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REVIEWS Further Treatment of Obsessive
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Martin E. Franklin1 and Edna B. Foa2
Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 2011.7:229-243. Downloaded from

• Our comprehensive search 1

Child/Adolescent OCD, Tics, Trichotillomania and Anxiety Group, Department of
Psychiatry, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, and 2 Center for the Treatment
and Study of Anxiety, Department of Psychiatry, University of Pennsylvania School of
by UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI on 11/01/11. For personal use only.

Medicine, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104; email:

Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 2011. 7:229–43 Keywords

The Annual Review of Clinical Psychology is online cognitive behavior therapy, exposure plus response prevention,
serotonin reuptake inhibitors, empirically supported treatments,
This article’s doi: dissemination

Copyright  c 2011 by Annual Reviews. Abstract

All rights reserved
Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) is characterized by the presence
1548-5943/11/0427-0229$20.00 of intrusive, anxiety-provoking thoughts, images, or impulses along
with repetitive behaviors or mental acts designed to reduce obsessional
distress. OCD is associated with significant functional impairment,
psychiatric comorbidity, and compromised quality of life. Fortunately,
substantive progress has been made in the past several decades in the
development and empirical evaluation of treatments for OCD across
the developmental spectrum. The current review begins with a discus-
sion of the clinical presentation of OCD and psychological theories
regarding its etiology and maintenance. A detailed discussion follows
of exposure plus response prevention, the psychosocial treatment that
has garnered the most evidence for its efficacy. A summary of the
extant treatment outcome literature related to exposure plus response
prevention as well as cognitive therapies, pharmacotherapies, and
combined approaches is then presented. Recommendations for future
clinical and research directions are then provided.

CP07CH09-Franklin ARI 24 February 2011 16:23

Compulsions are “repetitive behaviors or men-

Contents tal acts the goal of which is to prevent or re-
duce anxiety or distress” (Am. Psychiatr. Assoc.
2000, p. 457). Common compulsions include
hand washing, checking, and mental compul-
sions (e.g., repeated praying silently). A func-
Prevalence and Course . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230
tional link between obsessions and compulsions
Comorbidity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231
is typically evident: for example, in the DSM-IV
field trial on OCD, over 90% of participants re-
THEORETICAL MODELS . . . . . . 231
ported that their compulsions aim to either pre-
vent harm associated with their obsessions or to
TREATMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232
reduce obsessional distress (Foa et al. 1995). For
Exposure and Response
example, the obsessional thought of an OCD
Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 2011.7:229-243. Downloaded from

Prevention . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232
patient that he/she might harm someone by ne-
Review of Evidence Base
glecting to lock the door will give rise to anxiety
for EX/RP Procedures . . . . . . . . . . 233
or distress. Compulsively checking the door is a
by UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI on 11/01/11. For personal use only.

Cognitive Therapies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234

behavior that attempts to reduce distress and re-
Serotonergic Medications . . . . . . . . . . 235
assure the patient that the feared consequence
will not occur. Therefore, if the patient does
not demonstrate a clear relationship between
TREATMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236
the obsession and the compulsion (obsessions
are distressing and compulsions aim at reduc-
ing this distress), another diagnosis should be
AND ADOLESCENTS . . . . . . . . . . . 237
In order to distinguish diagnosable OCD
from the virtually ubiquitous occasional phe-
nomena of unwanted thoughts and repetitive
behaviors reported by the vast majority of
DECISION-MAKING . . . . . . . . . . . . 237
individuals without OCD (Crye et al. 2010,
Rachman & de Silva 1978), obsessions and/or
TO KNOW? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238
compulsions must be found to be of suffi-
cient severity to cause marked distress, be
time-consuming, and interfere with daily func-
DEFINITION OF OBSESSIVE tioning. If another Axis I disorder is present,
COMPULSIVE DISORDER the obsessions and compulsions cannot be
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental restricted to the content of that disorder (e.g.,
compulsive disorder
(OCD): obsessions Disorders, Fourth Edition, Text Revision (DSM- preoccupation with food in the presence of
and/or compulsions of IV-TR; Am. Psychiatr. Assoc. 2000) defines eating disorders).
sufficient clinical obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) by the
severity (e.g., greater presence of recurrent obsessions and/or com-
than one hour/day) CLINICAL PRESENTATION
pulsions that interfere substantially with daily
and associated with
functional impairment functioning. Obsessions are “persistent ideas,
thoughts, impulses, or images that are experi-
Prevalence and Course
and/or distress
Obsessions: intrusive enced as intrusive and inappropriate and cause The National Comorbidity Survey Replication
or unwanted thoughts, marked anxiety or distress” (p. 457). Com- Study involving over 9,000 adult participants in
images, or impulses mon obsessions are repeated thoughts about the United States estimated that the 12-month
that provoke anxiety or contamination, causing harm to others, and prevalence rate of OCD was 1.0% (Kessler et al.
doubting whether one locked the front door. 2005); epidemiological studies with children

