing as a traditional PM (Project Manager).



45) True or False: Product Owners must create clear and unambiguous acceptance criteria for each Product Backlog item
before it may be selected in Sprint Planning.



46) The top priority items of the Product Backlog should be analyzed, estimated, and prioritized adequately to begin a Sprint.
This is referred to as an actionable, or "Ready", Product Backlog. At the start of the Sprint Planning meeting, select the best
description of the Product Backlog items that the Product Owner wants to have done.

(choose the best answer)

They are stated as User Stories or use cases and a plan to validate them has been established.

They are stated as User Stories and cannot be epics.

They are fully described as User Stories or use cases already decomposed into tasks that will require no more than one-
person day to complete by the Development Team.

They are refined, and understood by the Product Owner and the Development Team such that a forecast of items can be
made to achieve the Sprint Goal.

47) What is a Development Team responsible for?

(choose the best two answers)

Selecting the Product Owner.

Organizing the work required to meet the Sprint Goal.

Resolving internal team conflicts.

Reporting productivity.

48) A Development Team selects a set of Product Backlog items for a Sprint Backlog with the intent to get the selected items
"Done" by the end of the Sprint. Which three phrases best describe the purpose of a definition of "Done"?

(choose the best three answers)

It trucks the percent completeness of a Product Backlog item.

It provides a template for elements that need to be included in the technical documentation.

It defines what it takes for an Increment to be ready for release.

It creates transparency over the work inspected at the Sprint Review.

It guides the Development Team is creating a forecast at the Sprint Planning.

It controls whether the developers have performed their tasks.

49) When is it most appropriate for a Development Team to change the definition of "Done"?

(choose the best answer)

Prior to starting a new project.

During the Sprint Retrospective.

Prior to starting a new Sprint.

During Sprint Planning.

50) As the Development Team starts work during the Sprint, it realizes it has selected too much work to finish in the Sprint.
What should it do?

(choose the best answer)

Reduce the definition of "Done" and get all of the Product Backlog items "Done" by the new definition.

As soon as possible in the Sprint, work with the Product Owner to remove some work or Product Backlog items.

Find another Scrum Team to give the excess work to.

Inform the Product Owner at the Sprint Review, but prior to the demonstration.

51) Which of the following are criteria to order Product Backlog items?

(choose all that apply)

All of the above.

Dependencies to other products.

Value of Product Backlog items.

The availability of the Scrum Master.

Dependencies between Product Backlog items.

52) What is the time-box for the Sprint Review?

(choose the best answer)

1 day.

As long as needed.

2 hours for a monthly Sprint.

4 hours for a monthly Sprint.

4 hours and longer as needed.

53) Scrum is based on empirical process control theory. All of its artifacts must be transparent to ensure sufficient accuracy of
inspection. Which two measures ensure that the Product Backlog is transparent?

(choose the best two answers)

The Product Backlog is managed using a web-based tool.

The Product Backlog is available to all stakeholders.

Each Product Backlog item has a MoSCoW priority.

The Product Backlog is ordered.

The Product Backlog only has work for the next 2 Sprints.

54) How much time must a Product Owner spend with the Development Team?

(choose the best answer)


40%, or more if the stakeholders agree.

However much time the Development Team asks the Product Owner to be present.

Enough so that the Product Owner is not surprised by the value delivered by the Increment.

55) Which best describes the Product Backlog? (choose the best answer)

It provides just enough information to enable a Scrum team to start the design phase of a product.

It contains all foreseeable tasks and requirements from which the Scrum team can develop and maintain a complete
project plan.

It is allowed to grow and change as more is learned about the product and its customers.

It is baselined to follow change management processes.

56) What is the role of the Product Owner in crafting the Sprint Goal?

(choose the best answer)

The Product Owner must work with stakeholders to set each Sprint's Goal.

The Product Owner has no role in it. This is the Development Team's responsibility.

The Product Owner defines the scope for a Sprint and therefore also the Sprint Goal.

The Product Owner should come to the Sprint Planning with a business objective in mind and work with the Development
Team to craft the Sprint Goal based upon the forecast.

