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THE WHITE Camry pulled into the driveway swiftly, the teen driving it quickly took off

her seatbelt and grabbed the plastic bag in the drivers seat. she got out of the car
quickly after, closed the car door behind her and made sure to lock it. she took one
quick glance toward her house to make sure it was completely dark before she
rushed across the street. it was midnight meaning no one should be up to see her
but she had to make sure just in case. once she reached the blondes home she sent
Georgia a quick message and began to climb the balcony a lot quicker than she had
the first time around. this time her feet didn't slip and she knew exactly how to hang
on so she was securely on it. once her feet landed on the ground the door opened to
reveal Georgia with a smile on her lips.

"hey." the blonde said leaning against the doorway as she awaited for Samantha to
get closer. the young girl did, a smile on her own lips until she reached the blonde.
she pressed a quiz kiss on the woman's lips before walking past her and inside the

"i brought snacks," Samantha said while holding up the plastic bag with various
candies inside. Georgia closed the door behind her and followed after Samantha
until they reached her room. when they were inside Samantha couldn't control the
way her eyes roamed it full. it was pretty and a bit plain but it seemed to really
scream Georgia. she was closed off and didn't exactly have her feelings or personal
life on display which seemed to carry onto her room that had no personal pictures or
any of the sort.

the blonde woman sat on her bed as she watched Samantha take off her shoes,
"what'd you bring?" she asked and reached for the bag. Samantha let it go and
Georgia quickly opened it to reveal the sour worms that she had eaten when they
had gone out on a drive just the other night which she had pretty much stolen
completely from Samantha. there were also a couple of other snacks and a redbull
for Samantha which Georgia had come to learn that she had a pretty bad addiction
"you said you liked starbursts plus i got you the candy that you practically stole from
me last time." Samantha said and turned to look at Georgia once she had taken her
shoes and sweater off leaving her in a pair of shorts and a white tank top. the blonde
chuckled as she began to scoot back so she was leaning against the headboard,
when she noticed how hesitant Samantha was to do anything she pat the space
beside her so that the young girl could lay there.

with hesitant steps the young girl approached the bed until her legs hit the mattress,
she wasn't as hesitant once she began to climb on top of the bed where the blonde
was resting. the television was then turned on by Georgia who began to put on a
comedy movie, one they had agreed to watch earlier that day through a series of
texts. Samantha had a regular day, went to school, went to work then went home
and studied a bit with Nia since they shared the same classes. her best friend left
when Samantha told her she would be going to the blondes house that night
because she quote 'didn't want to cock block her again'. although Samantha didn't
think they'd actually do anything other then talk and maybe make out. she had
school the next day and it didn't seem like a good idea to get so little sleep.

the pair were watching the movie silently, they had a bit of space between them and
Samantha was itching to get closer. she wasn't sure how to do it without being too
obvious, knowing Georgia loved to tease her about the little things like that. instead
of doing what she wanted to do though she turned her head that was resting against
the headboard and looked at the blonde beside her. she wasn't interested in the
movie playing on the screen any more, in fact she hadn't really been since it started
playing. she only put it on because it was Georgias idea to watch it, in reality
Samantha wanted to learn more about the blonde. besides, she had a horrible
attention span and she had already watched the movie before.

"we should play twenty questions." Samantha said randomly causing Georgia to
snap her eyes away from the screen and toward the younger girl. she was slightly
confused at first before her lips quirked into a small smile.

"twenty questions?" Georgia asked with a raised brow.

"yeah," Samantha nodded, "like i ask a question and then you do and so on" she
explained further.

the blonde seemed hesitant at first but in the end she gave in. "okay. i hope you
know i already know the question i'll be asking" she said with a mischievous glint in
her eye that made Samantha regret having even brought it up. she had not thought
about that when at first asking the question.

Samantha rolled her eyes, "should've seen that coming." she sighed out whilst
Georgia simply shrugged, her little smirk still plastered on her lips.

"you go first."

"okay," Samantha nodded. this was easy, she had so many questions she wanted to
ask the blonde, starting from small things like her favorite color to others like, if she
still loved her ex or even if she had ever thought about her sexuality. but she decided
to start off simple. "what's your favorite color?"

Georgias eyes shifted away from her face for a split second before they landed back
on her, "white." she answered.

the girls eyebrows furrowed, "that's not a color. that's a shade."

Georgia rolled her eyes, "oh god. you're one of those?"

the girl laughed, "what? it's true. choose another one."

the woman sighed, "pink"

"that acceptable."