230 Franklin · Foa

CP07CH09-Franklin ARI 24 February 2011 16:23

and adolescents suggest similar lifetime preva- symptoms have been put forward. Dollard &
lence rates in these samples (e.g., Flament et al. Miller (1950) adopted Mowrer’s two-stage the-
1990, Valleni-Basile et al. 1994). Slightly more ory (1939, 1960) to explain the development
than half of the adults suffering from OCD are and maintenance of fear/anxiety and avoid- behaviors or mental
female (Rasmussen & Tsuang 1986), whereas a ance in OCD. Mowrer’s theory maintains that acts engaged in
2:1 male to female ratio has been observed in a neutral event stimulus (conditioned stimu- purposefully to reduce
several pediatric clinical samples (e.g., Hanna lus; CS) comes to elicit fear when it is re- obsessional distress or
the likelihood of a
1995, Swedo et al. 1989). Development of OCD peatedly presented together with an event that
feared outcome
is typically gradual, but more rapid onset has by its nature causes pain/distress (uncondi-
been reported in some cases. The course of tioned stimulus; UCS). The CS can be mental
psychiatric conditions
OCD is most often chronic with some wax- events, such as thoughts, and/or physical en- that co-occur with an
ing and waning of symptoms, with patients re- tities, such as bathrooms and trash cans. After index disorder
porting some responsiveness to external stres- fear/anxiety/distress to the CS is acquired, es-
Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 2011.7:229-243. Downloaded from

sors as well. In rare pediatric cases, however, cape or avoidance behaviors are developed to
onset is very sudden (e.g., overnight) and as- reduce the anxiety. In OCD, the behavioral
sociated with strep infection; treatment of the avoidance and escape take the form of repeated
by UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI on 11/01/11. For personal use only.

infection is then associated with substantial re- compulsions or rituals. Like other avoidance
duction of symptoms, but recurrence of infec- behaviors, compulsions are maintained because
tion is associated with symptom exacerbation they indeed reduce the distress. Not only does
[Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Dis- Mowrer’s theory adequately explain fear acqui-
orders Associated with Streptococcal Infections sition, it is also consistent with observations of
(PANDAS), Swedo et al. 1998]. how rituals are maintained. In a series of exper-
iments, Rachman and colleagues (Hodgson &
Comorbidity Rachman 1972, Roper & Rachman 1976, Roper
et al. 1973) demonstrated that obsessions in-
OCD in adults usually co-occurs with other
crease obsessional distress and compulsions re-
disorders, with unipolar depression and anxi-
duce this distress. This conceptualization of a
ety disorders being the most common comor-
functional relationship between obsessions and
bid conditions (e.g., Torres et al. 2006). A
compulsions influenced the definitions of OCD
relationship between OCD and eating disor-
in the DSM-III (Am. Psychiatr. Assoc. 1980)
ders has also been identified, in that approxi-
and its successors.
mately 10% of women with OCD had a his-
Foa & Kozak (1986) proposed that OCD
tory of anorexia nervosa (Kasvikis et al. 1986),
is characterized by erroneous cognitions. First,
as did more than 33% of those with bulimia
OCD sufferers assign a high probability of dan-
(Hudson et al. 1987, Laessle et al. 1987). Be-
ger to situations that are relatively safe. For
cause certain comorbidity patterns have been
example, an individual with OCD will believe
found to compromise treatment outcome (e.g.,
that if he touches public doorknobs without
severe depression in adults, Abramowitz et al.
thoroughly washing his hands afterward, the
2000; externalizing disorders in youth, Storch
germs on the doorknob will cause serious dis-
et al. 2008) comorbid disorders should be
ease to him and/or to people whom he touched
screened for and taken into account during
with his dirty hands. Second, individuals with
the treatment decision phase as well as during
OCD exaggerate the cost of the bad things that
the treatment phase itself.
they think can happen. For example, contract-
ing a minor cold is viewed as a terrible thing.
COGNITIVE AND BEHAVIORAL For others with more abstract fears, the fear
THEORETICAL MODELS responses are associated with mistaken mean-
Several cognitive behavioral theories about ing rather than with a particular stimulus. For
the development and maintenance of OCD example, some patients who are disturbed by • Treatment of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder 231