The Product Owner shouldn't come to the Sprint Planning without a clearly defined Sprint Goal.

57) A product's success is measured by:

(choose the best three answers)

The impact on revenue.

The delivery of upfront defined scope compared to the upfront planned time.

The impact on cost.

The impact on customer satisfaction.

The impact on my performance rating.

The impact on my boss's mood.

58) A Scrum Team has been working on a product for 9 Sprints. A new Product Owner comes in, understanding he is
accountable for Product Backlog. However, he is unsure about the purpose of the Product Backlog. He's read that the Product
Backlog should be a list of all user features for the product. He goes to the Scrum Master asking where to put the other types of
requirements that are going to be taken into account. Are all of the following types of requirements acceptable on a Product
• Stability requirements
• Performance requirements
• Product Functionality
• Documentation
• Fixes
(choose the best answer)

No. Product Backlog is a tool for the Product Owner. The Product Owner represents the users and stakeholders. Other
types of requirements should be managed separately by the Development Team. They are not the Product Owner's
Yes, they all belong on the Product Backlog. Product Backlog is supposed to be the 'single source of truth' for all the work
for the product.

59) What is the time-box for the Sprint Planning meeting?

(choose the best answer)

4 Hours for a monthly Sprint.

8 Hours for a monthly Sprint.

Whenever it is done.


60) In accordance with Scrum theory, how should a group of 100 people be divided into multiple Development Teams?

(choose the best answer)

Understanding the product, the product vision and the rules of the Scrum framework, the group divides itself into teams.

It doesn't really matter because you can rotate the teams every Sprint to spread knowledge.

Create a matrix of skills, seniority, and level of experience to assign people to teams.

Check with the allocation department to see who has worked together before and make these the first teams.

61) Cross-functional teams are optimized to work on one technical layer of a system only (e.g. GUI, database, middle tier,



62) True or False: The Development Team is accountable for releasing the most valuable product possible.



63) The "cone of uncertainty" can be used to do what?

(choose the best answer)

Illustrate that, as a forecast lengthens, it is increasingly less certain.

Determine the cost of a project before it is begun.

Project what will be completed by a given Sprint.

Determine whether to cut quality, similar to the "Iron Triangle" of project management.

64) What typically happens if the Product Backlog is not sufficiently clear at Sprint Planning?

(choose the best answer)

The Development Team has difficulties creating a forecast of work for the Sprint.

The Scrum Master shouldn't allow this to happen. Look for a new Scrum Master and re-start the Sprint.

It is compensated if the Product Owner gives the team a clear Sprint Goal instead.

Nothing in particular.

The meeting is cancelled so refinement can be done first.

65) Why does the Product Owner want the Development Team to adhere to its definition of "Done"?

(Choose the best answer)

To know what the team will deliver over the next three Sprints.

To be able to reprimand the team when they don’t meet their velocity goal for the Sprint.

To predict the team’s productivity over time.

To have complete transparency into what has been done at the end of each Sprint.

66) Who owns the Sprint Backlog?

(choose the best answer)

The Product Owner.

The Scrum Master.

The Development Team.

The Scrum Team.

67) True or False: The Product Owner should have a complete and exhaustive Product Backlog before the first Sprint can start?



68) Which of the following practices might help the Product Owner minimize waste in developing and sustaining the Product

(choose the best two answers)

Remove items from the Product Backlog that have not been addressed in a long time.

Hand off ownership of the Product Backlog to someone else.

Write every Product Backlog item clearly and with no ambiguity.

Only fully describe Product Backlog items when it seems likely they will be implemented.

69) True or False: A Product Owner can measure success by an increase in the team's velocity.



70) Why would you expect a Product Owner to care about the Development Team adhering to its definition of "Done"?

(choose the best two answers)

The definition of "Done" can affect the product's total cost of ownership.

To have complete transparency into what has been done at the end of each Sprint.

The Product Owner should not care about the definition of "Done", it is the Development Team's responsibility.

To forecast the team's productivity over time.

To be able to punish the team when they don't meet their velocity goal for the Sprint.

