CH 9 Nutrition and Gas Exchange in Plants

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CH 9 Nutrition and Gas Exchange in Plants

A. Autotrophic Nutrition 自養營養 (Producers, Serving basic food source)

Product of Photosynthesis (Inorganic → Organic) Product + Minerals → Protein/Lipids/Carbohydrate
1. Minerals 礦物質 Form Main Function Nutrient Deficiency Diseases
Nitrate (NO3-) / Amino acids (Proteins), Poor Growth,
Nitrogen (N)
Ammonium (NH4+) Nucleic Acids, Chlorophyll Yellow Leaves
Nucleic acids, Proteins Delayed Root Growth,
Phosphorus (P) Phosphate (PO43-)
(Involved in enzyme reactions) Purple Spots on Leaves
(Facilitates the transport of photosynthesis) Stunted Growth,
Potassium (K) Potassium ions (K+)
(Involved in enzyme reactions) Leaf Curling, Blackened Edges
Magnesium (Mg) Magnesium ions (Mg+) Chlorophyll Yellow Leaves

2. Testing the Influence of Minerals on Plant Growth → Hydroponic Method

⚫ Seedlings (X Saving abundant Mineral Reserves)
⚫ Nutrient Solution : Deficient in a specific mineral V.S. Containing all necessary minerals (Control)
⚫ Preventive Measures: 1. Sterilize equipment + Cover with tin foil to block sunlight
→ X Prevent Algae growth.
2. Oxygenate the nutrient solution → Provide oxygen for root respiration →
Energy → Active Transport.

3. Organic Fertilizers Chemical (inorganic) Fertilizers

Manure, Decomposed parts of plants and animals
Artificial (∵Removed during plant harvest)
by Bacteria / Fungi
Low water solubility High water solubility
Not easily washed away by rain Rapid absorption
Slower absorption Easily washed away by water

B. Absorption of Water (Osmosis) and Minerals (Active Transport) (Ch10)

↑ Water Absorption Surface Area

X Cuticle + Only have one thin-walled Cell

Stores Food,
Only have some Loosely-packed thin-walled cells

Xylem : Transport Water and Minerals

Phloem : Transport Food

Protect the top of the Root Tip

Adaptive Features :
1. Have a lot of Branching and Root Hair →
↑ Water Absorption Surface Area
2. X Cuticle Epidermis +
Only have one thin-walled Cell →
Can absorb Water Freely and Unimpeded / Gases exchange
3. Long + Tiny Root Hair → Easy to grow between the soil particle

C. Gases Exchange
1. Place : a. Leave, Stoma b. Lenticels on woody stems c. Cortex of Root (∵X Cuticle ∴X Stoma)
2. The Adaptive Feature of Leaf for Gas Exchange
a. Thin Leaf → ↓ The distance of Gas Diffusion
b. Wide Leaf → ↑ The surface area of Gas Diffusion
c. Have Air Space → The gases can move freely
d. Have a lot of Stoma → Lead Gas Diffusion
(p.s. Diffusion into Stomata, Move within Air Spaces)
e. The Surface of Mesophyll cells is moist
→ Let the gases dissolve, and Diffuse
f. Guard Cells can control the size of Stoma →
Regulate the rate of gas exchange (↑ Light → size of Stoma ↑ → ↑ Rate of gas exchange)

3. Cross-section of a Leaf:
✓ Green / Have Chlorophyll / Can carry out Photosynthesis: ② (Palisade Mesophyll), ③ (Spongy), (Guard Cell)
(∴The Leaf Epidermis can undergo Photosynthesis vs The Leaf Epidermis Cell x undergo Photosynthesis)

✓ ② Closely Packed / Chlorophyll Density: ② > ③

(∵② located at the top, can directly receive sunlight →
∴ Absorb Light ↑, Rate of Photosynthesis↑ )

✓ Spongy Mesophyll Loosely Packed

(∴There is Air Space among cells → CO2 can move to ② freely)

✓ Guard Cell: Control the size of the Stoma

✓ Cuticle: ↓Water Loss (Exist in both up and low Epidermis)
✓ Stoma: Carry out Gas Exchange (X light / water in)

Stomatal Distribution Reason
Terrestrial Plants Mainly in the Lower Epidermis Stomata directly exposed to sunlight ↓ →
(Horizontal Leaves) (Or even only in the Lower Epidermis) Temperature ↓ → ↓ Water loss
1. Only the upper epidermis has a Cuticle
(∵Impermeable to water → ↓ Water loss due to evaporation)
Stomata in the Upper Epidermis
Floating Plants Only in the Upper Epidermis
allow Gas Exchange with the air
2. No Stomata / Cuticle in the Lower Epidermis:
Can uptake Water / Minerals / Gas Exchange freely
Submerged Plants X Stoma X Cuticle : Can uptake Water / Minerals / Gas Exchange freely

4. The Way to Observe Stomata : (*Stoma – Allow Gas Exchange)

⚫ Remove the upper / lower Epidermis → Observe the leaf under a Microscope
⚫ Put the leaf into the hot water → Observe the location of the gas bubble release
(∵The air in the Air Space expansion → Release through the Stoma in Gas Bubble)


Period Light Intensity Situation

AB, GH 0 Only carry out Respiration Rate of Respiration = 2 mg h-1
BC, FG Low Rate of Respiration > Photosynthesis Net Release CO2
C,F Rate of Respiration = Photosynthesis X Only Release or Uptake CO2
(Compensation Point) (X Net Gas Exchange) ✓ Release or Uptake CO2
CD, EF Strong Rate of Photosynthesis > Respiration Net Uptake CO2
DE Very Strong Rate of Photosynthesis is highest Rate of Photosynthesis = 6 mg h-1
Respiration : AH (Anytime)
Photosynthesis (Photochemical Reaction, Calvin Cycle) : BG (Start at B)


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