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Aging infrastructure presents a significant challenge for modern societies and in Rwanda. As
existing structures continue to deteriorate, this is a major concern, as failing infrastructure can
seriously threaten public safety and economic development. One factor contributing to the aging
of Rwanda's infrastructure is the need for adequate maintenance. Ensuring their structural
integrity becomes a top priority. The investigation and assessment of aging infrastructure will
involve the examination of key structural bridges, those structural bridges are: Rwagitugusa,
Nyamutera, and Kagoma.
To conduct the in-depth investigation and assessment of an aging infrastructure, will involve
identifying potential vulnerabilities and weaknesses in the aging bridges that may compromise
their structural safety and their functionality, evaluating the current condition of the selected
bridges through non-destructive testing, visual inspections, and structural analysis, and proposing
feasible and cost-effective preventive and remediation strategies to address identified issues and
extend the service life of the given infrastructure and also to propose recommendations for
maintenance and management of the aging bridge
The assessment of structural integrity, ranges of methodologies, and techniques are employed
they include using Non-Destructive Testing (NDT): Utilization of NDT techniques such as
ultrasonic testing, radiography, and magnetic particle inspection to detect hidden defects without
causing damage to the structure. Visual Inspections are also applied through regular visual
inspections by trained engineers to identify visible signs of distress, such as cracks, corrosion,
and deformation. And then by structural analysis through computational modeling and finite
element analysis to predict structural behavior under various loads and conditions.
The anticipated outcome of the comprehensive structural assessment of the Rwagitugusa,
Nyamutera, and Kagoma will reveal crucial insights into the current condition of these aging
infrastructures. Specifically, the outcome expected is to identify areas of structural degradation,
such as cracks or corrosion, and quantify the severity of the bridge using engineering metrics.
Through rigorous structural analysis and testing, the aim is to provide precise safety evaluations
and identify potential risks through preservation recommendations, cultural and historical
preservation, advanced engineering techniques, public awareness, policy and decision-making,
potential funding opportunities, and continued monitoring.

Table of Contents
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ........................................................................................................... i
List of Abbreviations ................................................................................................................... iii
List of Figures ............................................................................................................................... iv
1. INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................................... 1
1.1. General concept. ............................................................................................................................... 1
1.1.1 Figures related to our research. .................................................................................. 2
1.2. BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY. ......................................................................................................... 3
2. LITERATURE REVIEW. ....................................................................................................... 4
2.1. Concepts description ......................................................................................................................... 4
2.2. Overview of previous studies ........................................................................................................... 5
3. PROBLEM STATEMENT. ..................................................................................................... 7
4. OBJECTIVE: ............................................................................................................................ 8
4.1 General Objective:.............................................................................................................................. 8
4.2 Specific Objectives.............................................................................................................................. 8
5. JUSTIFICATION AND RATIONALE. ................................................................................. 9
6. SCOPE OF THE PROJECT.................................................................................................. 10
7. STUDY AREA DESCRIPTION. ........................................................................................... 11
8. STUDY METHODOLOGY. .................................................................................................. 11
9. EXPECTED OUTCOMES. ................................................................................................... 12
10. RESEARCH BUDGET ...................................................................................................... 13
11. TIME OF SCHEDULE OF THE RESEARCH ................................................................. 13
List of References ........................................................................................................................ 14

List of Abbreviations

NDT: Non-Destructive Techniques

UR: University Of Rwanda
ASCE: American Society of Civil Engineers
FHWA: Federal Highway Administration
SHM: structural health monitoring
ADT: average Daily Traffic
RC: Reinforced Concrete

List of Figures
Figure 1:Corrosion for steel bridge ................................................................................................. 2
Figure 2: Bridge deck deterioration ................................................................................................ 2
Figure 3: Cracks in RC Bridge........................................................................................................ 2