CP07CH09-Franklin ARI 24 February 2011 16:23

perceived asymmetry and who reduce their dis- that it elicits will be ego-syntonic. This model
tress by rearranging objects do not fear the ob- suggests that treatment of OCD should largely
jects themselves, nor do they anticipate disaster focus on identifying the erroneous assumptions
Exposure plus
response prevention from the asymmetry. Rather, they are upset by and modifying the automatic thoughts.
(EX/RP): form of their view that certain arrangements of stimuli By extension, treatments that are based on
CBT involving are “improper.” Foa & Kozak (1986) further each of the aforementioned theoretical models
prolonged suggested that individuals with OCD conclude ought to result in a particular emphasis in ther-
confrontation with
that in the face of lack of evidence that a situ- apy that is tied to the mechanism by which the
feared stimuli and
encouragement to ation or an object is safe, they are dangerous, OCD is thought to be maintained; for example,
refrain from and therefore OCD sufferers require constant the more behavioral conceptualizations would
compulsions or other evidence for safety. For example, in order to lead therapists to strongly emphasize reduction
forms of avoidance feel safe, an OCD sufferer requires a guaran- of all forms of passive and active avoidance to
tee that the dishes in a given restaurant are ex- permit learning to occur, whereas the cognitive
Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 2011.7:229-243. Downloaded from

tremely clean before eating in this restaurant. theories should yield a particular focus in
People without OCD, on the other hand, con- treatment on challenging the underlying belief
clude that if they do not have evidence that a system in order to affect symptom change.
by UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI on 11/01/11. For personal use only.

situation is dangerous, then it is safe. Thus, a Theories that blend cognitive and behavioral
person without OCD would eat from the dishes elements, such as Foa and Kozak’s Emotional
in the restaurant unless he has clear evidence Processing Theory (Foa & Kozak 1986), would
that they are dirty. be convergent with the use of cognitive and
Cognitive accounts of OCD have also been behavioral treatment strategies to provide the
proposed, with the most influential of these patient with corrective information about the
being the model posited by Salkovskis (1985). world and about his own fear responses. The
According to this model, intrusive, obsessional treatments described below flow from these
thoughts are stimuli that may provoke certain prevailing conceptual models, yet evidence for
types of negative automatic thoughts. In partic- the efficacy of these interventions provides only
ular, an exaggerated sense of responsibility and partial support for the theoretical foundations
self-blame are the central themes in the OCD upon which they were built.
belief system. Neutralization, in the form of be-
havioral or cognitive compulsions, can be un-
derstood as an attempt to reduce this sense of EMPIRICALLY SUPPORTED
responsibility and to prevent blame. Salkovskis TREATMENTS
further proposed that five dysfunctional as-
Exposure and Response Prevention
sumptions characterize obsessive-compulsives
and differentiate them from persons without Brief description of procedures. The
OCD: (a) Having a thought about an action is psychosocial intervention that has garnered
like performing the action; (b) failing to prevent the most empirical support is exposure and
(or failing to try to prevent) harm to self or oth- response prevention (EX/RP), which has
ers is the same as having caused the harm in the been studied around the world for the past
first place; (c) responsibility is not attenuated 40 years and has proven to be a remarkably
by other factors (e.g., low probability of occur- efficacious and durable treatment for patients
rence); (d ) not neutralizing when an intrusion with OCD across the developmental spectrum
has occurred is similar or equivalent to seeking (Abramowitz et al. 2005, Natl. Inst. Health
or wanting the harm involved in that intrusion Clin. Excell. 2005, Rosa-Alcazar et al. 2008).
to actually happen; (e) one should (and can) ex- Current EX/RP treatments, which are based
ercise control over one’s thoughts (Salkovskis largely on the blended theoretical model
1985, p. 579). Thus, although the obsession proposed by Foa & Kozak (1986), typically in-
may be ego-dystonic, the automatic thought clude prolonged exposure to obsessional cues,

232 Franklin · Foa

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procedures aimed at blocking rituals, and infor- improved at both post-treatment and follow-
mal discussions of mistaken beliefs that are of- up, but EX/RP was clearly superior to the
ten conducted in anticipation of exposure exer- single-component treatments on almost every
cises. Exposures are most often done in real-life symptom measure at both assessment points.
settings (in vivo) and involve prolonged contact These findings clearly suggest that exposure
with specific feared external (e.g., contaminated and ritual prevention should be implemented
surfaces) or internal (e.g., images of having sex concurrently; accordingly, it is important to
with religious figures) stimuli that the patient convey this information to patients, especially
reports as distressing. When the patient also when they are experiencing difficulty refraining
reports specific consequences that they fear from rituals or engaging effectively in exposure
would occur if they refrained from rituals or exercises during and between sessions.
other forms of avoidance, these fears can also be
addressed via imaginal exposure, which often Implementation of response prevention.
Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 2011.7:229-243. Downloaded from

consists of creating very detailed image scripts Instructions and encouragement to refrain from
and then listening to or reading these scripts re- ritualizing and avoidance are strongly empha-
peatedly until they are perceived as less anxiety sized in EX/RP, and the success of these efforts
by UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI on 11/01/11. For personal use only.

