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Objective: The purpose of this activity is to give and ask information about likes
and dislikes and to know how to describe personality traits.

Before the online meeting
Step 1: Check the digital resource about adjectives in Unit 1 “Personality Traits”
and participate in the Forum “My Best Match” (Learning Task 3).
Step 2: Do the reading comprehension exercise below.

During the online meeting

Step 3: The teacher will answer doubts about “Adjectives” and we will study and
practice the use of adjectives after watching a video.
Step 4: We will check your participation in the forum “My Best Match” and the
teacher will give some feedback on it.
Step 5: We will check the reading exercise and the teacher will give you some
Step 6: We will read the instructions for the Project Task 1.

Reading Comprehension Exercise

My sister’s name is Maria Cecilia. Everybody calls her Ceci. She is six years
younger than me. We are good friends. She is very sociable and likes to meet
new people. She is talkative and laughs a lot. Sometimes she gets emotional
and cries when she is telling a sad story. She is really sensitive.
Ceci loves to watch movies and TV series. When they are good, she describes
the characters very well and we all like to listen to her. Ceci likes her work
and she works hard. She doesn’t like to play sports, but she likes to go to the
gym. She enjoys music, but she prefers to listen to interviews and radio
programs about current events. She is not a chef, but she likes to cook and I
enjoy eating what she prepares. In short: She is a very kind and loving person.

Fill in the blanks according to the reading

1- What _______ _______ name?
________ _______ ______ __________.

2- How _______ people call her?

________ ______ _______ _______.

3- Describe her personality traits (use adjectives):

Ceci is __________________________________ person.

4- _______ Ceci work?

_____ _______ _________.

5- __________ _______ like sports?

_______ _______ _________ ________ ________.

6- What ______ ________ like to do?

Designed by: Alberto Vásquez, 2023.

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