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Positivity & Ways for Students to Get It

There was a time earlier where students used to have a very straightforward mindset regarding
learning and they didn't have right to go forward with any new and innovative ideas without
permission of the teachers and mentors. Learners usually can be seen depressed due to various
reasons but with induction of online learning, learners got new ray of hope and therefore being
optimistic, they are putting their efforts in learning with full dedication. In this type learning method,
institute ERP helping the students in every possible manner and also uses the best school
management software to take care of it.

To have a positive thinking a student or an adult need to have control over himself/herself. People
who have habit of doing meditation, they are able to hold positive thinking in his/her mind fora long
time. Meditation channelises all the small and big energies into the body in a big flow of positive
energy and makes a person face any kind of the difficulty in the life. This belief makes you strong and
an optimistic and gives positive thinking always. One should never cry like a baby always of not
having this and that instead praise life for giving you those things which other don't have. Instead of
complaining to the life for what you don't have, appreciate the life for what you have, this should be
the way of living in positive way and this is only way which gives you that calm of mind where you
can think of your progress. Working tirelessly good but without proper rest body and mind agitates
and deny to work further by falling ill which is never good so whether student or an adult everyone
needs to keep his/her physical and psychological health calm and relax.

Negative thoughts are like a cage which imprisons student in his or own mind and makes them
powerless so whenever they will see any task, they will deny to accept it as they think they cannot
do it. Here tutors play a very significant role. Tutors can take whole matter of this negativity into
their hands and fix it by inducing positive attitude in the students. Let's understand how it can be
done. Optimistic thinking is beneficial for physical, psychological and emotional health. Keeping this
mind tutors should remember that students always imitate their tutors and parents. Positive
attitude is contagious so positive thinking always gives positive results and if the kids or students see
that positive attitude of their parents and tutors getting good outcome of their optimistic behaviour
then they will also behave the same way. Tutors need to make students give presentations on the
lesson they have prepared and make them face mob of class and should strictly instruct their
classmate and allow them to make mistakes to boost their confidence level. This optimistic
atmosphere can convert negativity of pessimism to optimism.

Tutors need to make students understand our attitude is directly related to our capacity of
accomplishment of task. Human mind can make impossible thing possible just because of positive
attitude. It is completely a matter of perception that one can get victory of defeat. We can get
several examples in history that many leaders or warriors who became great leaders due to their
optimistic attitude in every adverse condition. Although they were not very giant physically but their
positive attitude was giant and they use to invoke this positive attitude and win the wars in a jiffy.
The same thing rules in education sector also. Those students who write their diary they always
remain positive by mood because for them their journal is such a friend that never leaves their side
and also becomes such a buddy with whom sharing anything can’t be a trouble, instead will be a
matter of fun and satisfaction.

So much burden that too in this age sometimes breaks the confidence level of the students, they
start to think negative of themselves. Being a tutor make the kids have faith in themselves and
encourage them to fight with negativity, make them trust that you are there with him/her. As a tutor
your belief on student and your attitude towards to your student matters a lot.

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