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Ecological Economics 25 (1998) 127 – 136

Towards an ecological theory of unequal exchange: articulating
world system theory and ecological economics

Alf Hornborg *
Human Ecology Di6ision, Lund Uni6ersity, Finngatan 16, 223 62 Lund, Sweden

Received 30 January 1997; accepted 8 June 1997


The focus of this paper is on how an ecological perspective might provide us with an analytically more precise way
of defining ‘unequal exchange.’ It is only by looking at the ecological conditions of human economies that we can
adequately conceptualize the mechanisms which generate inequalities in distribution. Considerations of market power
aside, neoclassical economic ideology has dispelled all possible criteria for assessing a market transaction as unequal
or unfair. One way to assess the occurrence of unequal exchange may be to look at the direction of net flows of
energy and materials (concrete, productive potential), but without falling into the trap of equating productive
potential with economic value. On the contrary, it can be analytically demonstrated that unequal exchange emerges
from a kind of inverse relationship between productive potential and economic value. The notion of a reasonable
market price conceals the fact that what is being exchanged are intact resources for products representing resources
already spent. If we consider, longitudinally along the production process, any given set of fuels and raw materials
destined to be transformed into a given product plus waste, its content of available energy will be inversely related
to its utility or price. In other words, the more of its original energy that has been dissipated, the higher its price. This
means that ‘production’ (i.e. the dissipation of resources) will continuously be rewarded with ever more resources to
dissipate, generating ecological destruction and global, core/periphery inequalities as two sides of the same coin.
© 1998 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Unequal exchange; Capital accumulation; Imperialism; World system theory; Value; Energy; Emergy;
Exergy; Political ecology; Environmental justice

* Tel: +0046 46 222 3113; fax: + 0046 46 222 3695; e-mail:

0921-8009/98/$19.00 © 1998 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

PII S0921-8009(97)00100-6
128 A. Hornborg / Ecological Economics 25 (1998) 127–136

1. Introduction the conceptual predicament that conventional

economics forces upon us.
Emerging concepts of ‘political ecology’ and World system theories and more orthodox
‘environmental justice’ recognize that environ- Marxist perspectives are vulnerable to criticism in
mental problems are socially distributed. But the opposite ways. The former are unable to provide
problem of how human societies distribute eco- adequate definitions of key notions such as ‘core/
logical risks should not be separated from the periphery,’ ‘exploitation’ and ‘accumulation’ as
problem of how they distribute resources. The long as they do not relate to factors specified
two problems are, so to speak, opposite sides of independently of the premises of the model itself.
the same coin. Martinez-Alier and O’Connor There is an obvious risk of tautology when con-
(1996) have suggested a distinction between Politi- cepts of core/periphery relationships and accumu-
cal Economy, which studies ‘economic distribu- lation are used reciprocally to define each other,
tion conflicts,’ and Political Ecology, which i.e. core as the locus of accumulation and accu-
‘would study ecological distribution conflicts.’ Ul- mulation as what goes on in the core. The more
timately, however, such a dichotomy needs to be traditional Marxist model, on the other hand,
transcended, and ecology recognized as part and does specify exploitation independently, by refer-
parcel of any attempt to understand political ring to the quantifiable appropriation of labour
economy. It is only by looking at the ecological value, but is immediately contradicted by the
conditions of human economies that we can ade- poor, empirical correspondence between the eco-
quately conceptualize the mechanisms which gen- nomic value of goods and the quantities of labour
erate inequalities in distribution. The focus of this time invested in them (cf. Bunker, 1985; pp. 44–
paper, then, is on how an ecological perspective 45; Adams, 1988; pp. 96–97). To extend this
might provide us with an analytically more precise specification to the appropriation of ‘energy val-
way of defining ‘unequal exchange.’ ues’ (Bunker, 1985), though intuitively valid, re-
mains conceptually misleading. This paper will
argue that energy transfers are indeed crucial to
2. Unequal exchange: Problems of understanding unequal exchange, but that energy
conceptualization and values should not be confused.
An alternative approach would be to ground
Unequal exchange has been a central concern notions of underpayment and unequal exchange
of various strands of Marxist social theory, in- not in some (contestable) theory of value (whether
cluding early theories of imperialism, the depen- based on bullion, land, labour, or energy), but in
dency and world system perspectives of Frank the proportion of a manufacturer’s or manufac-
(1967, 1978) and Wallerstein (1974 – 1989), and turing centre’s total, finished product that is con-
more orthodox Marxist arguments focused on tinuously returned to the suppliers of energy and
‘modes of production’ and the international ap- raw materials in the context of various institu-
propriation of labour value (for a brief review, cf. tional arrangements. This proportion defines how
Bunker, 1985; pp. 38 – 48). None of these ap- much of the productive potential of energy and
proaches has been able to convince conventional materials is permanently being transferred to the
economists that free market trade may entail such manufacturing centre and likely to be accumu-
a thing as ‘unequal exchange.’ Considerations of lated in its own, expanding infrastructure. The
market power aside, neoclassical economic ideol- only adequate way to assess the occurrence of
ogy has dispelled all possible criteria for assessing unequal exchange may be to look at the direction
a market transaction as unequal or unfair. of net flows of energy and materials (concrete,
Economists are generally simply not able to see productive potential), but without falling into the
how there could be a standard that would allow trap of equating productive potential with eco-
one to speak of some participant in market ex- nomic value. On the contrary, it can be analyti-
change as being undercompensated. This is indeed cally demonstrated that unequal exchange
A. Hornborg / Ecological Economics 25 (1998) 127–136 129