71) True or False: A PO (Product Owner) is essentially the same thing as a traditional PM (Project Manager).



72) What are three benefits of self-organization?

(choose the best three answers)

Increased rule compliance.

Increased self-accountability

Increased commitment.

Increased accuracy of estimates.

Increased creativity.

73) My job as a Product Owner focuses on the following:

(choose the best two answers)

Writing clear, transparent User Stories.

Clearly communicating project or release status and strategies to customers and stakeholders.

Being with the Scrum team all the time, just in case they need me to clarify a requirement.

Working with customers and stakeholders to identify the most important product requirements.

74) The Daily Scrum is an event that happens every day. What would be three key concerns if the frequency were to be
lowered to every two or three days? frequency were to be lowered to every two or three days?

(choose the best three answers)

Too much work is spent updating the Scrum board before the meeting.

The Product Owner cannot accurately report progress to the stakeholders.

The Sprint plan may become inaccurate.

Opportunities to inspect and adapt the Sprint Backlog are lost.

The Scrum Master loses the ability to update the Gantt chart properly.

Impediments are raised and resolved more slowly.

75) Which of the following are true about the Product Owner role?

(choose the best two answers)

Multiple people can share the Product Owner role on a Scrum Team.

The Product Owner is accountable for ordering the Product Backlog.

The Product Owner role can be played by a committee or a team of people.

The Product Owner is one person.

76) When should the Product Backlog be refined?

(choose the best two answers)

The Product Owner and the Development Team do it in the actual Sprint if they haven't been able to do it in preceding

The Product Owner must do this as essential work in Sprint 0.

The Product Owner and the Development Team do it in the 1-2 preceding Sprints.

Business analysts in the organization should do this work for the Scrum Team 1- 2 Sprints ahead of the development

The Product Owner takes the time between the Sprints to do it.

77) The Scrum Master observes the Product Owner struggling with ordering the Product Backlog. What is an appropriate
action for the Scrum Master to take?

(choose the best answer)

Encourage the Product Owner to work with the Development Team to see which items technically are fastest to

Suggest the Product Owner extend the Sprint, so he can have more time to order the Product Backlog.

Offer the Product Owner help in understanding that the goal of ordering the Product Backlog is to maximize value.
Present the Product Owner with an ordered Product Backlog to use.

Suggest that the Development Team does the ordering to be sure that it is a feasible ordering of work.

78) In the middle of the Sprint, the customer decides that there are 2 new features she wants. The Product Owner could:

(choose the best two answers)

Have the Scrum Master add these features to the current Sprint.

Introduce these features at the next Daily Scrum.

Ask the Development Team to consider whether they can add these features to the current Sprint.

Add it to the Product Backlog.

79) A Scrum Master is working with a Development Team that has members in different physical locations. The
Development Team meets in a variety of meeting rooms and has much to do logistically (for example, set up
conference calls) before the Daily Scrum. What action should the Scrum Master take?

(choose the best answer)

Allow the Development Team to self-manage and determine for itself what to do.

Inform management and ask them to solve it.

Set up the meeting and tell the Development Team that is how it will be done.

Ask the Development Team members to alternate who is responsible for meeting setup.

80) A Development Team asks their Product Owner to re-order the Product Backlog. The team is waiting for an external
supplier to deliver a specific software component. Without that component there won’t be enough work in the next
Sprint to occupy the full team. The Product Owner asks the Scrum Master for help. What would be good advice to
give the Product Owner?
(choose the best answer)

Tell the Product Owner that the Product Backlog should be ordered to maximize utilization of the Development Team.

Remind the Product Owner that his primary concern is the flow of value reflected in the ordering of the Product Backlog.

Tell the Product Owner to re-order the Product Backlog so the work involving the external component can be planned in a
separate sprint.

81) Which of the following might the Scrum Team discuss during 8 Sprint Retrospective?
(choose the best answer)
The Defnition of Done.

The way the Scrum Team does Sprint Planning

All of the above.

Methods of communication

Skills needed to improve the Developers ability to deliver.

82) What might indicate to a Product Owner that she needs to work more with the Scrum Team?