provoking. Following from the theory of Foa is integral to good outcome (Foa et al. 2002).
& Kozak (1986), in vivo and imaginal exposure The therapist can support the patient in do-
exercises are designed specifically to prompt ing so providing encouragement and sugges-
obsessional distress; it is believed that repeated, tions about alternatives to ritualizing and also
prolonged exposure to feared thoughts and by training family members in how best to re-
situations will provide information that dis- spond when the patient either reports that he is
confirms mistaken associations and evaluations struggling with urges to ritualize or when he is
held by the patients and thereby promotes already in the midst of engaging in rituals. More
habituation (Foa & Kozak 1986). Exposure is extensive coaching of family members is typi-
typically conducted gradually, with situations cally needed when the patient is a child or ado-
provoking moderate distress confronted before lescent as well as when reassurance from family
more upsetting ones. Exposure practices are members is a central form of relief from obses-
routinely assigned for completion between sional distress.
sessions, and patients are also asked to refrain
from rituals to the extent possible; complete Gradual versus abrupt exposures. Although
ritual abstinence is the stated goal, and patients no differences in outcome were detected in
are reminded that the negative reinforcement a study comparing patients who confronted
provided by ritualizing maintains fear, whereas the most distressing situations from the start
refraining from rituals promotes its dissipation. of therapy to those who confronted less
distressing situations first, patients them-
selves reportedly preferred the more gradual
Review of Evidence Base approach (Hodgson et al. 1972). Given that pa-
for EX/RP Procedures tient motivation and agreement with treatment
Exposure versus response prevention ver- goals is a core element of successful EX/RP,
sus EX/RP. An experiment conducted by Foa situations of low-to-moderate difficulty are
and colleagues (1984) highlighted the impor- usually confronted in treatment first, followed
tance of employing both exposure and response by several intermediate steps before the most
prevention in the treatment of OCD. Patients distressing exposures are attempted. Thus,
with washing rituals were randomly assigned to exposure typically proceeds at a pace that is
treatment by exposure only (EX), ritual preven- acceptable to the patient, and no exposure is
tion only (RP), or their combination (EX/RP); intentionally attempted without the patient’s
patients in each condition were found to be approval. That said, we do find that clinically • Treatment of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder 233

CP07CH09-Franklin ARI 24 February 2011 16:23

it is important to set an ambitious agenda with more widely spaced sessions (e.g., Abramowitz
respect to the treatment hierarchy and to try to et al. 2003, de Araujo et al. 1995, Storch et al.
address the most difficult items early enough in 2007, Warren & Thomas, 2001). Clinically,
Cognitive therapy:
psychotherapy that treatment that these items can be confronted we have found that less frequent sessions may
focuses on techniques repeatedly before the end of the acute phase of be sufficient for highly motivated patients with
such as rational EX/RP. mild-to-moderate OCD symptoms who read-
argument and ily understand the importance of daily exposure
Use of imaginal exposure. An early random- homework; those with more severe symptoms
experiments in an
attempt to modify ized study provided empirical support for a or those with other impediments to compliance
mistaken beliefs treatment protocol that included imaginal ex- with EX/RP tasks are typically offered intensive
posure, in vivo exposure, and ritual prevention treatment to reduce the likelihood of attenuated
compared to a program that did not include outcome.
imaginal exposure (Foa et al. 1980, Steketee
Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 2011.7:229-243. Downloaded from

et al. 1982), yet a second study in a separate

lab failed to find such an additive effect (de Cognitive Therapies
Araujo et al. 1995). These protocols varied from Out of the cognitive conceptualizations of
by UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI on 11/01/11. For personal use only.

each other procedurally (e.g., 90-minute versus OCD came several treatment protocols that
30-minute imaginal exposures respectively), emphasized the primacy of maladaptive be-
and thus the source of these studies’ inconsis- liefs and their amelioration in the reduction of
tencies cannot be identified. That said, in our OCD symptoms. Several of the earliest forms
clinical work we have found imaginal exposure of these treatments did not fare especially well
to be helpful for patients who report that dis- (Emmelkamp et al. 1988, 1990); van Balkom
astrous consequences will result if they refrain et al. (1998) later found that six weeks of cog-
from rituals. Because many patients’ feared con- nitive therapy without behavioral experiments
sequences cannot be readily translated into in and EX/RP without discussion of disastrous
vivo exposure exercises (e.g., turning into an- consequences led to OCD symptom reduc-
other person), imaginal exposure allows the pa- tions of 20% and 23%, respectively, which,
tient an opportunity to confront these feared benchmarked against EX/RP outcomes from
thoughts directly. Also, the addition of im- other labs, was generally less robust than had
agery to in vivo exposure may circumvent the been found previously. In contrast, more re-
cognitive avoidance strategies used by patients cent studies in which treatment was based
who try intentionally not to permit elabora- on OCD-specific cognitive models (Cottraux
tion of the consequences of exposure while con- et al. 2001; McLean et al. 2001; Whittal et al.
fronting feared situations in vivo. For patients 2005, 2008) found clinically significant and
who only report distress as a consequence to re- equivalent symptom reductions for more cog-
fraining from rituals and avoidance behaviors, nitively oriented protocols and EX/RP, re-
imaginal exposure exercises may be superfluous. spectively, although procedural overlap in the
form of behavioral experiments in the cogni-
Session frequency. Although the optimal fre- tive conditions makes their findings somewhat
quency of exposure sessions has yet to be es- difficult to interpret from a purely theoreti-
tablished, it appears that good outcomes can cal standpoint. Vogel and colleagues’ random-
be achieved using a weekly, twice weekly, or ized augmentation study demonstrated that the
intensive treatment format. Intensive exposure addition of cognitive procedures following a
therapy programs that have achieved excellent course of EX/RP did yield further improvement
results (e.g., Foa et al. 2005, Franklin et al. (Vogel et al. 2004), but this design did not ad-
2000) typically involve daily sessions over the dress the question of whether full integration of
course of approximately one month, but favor- cognitive and behavioral techniques yields bet-
able outcomes have also been achieved with ter outcome than each technique alone. More