1.1. General concept.
Infrastructure is the network of physical systems that support a society or enterprise. It includes
roads, bridges, railways, airports, ports, power grids, water and sanitation systems,
telecommunications networks, and other essential services.
Infrastructure is essential for economic development. It provides the foundation for businesses to
operate and for people to get to work, school, and other essential services. It also plays a vital
role in disaster preparedness and response.
Many bridges are nearing the end of their design life, and the cost of replacing or rehabilitating
them is significant. In addition, climate change is exacerbating the problem, as more extreme
weather events are putting additional stress on bridges.
The term “structural integrity” has been introduced for objects and structures prone to fracture to
describe an important problem in the case of failure in service, sometimes with no warning, as is
the case for welded structures. These assessment is regarding on structural integrity of aging
bridges as part of infrastructures
By looking world widely , According to the 2017 Infrastructure Report Card published by the
American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), almost 40 percent of the 614,387 bridges in the
United States are at least a half century old. Almost 10 percent were structurally deficient in 2016.
On average, 188 million vehicles cross structurally deficient bridges each day.
With so many bridges reaching the end of their planned design life most built during the highway
construction boom of the 1960s and ’70s had an expected lifespan of 50 years or becoming
deficient (unable to serve their usable function because of defects), people who manage them are
constantly looking for more cost-effective ways to keep them in good repair.
The situation is similar in many other developed countries. In the United Kingdom, for example,
the government estimates that it will cost £60 billion to repair and maintain the country's bridges
over the next 10 years.
In developing countries, the problem is even more acute. Many bridges in these countries were
built decades ago and have not been properly maintained. As a result, they are at risk of collapse.
The collapse of a bridge can have devastating consequences. In 2018, a bridge collapse in Genoa,
Italy killed 43 people. In 2013, a bridge collapse in Morbi, India killed 135 people.
These tragedies highlight the importance of investing in the assessment and repair of aging bridges.
By doing so, we can prevent future disasters and protect the safety of the public.

1.1.1 Figures related to our research.

Figure 1:Corrosion for steel bridge

Figure 3: Cracks in RC Bridge Figure 2: Bridge deck deterioration

Rwanda's infrastructure is aging, and many structures are in need of repair or replacement
According to the Rwanda's Infrastructure Investment Plan 2020-2024, "over 50% of Rwanda's
infrastructure is over 20 years old and in need of rehabilitation or replacement”. This is a major
concern, as failing infrastructure can pose a serious threat to public safety and economic
The road and bridges are among the most significant elements of the infrastructure system. To
extend the life span of bridges, the proper preventative maintenance and treatments should be
performed at the right time with the effective cost. Many recent studies have been shown that
bridges are deteriorated mostly due to aging and the increase of average Daily Traffic (ADT). In
Rwanda, the problem seems the same, but some thoughts are that the lack of maintenance, poor
design and construction techniques may cause such deterioration with no increase of ADT and
sometimes prematurely (Munyaneza, 2021)
There are several factors that are contributing to the aging of Rwanda's infrastructure (bridges).
One factor is the rapid urbanization that Rwanda has experienced in recent years. This urbanization
has put a strain on existing infrastructure, and it has also led to the construction of new
infrastructure that is not always of high quality.
Another factor that is contributing to the aging of Rwanda's infrastructure is the lack of adequate
maintenance. In the past, the Rwandan government has not invested enough in maintaining its
infrastructure. This has led to the deterioration of many structures.
The aging of Rwanda's infrastructure is a major challenge for the country. It is important to address
this challenge to ensure the safety and well-being of Rwandans, and to support economic growth
(African Union Development Agency, 2022; New Partnership for Africa's Development, 2011).
This study will help to address this challenge by investigating and assessing the structural integrity
of aging infrastructure in Rwanda. This information could then be used to develop and implement
strategies to repair, replace, or retrofit aging infrastructure in a timely and cost-effective manner.