emerges from a kind of inverse relationship be- operation of human economies, however, can
tween productive potential and value. Logically, only be understood in terms of the interfusion of
in accordance with the Second Law of Thermody- objective, material conditions and subjective, cul-
namics (cf. Georgescu-Roegen, 1971), the produc- tural constructions. The history of economic
tive potential of a given set of resources diminishes thought reflects a systematic incapacity to deal
as it is being converted into a product, i.e. as its with this mutual interpenetration of the material
value or utility increases. Thus, since Bunker and the social. Its two recurrent pitfalls are either:
(1985; p. 45) observes that ‘additional value is (1) to attempt to specify objective criteria of value
created when extracted materials are transformed (such as labour or energy); or inversely, (2) to
by labor,’ it becomes confusing when he elsewhere more or less ignore, like the neoclassicists, the
states that energy is a value. We cannot have it objective substratum of the human economy.
both ways. To pursue the implications of this The recent discourse on ecological economics,
paradox means building bridges between world although increasingly explicit about its aspiration
system theory and ecological economics. to overcome such difficulties, still has to find a
way of adequately handling the recursive (positive
feedback) links between material conditions and
3. The material and the social cultural constructions. A recurrent problem is an
inability to deal with cultural valuation, social
One of the most sophisticated statements of institutions, and thermodynamic laws as separate
ecological economics to date is Martinez-Alier’s levels of reality. There is a concern with calculat-
(1987) book with that title. His point of departure
ing ‘correct’ prices and even establishing energy
seems to have been to find a meeting-point be-
theories of value, endeavours which, it will be
tween Marxism and ecology. In his research, he
argued, represent a confusion of what Bertrand
discovered that a Ukrainian narodnik by the name
Russell called logical types. A meeting of world
of Serhii Podolinsky (1850 – 1891) had tried to
system theory and ecological economics, however,
convince Marx and Engels to bring natural sci-
could be a very productive one, because each
ence into their theories on surplus value, but that
could contribute something that the other is miss-
they would not listen. More than 100 years later,
we are still struggling with the same problems of ing. World systems theorists have generally been
transdisciplinary communication. Although basi- as unconscious about thermodynamics as ecologi-
cally sympathetic to the world systems perspec- cal economists have been naive about
tives of Frank and Wallerstein, specifically imperialism.
mentioning Frank’s (1959) work on the correla- The perspective of anthropology, finally, might
tion between the growth of capital stocks and provide an ideal setting for such a meeting. No
energy consumption in the US and UK, and other science has a tradition of handling the com-
observing that dependency theory helped ‘prepare parative, cross-cultural study of human
the terrain’ for ecological critique, Martinez-Alier economies, technologies, and ecologies. Nor has
twice reproaches them for paying too little atten- any other science proceeded as far in conceptual-
tion to ecology (Martinez-Alier, 1987; pp. 15, izing the recursive interfusion of cultural cate-
238). gories and material circumstances. One of the
Theories of labour value, like energy theories of central ambitions of anthropology is to ‘defamil-
value (Bunker, 1985; Odum, 1988; Costanza, iarize’ aspects of Western civilization by means of
1980), belong to a tradition of ideas that goes ‘cross-cultural juxtaposition’ (Marcus and Fis-
back to Aristotle’s distinction between ‘real’ eco- cher, 1986; p. 138). If we are ever to escape from
nomics (oikonomia), concerned with the manage- the cultural categories that continue to govern our
ment of concrete use values, on the one hand, and rapacious industrial economy, this may be a strat-
chrematistics, or the art of making money, on the egy that we shall have to pursue (cf. Sahlins, 1976;
other (cf. Daly and Cobb, 1989; Ch. 7). The Godelier, 1986; Gudeman, 1986).
130 A. Hornborg / Ecological Economics 25 (1998) 127–136

