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2nd BRICS Postgraduate Forum


Esley Rodrigues de Jesus Teixeira

Lieutenant-Commander (Brazilian Navy Marine Corp)
Army Command and Staff College School, Brazil,
+55 21 98857-1922 /
1. Introduction
2. Maritime theory overview
3. Maritime culture of continental
4. Integrating naval policies
5. Sugestions on the first step
6. Conclusion
1. Introduction
1.1 Why propose this Joint Policy
- Technological dependency from the West
- Growing economic integration among the BRICS
- “New Threats” of the 21st century2Question of research
How could the BRICS build a Joint Naval Policy?
1.2 Objective
a. Main:
Present if (and how) could the BRICS develop a joint naval policy.
b. Specifics:
i) Introduce current maritime theories framework
ii) Present challenges and opportunities to this endeavour
1.3 Methodology
Qualitative research - bibliographic and documental research (Maritime Doctrine and Policy of
the BRICS) à Limitation of the Study (Language)
1.4 Theory Overview
a. Regional Security Complex Theory – Barry Buzan
b. Strategy Building – Colin Gray
2. Maritime theory review
2.1 Geoffrey Till (Mahanian concept)
b.Society and government
c. Maritime geography;
e.Dedicated technology;
f. Maritime economy; and
g. Developed blue water navies.
2.2 Coutau-Bégarie (Determinants)
a. Stable (demography, geography and culture); and
b. Instable (economy and politics.
2.3 Andrew Lamberth (Culture)
a. Maritime commerce;
b. Prioritization of naval power over military power;
c. Economic dependency for core maritime trade routes;
d. Economic openness;
e. Possession of several oversea bases on specific chosen chokepoints; and
f. Limited war strategies: blockade combined with alliances with continental powers.
3. The maritime culture of continental powers
3.1 Territorial Integrity

3.2 Defence of commerce

3.3 Law Imposition and State Presence

3.4 Naval Diplomacy

The future of the international order at sea will be dominated by six main issues:
à Five balances (between maritime and continental, great power rivalry and
cooperation, access and denial, safeguard national interest and efforts to
collective security, and warfighting and operations other than war); and
à Non-traditional security challenges.
Bekkevold & Till (2016; p. 308)
4. Integrating naval policies
Regional Comprehensive
21st century Non-military Overlay or
Security and holistic
threats actors Reinforcement?
Communities approach

South America New tasks

Brazil NGO Reinforcemet
Defence Council Piracy Interagency
Shangai Private Military
Drug Trafficking Coast Defence
Russia Cooperation Organizations Reinforcemet
Sea Denial
Organization Human NGO
Shangai Trafficking
India Cooperation Terrorism IOR Reinforcemet
Organization International
Shangai Criminal
China Cooperation NGO BRI (Djibouti) Reinforcemet
Peace and Sovereingty Terrorism New tasks
South Africa Reinforcemet
Security Council NGO Interagency
5. Suggestions for the first step
Advancing on the BRICS JNP
CNO, General Officers, high level diplomats and
Create a Joint Board of Naval politicians;
Consultants Technology: defence and naval industry; and
Doctrine: growing integration of Naval Forces.

Free ship docking on public Whilst in joint operations, harbours for the
2 warships granted for free.
Maintenance of warships and marine infantry
Free tariffs on maintenance assets would be tax free.
3 Free tariffs on supplies: Tax free for fuel,
and supplies
ammunition, rations and spare parts.
Supplies for ships on patrol, joint exercises or in
Creation of the BRICS Supply
4 long-haul navigations.
Chain Supplies for humanitarian operations.
6. Conclusion
6.1 A Joint Naval Policy is essential to assure the peaceful

6.2 First step: Joint Foreign Affairs and Joint Naval Strategy

6.3 Aims to expand the prosperity and economic

development to the south hemisphere

6.4 Continental nature of the BRICS X Imperial Navies,

6.5 Diplomatic use of the Navy in mitigating several threats

6.6 Reinforcement (Not Overlay) of Regional Security

2nd BRICS Postgraduate Forum


Esley Rodrigues de Jesus Teixeira

Lieutenant-Commander (Brazilian Navy Marine Corp)
Army Command and Staff College School, Brazil,
+55 21 98857-1922 /

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