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White Ribbon Fredericton October 2023

Public Statement of Concern from White Ribbon Fredericton

White Ribbon is the world’s largest movement of men and boys working to end violence against
women and girls, promote gender equity, healthy rela�onships and a new vision of masculinity.
White Ribbon Fredericton is a local volunteer organiza�on focused on the elimina�on of men’s
violence against women and girls, and all gender-based violence. We are a group of 15 people
who personally and/or professionally are working on this issue; we are employed in the public
and private sectors; we are gender, age, and racially diverse. Our ac�vi�es are focused on
educa�on, ac�vism, and advocacy, along with collabora�on and networking. Our views and
ac�ons are evidence-based, and the evidence is clear that the roots of gender-based violence
are found in the social, cultural, poli�cal, and economic structures of society, and ul�mately, in
the power differences between genders created by these structures.
From the beginning, White Ribbon Fredericton has striven to be a reliable voice in providing
evidence-based informa�on about preven�ng men’s violence against women and gender-based
violence in our society. We chose to engage in the prac�ce of calling in rather than calling out.
We have invited poli�cians from any and all par�es to our events, and the government in power
was always invited to speak at our annual march. Our hope has always been to bring folks along,
to nurture understanding, and to inspire ac�on. While we intend to con�nue this prac�ce, we
find ourselves in the unfortunate posi�on of having to make this statement in stronger and
more direct terms.
As members of White Ribbon Fredericton, we have grown increasingly concerned with the
harmful and extreme an�-trans posi�on taken by Premier Higgs and some members of his
cabinet, regarding the treatment of people from the 2SLGBTQIA+ community.
Mimicking the strategy of the fundamentalist far-right by advancing so-called “parent’s rights”
and a fear of indoctrina�on of children by the 2SLGBTQIA+ community and its allies, Premier
Higgs has neglected his responsibili�es to maintain the separa�on between the church and
state, to ensure that government policy is based on facts rather than religious dogma or
baseless conspiracy theories, and to promote peaceful dialogue and understanding between
those with inconsistent views. The coming elec�on, be that in October 2024 or some�me
before that, raises the concern that the current tone and rhetoric will only degenerate into an
even more hateful diatribe, causing even more harm to a vulnerable popula�on.
Words can cause serious harm. We know that stereotypes and assump�ons about a gender-
binary (i.e., male/female) exclude and delegi�mize the lives of many New Brunswickers, and so
it is important that we engage in this discussion to challenge the misinforma�on that has been
set out by some members of the current government about the intent and impact of Policy 713.
Policy 713 set minimum requirements for schools to create a safe and welcoming environment
for two-spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer, intersex, and asexual (2SLGBTQIA+) students.
It is crucial that Policy 713 be maintained so that students may con�nue to self-iden�fy and

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White Ribbon Fredericton October 2023

express themselves, without fear of consequence. We know that removing Policy 713
requirements will expose marginalized youth to increased risk.
2SLGBTQIA+ people con�nue to be marginalized and face an array of challenges not
experienced by heterosexual and cisgender people, including socioeconomic disadvantages, in
addi�on to experiencing poorer mental and physical health outcomes. These dispari�es are a
direct result of systemic discrimina�on and the preserva�on of heteronorma�ve masculinity.
These dispari�es are further exacerbated by a lack of support and understanding provided by
the broader community.
The changes to Policy 713 and the rhetoric about parents’ rights are a dog whistle used to
espouse transphobic ideologies. It is known that trans and non-binary youth are also at a
greater risk of experiencing bullying, violence, and suicide. Anecdotal evidence from within the
school system suggests that marginalized students and staff are already experiencing nega�ve
impacts based on the inflammatory statements being made in the media by poli�cal leaders in
New Brunswick.
Any ac�on within our society, including of course the public school system, that serves to
reinforce hegemonic masculinity, the gender binary, and male supremacy, supports systemic
oppression and violence toward marginalized popula�ons, including women, gender diverse
people, and 2SLGBTQIA+ people more generally.
Having safe and accep�ng families and communi�es is a protec�ve factor for marginalized
students, and New Brunswick’s school system must do everything it can to educate young New
Brunswickers and provide a safe and inclusive learning environment for all students. It is vital
that the provincial school system properly educates students and prepares them for the real
world. This includes providing an affirming educa�on that includes educa�ng New Brunswick
students on the spectrum of gender iden��es and sexuali�es that exist. Every ac�on taken
should serve to bolster the safety and fundamental human rights of children.
In October of 2019, Premier Higgs was
invited to, and atended, the White Ribbon
March. Premier Higgs signed a pledge
poster commi�ng to put an end to violence
against women. A�er addressing the crowd
gathered that day, Premier Higgs spoke to
the White Ribbon Fredericton Co-chair
expressing his shock at the sta�s�cs
regarding the number of New Brunswickers
who are impacted by domes�c and in�mate
partner violence.

Premier Higgs Signing WR Pledge, October 17, 2019

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White Ribbon Fredericton October 2023

Premier Higgs suggested that there must be a focus on

addressing the root causes of this cri�cal issue, to
which the co-chair replied, “Mr. Premier, we
understand the root causes, we need help to address
them.” The current posi�on of Premier Higgs and his
government does not provide this much needed help,
but instead exacerbates the problem as it promotes
the gender binary and supports the tradi�onal
masculine stereotypes that are at the heart of the
causal chain that results in abuse and harm being
directed toward women, gender diverse people, and
other marginalized popula�ons.
We call on Premier Higgs to reject the poli�cs of fear
and hate, to listen to the voices of modera�on, and to
respect the report of the New Brunswick Child and
Youth Advocate.

WR Pledge

Barry MacKnight, BA MOM

Co-chair, White Ribbon Fredericton

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