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English III

Final work

Katherine Izamar Rivera Zuniga - 202010020411
Odalis Elena Aguilar Flores – 202010060179
Genesis Susana Canales Castro - 202130110069
Alison Daniela Agüero Valdez – 202120110096
Carmen – she did not participate in the elaboration of the work

April 2023

To finish the English III class, a final project will be carried out by the students, which is
reflected in the pronunciation as the handling and fluency of it from a dialogue this final
project will help us to provide us with a broader language in itself to the career we are
taking and take advantage of the vocabulary we will be using.

In which we will present two dialogues of two different situations to highlight well the
vocabulary that we will be using as being for Business Management and Financial
Finance, this is our main objective for this final project.
DIALOGUE A. In a travel agency:

Employee: Good morning. How can I help you?

Client: Good morning. A few days ago, I contracted a five-day stay with you in Majorca
and was not satisfied with the service. I want to file a complaint. Who is the person
responsible for the complaints department?

E: If you explain your case to me, I can take care of your complaint myself. Could you
explain to me what happened to you?

C: First of all, the brochure said that a guide would come to pick us up at the airport with
a bus to take us to the hotel. The guide did not appear and we had to take a taxi to get
to our hotel.

E: Well, I personally spoke with the guide and she told me that she had an emergency
and that she was a little late. If you had waited a bit, he would have arrived and taken
you to the hotel in our company bus.

C: Look, we were waiting to pay for more than half an hour and when we saw that no
one came, we asked for a taxi. I hope they at least give us back the money we paid for
the taxi. But that is not all.

E: Did you have more problems?

C: Of course, yes. In your brochure, you said that the hotel would be four stars, and the
hotel left a lot to be desired. It was little more than a pension. The taps in the bathroom
did not work well, the room was dark, with a window to an ugly gray inner courtyard. We
had asked for a window with views of the sea or at least the street. The service was
appalling: one day we ordered breakfast in our room and it took them over an hour to
bring it: it almost turned into lunch!
E: Well, sir, I'm afraid that complaint is not up to us. You should have complained to the
hotel management.

C: So, we did. But it is also true that if you offer a four-star hotel, it is your responsibility
to make sure that the hotels you subcontract correspond to the category that you put in
your brochure.

E: Well, sir, don't worry. I'm going to talk to my superior customer service manager and
see what he can do about it. We will try to fix it and compensate you without the need to
resort to the complaints book.

C: I hope they do it like this and that they don't make me waste more time.

I: Don't worry. In our company we have the most determined will to offer the best
possible service to the client. Please sit down for a moment and I'll find out what I can
do with the hotel manager.

Blue hotel manager: very good afternoon, this is the Blue hotel manager, I have been
informed of the problem and I apologize in advance, there was an error when booking
the blue hotel stay and the wrong selection went to the glue hotel.
To compensate for this terrible accident, you will be refunded your money and rewarded
with 3 days and 2 nights totally free and all-inclusive.

C: I appreciate your immediate response.

DIALOGUE B: at the consumer information office:

In the second dialogue, the client has not had as much luck as in the first, and has had
to go to the consumer information office to report a case of abusive prices in a

Employee: Good morning, sir/madam. How can I help you?

Client: Good morning. I would like to file a complaint.

E: Very well, could you explain to me what it is about, please?

C: Well, it turns out that yesterday we went to eat at a restaurant near the promenade,
and we ordered, among other things, a portion of clams, which on the menu were priced
at 200 pesetas each. When we asked for the bill, we saw that they had charged us 350
pesetas per unit.

E: Did you mention it to the waiter?

C: Yes, indeed we did.

I: And what did you tell them?

C: He told us that the price of the menu was that of the low season and that now it was
high season, and that is why they charged them more expensive.

E: That's not a good reason to explain the rise. Restaurants are required by law to
respect the prices that appear printed on the menu. Did you ask for the claims book?

C: Yes, but the waiter, in a very rude way, told us that he was very busy, that the
restaurant was full of people and that he didn't have time to give us the menu. My friend
said he wouldn't pay the bill if they didn't let him complain, but the waiter said if we didn't
pay the bill he wouldn't let us go. I didn't want to have a fight in the middle of the
restaurant, in front of so many people, and I told my friend to pay and then we would
come here to file a complaint.

E: You did very well to avoid a scene. Well, to file a complaint, I need you to fill out this
form with all your information.

C: Are you going to need my passport or some other type of document?

E: Your passport number is needed. I also need a copy of the restaurant bill. Do you
have it?

C: Yes, here are my passport and the invoice.

E: Wouldn't you by chance also have a copy of the restaurant menu to compare with the
C: Well, yes. When we were going to leave, I told my friend to take a copy of the letter
so that I could file the complaint.

E: That has been an excellent idea. If you will be so kind as to sign at the bottom of the
form, I will pass on your complaint. I will also need your address in Spain and your
address in your country of origin to be able to inform through your embassy about the
development of your case. I wish you good luck and a happy return to your country.

C: Thank you very much. You have been very kind. Good morning.

video link

Business management vocabulary

Service Company
Money Issues

Direction Responsibility

Category In charge
Customer Manager

Finance Vocabulary

Price Passport

Bill – Invoice Document

Charge Pay

Cash Customer

Sing Complaint
Tourism vocabulary
Travel agency Service

Brochure Guide

Hotel Category
Booking All Inclusive

Stay Host
Pros and cons
Katherine Rivera
1. Learning
2. Teamwork
3. Positive attitude
4. Communication
5. New experiences


1. Vacation date
2. Spend extra time
3. Time mismatch
4. Different pace of work
5. Group breakup

1. Name a leader
2. Plan ahead
3. be responsible
4. Build trust
5. Be punctual

Odalis Aguilar


1. Good last minute organization

2. Collaboration
3. Communication
4. Responsibility
5. Support


1. Lack of ideas
2. Little communication at the beginning of the project
3. Waste of time due to lack of interest
4. Bad leadership by absence of one
5. Prioritization to other jobs


1. Be more productive
2. Establish leadership and roles
3. Show more ideas
4. Cheer up
5. Involve

Alison Aguero


1. Lack of conversation
2. Lack of a leader
3. Fear of criticism
4. Slow work
5. Work online


1. Be able to socialize
2. More ideas
3. Problem resolution
4. Good distribution of work
5. Time to do it


1. Organize meetings on time

2. Brainstorming
3. Be participatory
4. Be punctual for deliveries
5. Maintain good communication with your peers

Genesis Canales


1. Good performance in the group

2. vocabulary practice
3. Performance in dialogues
4. constructive criticism
5. Good job projection


1. Fear of criticism
2. Lack of communication
3. Presentation stress
4. Absence of a coordinator
5. work online

As a recommendation for this type of project, it would be to have a good organization
and project perspective, contribute ideas to the team, base leadership and be
accessible at the time of an assignment so as not to have misunderstandings and lack
of communication, hire a good leader which will guide us along the best path
When showing the situations that were presented in this project, we aim that when taking
this class should be taken with interest since today it is very, very important to know this
type of language and vocabulary for our professional life, when organizing ourselves as
a team had very good participation of all members interested in the project and could be

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