4. Emergy and value products (cf. Adams, 1988; p. 96). Most of the
energy, of course, would have been dissipated on
Theories of value should be of a different logi- the way. So in 1984, he decided to keep holding
cal type than valuation itself, that is, the assigning on to the concept of emergy, but to give it a new
of values to things by market actors. They should definition (Odum, 1988; p. 1139, note 11). Hence-
be descriptive, that is, they should tell us why forth, it would not stand for ‘embodied energy’
people value things the way they do. This is, in but ‘energy memory.’ Eagles and electric tooth
fact, what neoclassical economic theory does. brushes would thus carry within themselves the
Even if the argument is tautological (‘people find memory, so to speak, of all the energy spent to
things useful because of their utility’), it is logi- produce them. But the concept is obviously a
cally coherent. Labour or energy theories of metaphysical one. Let us only mention two prob-
value, however, are not primarily descriptive but lematic implications. One is that two identical
normative. They propose to establish the ‘real’, craft objects should have different emergy values
objective value of goods and services. In effect, depending on the efficiency of the craftsman. An-
what such theories are doing is not telling us how other is that the emergy value of a junk car,
people actually value things but how their authors having been subjected to years of maintenance,
would value them. In other words, they insert should be higher than that of a brand new one. If
themselves on the same logical level as the phe- the early definition of emergy was downright mis-
nomena they are to explain. This is what qualifies taken, the latter is metaphysical. Emergy is not a
them as confusions of logical types. Valuation property of the items exchanged. The notion that
must be recognized as a subjective, cultural, and the dissipated energy is somehow still there in the
contextual phenomenon (Sahlins, 1976), not to be object only confuses things.
conflated with the material aspects of production. Odum (1988) (p. 1136) has explicitly argued
It is only by keeping these levels analytically that emergy provides us with a theory of value.
separate that we can develop a scientific, non-nor- He and his associates have demonstrated correla-
mative theory of unequal exchange. Instead of tions between the amounts of energy expended in
trying to reduce economics to thermodynamics, production and the price of the product
we should show how the two are connected. (Costanza, 1980). It remains unclear, however,
Probably the most famous theory of unequal whether an emergy theory of value proposes to
exchange based on thermodynamics is that of be: (a) descriptive; (b) normative; or (c) both? In
Howard T. Odum (Odum, 1988; Odum and Ard- other words, does it propose to explain how peo-
ing, 1991). His point of departure is the concept ple actually do evaluate things (as reflected in
of ‘emergy’ (with an m), which originally was prices) or how they ought to evaluate things? The
meant to stand for ‘embodied energy.’ Formally, emergy/price correlations suggest that it is de-
it is similar to Marx’s concept of labour value in scriptive, but Odum clearly also considers it nor-
that it denotes the amount of energy that has been mative. He undoubtedly feels that energy memory
invested in a product. Odum is an ecologist, and should be a measure of value. But if it is both
the idea of embodied energy ultimately derives descriptive and normative, it would seem to
from studies of ecological food chains. In other amount to nothing less than a way to legitimate,
words, he uses a food chain metaphor to under- by and large, world market prices as they are.
stand production processes. Top predators such Industrial products, of course, have a higher
as eagles, wolves or humans represent the embod- emergy value than the fuels and raw materials
ied energy of all the lower trophic levels all the from which they were produced.
way down to the plants. On the other hand, Odum is very much con-
The problem for Odum was that it was simply cerned with exposing the unequal exchange of
incorrect to speak of all the energy consumed as emergy between nations and regions. He suggests
remaining, as it were, ‘embodied’ in the top that there are differences in the emergy/dollar
predators or, by extension, finished industrial ratio in different parts of the world system, and
A. Hornborg / Ecological Economics 25 (1998) 127–136 131