(choose the best answer)

The acceptance criteria do not appear to be complete.

People leave the Scrum Team.

She is not working full time with the Scrum team.

The Increment presented at the Sprint Review does not reflect what she thought she had asked for.

83) Who is accountable for tracking the remaining work toward the Sprint Goal?

(choose the best answer)

The Product Owner.

The Project Manager.

The Developers.

The Scrum Master.

84) The Developers find out during the Sprint that they are not likely to build everything they forecast.
What would you expect a Product Owner to do?

(choose the best answer)

Change the Sprint Goal.

Cancel the Sprint.

Re-work the selected Product Backlog items with the Developers to meet the Sprint Goal.

Inform management that more Developers are needed.

Skip Product Backlog refinement activities.

85) Which are appropriate topics for discussion in a Sprint Retrospective?

(choose the best three answers)

Team relations.

Definition of Done.

The value of work currently represented in the Product Backlog.

How the Scrum Team does its work.

Arranging the Sprint Backlog for the next Sprint.

86) Who determines how work is performed during the Sprint?

(choose the best answer)

Subject matter experts.

The Scrum Team.

The Scrum Master.

Team manager.

The Developers.

87) A Project Manager working with your Scrum Team has raised concerns about progress and
money spent. What are the two best responses?

(choose the best two answers)

Promote transparency by sharing the Product Backlog and ensuring the Project Manager has access.

Show the Earned Value Analysis (EVA) report.

Scrum does not have Project Managers so disregard their concerns.

Have a discussion with the Project Manager; share the current impediments and forecast for the Sprint.

Share the last stakeholder briefing document prepared by the Product Owner.

88) When is a Sprint over?

(choose the best answer)

When the Product Owner says it is done.

When all Product Backlog items meet their Definition of Done.

When the timebox expires.

When all the tasks are completed.

89) True or False: Sprint Reviews are an opportunity to collect customer feedback.



90) Which three of the following are true about Scrum?

(choose the best three answers)

Each component of Scrum serves a specific purpose and is essential to

Scrum's success and your usage of Scrum to develop complex products.

Scrum is based on empiricism and lean thinking.

Scrum is a framework for developing and sustaining complex products.

Scrum is a methodology where you can pick and choose which parts of Scrum you think will work for your environment.

Scrum implements seIf-management by replacing Project Managers with Scrum Masters.

91) True or False: To get started in terms of what to build, Scrum requires no more than a Product
Owner with enough ideas for a first Sprint, Developers to implement those ideas, and a Scrum
Master to help guide the process.


92) Who does the work to make sure Product Backlog items conform to the Definition of Done?

(choose the best answer)

The Scrum Master.

The Quality Assurance Team.

The Developers.

The Product Owner.

The Scrum Team.

93) How should a Scrum Team deal with non-functional requirements?

(choose the best answer)

Manage them during the Integration Sprint prior to the Release Sprint.

Make sure the release department understands these requirements, but it is not the Scrum Team‘s responsibility.

Assign them to the lead developers on the team.

Ensure every Increment meets them.

94) What is the purpose of a Sprint Review?

(choose the best answer)

To review the Scrum Team's activities and processes during the Sprint.

To inspect the product Increment with the stakeholders and collect feedback on next steps.

To take time to judge the validity of the project.

To build team spirit.

95) What are the two primary ways a Scrum Master helps a Scrum Team work at its highest level of productivity?

(choose the best two answers)

By facilitating Scrum Team decisions.

By removing impediments that hinder the Scrum Team.

By keeping high value features high in the Product Backlog.

By ensuring the meetings start and end at the proper time.

96) If Product Backlog refinement is needed, when should the Product Backlog be refined and who should participate?

(choose the best two answers)

The Product Owner takes the time between the Sprints to do it.

The Product Owner must do this as essential work in Sprint 0.

The Scrum Team in the preceding one or two sprints.

The Scrum Team does it in the actual Sprint, if they have not been able to do it in preceding Sprints.

Business analysts in the organization should do this work for the Scrum Team 1-2 Sprints ahead of the development Sprints.

