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Decolonization Strategies to Prevent Staphylococcal Infections

Mupirocin by a Nose
Thomas R. Talbot, MD, MPH

Staphylococcal infections among hospitalized patients, due of CHG bathing with an intranasal antistaphylococcal
to both methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) antibiotic/antiseptic in all ICU patients, regardless of institu-
and methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus strains, are a tional S aureus rates. For those facilities with higher rates of
substantial problem in the US. S aureus was the leading caus- S aureus transmission in the setting of core practice use,
ative pathogen among health care–associated infections the CDC recommends a similar decolonization strategy
(HAIs) identified during the Centers for Disease Control and for patients outside of the ICU who have a vascular catheter
Prevention’s (CDC) 2015 national HAI prevalence survey (ex- in place.
cluding Clostridioides difficile), accounting for 23% of all Nasal decolonization products include the antibiotic
health care–associated bloodstream infections.1 Despite an mupirocin, iodophor antiseptics, alcohol-based products,
overall 74% decline in the incidence of hospital-onset MRSA and photodynamic therapy,8 with mupirocin and the iodo-
bloodstream infections from 2005 to 2016, these rates did phors having the strongest evidence base. Decolonization
not significantly change between 2013 and 2016. 2 More has been used as a preprocedure intervention to reduce the
sobering, strides made in the past 15 years in reducing HAIs risk of surgical site infections and as a routine intervention
in acute care settings, including those due to S aureus, mark- to prevent HAIs in ICU patients; however, the uptake of
edly receded during the COVID-19 pandemic.3 CHG bathing alone is wider than use of nasal decoloniza-
Multiple interventions are recommended to prevent the tion. In 2021, while 63% of US hospitals had implemented
spread of S aureus in health care settings, best detailed in CHG bathing as an infection prevention strategy, only 37%
the multispecialty guideline “A Compendium of Strategies reported also using a nasal decolonization agent.9 The con-
to Prevent Healthcare-Associated Infections in Acute Care cern for and reports of mupirocin resistance and associated
Hospitals.”4 Focused on MRSA, the compendium outlines clinical decolonization failures have led some to shy away
strategies including hand hygiene, environmental cleaning, from use of the antibiotic in favor of antiseptic decoloniza-
and consideration for transmission-based precautions as tion agents (or to avoid intranasal decolonization entirely).
key S aureus transmission prevention measures. S aureus Whether the use of nonmupirocin nasal decolonization
resides as part of the normal flora of many persons, with agents provides the same benefits noted in studies such as
a particular niche in the anterior nares. Over the past 2 REDUCE MRSA is an increasing question as infection pre-
decades, studies have examined whether acutely reducing vention programs work to reduce health care–associated
a person’s S aureus burden (ie, decolonization) and the S aureus infections.
resultant reduction in environmental S aureus contamina- Now there is a new large-scale, pragmatic study, the
tion leads to a reduced risk of development of health care– Mupirocin-Iodophor ICU Decolonization Swap Out Trial, to
associated S aureus infections.5 help assess and clarify decolonization practice issues for ICU
Early HAI prevention decolonization studies focused on patients. Huang et al10 used their successful REDUCE MRSA
the use of chlorhexidine gluconate (CHG) daily bathing, trial partnership with HCA Healthcare to conduct a study that
which has had an effective impact on a variety of popula- has wide-reaching implications on infection prevention prac-
tions and outcomes, most notably health care–associated tices across adult ICUs in the US. In this study,10 the authors
bloodstream infections among patients in the intensive care presented an exceptionally well-designed, implemented, and
unit (ICU). A second decolonization intervention, intranasal analyzed pragmatic cluster-randomized clinical trial to
application of an antiseptic or antibiotic agent, targets the understand which nasal decolonization agent when com-
anterior nares niche for S aureus and is often added to CHG bined with routine CHG bathing is preferred to reduce ICU-
bathing. In the pragmatic cluster-randomized REDUCE attributable staphylococcal (MRSA and methicillin-sensitive
MRSA clinical trial, universal decolonization of ICU pa- S aureus) infections. Performed among 137 hospitals across
tients with CHG and nasal mupirocin regimen was more the US and including 233 ICUs and more than 3.3 million
effective than targeted decolonization or screening and iso- patient-days, their noninferiority study revealed a surprising
lation in reducing rates of MRSA clinical isolates and blood- finding: in the setting of a well-established mupirocin-CHG
stream infections from any pathogen.6 This landmark study ICU decolonization program, a switch to an iodophor nasal
led to recommendations for use of this combination inter- agent resulted in a significant 18% higher hazard ratio for
vention, such as CDC guidelines from 2019 that outlined ICU-attributable staphylococcal clinical cultures. The failure
core and supplemental strategies to prevent S aureus infec- of iodophor to meet criteria for noninferiority was main-
tions in acute care settings.7 Core strategies include the use tained in multiple subanalyses. (Reprinted) JAMA Published online October 20, 2023 E1