discusses trade between different countries in emergy. Briefly, if emergy and price are positively
terms of their ‘emergy exchange ratio’ (Odum and correlated, exergy and price are not. In fact, there
Arding, 1991). Odum believes that the periphery is a specific sense in which they are negati6ely
is being underpaid for the emergy content of its correlated: Up to the point where the final
natural resources because these are free gifts of product is sold, there is a negative correlation
nature and thus not properly evaluated on the between price and the proportion of the original
market. In this part of his argument, the emergy exergy that is left in a set of processed substances.
theory of value is presented as normative, but not The more of the original exergy that has been
descriptive. Global trade policies, he concludes, dissipated, the higher the price. We shall return to
should be directed at achieving ‘emergy equity.’ this matter shortly.
From a world systems perspective, however, this Another perspective that needs to be introduced
concept suggests no less of an oxymoron than at this point is Ilya Prigogine’s concept of ‘dissi-
does ‘sustainable growth.’ If a major rationale of pative structures’ (Prigogine and Stenger, 1984; cf.
international trade is precisely the transfer of also Adams, 1982, 1988). Dissipative structures
energy and other resources from peripheries to are systems which stay far from thermodynamic
centers of accumulation, the commendable princi- equilibrium by continually drawing in exergy
ple of ‘emergy equity’ would amount to nothing (negative entropy) from the outside and exporting
less than to deprive world trade of its raison the entropy, or disorder, they produce in the
d’être. process. Erwin Schrödinger (1967) suggested that
all living systems can maintain their internal order
only by sucking order from their environments,
5. Exergy, prices, and the social foundations of and discharging the disorder generated by their
technology own metabolism. This interpretation can be ex-
tended from biological to social systems (Adams,
It has been suggested that ‘emergy’ is a meta- 1982, 1988). Societies also maintain their internal
physical concept. There is, however, another con- structure by drawing order from their environ-
cept, building on thermodynamics, that is useful ments. For hunter-gatherers this is generally a
for our purposes because it does say something matter of exploiting other species in a fairly local,
about the properties of the items exchanged. This ecological context. For cities or world system
is the concept of ‘exergy’ (with an x), which is the centres, however, the maintenance of structure
quality of energy in a particular substance or relies on exchange with other, peripheral social
context, or, in other words, that part of the sectors more directly involved in the extraction of
energy which is available for mechanical work exergy from nature. This social dimension of ex-
(Wall, 1986; Kåberger, 1991; Månsson and ergy appropriation has proven very difficult to
McGlade, 1993). Strictly speaking, there is no conceptualize in terms which can be integrated
consumption of energy anywhere, only of its qual- with the perspectives of thermodynamics. Bunker
ity and accessibility (that is, exergy.) Exergy is (1985; p. 33) observes, for instance, that Adams
closely related to the concept of negative entropy. (1982) has ‘not fully realized the sociological im-
A non-mathematical interpretation might describe plications of his essentially physical formulation.’
it as the potential for work that is inherent in any The question we must address is: If organisms
physically manifest information, order, structure draw order into their systems by eating, and
or contrast. When such material structures or export disorder by discharging waste materials,
contrasts are neutralized, e.g. in combustion, heat, etc. how do cities go about doing it? How
some of the energy that once generated them can do world system centres do it? The answer must
be unleashed as work. be all around us, like water to fish. It is just a
The concept of exergy can give us a completely matter of getting our eyes on it, and permitting
different perspective on the relationship between ourselves the naivety of a first encounter. The
energy and trade than can Odum’s concept of reader will have anticipated that market prices are
132 A. Hornborg / Ecological Economics 25 (1998) 127–136