234 Franklin · Foa

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recently, Whittal and colleagues (2010) failed Relative and combined efficacy of EX/RP
to find a difference between a cognitive ther- and pharmacotherapy. Although there is
apy that included behavioral elements and stress clear evidence that pharmaceutical treatment
management training for individuals with ob- with serotonergic medications and EX/RP are neurotransmitter
sessions not accompanied by prominent overt each effective for OCD, studies directly com- evident in the brain
compulsions; substantial and lasting benefits paring their relative and combined efficacy have that has been
were observed in both groups at the end of the generally been methodologically complex and implicated at least
in part in the
acute phase of the trial and at a 12 months post- yielded equivocal findings (Foa et al. 2002).
pathophysiology of
treatment assessment. The largest and perhaps most definitive of mood and anxiety
these studies in adult OCD examined the rela- disorders including
tive and combined efficacy of CMI and inten- OCD
Serotonergic Medications sive EX/RP; post-treatment findings indicated SSRIs: selective
Efficacy. The use of serotonergic medications that each of the active treatments was supe- serotonin reuptake
Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 2011.7:229-243. Downloaded from

in the treatment of OCD has received a great rior to placebo, EX/RP was superior to CMI, inhibitors
deal of attention in the past two decades. In con- and the combination of the two treatments COMB: combined
trolled trials with adults, clomipramine (CMI) (COMB) was not superior to EX/RP alone (Foa treatment with
by UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI on 11/01/11. For personal use only.

exposure plus
has been found consistently superior to placebo et al. 2005); relapse was more evident following
response prevention
(e.g., DeVeaugh-Geiss et al. 1989, Foa et al. treatment discontinuation in the CMI group and medication
2005); similar results have been obtained with than in either of the treatments that included in-
CBT: cognitive
the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SS- tensive EX/RP (EX/RP, COMB; Simpson et al. behavior therapy
RIs) fluvoxamine (Greist et al. 1995), fluoxe- 2004). However, the design used in this study
SRIs: serotonin
tine (e.g., Tollefson et al. 1994), sertraline (e.g., may not have optimally promoted an additive reuptake inhibitors
Greist et al. 1995), and paroxetine (e.g., Zohar effect for CMI because the intensive portion of
et al. 1996). Accordingly, each of these medica- the EX/RP program was largely completed be-
tions has been approved by the Food and Drug fore patients reached their maximum dose of
Administration as treatments for adult OCD. In CMI. In addition, combined treatment effects
youth with OCD, CMI (DeVeaugh-Geiss et al. may be more evident when intensive EX/RP is
1992) and the SSRIs fluvoxamine (Riddle et al. not used (Foa et al. 2002). Convergent with that
2001), sertraline (March et al. 1998), and fluox- view, an additive effect for combined treatment
etine (Geller et al. 2001) were found superior to was found in a randomized controlled study ex-
placebo in multicenter Food and Drug Admin- amining the efficacy of weekly cognitive behav-
istration registration trials. The pediatric OCD ior therapy (CBT), sertraline, and their combi-
pharmacotherapy literature is consistent with nation in pediatric OCD (Pediatr. OCD Treat.
the much larger adult literature in revealing Study Team 2004). However, examination of
(a) little PBO effect, (b) a typical 30% to 40% site effects in that trial indicated that the CBT
reduction in OCD symptoms, and (c) clinically monotherapy effect at one site was very large,
significant residual symptoms on average even and no additive effect for combined treatment
after a medication trial of adequate dose and was found at this site.
duration. Moreover, amelioration of symptoms Despite the absence of definitive empirical
is typically maintained only as long as the drug support for combined treatment over EX/RP
is continued (e.g., Simpson et al. 2004). Studies alone, many continue to advocate combined
that have employed slower drug taper schedules procedures as the treatment of choice for OCD.
have yielded less substantial relapse rates than In OCD subspecialty clinical practices, it is
have those with faster taper schedules, but the quite common to encounter patients presenting
follow-up data nevertheless converge to suggest for EX/RP treatment who are already receiving
that maintenance treatment is necessary in or- serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SRIs), perhaps
der to sustain achievements attained with phar- because of disparities in the availability of these
macotherapy alone (Dougherty et al. 2002). treatments in most communities. Uncontrolled • Treatment of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder 235