2.1. Concepts description

The structural integrity of a bridge is its ability to withstand the loads and forces that are applied
to it, such as the weight of traffic, environmental factors, and seismic activity (Federal Highway
Administration (FHWA, 2021). As bridges age, they can become more susceptible to damage and
failure due to factors such as corrosion, fatigue, scour, and wear and tear (FHWA, 2021).
The investigation and assessment of the structural integrity of aging bridges is a complex process
that involves identifying the potential causes of damage and failure, and developing strategies to
mitigate these risks (FHWA, 2021). Some of the key concepts involved in this process include
structural analysis, non-destructive testing, condition assessment, risk assessment, and bridge
Structural analysis is the use of mathematical and engineering principles to predict the behaviour
of structures under load (FHWA, 2021). Non-destructive testing (NDT) is a collection of
techniques that can be used to inspect bridges for damage without damaging them (FHWA, 2021).
Condition assessment is the process of evaluating the overall condition of a bridge and identifying
any areas of concern (FHWA, 2021). Risk assessment is the process of identifying and evaluating
the risks associated with a bridge (FHWA, 2021). Bridge management is the process of planning,
designing, constructing, operating, and maintaining bridges in a safe and efficient manner (FHWA,
The investigation and assessment of the structural integrity of aging bridges is essential to ensure
the safety of the public and to protect investments in bridge infrastructure. By understanding the
concepts involved in this process, we can better develop and implement strategies to maintain and
extend the life of our bridges.

2.2. Overview of previous studies

Stochino et al. (2018) developed a low-cost investigation method for assessing the integrity of RC
bridges using a combination of visual inspection and non-destructive testing (NDT) methods. The
method was applied to a number of RC bridges in Italy, and the results were compared to those
obtained from traditional bridge assessment methods. The authors found that their method was
able to accurately identify bridges with structural integrity problems, with an accuracy of over
90%. The authors also found that their method was able to identify bridges with structural integrity
problems that were not identified using traditional bridge assessment methods.
The findings of this study suggest that low-cost investigation methods can be an effective way to
assess the integrity of RC bridges. Such methods could be particularly useful in developing
countries, where the cost of traditional bridge assessment methods can be prohibitive.
Santonja et al. (2018) used TLS and GPR to assess the structural integrity of the Roman bridge of
Alcántara in Spain. The authors found that the bridge is in good structural condition, but there are
some areas of damage that need to be monitored. The authors recommend that the bridge is
inspected regularly using TLS and GPR to ensure that it remains in good condition.
This study demonstrates the potential of TLS and GPR for assessing the structural integrity of
aging bridges. These methods are non-destructive and can be used to create detailed 3D models of
bridges and to identify areas of damage that may not be visible to the naked eye.
The findings of this study have important implications for the management and maintenance of
aging bridges. By using TLS and GPR to regularly inspect bridges, engineers can identify potential
problems early on and take steps to repair or rehabilitate them before they cause more serious
damage. This can help to extend the lifespan of bridges and ensure that they remain safe for the
public to use.
He (2018) in his paper "Condition Assessment of Reinforced Concrete Bridges: Current Practice
and Research Challenges" discussed the importance of condition assessment of reinforced concrete
bridges to ensure their safety and durability. He reviewed the different methods used to assess
bridge condition, including visual inspection, non-destructive testing (NDT), and structural health
monitoring (SHM), and discussed the advantages and disadvantages of each method.
Visual inspection is the most common method of bridge condition assessment, but it is subjective
and may not be able to detect internal defects. NDT methods can be more accurate, but they can
be expensive and time-consuming to perform. SHM systems can be very effective for detecting
early signs of deterioration, but they can be expensive to install and maintain.
Aging infrastructure is a major challenge facing many countries around the world. It can pose a
safety hazard and have a negative impact on the economy. To address this challenge, it is important
to regularly evaluate and maintain infrastructure, and to make necessary repairs and improvements
before they become major problems (Al-Ostaz et al., 2009).