the specific mechanism by which world system Another way of approaching this conundrum is
centres extract exergy from, and export entropy by juxtaposing certain conclusions of ecological
to, their peripheries. It would be impossible to economics into a logical syllogism, the pursuit or
understand accumulation, ‘development’, or mod- spelling-out of which seems to have been effec-
ern technology itself without referring to the way tively blocked by the Cartesian matrix. On the
in which exchange values relate to thermodynam- one hand, it has long been observed that technol-
ics, that is the way in which market institutions ogy (‘productivity’ or ‘productive forces’) is a
organize the net transfer of energy and materials matter of energy availability (Martinez-Alier,
to world system centres. 1987; pp. 226–227). On the other hand, it is
For a century and a half, ecologists and equally evident that energy availability is a matter
economists have been trapped on opposite sides of prices (Martinez-Alier, 1987; pp. 4, 187, 210).
of a dualistic cosmology. Ecologists have looked To complete the syllogism, then, we would have
for objective foundations for subjective, cultural to conclude that technology is a matter of prices.
phenomena, as when the Technocrats of the 1930s Systematic ratios of exchange and energy appro-
and later H.T. Odum offered their different ver- priation are at the very foundation of our indus-
sions of an energy theory of value. Economists, trial infrastructure. Unequal exchange in the
on the other hand, continue to assume that objec- world system is what reproduces machines, and
tive phenomena should be reckoned with in terms machines are what reproduce unequal exchange.
of subjectively founded criteria such as ‘willing-
But does this agree with our everyday conception
ness to pay.’ In the former case, there is an
of technology as an application of inventive ge-
attempt by natural science to subsume the econ-
nius to natural resources? In some important
omy by suggesting that prices should reflect en-
sense it seems as if we have not yet grasped what
ergy flows. In the latter case, there is an attempt
technology really is. Not even the Marxist under-
by economics to subsume nature by suggesting
standing of ‘capital’ or ‘productive forces’ seems
that ecology can be evaluated in terms of prices.
to have pursued the syllogism to its distinctly
Neither position, it seems, properly accounts for
the way in which ecology and economics — post-Cartesian conclusion.
nature and society — are actually interfused.
The conundrum for ecological economics boils
down to two, seemingly contradictory and irrec- 6. Capital accumulation and the appropriation of
oncilable observations. The first is that prices are energy
cultural constructions that do not measure or
reflect real material flows. This observation was Technology has always represented a junction
emphasized by pioneers such as Geddes (1854 – of the subjective and the objective (the mental and
1932), Lotka (1880 – 1949) and Soddy (1877 – the material), but capital refers to those specific
1956), and continues to be a point of departure kinds of technologies that are dependent not only
for ecological economics (Martinez-Alier, 1987; on human knowledge, but on human e6aluations
pp. 13, 90–91, 128 – 143). The second, which regarding the social exchange of labour time and
should have become evident during the so-called other energy resources. The recursive relationship
oil crises of the 1970s, is that prices are real between technology and economy is well exem-
determinants of local material conditions for pro- plified by modern transport technology (railways,
duction. When politically engineered shortages steamboats, etc.), which neutralized the ancient
caused a dramatic rise in oil prices, the very distinction between distantly traded luxuries and
foundations of oil-importing industrial economies locally traded bulk goods. In suddenly rendering
seemed to be at stake. In the first sense, prices are long-distance transports of bulk goods rational,
not coupled to real material conditions; in the nineteenth-century technology thus also rein-
second sense, they are. They thus seem to be forced the accumulative process of which it itself
unreal and real at the same time. was a manifestation.
A. Hornborg / Ecological Economics 25 (1998) 127–136 133

