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Shy roar

A scene from a mile,

I stand with fears crawling with my shadows.

Young queens tough with the world

There is this thing,

It creeps when oblivious pampers

That thing see me right in the boast of the city’s lights.

I struggle with wars within,

Now I know who my nemesis are

I dust my soul, ready I am armed.

Collected my confidence intact ,I swear I can smell war !

Today when dawn is crowed ,I promised never to bow

My spine straightened, chest surfaced with a smirk while I whispered,


Yesterday when the sun set with shimmers of violet rays, I bought a new armour!

All night with owls and cold caresses while sleep tackle my defences, I sharpened my sword

Rain wept for souls to be lost as forces of nature collide with immense strength with wishes to wash
away the forbidden chaos.

Early with morning dews ,I set my feet to my mirror

Reflection of my soul is confronted, that is my nemesis

The war is up there in my head,

I am perfect with my flaws ,as long as I stand to crown the dawn with dusk.

I have already won!

This is because we are royalties with a beggar .


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