There are a variety of methods that can be used to evaluate, repair, improve, and protect aging
infrastructure. Evaluation methods include visual inspections, non-destructive testing, and
destructive testing. Repair methods can vary depending on the type of infrastructure and the nature
of the damage. In some cases, it may be more cost-effective to improve aging infrastructure rather
than repair it. This can involve making changes to the design or materials of the infrastructure, or
adding new features. Finally, it is important to protect aging infrastructure from further
deterioration by implementing regular maintenance, environmental protection, and security
measures (Al-Ostaz et al., 2009).
Munyaneza (2021) conducted investigation proposed a comprehensive development of bridge in
He showed that bridges in order to increase life span of bridges, preventives and maintenance are
required in rightful time in his research he used team of 79 experts in bridges and A computerized
software program together with the regression analysis were used for correlation and deterioration
analysis on Rwandan bridges respectively. The major finding of this study was the establishment
of comprehensive bridge management system for Rwanda, and which should be implemented at
district level and sector level.
Investing in infrastructure is essential for addressing the challenge of aging infrastructure.
However, it is also important to develop new technologies and materials that can be used to repair
and improve aging infrastructure. Additionally, adopting a more proactive approach to
infrastructure management can help to prevent problems before they occur.
The Federal Highway Administration (2017) provided a wealth of information on bridge
maintenance and rehabilitation, including best practices, case studies, and technical resources.
These papers provide valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities associated with the
maintenance, rehabilitation, and measures about aging bridges, suggesting that the specific
strategies and measures that are most appropriate for a particular bridge will depend on a number
of factors, such as the age and condition of the bridge, the type of bridge, and the traffic loading
that it experiences. However, the papers provide a good starting point for understanding the various
options available and how to select the most appropriate approach for a given bridge.


Rwanda's infrastructure is aging like bridges, and many structures need repair or replacement. This
is a major concern, as failing infrastructure can pose a serious threat to public safety and economic
development. According to the Rwanda's Infrastructure Investment Plan 2020-2024, "over 50% of
Rwanda's infrastructure is over 20 years old and in need of rehabilitation or replacement."
Aging infrastructure can lead to a number of negative impacts on the country. For example, it can
lead to increased risk of accidents and injuries, economic losses due to disruptions to
transportation, communication, and other essential services, and environmental damage due to
leaks and spills. As example, the World Bank's Rwanda Economic Update: Infrastructure for
Growth and Resilience (2021) estimates that the economic cost of aging infrastructure in Rwanda
is equivalent to 2% of GDP each year.
Addressing the problem of aging infrastructure is essential for Rwanda's continued development.
The African Development Bank's Rwanda Infrastructure Assessment (2019) states that "investing
in infrastructure is a critical priority for Rwanda's economic development." The International
Monetary Fund's Rwanda: Staff Report for the 2023 Article IV Consultation (2023) also
emphasizes the importance of infrastructure investment, noting that "well-maintained
infrastructure is essential for sustained economic growth."
The RWAGITUGUSA, NYAMUTERA, and KAGOMA bridges are aging bridges that are in need
of maintenance and rehabilitation. However, bridge maintenance and rehabilitation can be
expensive and time-consuming. This is a problem because these bridges are essential for
transportation and economic activity in the region, and their failure could have serious
consequences for public safety and the economy.
The desired outcome of research should be to develop a better understanding of the structural
integrity of aging infrastructure in Rwanda, and to identify ways to assess and manage the risks
associated with this infrastructure. This information can then be used to develop and implement
strategies to repair, replace, or retrofit aging infrastructure in a timely and cost-effective manner.

4.1 General Objective:
The main objective of this study is to conduct an in-depth investigation and assessment of aging
infrastructure, in order to propose preventive and remedial measures to ensure structural integrity.

4.2 Specific Objectives

In order to achieve the main study objective, below are identified specific objectives:
1. Identify potential vulnerabilities and weaknesses in the aging bridges that may compromise
its structural safety and its functionality.

2. Evaluate the current condition of the selected bridges through non-destructive testing,
visual inspections, and structural analysis.

3. Propose feasible and cost-effective preventive and remediation strategies to address

identified issues and extend the service life of the given infrastructure.