CP07CH09-Franklin ARI 24 February 2011 16:23

examinations of EX/RP treatment outcome for arises: Many of the empirically informed treat-
adults (Franklin et al. 2002) and youth (Franklin ment recommendations for OCD (e.g., March
et al. 1998, Piacentini et al. 2002) treated in et al. 1997) suggest that EX/RP should be used,
Open trial: treatment
study in which patients OCD fee-for-service clinics found no post- yet the absence of therapists properly trained
were provided with a treatment differences between patients who re- in its procedures curtail the extent to which it
specific psychotherapy ceived EX/RP alone and those who were on can be used, either as an initial treatment or
or pharmacotherapy SRI medication when receiving EX/RP. From as an augmentative treatment for SRI partial
without random
these data, as well as from the randomized tri- responders.
assignment to
condition als that have examined relative and combined
efficacy of EX/RP and pharmacotherapy, we
controlled trial can surmise that concomitant pharmacother-
apy is not required for every patient to benefit EMPIRICALLY SUPPORTED
(RCT): treatment
study that includes substantially from EX/RP, but also that con- TREATMENTS
Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 2011.7:229-243. Downloaded from

random assignment to comitant pharmacotherapy does not appear to Much has been learned in the past several
condition(s) and
inhibit EX/RP treatment response. Concomi- decades regarding the efficacy of treatments for
repeated assessment of
tant pharmacotherapy is often used in clinical OCD in adults and in youth, and this infor-
by UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI on 11/01/11. For personal use only.

outcome; considered
the gold standard for practice to manage comorbid symptoms known mation now guides us in providing empirically
establishing treatment to negatively impact EX/RP outcomes, such as informed treatment recommendations for the
efficacy depression and ADHD; optimal sequencing of patients who seek our help. However, critics of
these treatments has yet to be established em- the methods used to examine treatment efficacy
pirically, however. have raised concerns about whether the findings
from randomized trials designed specifically to
Pharmacotherapy and CBT augmentation emphasize internal validity have done so at the
strategies for SRI partial responders. The expense of generalizability to more typical clini-
common problem of residual OCD symptoms cal patients and psychotherapy practice settings
and associated impairment even in SRI re- (e.g., Westen et al. 2004). Many of these criti-
sponders has promoted interest in develop- cisms have been responded to in spirited and en-
ing augmentation strategies that would yield gaging academic debates (e.g., Crits-Christoph
further symptom improvements. There is ev- et al. 2005, Weisz et al. 2005), yet the prevailing
idence from randomized trials in adult OCD question of how well these treatments hold up
patients who evidenced a partial response to outside the academic research remains impor-
SRIs that augmentations with the neuroleptic tant to examine. Several studies have indicated
medications risperidone (McDougal et al. 2000) that excellent EX/RP outcomes are not limited
and quetiapine (Denys et al. 2004) were supe- to highly selected randomized controlled trial
rior to augmentation with placebo, although (RCT) samples (Franklin et al. 2000) and can be
the generally unfavorable side effect profile for achieved in OCD subspecialty private practice
neuroleptics complicates the assessment of the settings (Rothbaum & Shahar 2000, Warren &
risk to benefit ratio for this treatment regimen. Thomas 2001) as well as in community agen-
A recent randomized trial indicated that aug- cies by supervised therapists who are not them-
mentation with twice-weekly CBT involving selves OCD experts (e.g., Nakatani et al. 2009,
EX/RP yielded greater improvements and re- Valderhaug et al. 2007). Thus, there now ap-
tention of gains than augmentation with stress pears to be reason for encouragement regarding
management training for SRI partial respon- the applicability of EX/RP for complex cases
ders (Foa 2010, Simpson et al. 2008), which is and the transportability of this treatment be-
convergent with the open trial data in adults yond the academic context.
and in youth described above. Here again, how- The effectiveness studies conducted thus far
ever, the issue of limited availability of EX/RP in OCD may serve as the building blocks for

236 Franklin · Foa

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the development of the needed infrastructure confront (rather than avoid and ritualize)
to disseminate EX/RP into the many commu- anxiety-evoking thoughts and situations.
nities where those with OCD cannot access As has typically been the case with all pe-
it. The problem of limited CBT access, how- diatric anxiety and mood disorders, the build- supported
ever, certainly is not specific to OCD: Shafran ing of the CBT outcome literature in pedi- treatments:
and colleagues (2009) have emphasized that em- atric OCD began with age-downward extension treatments found
pirically supported treatments for many disor- of the protocols found efficacious with adults, efficacious in several
scientifically credible
ders are rarely available in community settings followed by publication of single case stud-
studies of efficacy
and, even when they are, they are often de- ies, case series, and open clinical trials. Collec-
livered suboptimally. In order to facilitate the tively, the published uncontrolled evaluations
use of empirically supported CBT protocols (e.g., Franklin et al. 1998, March et al. 1994,
in routine practice, these authors suggest that Piacentini et al. 2002, Wever & Rey 1997)
(a) treatment developers should state explicitly yielded remarkably similar and encouraging
Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 2011.7:229-243. Downloaded from

how existing trials address comorbidity; (b) clin- findings across settings and cultures: At post-
icians should have easy access to training in treatment, the vast majority of patients were re-
diagnostic assessment and outcome measures; sponders, with statistically significant, clinically
by UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI on 11/01/11. For personal use only.