"what's yours?" Georgia asked and leaned a bit closer the the younger girl.
Samantha wasn't complaining.
"purple." she answered quickly, already impatient to ask the next question. "what's
your favorite scream movie? there's a right answer" she said and grabbed a gummy
from the bag on the blondes lap before putting in her mouth.

Georgias brows furrowed in obvious confusion, "i have never watched any scream
movie." she admitted immediately earning a dramatic gasp from the girl beside her.

"you're lying" she rebutted quickly, not at all believing that Georgia hadn't watched
one of the most famous slasher franchises to exist. it wasn't even that the movies
were her generation considering they were more Georgias then hers.

"what? i don't really like slasher movies." she shrugged, not finding anything wrong
with what she was saying.

"how could you not? what movies do you even like then?"

"i like elevated horror, something really scary." she shrugged.

"scream is scary" Samantha deadpanned.

"it's a slashers. slashers aren't scary."

"okay so what movie do you like then?" she asked, growing more and more annoyed
by the blonde by the minute. scream was one of her favorites and there was no way
the girl she was currently hanging out with more and more hadn't even watched the
movies. that was just ridiculous and Samantha would not take that as answer.

"the shinning, conjuring. stuff like that." Georgia said casually, not as worked up
about it as Samantha seemed to be.

"i won't accept that. we're watching the scream movies." she stated seriously.

Georgia laughed, "okay i will if you watch gone with the wind"
the young girls nose scrunched at the mere thought of watching something so
boring, "absolutely not"

"why not?" Georgia laughed, still very amused by what they were arguing about.

"that's a boring ass movie. i need something that will keep my attention or i'll fall


"what?" Samantha asked, "i have adhd. i can't control that, it's controls me" she
continued earning yet another laugh from the woman beside her.

"come on, it's a classic" Georgia persisted.

"will you watch scream?"

Georgia nodded, "that's the deal." she answered.

Samantha didn't say anything as she thought about it. as much as she wanted
Georgia to watch the movies to hopefully be able to talk about them, she really was
not a fan of old timey movies, especially not ones that were almost four hours long.
she had researched the movie when Georgia texted her on instagram so she knew a
bit about it. she was not into it at all.

"sorry, but it's not worth it" she finally said with a small shrug.

with a laugh the blonde spoke. "seriously?"

"what?" Samantha asked, "i'm serious when i say i have adhd"

"okay fine." Georgia said, "i'll let you have a kiss break every half an hour" she
proposed. she had a serious look on her face but with each passing second her lips
seemed to twitch as they wanted to break out into a small smile but she was really
good at control herself. Samantha's heart seemed to have stuttered at her words.
she was used to the flirting by now but that didn't mean it ever stopped getting a
reaction from her body.

unlike Georgia, Samantha was in fact not able to control the smile that tugged at her
lips. "really?" she asked, her eyes lighting up at the mere thought and without
context anyone else would've thought she had just heard she was getting a new car
for christmas.

Georgia laughed softly, "really." she confirmed.

the young girl tried to play it off as if it wasn't a big deal as she nodded her head,
"cool cool. i still expect you to watch the scream movies with me, though" she said
earning a nod from Georgia.


"that aside, i feel like it's my turn to ask a question." Samantha said changing the
topic of conversation now that she had gotten her way.

"you asked the question last, though?" Georgia said and titled her head slightly in
confusion. Samantha groaned in annoyance.

"fine. it's your turn" she said not expecting Georgia to have remembered who went
last. she knew the question she was going to ask and she wanted to avoid it at all

a smirk formed on the woman's lips, further proof of what she would be asking. "i
think you know what's coming." she said making the girl groan softly and throw her
head back against the headboard. the blonde noticed that even though Samantha
had a smile on her lips, she looked nervous. maybe it was the way her finger kept
repeatedly tapping at her leg or the way her lip was twitching slightly, she wasn't sure
but it made her not want to ask the question anymore. it must have been pretty bad
for her to not want to talk about her at all and she didn't want to ruin their night by
possibly making her relive such a heartbreaking relationship. so she decided to ask
something simple. "how long have you and your ex been broken up?"

to say the question surprised Samantha was an understatement. she thought she'd
have to change the topic of conversation like she did last time but thankfully that
wasn't the case. truthfully, just the thought of Georgia not pushing her boundaries
just made her crush grow even more. "we broke up officially in March but we lost
contact completely during the summer" she said.

the blonde nodded, "do you miss her?" she asked and leaned the side of her face
against the headboard.

Samantha shook her head, "i mean we were together for almost a year so it was kind
of hard but i don't really miss her like that." she said truthfully. although that mostly
had to do with the fact that she had Georgia in her life now. that wasn't entirely the
case before she moved into town.