4. To propose recommendations for enhancing the maintenance and management of aging

infrastructure (bridges).

Bridges are essential infrastructure for transportation and economic development. However,
bridges can deteriorate over time due to a variety of factors, including exposure to the elements,
wear and tear from traffic, and damage from natural disasters. This deterioration can reduce the
structural integrity of bridges and make them unsafe for use.
Aging bridges are a particular concern, as they are more likely to have deteriorated to the point
where they are in need of repair or replacement. In Rwanda, there are many aging bridges that are
still in use, including the RWAGITUGUSA, NYAMUTERA, and KAGOMA bridges.
The investigation and assessment of the structural integrity of aging bridges is essential for
ensuring the safety of the public and for protecting the country's infrastructure investment. This
research proposal aims to investigate and assess the structural integrity of the RWAGITUGUSA,
NYAMUTERA, and KAGOMA bridges in Rwanda.
The findings of this research will be valuable for the Rwandan government and for other
stakeholders involved in the management of the country's infrastructure. The research will help to
identify which bridges are in need of immediate attention and will provide information on the best
course of action for each bridge.
In addition to the safety benefits, this research will also have economic benefits. By identifying
and addressing bridge deterioration early on, the Rwandan government can avoid the need for
more costly repairs or replacements in the future. This will save the government money and allow
it to invest in other important areas, such as education and healthcare.
This research is also justified by the fact that it will contribute to the existing body of knowledge
on bridge deterioration and assessment. The findings of the research will be shared with other
researchers and engineers, and they will help to improve the methods used to investigate and assess
the structural integrity of aging bridges.

According to Rwanda Transport Development Agency (RTDA). (2022). Annual Report 2021/22,
Rwanda has a rapidly growing road network, with over 12,000 km of paved roads. However, many
of these roads are aging, and the bridges that carry them are also aging. This raises concerns about
the structural integrity of these bridges, especially in light of the increasing traffic volumes and the
effects of climate change.
This research proposal aims to investigate and assess the structural integrity of three aging bridges
in Rwanda: RWAGITUGUSA Bridge, NYAMUTERA Bridge, and KAGOMA Bridge. The
research will involve a combination of non-destructive testing (NDT) to evaluate the condition of
the bridges' structural elements and identify any areas of deterioration or damage.
During the investigation and assessment of selected aging infrastructure following various critical
elements will be considered:

• Site investigation: A site investigation will be conducted to collect data on the bridges'
structural characteristics, condition, and environment. This data will be used to develop a
test plan for each bridge.
• Material Analysis: Assessment of the materials used in construction to determine their
aging characteristics and potential for deterioration.
• Environmental Factors: Consideration of environmental factors, including exposure to
weather, seismic activity, and chemical corrosion. Rwanda is located in areas with a lot
of Volcanoes thus this factors affects infrastructures through seismic exposures and also
here we focuses on the Analysis of unforeseen loads on which our infrastructures are
exposed on thereby contributing on the aging. Population growth also maybe another
• Data analysis: The data collected from the NDT will be analysed to assess the structural
integrity of the bridges. The analysis will identify any areas of deterioration or damage,
and it will also assess the remaining load-bearing capacity of the bridges.
• Historical Data: Review of historical records and maintenance practices to understand the
infrastructure's maintenance history.
• Recommendations: Recommendations for the repair or rehabilitation of the bridges will
be developed based on the findings of the structural integrity assessment.


The investigation and assessment of the structural integrity of an aging Infrastructure is becoming
paramount in ensuring the safety and in the context of the case studies, the attention is on three bridges
namely, Rwagitugusa, Nyamutera, and Kagoma Bridges.

• The Rwagitugusa Bridge is located in Kirehe district, Eastern province of Rwanda.

• Nyamutera Bridge is located in Nyabihu district, Western province of Rwanda.
• Kagoma Bridge is located in Gakenke district, Northern Province of Rwanda.