All infrastructure founded on an asymmetric of its original energy that has been dissipated, the
exchange of energy between different social cate- higher its price. The significance of this correla-
gories represents an appropriation of productive tion is that it defines the logic of an expanding
potential (Borgström, 1965; Rees and Wacker- cycle of past, present and future exchanges. We
nagel, 1994). Our intuitive, everyday understand- can completely disregard the subjective ‘utility’ of
ing of modern technology, however, is generally the products, which is more or less arbitrary and
not that it is inherently exploitative. We are aware ephemeral anyway — arbitrary because it is cul-
that it consumes energy (or exergy, to be precise), turally defined (Sahlins, 1976) and ephemeral be-
but what seems to escape us is the social logic by cause it diminishes rapidly with use — and
which it inexorably pro6ides itself with ever in- observe that if a finished product is priced higher
creasing amounts of this energy. Yet this is crucial than the resources required to produce it, this
to an understanding of the very nature of modern means that ‘production’ (i.e. the dissipation of
technology. Industrial technology does not simply resources) will continuously be rewarded with
represent the application of inventive genius to even more resources to dissipate.
nature, but is equally dependent on a continuous In the past few centuries, this logic has given
and accelerating social transfer of energy orga- the industrial sectors access to accelerating quan-
nized by the very logic of market exchange. tities of energy of various kinds. So blinded are
It may seem trivial to point out that New York we by the miraculous ‘discoveries’ and ‘achieve-
and Tokyo are net importers of energy. Yet we ments’ of technology, that we generally fail to
rarely reflect on why this must be the case. From appreciate the extent to which the development of
a purely thermodynamic perspective, cities ‘must’
new technologies in itself is a manifestation of this
be net importers of energy because, like all other
increasingly intensive, social appropriation of en-
dissipative structures (such as biomass), their
ergy. It has become everyday knowledge that a
techno-industrial infrastructures require continu-
minority of the world’s population consumes an
ous inputs of energy in order to maintain their
increasing proportion of its energy resources, but
structure. But this explanation is only one side of
because technology and economy tend to be con-
the story: a retrospective account in which the
ceived as separate domains (Hornborg, 1993), this
presence of urban technomass is taken as a self-
evident point of departure. From another perspec- unequal distribution of resources is attributed to
tive, we can turn the question around and observe the ‘requirements’ of industrial technology (i.e. an
that the import of energy to industrial sectors is advanced level of ‘development’) rather than to
an inexorable consequence of market exchange. If the accumulative tendencies which are inherent in
industrial processes necessarily entail a degrada- market exchange, and which made industrial tech-
tion of energy (Georgescu-Roegen, 1971), the sum nology possible to begin with.
of products exported from an industrial center The best way to achieve a sufficiently distanced
must contain less energy than the sum of its view of modern, techno-industrial growth is to
imports. But in order to stay in business, of compare it with earlier modes of accumulation
course, every industrialist will have to be paid (Hornborg, 1995). This complies with the method
more money for his products than he spends on which Marcus and Fischer (1986; p. 138) refer to
fuels and raw materials. At an aggregated level, as ‘defamiliarization by cross-cultural juxtaposi-
then, this means that the more energy that has tion.’ Such a comparison will need to consider
been dissipated by industry today, the more new three factors which enter into any process of
resources it will be able to purchase tomorrow. accumulation: (a) the social institutions which
If we consider, longitudinally along the produc- regulate exchange, (b) the symbolic systems which
tion process, any given set of fuels and raw mate- ultimately define exchange values and exchange
rials destined to be transformed into a given rates, and (c) the thermodynamic and other phys-
product plus waste, its content of available energy ical circumstances which allow us to determine
will be inversely related to its price, i.e. the more the direction of net flows of energy and materials.
134 A. Hornborg / Ecological Economics 25 (1998) 127–136