(c) effectiveness studies should provide adequate meaningful, and durable reductions in OCD
training and supervision for therapists when symptoms. This pilot work set the stage for ran-
studying how well treatments work in routine domized studies evaluating the efficacy of CBT,
clinical populations; (d ) CBT trials and effec- the first of which was published in the late 1990s
tiveness studies should be analyzed for therapist (deHaan et al. 1998); since then a number of
effects and should establish the effects of levels other RCTs have followed (Barrett et al. 2004,
of training on outcome; (e) reliable assessment Bolton & Perrin 2008, Freeman et al. 2008,
of competence should be conducted; ( f ) more Pediatr. OCD Treat. Study Team 2004, Storch
research should be conducted on methods of et al. 2007, Williams et al. 2010), and their
disseminating treatment procedures; ( g) mech- collective outcomes further underscore that
anisms of efficacious action should be studied CBT involving EX/RP is an efficacious treat-
more closely; and (h) methods to examine which ment for children and adolescents with OCD
patients require more intensive contact should (Abramowitz et al. 2005, Barrett et al. 2008).
be established.

FOR USE WITH CHILDREN The extant literature reviewed above offers
AND ADOLESCENTS guidance for clinicians regarding the likelihood
CBT for adults and youth is actually quite of patients’ responsiveness to the various
similar formally, provided that adjustments treatments for OCD and thus should be ref-
are made to increase developmental sensitiv- erenced and emphasized during the discussion
ity. For example, the rationale for treatment of treatment alternatives with patients seeking
and instructions for EX/RP are cast in de- professional assistance. At the same time,
velopmentally appropriate language, and re- findings from studies that have examined the
sponse prevention is typically more gradual efficacy and effectiveness of treatments are
with youth who may be less inherently moti- based on aggregated data and thus do not
vated to participate in treatment. Importantly, provide certainty for individual outcomes; this
the goals of CBT are identical across the de- point must also be acknowledged openly. In the
velopmental spectrum: teaching the patient to case of adult OCD, there is greater confidence • Treatment of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder 237

CP07CH09-Franklin ARI 24 February 2011 16:23

regarding the expected responses to EX/RP WHAT DO WE STILL NEED

and SRI pharmacotherapy, as dozens of studies TO KNOW?
conducted around the world have contributed
Studies examining the relative versus combined
to the knowledge base about these treatments.
efficacy of EX/RP and medications thus far
Although the treatment outcome literature has
have failed to clarify which patients actually
grown substantially in pediatric OCD over the
need both treatments, nor have they shed suffi-
past decade, the number of studies, associated
cient light on the issue of optimal treatment se-
sample sizes, and methodological quality of the
quencing for initial treatments. More research
studies published to date leave many important
is also needed on the issue of managing partial
questions still unanswered. In the case of both
and nonresponse to the available treatments:
the adult and pediatric literatures, however, the
Only one such study in adults has been pub-
data on prediction of treatment response have
lished (Simpson et al. 2008), with findings an-
generally yielded divergent and sometimes
ticipated soon from a recently completed mul-
Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 2011.7:229-243. Downloaded from

even inconsistent findings. Such investigations

ticenter RCT in pediatric partial responders to
have generally been hampered by relatively
SRI (Freeman et al. 2009). The relative efficacy
small sample sizes within specific treatment
by UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI on 11/01/11. For personal use only.

