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Name: ____________________ ( ) Class: __________ Date: _____________

Commonwealth secondary School

Comparison Practice SBQ

Question types for one sided similarity

- In what ways are source A and B similar?

- How are sources A and B similar

**You’ll need 2 paragraphs of similarities.

Question types for one sided difference

- In what ways are source A and B different?

- How are sources A and B different?

**You’ll need 2 paragraphs of differences.

Question types for two sided comparison

- How similar are source A and B?

- How different are source A and B?

**You’ll need 2 paragraphs. 1 similarity and 1 difference.

How did the various groups of people contribute to the development of colonial Singapore?

Source A
St Margaret’s School, Singapore’s oldest school for girls, was established in 1842 by missionary Maria
Dyer. St Margaret’s School began as a missionary effort to save (“little sister” in Cantonese), or bonded
domestic servant. In 1842, Maria and her husband Samuel Dyer of the London Missionary Society were
transiting in Singapore on their way to do missionary work in China when Maria was moved by the plight
of these girls. So, she obtained permission to house these homeless girls and began the work of
teaching these girls English, the Christian faith and home economics. It was the first school for girls in
Singapore established in a time when the education of women was considered unimportant.

- Adapted from an online account on Singapore's oldest school for girls.

Source B
Health conditions in the 19th century were very bad. The poor and sick were given little access to
medical treatment. Tan, an immigrant of Fujian descent from Malacca who became a wealthy merchant
in Singapore, offered to donate $5,000 to set up a hospital for the poor. On 25 May 1844, the
foundation stone for Tan’s hospital was laid on Pearl’s Hill. The hospital was first called Chinese
Pauper Hospital. It was later named Tan Tock Seng Hospital. The hospital was for both men and
women of all races.

- Adapted from an online description about the establishment of a pauper hospital in Singapore
Common criterion/
Comparison basis/

Evidence from
Source A

Explanation for the

source A

Evidence from
Source B

Explanation for
source B

Common criterion/
Comparison basis/

Evidence from
Source A and
Source B

Explanation for the


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