Key parameters for assessment will include structural capacity, load-bearing capacity, and the
presence of visible defects or deterioration.
Specifically, the following are selected methods and materials against earlier set specific
1. To identify potential vulnerabilities and weaknesses in the aging bridges that may
compromise its structural safety and its functionality a quantitative risk assessment model,
such as a probabilistic risk assessment (PRA), will be applied to evaluate and prioritize
identified risks
2. To evaluate the current conditions of the selected bridges data will be collected through
site visits, visual inspections, non-destructive testing (NDT), and surveys of infrastructure
stakeholders. Key variables to be measured include structural material properties,
environmental conditions, maintenance history, and observed structural deficiencies.
3. To propose feasible and cost-effective preventive and remediation strategies to address
identified issues and extend the service life of the given bridges the key variables to be
measured include structural material properties, environmental conditions, maintenance
history, and observed structural deficiencies.
4. To propose recommendations for enhancing the maintenance and management of aging
infrastructure. Based on the assessment results, mitigation strategies will be developed,
including maintenance plans, repair recommendations, and rehabilitation options. And
also practical recommendations for the bridge managers, engineers, and policymakers
will be formulated to improve structural integrity and extend the service life of aging


The project aims to deliver the following outcomes:

➢ Examining the structural Health of the aging Bridges and measuring their
structural integrity.

➢ The research will contribute to provide crucial information’s about the safety of
these bridges (Rwagitugusa, Nyamutera & Kagoma).

➢ This research will utilize advanced engineering techniques and technologies to

assess structural integrity. The development and application of innovative
methods will contribute to the advancement of knowledge in the field of structural
engineering, setting a precedent for future preservation efforts.

➢ The research will tell government officials why it's crucial to invest in
maintaining aging bridges. This information could affect how decisions are made
about managing these structures and where money is invested.

➢ Based on the findings of our assessment, we will provide detailed preservation

and maintenance recommendations. These recommendations will encompass
short-term measures to address immediate safety concerns and long-term
strategies to ensure the structural integrity and longevity of these bridges.

According to the plan of activities, the budget is as the following:

ACTIVITY COST(Rwandan francs)

Documentation 50,000

Site visit& Transport 200,000

Redaction of the research 50,000

Access to required instrument 100,0000

Field research 150,0000

Research Publication 50,000

Total 600,000


Activity Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar
1.Select and understanding
2.Proposal writing
3. Literature review
4. Site preliminary studies
5. Site visiting `
6. Collection of materials
7. Data collection
8. Result and discussion
9. Report writing
10. Preparation of the final

List of References

• Stochino, F., Giacomelli, G., & Pellegrino, C. (2018). A low-cost investigation method for
assessing the integrity of RC bridges using a combination of visual inspection and non-
destructive testing (NDT) methods. Construction and Building Materials, 181, 668-680.
• Santonja, J., González-Aguilera, D., García-Sellés, D., & Herráez, J. (2018). Assessment of the
Structural Integrity of the Roman Bridge of Alcántara (Spain) Using TLS and GPR. Remote
Sensing, 10(3), 387.
• He, X. (2018). Condition assessment of reinforced concrete bridges: Current practice and
research challenges. Infrastructures, 3(3), 36.
• Al-Ostaz, A., Cheng, A., Mullen, C., & Song, C. R. (2009). Aging infrastructure: Evaluation,
repair, improvement and protection.
• American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). (2017). Infrastructure Report Card: Bridges.
Retrieved from:
• FHWA. (2021). Bridge preservation, inspection, rehabilitation, and replacement. Retrieved from
• Rwanda Transportation Development Agency (RTDA). (2022). Annual Report 2021/22. Available at:
• Rwanda Infrastructure Investment Plan 2020-2024: https://www.infrastructure-
• World Bank Rwanda Economic Update: Infrastructure for Growth and Resilience (2021):
• Federal Highway Administration. (2017). Bridge maintenance and rehabilitation: A resource for
owners and managers. Federal Highway


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