of augmentation with CBT versus with an atyp-

conditions; these sample size issues may
ical neuroleptic is currently being examined in
directly flow from the reality that OCD is a
a multicenter trial (E. Foa & B. Simpson, prin-
relatively low-base-rate disorder, which makes
cipal investigators), which will provide patients
efficient collection of large samples impractical.
and providers with more definitive information
Accordingly, it may be the case that efforts to
about the risk to benefit ratio of each approach.
identify predictors (factors that are generally
The effect of OCD subtype on treatment out-
associated with differential treatment response)
come also needs to be examined in larger stud-
and moderators (factors that are associated with
ies, as insufficient sample sizes and method vari-
differential response to specific treatments) will
ance across studies have resulted in inconsistent
only advance if databases from sites conducting
findings regarding subtype by treatment effects.
similar treatments on similar samples can
The time is also ripe for developing treatment
be collapsed, as the current generation of
innovations to target specific mediators known
treatment trials has typically been powered to
to affect EX/RP outcomes, such as family dys-
examine treatment outcome but not prediction
function and certain comorbidity patterns. Re-
or moderation. Such an undertaking would
cent findings on the efficacy of Acceptance and
require standardization of assessment batteries,
Commitment Therapy for OCD (Twohig et al.
data collection methods, and, to the extent pos-
2010) raise an even broader question about the
sible, treatment delivery, and would necessitate
mechanism that underlies effective treatment
cooperative efforts previously unattempted in
for OCD, in that a weekly treatment founded on
our field. However, these difficult steps may
the framework of relational frame theory that
well be necessary if we are ever to improve our
did not include any in-session exposure yielded
precision in answering the most fundamental
substantial and clinically significant changes in
question still to be answered, which is which
OCD symptoms that were clearly superior to
treatments will work best for which patients
what was achieved with a psychosocial control
with which characteristics? Child psychiatry
condition (relaxation). No issue facing the field,
has already made some positive steps in this
however, is as daunting and important as the
direction (Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
dissemination crisis, since failure to improve
Trials Network, CAPTN; Shapiro et al. 2009),
access to care is a threat to the relevance of all
though such efforts have not been attempted
of the psychological treatments of established
in OCD specifically as yet.
efficacy for OCD.

238 Franklin · Foa

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1. The first-line treatment of choice for OCD is cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) in-
corporating exposure and response prevention (EX/RP).
2. Serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SRIs) have also proven efficacious, though partial response
appears to be the norm.
3. In adults, CBT has been shown to be at least as effective as pharmacotherapy; data from
children support the same conclusion.
4. Different treatment strategies may be indicated for adult patients with severe depression
or child/adolescent patients with PANDAS or an externalizing disorder.
5. Developmental adaptations to EX/RP are needed, but EX/RP appears to be efficacious
Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 2011.7:229-243. Downloaded from

with younger patients as well as with adults.

6. Cognitive therapies also appear to be efficacious for OCD in adults; less information
is available about their applicability to children and adolescents, though preliminary
by UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI on 11/01/11. For personal use only.

evidence suggests that they may also be effective with younger samples.
7. Future research is required to determine whether CBT and pharmacotherapy can be
used to augment each other when monotherapy proves ineffective or partially effective.
8. Dissemination of empirically supported psychotherapies such as EX/RP is a critically
important next step for the field.

The authors are not aware of any affiliations, memberships, funding, or financial holdings that
might be perceived as affecting the objectivity of this review.

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Animal Models of Neuropsychiatric Disorders

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Moriah E. Thomason and Paul M. Thompson p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p63
Outcome Measures for Practice
Jason L. Whipple and Michael J. Lambert p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p87
Brain Graphs: Graphical Models of the Human Brain Connectome
Edward T. Bullmore and Danielle S. Bassett p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 113
Open, Aware, and Active: Contextual Approaches as an Emerging
Trend in the Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies
Steven C. Hayes, Matthieu Villatte, Michael Levin, and Mikaela Hildebrandt p p p p p p p p 141
The Economic Analysis of Prevention in Mental Health Programs
Cathrine Mihalopoulos, Theo Vos, Jane Pirkis, and Rob Carter p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 169
The Nature and Significance of Memory Disturbance in Posttraumatic
Stress Disorder
Chris R. Brewin p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 203
Treatment of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Martin E. Franklin and Edna B. Foa p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 229
Acute Stress Disorder Revisited
Etzel Cardeña and Eve Carlson p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 245
Personality and Depression: Explanatory Models and Review
of the Evidence
Daniel N. Klein, Roman Kotov, and Sara J. Bufferd p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 269

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Sleep and Circadian Functioning: Critical Mechanisms

in the Mood Disorders?
Allison G. Harvey p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 297
Personality Disorders in Later Life: Questions About the
Measurement, Course, and Impact of Disorders
Thomas F. Oltmanns and Steve Balsis p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 321
Efficacy Studies to Large-Scale Transport: The Development and
Validation of Multisystemic Therapy Programs
Scott W. Henggeler p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 351
Gene-Environment Interaction in Psychological Traits and Disorders
Danielle M. Dick p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 383
Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 2011.7:229-243. Downloaded from

Psychological Treatment of Chronic Pain

Robert D. Kerns, John Sellinger, and Burel R. Goodin p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 411
by UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI on 11/01/11. For personal use only.

Understanding and Treating Insomnia

Richard R. Bootzin and Dana R. Epstein p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 435
Psychologists and Detainee Interrogations: Key Decisions,
Opportunities Lost, and Lessons Learned
Kenneth S. Pope p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 459
Disordered Gambling: Etiology, Trajectory,
and Clinical Considerations
Howard J. Shaffer and Ryan Martin p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 483
Resilience to Loss and Potential Trauma
George A. Bonanno, Maren Westphal, and Anthony D. Mancini p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 511


Cumulative Index of Contributing Authors, Volumes 1–7 p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 537

Cumulative Index of Chapter Titles, Volumes 1–7 p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 540


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