Georgia nodded at her words, even if she wanted to know why they broke up she bit
her tongue and instead kept silent so that Samantha would get the hint and ask her
question. when the young girl noticed she spoke, "you move around a lot, right?" she

the blonde chuckled, "is that your question?" she asked a bit confused.

"it's a two part question." Samantha clarified.

"well the answer is yes." the blonde stated.

"out of everywhere you've lived, which has been your favorite?" she asked. the girl
moved a bit closer and the blonde had noticed right away but didn't say anything.

Georgia sighed, "probably here"

a pair of pink lips quirked into a smile but she quickly tried to stop herself, "because
of me?" she responded quickly.

the blonde laughed, "i have a feeling you asked that question just to have a reason
to flirt."

Samantha shrugged her shoulders sheepishly, she didn't answer verbally. what was
the point? it was pretty obvious the blonde was right. "you didn't answer the
question" she responded.

Georgia shook her head, "you've asked three questions at this point so i think it's my
turn." Samantha groaned but nodded regardless. "great," she chirped happily,
"you've been with a lot of girls.. i assume?" she asked hesitantly. her bold demeanor
shifting slightly that anyone else wouldn't have noticed but Samantha did right away.

"is that your question?" Samantha asked repeating the words Georgia had said just
a minute prior. the blonde rolled her eyes at the fact that she was being mimicked.

"ha ha." she said sarcastically. "but yes it is my question"

the raven haired girl chuckled softly, "i've been with a fair amount." she shrugged.

Georgia hummed, "can you count them on one or two hands?" she asked suddenly
feeling bold again. Samantha's brows pinched together at the question. it wasn't an
uncomfortable question of anything like that, in fact she had this conversation with
her ex before they started dating. it was understandable, stds were a thing amongst
other things and she and Georgia very obviously had a more than just platonic
relationship at this point.

the young girl began to count on her fingers, racking her mind to think about each
encounter. Emma, her ex.. the girl from Spanish.. Lilly.. Valeria.. "two hands" she
finally said and looked at the blonde. "but i get checked regularly" she quickly
clarified, not wanting Georgia to think otherwise.
the blonde nodded, "very responsible of you" she said in slightly joking manner
causing the young girl to roll her eyes playfully.

without missing a beat Samantha spoke, "now answer my question" she said quickly,
a huge grin plastered on her lips that she couldn't seem to be able to hold back, no
matter how hard she tried. Georgia had a matching smile.

"you already know the answer" the blonde said but that wasn't enough for Samantha,
she put her hand beside the woman's head and leaned into her so she was partially
on top of the blonde. Samantha had a respectable distance between them at first as
her eyes roamed the blondes face. she was beautiful. genuinely beautiful. not in the
cliche way but in the most genuine utter most beauty she had ever seen. her smile
was on full display, her pearly white teeth shinning back on the young girl and every
single small detail was being fully relished by the young girl. her smile lines, the
small wrinkles on the side of her eyes or even the way at the proximity that she was
in, she could smell her flowery perfume that she seemed to wear daily.

Samantha's voice dropped an octave, "i want a real answer" she said, her breath
that smelled distinctly like watermelon fanned the woman's face. Georgia placed her
hand on the girls wrist but they didn't stop there, they slowly traced up the girls arms
with a featherlight touch that made goosebumps arise in her trace. she didn't stop
until she was met with the raven girls shoulders were she interlaced her hands and
pulled the girl down until their lips were practically touching. Samantha let out an
uncontrollable squeal of surprise, not having expected the blonde to do what she had

"yes you are." she said. Samantha's lips quirked up at the blondes words, her eyes
subconsciously glanced down at Georgias pink lips. they were a bit shiny which
Samantha had no doubt was from the chapstick she had seen her apply before the
movie started.

"sorry i didn't hear that, what'd you say?" the girl asked with a look of confusion that
she couldn't seem to make real because of the uncontrollable smile on her lips.
Georgia rolled her eyes and slapped her hand on the girls shoulder softly.
"you are so annoying"

"oh really?" Samantha quirked a brow, she began to move away from the blonde but
Georgias grip was tight causing her to not be able to move more than an inch away
from her.

"don't leave" Georgia whispered and like the most cliche saying ever, a dozen
butterflies filled her stomach and her heart seemed have warmed at her words. she
had never felt this level of euphoria, never felt this happy or even the way the
muscles on her face hurt from smiling so much. god it was terrifying and yet she
couldn't get enough.