97) Several Sprints into a project, the Product Owner tells the Scrum Master that a key stakeholder
just started using the product. The stakeholder is unhappy with the quality of the product. What
are two good options for the Scrum Master?

(choose the best two answers)

Explain to the Product Owner that it is up to the Developers to decide on acceptable quality standards.

Coach the Product Owner on how to talk with the Developers about this concern.

Wait to bring this up until the Sprint Retrospective.

Encourage the Product Owner to put quality specifications on the Product

Backlog and express the stakeholder’s concern to the Developers.

Bring the concern to the testers to improve how the Product is verified.

98) True or False: The Product Owner makes sure the correct stakeholders are invited to the Sprint
Retrospective. They might have important instructions for team improvements.


99) During the Sprint Retrospective a Scrum Team has identified several high priority process
improvements. Which of the following statements is most accurate?

(choose the best answer)

The Scrum Master selects the most important process improvement and places it in the Sprint Backlog

The Scrum Team should decline to add a process improvement to the Sprint Backlog when things are running smoothly.

The Scrum Team should choose at least one high priority process improvement to place in the Product Backlog.

The Scrum Team may add the items to the Sprint Backlog for the next Sprint.

100) A Product Owner is accountable for maximizing the value of the product that is the result of the
work of the Scrum Team. Which of the following can be delegated to others, while the Product
Owner remains accountable for the work?

(choose the best two answers)

Ordering the Product Backlog.

Attending the Sprint Review.

Developing and communicating the Product Goal.

Creating the Sprint Goal.

101) A Scrum Team is required to deliver a done Increment by the end of a Sprint. Select two
statements that explain what done means.

(choose the best two answers)

All work the Developers are willing to do.

Ready for integration.

Whatever the Product Owner defines as quality.

No work is left to meet the Definition of Done.

Ready to be released to end users.

102) True or False: Multiple Scrum Teams working on the same product or system all select work
from the same Product Backlog.



103) Why do the Developers need a Sprint Goal?

(choose the best answer)

A Sprint Goal only gives purpose to Sprint 0.

The Developers are more focused with a common yet specific goal.

A Sprint Goal ensures that all of the Product Backlog items selected for the Sprint are implemented.

Sprint Goals are not valuable Everything is known from the Product Backlog.

104) What three things might a Scrum Product Owner focus on to ensure the product delivers value?

(choose the best three answers)

Velocity is increasing over time.

84/690 people choices

How readily the product can be absorbed and used by its customers.
619/690 people choices

Direct customer feedback.

628/690 people choices

Minimizing changes to project scope.

95/690 people choices

How much of the functionality of the product is being utilized.

105) A Product Backlog is:

(choose the best three answers)

Managed by the Product Owner.

An inventory of things to be done for the Product.

Only visible to the Product Owner and stakeholders.

Ordered based on priority, value, dependencies, and risk.

An exhaustive list of upfront approved requirements to be implemented.

106) True or False: Scrum has a role called "Project Manager".



107) Who is accountable for creating a valuable Increment each Sprint?

(choose the best answer)

The CEO.

The Scrum Master.

The Product Owner.

The Scrum Team.

The Developers.

108) Which of the following is required by Scrum?

(choose the best answer)

Release Planning.

Sprint Retrospective.

Developers must stand up at the Daily Scrum.

All of the above.

Sprint Burndown Chart.

109) Which of the following is an example of an Increment?

(choose the best answer)

A valuable, useful set of product features.

A product roll-out plan.

A mock-up of the product marketing materials.

All of the above.

A plan for the overall product release.

A design for the product.

110) How much work is required of the Developers to complete a Product Backlog item selected
during the Sprint Planning?

(choose the best answer)

All development work and at least some testing.

A proportional amount of time on analysis, design, development, and testing.

As much as they can fit into the Sprint, with remaining work deferred to the next Sprint.

It guides the Developers in creating a forecast at the Sprint Planning.

It defines what it takes for an Increment to be ready for release.

As much as is required to meet the Scrum Team's Definition of Done.

111) At the end of a Sprint, a Product Backlog item worked on during the Sprint does not meet the
Definition of Done. What two things should happen with the undone Product Backlog item?