In order to support themselves, notes Norman operation of a technological system presupposes

Yoffee (1988), centers of civilization must be able specific rates of exchange that ultimately rest on
to disembed from their peripheral sectors those human evaluations and that guarantee a mini-
goods and services which they require for their mum net transfer of energy from one social sector
metabolism. A pervasive aspect of such appropri- to another. Whether this energy is in the form of
ation is that it is represented as a reciprocal ex- labour, food, fodder, draught animals or fuels is
change (Godelier, 1986). The Inca emperor, for also secondary to the essential logic of unequal
instance, engaged local populations to work in his exchange underlying capital accumulation itself.
maize fields by offering them chicha (maize beer)
and mimicking traditional labour exchange. We
can assess the exploitative nature of such arrange- 7. Conclusions
ments by observing that the chicha with which he
appeased his labourers could only have repre- The notion of a market price conceals the fact
sented a fraction of the harvest he gained from that what is being exchanged are intact resources
their labour. It is from the same perspective that for products representing resources already spent.
we must view modern market exchange. Increas- This argument is not to be confused with an
ingly with modern technology, however, the pro- energy theory of value. It would be nonsensical to
ductive input that is being underpaid is resources offer an ‘exergy theory of value,’ since it would
rather than labour. We can observe that the re- systematically contradict the valuations which
sources imported to industrial centers are trans- people actually make. Most attempts at achieving
formed into quantities of products vastly greater a dialogue between ecology and economics are
than the fraction which is returned to their pe- deeply entrenched in the ambition to envisage
ripheries. And we must ask by what ideological principles for ecologically correct pricing that will
means this unequal exchange is represented as guarantee long-term sustainability, and thus ulti-
reciprocal exchange. The answer, as we have seen, mately in the faith that such principles can be
is the very notion of ‘market price.’ devised. But to pursue the logical implications of
The concept of capital conjures two images, one such a policy must lead to the discovery that it
relating to abstract wealth, or purchasing power, runs counter to those structural imperatives on
the other to a technological infrastructure of some which the very viability of industrialism is
sort. Because capital is both symbolic and mate- founded. The industrial sectors of world society
rial in constitution, economists and ecologists are subsist precisely on that discrepancy between the
equally handicapped in their struggle to account material and the symbolic which ecological eco-
for it. In a very general, cross-cultural, world-his- nomics is in the process of exposing. It is no
torical sense, capital accumulation is a recursive coincidence that the emergence of modern indus-
(positive feedback) relationship between techno- trialism, for which the discrepancy between price
logical infrastructure and the symbolic capacity to and productive potential is so crucial, was accom-
make claims on other people’s resources. Such a panied by an ideology (neoclassical economics)
general understanding of capital accumulation which rendered this very discrepancy invisible
would be as applicable to agricultural terraces in (Hornborg, 1992).
ancient Peru as to the textile factories of eigh- Since valuation is an altogether cultural phe-
teenth-century England. In both cases, the in- nomenon, a discussion of the objective aspects of
frastructure is used to produce an output that is industrial resource management that does not ex-
culturally transformed into more infrastructure. amine the assumption that finished products have
The important thing is not whether this transfor- a higher value than the raw materials for which
mation is conducted by means of maize beer they are exchanged remains imprisoned by the
parties hosted by the Inca emperor or by the sale very cosmology that it should try to account for.
of British textiles on the world market. The im- A thorough analysis must struggle to distance
portant thing is that, in both cases, the material itself from the cultural categories through which
A. Hornborg / Ecological Economics 25 (1998) 127–136 135

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sumption. Econ. J. 69, 170 – 174.
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late with price, and recognize the impossibility of Georgescu-Roegen, N., 1971. The Entropy Law and the
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such a congruity, can we appreciate the profun-
dity of the problem and perhaps begin to envis- Godelier, M., 1986. The Mental and the Material. Verso,
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