Samantha leaned down once more, she stopped just before their lips could meet but
they were so close they were practically brushing against each other. she wanted the
blonde to kiss her, wanted her to take control of it, to show her that she wanted her
just as much as she did. the blonde seemed to have understood exactly what she
wanted as she pulled the girl down to connect their lips in a soft kiss. Georgias lips
were soft against her own and she could taste the chapstick she recalled having
seen her put on a while ago. by now the movie was long forgotten and none of them
were paying attention to the fact that it was almost over and they would likely have to
change it soon.

the raven haired girl placed her softly cupped the woman's face as she continued to
kiss her passionately. Georgias hands were still pulling her down by the back of her
neck and if Samantha were being honest, the way in which she was pulling her in
and not giving her any chance to pull away just made her before rapidly beating
heart accelerate to an inhuman pace.

but they couldn't keep this up for much longer, the feeling of their tongues sliding
against each other of how she would bite her lip before pulling away only to connect
them once more, it was too much and if they continued, she knew they wouldn't be
able to stop. so the young girl was the one to pull away, much to Georgias dismay
who was making the action relatively hard by grip she still had on her.
"question." Samantha murmured.

Georgia rolled her eyes, "really?" she asked unamused making the young girl

"what? cant keep it in your pants?" she raised a brow with a smirk on her lips that
only annoyed the blonde even more.

"you're really annoying, you know" she said with a roll of her eyes that only made
Samantha look at her even more amused.

"can i ask my question now?" she asked choosing to ignore her last comment.
Georgia nodded, giving her the go ahead. "when did you first have a crush on me?"
she asked.

Georgia chuckled rather loudly making the girl on top of her furrow her eyebrows in
both confusion and slight hurt. "i don't have a crush on you" she said. at first
Samantha thought she was being serious but she soon realized it was her choice of
words that Georgia found amusing.

Samantha rolled her eyes, "ha ha. you know what i mean"

the blonde sighed with a shrug, "probably the second time we got high together" she
admitted casually, as if the words didn't hold all of the weight in Samantha's heart.

the young girl smiled softly, "why?"

Georgia smirked, leaned up to peck the girls lips before pulling away. "that's your
third question. it's my turn" she said. if Samantha were being entirely honest, she
had forgotten they were even playing the game.

the girl didn't say anything, showing Georgia that she could go on. the blonde did so,
"when did you first know you had a crush on me?" she asked mimicking Samanthas
question time.
the girl laughed, "easy. when i first saw you." she admitted confidently.

Georgia raised a brow, "really?"

"what?" Samantha shrugged, "your hot as hell. plus you had the whole milf thing
going for you" she said seriously making the blonde gasp and slap her arm softly
again. she tried to look annoyed but she failed when Samantha leaned down to peck
her lips repeatedly. "can.. you.. blame.. me?" she asked, pausing her kisses in
between each word.

Georgia rolled her eyes, "you make it really hard to be mad at you"

"i don't see why you should ever be mad at me" Samantha answered slightly

the blonde decided not to add onto that as she changed the conversation, "if i hadn't
kissed you at the sleepover, would you have ignored me forever?" the blonde asked.
her hands were softly scratching the back of the young girls neck which was helping
her not pull away completely. she wasn't good at confrontation and this was really
feeling like it.

"i wasn't technically ignoring you," she said a bit sheepishly. "you just never talked to
me so i didn't either" she shrugged. the blonde narrowed her eyes toward her,
knowing what she was saying was technically the truth. she just didn't like her

"so you would've just avoided me then?"

"would you?" Samantha rebutted, not liking being on the hot seat. the blonde didn't
say anything at first, just admired the girl on top of her. it lasted a second or so until
she leaned up to connect their lips in another kiss. it was softer then last time, the
blonde led the kiss gently, her lips feeling like pillows against the young girls and in a
way it felt like it was her way of reassuring her silently. it was as if she were saying
that they were there now and that's all that mattered. when they finally pulled away
the young girl seemed happier then she was before the kiss, "my turn" she said
happily making the blonde let out a breathy chuckle. "you have to answer my
question" she stated.

the blonde didn't disagree or look like she was dreading it. "i don't have an answer
for you," she shrugged, "it was easy to talk to you and i wasn't sure what that meant
but i guess when you decided to help me at the sleepover it just sealed the deal" she

Samantha wasn't sure what kind of response she wanted from the blonde, she
wasn't sure if she wanted some love sick sappy answer or what but she knew that
the answer she was given was more than enough. it was just a feeling, the same one
she got because truthfully she wouldn't have an answer either.

it was a feeling that they each shared to the depths of their core.

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