© 2023 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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Opinion Editorial

The adherence to the iodophor-CHG regimen was lower After the implementation of the mupirocin-CHG regimen
than with the mupirocin-CHG strategy across the study in HCA’s system of community hospitals since the REDUCE
period, namely in relation to the intranasal agent. This MRSA trial completion, the authors could examine whether use
raises an interesting question: if the iodophor adherence of this decolonization protocol waned over time, suggesting
had matched that of mupirocin, would the differences in a population-level increase in mupirocin resistance. Reassur-
study outcomes between the 2 groups remain? It may be ingly, the mupirocin-CHG decolonization effects remained
that there are unique aspects of the iodophor intervention stable when comparing the current study period with the pre-
that led to lower adherence compared with mupirocin. In a vious REDUCE MRSA study period, suggesting that resis-
survey of frontline health care personnel to assess barriers tance to mupirocin, if present to an appreciable amount, has
to use of an iodophor nasal decolonization protocol, Stern not led to a reduced impact of the interventions over time.
et al11 noted several critical issues that may have limited There are many strengths to this study, including the
adherence. These included concerns about the size of the very large and geographically diverse population of study
product swab, patient perceptions of brown nasal discolor- sites, the long baseline and intervention periods, and the
ation with the iodophor, and issues with product use pairing of hospitals based on important underlying criteria.
tracking. 11 Specifically, while mupirocin, an antibiotic, For implementation, the investigators again used the local
would require a clinician order and its administration would hospital personnel responsible for infection prevention proj-
be recorded on a medication administration record, a topi- ect implementation, which more closely reflects the use of
cal antiseptic like an iodophor at many institutions is not these strategies in the real world vs use of dedicated study
considered a medication and would not be tracked on the personnel who would not usually be present to aid imple-
medication administration record to guide adherence. It is mentation in most hospitals.
unclear if these were factors at the study sites for the The Mupirocin-Iodophor Swap Out Trial provides
Mupirocin-Iodophor Swap Out Trial. another important piece of evidence to guide S aureus infec-
In the as-treated analysis, the increased hazard ratio with tion prevention programs and important insights into nasal
the use of the iodophor remained when the analysis was re- decolonization. The sustained effectiveness of mupirocin-
stricted to patients who received at least 2 doses of the nasal CHG over 7 years of use, even in the setting of reports of ris-
product; however, this threshold reflects only 20% of the rec- ing and high rates of mupirocin resistance, is also reassuring,
ommended decolonization course. More insight into the prod- and the results of this study may have moved mupirocin
uct adherence, such as details on the median number of doses ahead of other nasal decolonization agents. The study also
completed in each group and the proportion of patients who highlighted a larger concern regarding uptake of decoloniza-
completed the full 10-dose course, would help interpret the tion in any form at many US hospitals. The juxtaposition of
differences between the 2 study groups. the rise in and burden of S aureus in health care with the
Nonetheless, it is possible that lower adherence alone powerful data demonstrating a positive impact of decoloniza-
does not account fully for the differences in the 2 products’ tion on ICU patients underscores that the underuse of even
effects. As the authors noted, the presence of mupirocin CHG bathing alone in this population is likely unacceptable.
resistance in these populations (7.5% in the REDUCE MRSA Restricting decolonization to settings with “unacceptably
cohort) ought to have negatively impacted mupirocin’s high” S aureus rates (vs use as a core practice) is too lenient
effect. Perhaps the difference in the compounds, from dif- and may lead to decolonization as an optional aspect of insti-
ferences in their antibacterial mechanisms to product for- tutional infection prevention bundles. While a study of CHG
mulation (ie, does the aqueous nature of the iodophor alone compared with a dual decolonization regimen is still
vs the ointment-based mupirocin have differing stability needed, it is becoming harder to argue that the use of a com-
and persistence on the nasal mucosa), could also account bination decolonization regimen should not be the standard
for the findings. of care for ICU patients.

ARTICLE INFORMATION Team. Changes in prevalence of health (COVID-19) pandemic. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol.
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MPH, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, 1161 2. Kourtis AP, Hatfield K, Baggs J, et al; Emerging strategies to prevent methicillin-resistant
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Downloaded From: Mexico | Access Provided by JAMA by Fidelio Peralta López on 10/20/2023
Editorial Opinion

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