(choose the best two answers)

Do not include the item in the Increment this Sprint.

Put it on the Product Backlog for the Product Owner to decide what to do with it.
Review the item, add the done part of the estimate to the velocity and create a Story for the remaining work.

If the stakeholders agree, the Product Owner can accept it and release it to the users.

112) Five new Scrum Teams have been created to build one product. A few of the Developers on one
of the Scrum Teams ask the Scrum Master how to coordinate their work with the other teams.
What should the Scrum Master do?

(choose the best answer)

Collect the Sprint tasks from the teams at the end of their Sprint Planning and merge that into a consolidated plan for
the entire Sprint.

Teach the Product Owner to work with the lead developers on ordering Product
Backlog in a way to avoid too much overlap during a Sprint.

Teach them that it is their responsibility to work with the other teams to create
an integrated Increment that is inclusive of all five team’s work.

Visit the five teams each day to inspect that their Sprint Backlogs are aligned.

113) How is management that is external to the Scrum Team involved in the Daily Scrum?

(choose the best answer)

The Scrum Master speaks on their behalf.

Managers are not required at the Daily Scrum.

The Product Owner represents their opinions.

Management gives an update at the start of each Daily Scrum.

114) Which three of the following are timeboxed events in Scrum?

(choose the best three answers)

Release Retrospective

Release Planning

Sprint Testing

Daily Scrum
Sprint Planning

Sprint Retrospective

Sprint 0

115) Which statement best describes Scrum?

(choose the best answer)

A defined and predictive process that conforms to the principles of Scientific Management.

A cookbook that defines best practices for software development.

A complete methodology that defines how to develop software.

A framework to generate value through adaptive solutions for complex.

116) Which two ways of creating Scrum Teams are consistent with Scrum’s values?

(choose the best two answers)

Bring all the people together and let them organize into Scrum Teams.

Existing teams propose how they would like to go about organizing into the new structure.

Managers collaborate to assign individuals to specific teams.

The Chief Product Owner determines the new team structures and assignments.

Managers personally re-assign current subordinates to new teams.

117) What is a Product Owner typically responsible for during a Sprint?

(choose the best two answers)

Attending every Daily Scrum to answer questions about the Sprint Backlog items.


Working with the Scrum Team on Product Backlog refinement.

Updating the work plan for the Developers on a daily basis.

Creating financial reporting upon the spent hours reported by the Developers.

Collaborating with stakeholders, user communities and product managers.

118) The Developers ask their Product Owner to re-order the Product Backlog. The team is waiting for
an external supplier to deliver a component. Without that component there will not be enough
work in the next Sprint to occupy the full team. As the Scrum Master, what advice would you give
the Product Owner?

Tell the Product Owner to re-order the Product Backlog so the work involving
the external component can be planned in a separate sprint.

Remind the Product Owner that their primary concern is the flow of value reflected in the ordering of the Product Backlog.

Tell the Product Owner that the Product Backlog should be ordered to maximize utilization of the Developers.

119) True or False: The Scrum Team is accountable for releasing the most valuable product.



120) The Product Owner is the person who will be held accountable if a product does not achieve its
goals or deliver value. Does this mean that the Product Owner has final say over the Definition of Done?

(choose the best answer)

Yes: the Product Owner decides the Definition of Done. The Developers may be consulted.

No: the Scrum Team decides the Definition of Done. The Product Owner should be consulted.

121) True or False: All planned work for the Product done by the Scrum Team must originate from the Product Backlog.


122) When does a Developer become accountable for the value of a Product Backlog item selected for the Sprint?

(choose the best answer)

During the Daily Scrum.

At the Sprint Planning Event.

Never. The entire Scrum Team is accountable for creating value every Sprint.

Whenever a team member can accommodate more work.

123) When should a Sprint Goal be created?

(choose the best answer)

A Sprint Goal is not mandatory in Scrum.

At any time during the Sprint.

During Sprint Planning.

It must be established before Sprint Planning in order to begin planning.

It should have been created in the previous Sprint during Product Backlog refinement

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