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Work in groups and discuss the following questions:

● In your opinion, what is a problem?

R= The problems are circumstances that can be found every day and these disturb the
course of things.
This requires a type of solution based on our beliefs, values and the way we see things.

● How do you describe a problem?

R= I describe a problem as an obstacle that is frequently presented to us and we must
make decisions on which the solution to this problem will be decided and it is important to
think about what will happen after making this decision, since what happens next must be

● Why do you think people have “problems”?

R= Because people sometimes look for problems indirectly and other times, as happens to
all of us, they arrive by destiny. The important thing is to learn from them to do better.

● What kind of problems do you think exist in a company?

1. Goals different
2. task overload
3. Poor communication in the work team
4. Discrimination in the work area

A poorly managed labor conflict brings very negative feelings: the final solution may be
wrong due to being carried away by emotional factors. It can generate interruptions in
productivity and performance and cause breaking points in the work methodology.
2.Individual work:
Answer the quiz: How Good Are You at Solving Problems? Visit the following web site
-Read the score interpretation
-Share the results with your classmates
● Juan Esteban Muñoz

● Juan Felipe Sierra

● Jose Luis Rodriguez

3.1. Listening Practice: the 5 why’s technique To solve problems, it is very important to
think and reflect about some definitions, the following concepts help you to have a better
understanding of the topic.Look for the definition of the following words:

•Problem:circumstance in which an obstacle to the normal course of things is generated.

Its etymology shows us that a problem is one that requires a solution. At the social level,
the most generic concept of problem can be applied to any field, because in theory,
problems exist everywhere.
•Analysis:Detailed examination of a thing to know its characteristics or qualities, or its
state, and draw conclusions, which is done by separating or considering separately the
parts that constitute it.
•Root:Organ of the plant, devoid of leaves and generally inserted into the soil, which
grows in the opposite direction to the stem and serves as support and to absorb from the
soil the mineral substances and water necessary for the growth of the plant and its
•Role:Function that a person performs in a place or in a situation.

• Do you know what a strategy is?

R/: personal planning to solve a problem
• Mention strategies you know to solve problems.
R/: I don’t know strategies to solve problems, I just look for the best solution and that’s
• What is the main objective of the 5 whys technique?
R/: The rule of the technique of 5 says that we are solving problems from the root cause
family personal problems we always have to solve them from the beginning the root of
the problem
• What steps do you need to follow to do a 5 Whys analysis?
R/: the steps we have to follow for the technique of five
Recognize the root cause of the problem
Ask yourself 5 times why? Was the cause of the problem from the beginning
Look what we failed
Think of a solution to the problem
Put it into action the solution
• Have you used this technique before?
R/: I have not used it before but I will try to use it now
• Do you think this is appropriate for all situations?
R/: If I consider that it works for all situations

Financial problem which causes the company to be in crisis and have no sales. So you can
start by saying, why did sales decrease? Why aren’t they buying the products? The way
to solve it would be to generate different methods with logic and reason, which are to
start making discounts, promotions and advertising so that people are more motivated to
purchase the products and get out of the crisis.

Analytical relating to or using analysis or logical reasoning.

Logical of or according to the rules of logic or formal argument.

Select carefully choose as being the best or most suitable

Alternative (of one or more things) available as another possibility or choice.

Narrowing down to reduce the number of possibilities or choices.

Closed problems an issue, question, or problem on which a decision has been reached and

Cause a person or thing that gives rise to an action, phenomenon, or condition.

Creative relating to or involving the use of the imagination or original ideas to create

Divergent process the process of creating multiple, unique ideas or solutions to a problem
that you are trying to solve. Through spontaneous, free-flowing thinking, divergent
thinking requires coming up with many different answers or routes forward.

Open problems.a known problem which can be accurately stated, and which is assumed
to have an objective and verifiable solution, but which has not yet been solved

Fluency producing many ideas The ability to come up with a number of ideas about a

Flexibility producing a broad range of ideas. Have a creative mind for all the ideas that
come to see which ones work and which is the best

Originality producing uncommon ideas the mind creates different unusual ideas is an
ability to get out of trouble quickly
Elaboration developing ideas.have character and self-confidence to be able to bring an
idea to completion

Right-brain If you tend to be more creative or artistic, you’re right-brained.

Left-brain more verbal, analytical, and orderly than the right brain. It’s sometimes called
the digital brain.

Holistic characterized by the belief that the parts of something are interconnected and can
be explained only by reference to the whole.

Relationships.the way in which two or more people or things are connected, or the state
of being connected.

Switch chiefly dialectal variant of such.

Encouragement the action of giving someone support, confidence, or hope.

Rational based on or in accordance with reason or logic.

Logical of or according to the rules of logic or formal argument.

Data facts and statistics collected together for reference or analysis.

Drawing conclusions. To make a judgment or judgments.

Intuition the ability to understand something instinctively, without the need for conscious
Struggling striving to achieve or attain something in the face of difficulty or resistance.

Meaningful communicating something that is not directly expressed.

Innovation innovation is crucial to the continuing success of any organization


CONCEPTO Analytical thinking Creative thinking

DEFINITION Analytical thinking often Creative thinking is a
predominates in solving divergent process, using
closed problems, where the the imagination to create a
many possible causes large range of ideas for
have to be identified and solutions
analyzed to find the real
CHARASTERISTICS Thinking is more logical and thinking is more
analytical and is holistic and is concerned
predominantly verbal with feelings and
SKILLS ordering, comparing, fluency
contrasting, evaluating and flexibility
selecting. originality
BRAIN HEMISPHERE Left-brain Right-brain

Read the text again and answer the following questions, share Your answers in the class
• What is the difference between closed and open problems?

Closed problems are those that have a unique solution. On the other hand, open problems
are those that have several possible answers.
• According to the article, what is a good problem solver?

It involves thinking outside the box; In turn, this implies thinking in an unconventional
way. Don’t settle for the first solution you find.
• What role should education play in the development and use of left-brain

Exercise the imagination Write analogies and metaphors. Tell stories through pictures and
not words. Meditation is important as it connects the person with their emotional side.
Part 1: Read the following problem
Lawrence has just gotten a promotion at work. He is a team manager for a group of six
employees. Lawrence really wants to be a success in his new job, but his group isn’t really
a team. Two of the people in his group don’t like each other and argue a lot. There is one
team member who talks all the time and another one who never says a word. The team
members are from six different countries, and two of the countries they come from don’t
get along. Lawrence doesn’t know what to do.
Part 2: Write down at least three solutions to the problem

Solution 1: I would mainly look for a suitable environment to generate a meeting for
everyone to say the differences or problems they have, after that, look for the origin of
the problem for which the first two argue, secondly, meet separately with the one who
talks a lot and then with the one who It doesn't speak much to look at the origin problem
and solve it.

Solution 2: It would create an environment to train and make employees aware of the
differences in the countries but looking for peace and that they see that we are all equal
so that they stop generating the same type of problems due to differences in countries.

Solution 3: I would look for a meeting so that all employees can present their problems
and disagreements with the environment and colleagues in the environment, after that
look for different solutions and if it is not possible to solve it, look for drastic measures

Part 3: Design a survey in which, with the help of your classmates, you are going to find
out the best solution to the problem.
3.4. Speaking Practice: carrying out a survey
Part 1: Carry out the survey.

Explanation paragraph on solution three:

The students like solution 3 because in a meeting they can cover the issues that each one has as
well as the problems that exist in the company, the possible solutions so that the boss can listen to
each of the employees and thus solve a faster and more efficient way.

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